General :: Email Sent But Not Received / Troubleshoot It?
Dec 18, 2010I have the problem where the email was sent but not received by users.. The message as below code...troubleshoot
View 2 RepliesI have the problem where the email was sent but not received by users.. The message as below code...troubleshoot
View 2 RepliesI would like with bash to output the content of my very last email that has been received (I use gmail), especially using fetchmail or mutt.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor legal reasons, I may soon be required to have the ability to provide a user's emails to authorities as part of a discovery action.Not just a copy of backup.I'm running postfix with dovecot on rhel5.I'd need to be able to produce emails sent and received in a given time frame by a given user.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if you could recommend a simple way to achieve functionality where received email messages are automatically processed and used in SQL commands (depending on certain criteria, of course). For example, say I have made a PHP-based blog application and it's located at and I'd like to give members the option of posting to their blogs by sending email to a special address. The email messages received there will be inserted into a database depending on the sender's address, with the body becoming the post and the subject line becoming the post's title, etc.
Another example could be how those trouble ticket systems let customers submit tickets via email, while the support agents operate via a database-driven Web application. Is this the type of thing one must code from scratch, or is there an open source solution out there which only needs to be configured accordingly?
So I have two servers in my environment, I have an app server that runs my Java App on it and then I have a utility server. Right now, I have that utility server acting as a simple mail gateway so when my app server needs to send an e-mail out, it forwards it to the utility server and the utility server sends it out to where-ever it's destined to. The Java server always sends as one specific user, let's call it
This set-up is working just fine right now. Now, I also have my e-mail hosted at an e-mail provider for all of my user's e-mail accounts and such. I also have a e-mail account so if e-mails ever bounce, they end up in this inbox. Again, this works fine.
My app is pretty email dumb so it can't authenticate itself or anything, that's why I am using sendmail on my utility server instead of my e-mail provider's SMTP server. What I would like to do is to configure sendmail to forward all outbound e-mails (and authenticate) to my e-mail provider's SMTP gateway using the account and credentials. Is it possible to configure sendmail to do this?
how to trigger a script when an email is received to update my mySQL database. I do not want to physically send the message to the script, I just want the script to execute and to under execute under a specific mail account.
I thought of setting up a cron job at first, but decided going down that approach would be a huge waste of resources. What method would you recommend?
After installing postfix on my server , all emails sent by a PHP class that i built , are received to spam folder , no matter what i do .am not an expert , except in PHP , the class i built works fine everywhere else except on this server , so i think the problem might be from the server it self ?some told me wrong configuration/software on my server , others told me wrong DNS stuff . actually i don't understand the DNS stuff , and am not an expert in linux softwares and services but i cann install/configure them , so could anyone please check the DNS for problems ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedNow that the server is set up, whats the best way to troubleshoot this server if problems should arise?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I troubleshoot disk with 'dmesg' cmd ? How to distinquish :
- physical disk error
- file system corruption
What is I/O Error ?
I installed the ubuntu 9.10 cd and for some reason as of last night it only boots halfway. it shows grub, shows loading keymap nd apparmor profiles, then before it shows mpd and apache load it erases everything and stops at a dark grey screen. all before i get a shell of any type. if i leave it alonethe screen still darkens like its going to sleep. is there any way to troubleshoot and fix this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a VPS that I'm using as a web/mail/DNS server (all-round server) and is repeatedly falling over every 12 hours or so. It seems to be since I used a Wordpress plugin on one of my sites to send out an email newsletter - I had problems with the plugin itself, anyway.
I think it might be causing a memory issue, as I've run 'free' and 'top', which sometimes causes a "fork:Cannot allocate memory" message to appear. Other times it displays statistics and suggests that there's plenty of memory available. Are there logs that I should look at and if so, what should I be looking for? Also, how can I stop this rogue plugin from doing anymore damage, seeing as it still appears to be running?
In my Windows environment, I use email client such as Microsoft Outlook to connect to our email server to send email with the following configuration:
Incoming server (POP3): 995 - (requires with SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP): 465 - (use encrypted connection SSL)
And the mail server requires user ID login and do I setup a text command based email client in my Linux (Centos 5.1) to send out email through the existing email server above, which is in another machine? The email client has to be text command based because I need to use command line to send notification email from anothar application installed in my Linux (Centos 5.1) Since the email client will only be used to send email notification, I don't require setting up of an email server in my linux.
Using CentOS. I have a cron setup to run this command: Code: /var/ | mail -s "Test Cron" The email is sent but the output of the script is not in the email body, it's just blank. I know there is some output because there are some echo statements in the script.I don't want to get an email for all cronjobs, just this one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an email setup where all of the emails from our email host is downloaded to our Linux server using Fetchmail. Then some of the incoming emails are sent to an MS exchange server ( using Postfix. What i want to do is to send a copy of all emails to Another server ( for redundancy.Can postfix be configured to send copies out to both?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is a very simple problem, but I'm scratching my head with others..
In composing a simple shell script in class, we can't seem to get the script to execute fully. script was formatted as follows.
echo "good bye for now"
did, Chmod 755 to make executable
type file name "bye"
runs but wont exit.....
it just echos the type"good bye for now
The instructor says it works for him at home....
But it wont work in class...
Is there a reason it wont "exit" the shell as commanded ?
How do I go about to troubleshoot the failure of ldap server start on openSUSE 11.2? I added a custom configuration (through GUI) and now the server does not whant to start with that configuration.
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View 1 Replies View RelatedI am receving emails from logwatch but when I setup my own mail script using mutt, the script succeeds but no email is received.Any ideas what the difference is between the two mail methods?
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View 2 Replies View Relatedi have continue found below message on server rhel 4.5(ent) Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 31 on CPU 0. Feb 14 16:15:01 fe2012 kernel: Dazed and confused, but trying to continue Feb 14 16:15:01 fe2012 kernel: Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled?
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Kmail 1.12.2
Yesterday I received a mail from LQ informing me about a reply to a thread named "operating system linux".
I am not able to open, delete, edit that mail.
I Install Mathematica 4.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 and fedora 13. When i create new notebook file and save it, Mathematica front end automatically disappear. It shows message "Mathematica has received the signal: SIGSEGV and has exited" on terminal. But this not happing on older Linux version such as suse enterprise desktop 10. if i first create aaa.nb file using vi editor i can open it with Mathematica front end and save it. but cannot do "save as option" and also cannot open edit-> preferences menu.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to see the last 5 mails in a single window that the rootuser has sent to a particular normal user.However,I am not able to do so.Is there any command that can display the last 5 mails in a single window sent to a particular user?
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After creating raid 0 + 1 and rebooting, received an error message below:
My LAN has 2 PCs installed, Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows XP. I run the server on Ubuntu, and client on Windows XP. Because I am doing stress test, so the client will keep sending tons of packets to server.
The strange thing is: After few seconds, the client program crash because of insufficient network buffer, the server is still ok. But after that I cant connect Ubuntu PC anymore until I restart it. And I check the router, the led for the Ubuntu PC is always ON (not blinking), look like it is jam already.
I have ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Compaq laptop, and use evolution mail. Is there a way to delete an attachment I received, while keeping the rest of the body of that mail?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a dell inspiron laptop lap top with windows7 hardisk is 320gb i want to install fedora as my secondary os. I tried fedora12 but instaltion terminated abnormally with the message safe reboot needed recievied signal 3. i have 20 gb unallocated space in my disk.
View 5 Replies View Relatedi tried to install centOS-5.4 on my system from dvd but system displays message "no boot file name reccived".may any one could trace out problem
View 8 Replies View RelatedI use this command to fetching mail from gmail it work good but it does not retrieved mails from server as I read from manual.
fetchmail -d0 -F -K
What is wrong and what should I do?
How can I split my local mail box into an individual files for each mail. The senario of mine is I fetch some emails from a mail server into my local linux box with fetchmail command but I want each fetched mail in a different indivitual file for easy file processing and manipulation for example sending those email through sms and so on
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