General :: Directory Name With An '&' (ampersand)?

Jun 25, 2011

This dir was created during a download from tthe web. Example: smith&johnson Impossible for me to change to that dir. The shell interprets as the the background indicator. I tried enclosing the name in quotes, but no use.

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General :: Command Line Terminated By Ampersand - Put It In The Foreground?

Jun 14, 2011

I know a program running in the background can be brought to the foreground by typing 'fg'. So, if

command_line &

really runs the program in the background, my question has just been answered. But then all reduces to this question (yeah, I know; but I'm asking in earnest): does the ampersand sign make the program run in the background?

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Programming :: URL With Parameters Containg Ampersand?

May 20, 2010

[URL]... The above url is generated by PHP code.

if($msg=="No capex advice")
echo " .. <a href="upload_capexadvice.php";
if($msg=="No purchase order")
echo " .. <a href="upload_purchaseorder.php";
if($msg=="No invoice")


I pass two parameters in a URL, s and q. I recently ran into the problem that the & in the value(aerial&satelitecity)causes a bit of trouble so I need to replace it. After some research I found that it needs to be replaced by %26. I've tried the standard PHP functions htmlspecialchars and htmlentities, but they translate to & Is there another function that I haven't found yet or must I write my own?

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General :: Use Mkdir Command To Create 'local' Directory In /usr - There Are Error - Cannot Make Directory

Jun 16, 2010

I am a student studying computer science course.

Well, I am facing problem when doing lab questions.

I must use DLXLinux bundled in Bochs (

I am required to use the /usr/local directory.

In /usr directory, there is no directory named 'local' but there is one thing called 'local@'. So, when I try to use mkdir command to create 'local' directory in /usr , there are error "cannot make directory.....".

Look at my screenshot at [url].

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General :: Perform A Long Directory Listing Of All Files In The /bin Directory That Have Exactly Three Characters In Their Name?

Jan 18, 2010

How do you perform a long directory listing of all files in the /bin directory that have exactly three characters in their name?

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General :: Files Created In A Directory Owned By Directory Group?

Jan 29, 2010

Is there a way, on Linux, to cause all new files created in a directory to be owned by the directory's group instead of the creating user's group?

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General :: Cronjob Directory / Send An Email If Directory Contains More Than Ten Files?

Oct 13, 2010

I want to run a cronjob every 15 minutes that checks a directory for files. If the directory contains more than ten files I want it to send an email to me.

All I have is this...

*/15 * * * * ls -l | wc -l | [filename] | mail -s "This is just a test" [email address]

I would rather not write a bash script. Is there an easier way to do this? I was looking into some commands like find and grep.

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General :: Find Directory Older Than X And Mv Directory With Sub Files Command?

Jul 13, 2011

I'm quite new to linux but I have configured a simple ftp server and it's working great. I have a FTP-Shared folder with upload and download subfolders. Under upload's and download's I have identical category subfolders like mp3's, movies, software etc. in both. As the guy's upload, I would like to create a line crontab where I can move all the content under /FTP-Shared/upload/mp3/* older than 14 day's to FTP-Shared/downloads/mp3/ recursively (Like in cp command), but the timestamp must be searched on the first directory and not sub files example: /mp3/Club Dance/CD1/Hallo world.mp3This is how far I got:[root@clients ~]# /usr/bin/find /FTP_Shared/upload/Mp3s/ -depth -mindepth 1 -mtime +14 -type d -exec mv -f {} /FTP_Shared/download/Mp3s/ ;This command moves the directory and files, but it is not recursively

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General :: Link A Directory In Ubuntu To A Directory In Windows 7?

Apr 12, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04, trying out linux for the first time. I'm wondering if it's possible to link my documents folder in Ubuntu to my documents folder in Windows, so that when I open the folder in Ubuntu, I am linked to the folder in Windows.

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General :: Mount One Directory To Another While Mapping The Original Directory's UID To Another

Aug 23, 2011

I'd like to mount the directory /var/www/mysite to the directory /home/daniel/mysite, but also have the user of the mounted files mapped from the original user (www-data) to my own user (daniel). So that the file /var/www/mysite/index.php who's user is www-data will appear in the mounted directory as /home/daniel/mysite/index.php and be owned by daniel - and alternatively, if I create a file /home/daniel/mysite/test.php with my own user, it will be created in the original directory under the user www-data Is it possible? If not, what alternatives do I have so I can use an IDE and still make sure all the files belong to the HTTP server's user?

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General :: Create A Directory Named Like His Parent Directory

May 26, 2011

I need to create a directory named just like his parent.


I tried this but because there is "Space Characters" in the name of Parent directory, my script fails.

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General :: Using Cp Properly - Copy A Directory Somewhere Else Into This Current Directory ?

May 13, 2011

I am in my current directory. I want to copy a directory somewhere else into this current directory. Lets say I want to take it from direc1/direc2 and the directory I want to take is called demo.


That is what it shows in the man pages, but when I do that, it says cp: no match

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General :: Symlink Each Of The Files In One Directory To Another Directory?

Feb 11, 2011

If I have a directory /foo with a few files in it, how do I symlink each entry in /foo into /bar/? For instance, if /foo has the files a, b and c, I want to create three symlinks:

/bar/a -> /foo/a
/bar/b -> /foo/b
/bar/c -> /foo/c

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General :: Auto Mount More Than Directory In The Same Directory ?

Apr 7, 2010

How can i auto mount more than directory in the same directory ? i want to automount 2 home directories in the /home and still be able to enter the other home directories !

The problem that i've another account on the system with home directory joe when the user1 home directory auto mounted i become unable to enter joe home directory !

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General :: Changes Directory To The Previous Working Directory?

May 15, 2011

Just a simple question

$ cat -
do in the Bash? I know 'cd -' changes directory to the previous working directory, but 'cat - ' does not seem to do the same thing.

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General :: Access Directory Outside Of Home Directory?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm using Mac OS X's shell to compile and run Fortran programs. One such program resides outside of my home directory (it is in the Applications folder, which resides on my hard drive but seems to be outside of my home folder). How can I navigate into this directory using to run the programs that reside there?

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General :: Replicating A Directory To Another Directory?

May 13, 2010

I have a directory /sanvol/ifr/ which contains 90,000 files and 2 subdirectories containing 60,000 files. I need to copy the contents of /sanvol/ifr to /sanvol/edm/. The cp command will not work because there are too many files.

I tried the following: find /sanvol/ifr/ type f -name '*' -exec cp -p {} /sanvol/edm/. ;

but this copies all files including whats in the subdirectories to /sanvol/edm/

I need to replicate exactly the contents of /sanvol/ifr/ to /sanvol/edm/ and preserve file attributes and dates.

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General :: Testing Home Directory Scripts By Setting $HOME To The Location Of The Test Directory

Apr 20, 2010

I have an interdependent collection of scripts in my ~/bin directory as well as a developed ~/.vim directory and some other libraries and such in other subdirectories. I've been versioning all of this using git, and have realized that it would be potentially very easy and useful to do development and testing of new and existing scripts, vim plugins, etc. using a cloned repo, and then pull the working code into my actual home directory with a merge.

The easiest way to do this would seem to be to just change & export $HOME, eg

cd ~/testing; git clone ~ home
export HOME=~/testing/home
cd ~
screen -S testing-home
# start vim, write/revise plugins, edit scripts, etc.
# test revisions

However since I've never tried this before I'm concerned that some programs, environment variables, etc., may end up using my actual home directory instead of the exported one. Is this a viable strategy? Are there just a few outliers that I should be careful about?

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General :: Can't Copy Files From Directory With "&" Symbol In Directory Name

Mar 18, 2010

I am using my media server as my podcast collector. I am in the process of learning the ins and outs of NFS so i can mount a NFS directory and transfer my podcasts from server to player. For now i am using scp to transfer podcasts from server to desktop then to player. The problem is the path to the directory of one of the podcasts is /home/user/gpodder-downloads/The BILL&TIMMY Show Podcast.

whenever i try and run my scp command it fails because it thinks that TIMMY is a script i want to run in the background. I have tried to back-slash escape the character, i've tried single quoting and double quoting the character and i still get the same problem. as it sits now i have to move all podcasts to another directory and then transfer them to my desktop...but i would like to transfer the podcasts without un-necessary steps.

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General :: Copy Files From Directory Of One User To Directory Of Another User?

Apr 15, 2011

Is it possible to copy files from directory of one user to directory of another user in linux?

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General :: Using A .txt Thats In A Directory Without Specifying Directory?

Jun 13, 2011

Im working on a java application where my prof is going to use this exact line to run the application

java applications.TestMyDataReader < MyDataReader1.txt
My problem is MyDataReader1.txt has to be in a directory named data. Is their a way you


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Fedora Networking :: When Try To Mount The Share To A Different Directory On The Server, Receive A 'no Such Directory' Error?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a server with Fedora 13 with which I would like to get NFS working. I have looked up multiple howto's and tutorials, but I'm having a problem not addressed by any of them.Official how-to, another how-to, and another how-to.I have verified that nfs-utils, nfs-utils-lib, portmap, and system-config-nfs are installed and running. I have verified that I have, in fact, shared the directory that I want to share, and that the proper permissions are set.

I had to go through some gyrations to get the Belkin wireless N router to allow my server to have a static IP. However, I can ping the server from the nfs client (a toshiba satellite running mint 8), and vice versa. I have (for now) disabled firewalls on both computers. I think I have disabled SELinux on Fedora 13 (for now).When I attempt to connect to the server from the client, the output looks like this:Quote:

aragorn ~ # mount -v /home/kelev/test/
mount: no type was given - I'll assume nfs because of the colon
mount.nfs: timeout set for Sat Dec 18 12:21:09 2010


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Ubuntu :: Hidden Directory 'RECYCLER' Creates .exe File In Directory Called 0x2D9FA278

May 30, 2011

I've done a low level format on them so they're completely empty. When I use them with my windows machines, they're absolutely fine. When I plug them into my Ubuntu machine, there is a hidden directory created called 'RECYCLER' which I'm assuming is for deleted files?However, it also creates a .exe file in this directory called 0x2D9FA278 which has an Icon with an H in it and a comment of 'Facebook Photo' This has the effect of making all the directories on the stick into shortcuts! I googled the file name and it seems to be some sort of Trojan, but I don't understand how it's go into my Ubuntu machine, I've scanned with ClamAV and it finds nothing.

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Ubuntu :: When Drag The File To Install It Again It Says Something Along The Lines Of It Cannot Copy A Directory Over A Directory?

Feb 19, 2010

I downloaded a mouse theme form gnome look and installed it in the themes. But it has not appeared in the pointer themes section in custimation even though it said that it is installed correctly.When I drag the file to install it again it says something along the lines of it cannot copy a directory over a directory.Where can I find where the mouse/pointer theme is located and delete it. I have searched filesystem, google and these forums and not had any luck yet.

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Ubuntu :: Access Files That Existed In Directory Before Mount Partition To Directory?

Feb 21, 2010

Recently I mounted a larger partition into my home directory since I was running out of space, Everything went smoothly, but it caused me to wonder about something I cant figure out. While playing with the mount unmount commands when I was copying everything over... before editing my fstab.

Is there a way to access the files that existed in a directory before you mount a partition to that directory? after mount the original files are gone.unmount and they are back, Where do they go?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Using Apt For Updating From A Local Directory And Samba Shared Directory

Jul 9, 2010

I want to update all the machines in the network from a central repository which is on my master server and whose archive directory is shared through samba.I searched in the man page of sources.list and found that there is an option for this but can't able to implement this. Can anybody kindly tell me the way to do the same.

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Server :: Changing The Password Of Directory Manager In Redhat Directory Services

Jul 14, 2010

How to change the password of Directory Manager in RED HAT Directory Services through a ldapclient through command line or graphical.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Mount Unencrypted Directory To Encrypted Home Directory With Fstab

Aug 26, 2010

I have Ubuntu Karmic. I chose to install with an encrypted home directory. Recently I got a warning that I only had 2GB of drive space left. This is mostly because of my videos. So I went and bought a new hard drive and partitioned it and made 1 ext4 partition and copied my videos all to the new hard drive. I added a line in my fstab to mount the new hard drive to ~/videos, but when I reboot the computer, there is a screen saying something like "error mounting /home/me/videos, press S to skip or something else to reboot". If I press S to skip, then when my system comes up there is a video directory but it's empty because my other hard drive didn't get mounted. I can run sudo mount /dev/sdb video/ and it will mount fine and I can see all my videos, so why can't fstab mount it? Does this have something to do with my encrypted home directory?

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Software :: Error - Mkdir: Cannot Create Directory `/dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5900': No Such File Or Directory

Jun 21, 2011

I get the following error whenever I launch bash:

mkdir: cannot create directory `/dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5900': No such file or directory
bash: /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5900/tasks: No such file or directory
bash: /dev/cgroup/cpu/user/5900/notify_on_release: No such file or directory
It seems like it's probably from this part of .bashrc:


What does this code do, why, and what's causing it to go wrong?

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Fedora :: Copy A Few Files From Windows Directory Into The Wine Directory

Aug 1, 2009

i want to copy a few files from my windows directory into the wine directory - its no big deal, just a few preference files so i dont have to set something up all over again. trouble is, i had the files copied, but i cant find the wine/ c: drive directory anywhere, anyone know where this can be found??

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