General :: Files Created In A Directory Owned By Directory Group?
Jan 29, 2010Is there a way, on Linux, to cause all new files created in a directory to be owned by the directory's group instead of the creating user's group?
View 2 RepliesIs there a way, on Linux, to cause all new files created in a directory to be owned by the directory's group instead of the creating user's group?
View 2 RepliesI have a directory cookie_tmp which is owned by some:fella. Session cookies are being created under this directory as How can I set the directory so that files are created and owned by some:fella ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to jail a sftp user. All I want is for my daughter-in-law to be able to download pictures of my grandson on his step-uncle's motorcycle. But I don't want her browsing around. She's not a techie, but she's smart enough to catch on how WinSCP is looking at my files. I've set up the jail using jk_init, adding ssh, sftp, bash, netutils, basicshell, jk_lsh.
The physical root of the jail is owned by root, as are all the binaries loaded by the jk_init. The user's home directory is owned recursively by the user and is writable only by the owner. The passwd and group files are in the jailed /etc and populated by the user's lines. Shell is bash, and bash is there too. The error message must be coming from some other problem that's not notifying, but what?
I created a directory somewhere with permissions rwxrwxr-x so that other users in my group can create files and directories in it.
I do need to be able to delete the contents in this "public" directory, but it seems that while I am able to remove any files in this directory I cannot remove and subdirectories under it.
Is there a way to remove such subdirectories owned by others under a directory owned by me?
have recently installed ubuntu server on a new machine. I have added 3 users and I have assigned them to a group.The three of us work together on a lot of stuff so what I would like to do is to have a specific folder made the groups folder. All files that are created or moved into this folder should automatically be owned by the group. I.e. all 3 of us should have the right to read and write to these files.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have backup_server and application_server.backup_server has directory AAA. I need to check from application serverthat is there any new files created today in the AAA dirctory. if yes, all files were created today or partial files?.
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there a simple command to copy files that have been created within the past 2 hours?I've been looking through the man pages for unisonrsyncfindcpand I can't find anything I'm looking for.All I need is a simple command.Code:Copy folder a to b if created < 2 hours.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do you perform a long directory listing of all files in the /bin directory that have exactly three characters in their name?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to run a cronjob every 15 minutes that checks a directory for files. If the directory contains more than ten files I want it to send an email to me.
All I have is this...
*/15 * * * * ls -l | wc -l | [filename] | mail -s "This is just a test" [email address]
I would rather not write a bash script. Is there an easier way to do this? I was looking into some commands like find and grep.
I'm quite new to linux but I have configured a simple ftp server and it's working great. I have a FTP-Shared folder with upload and download subfolders. Under upload's and download's I have identical category subfolders like mp3's, movies, software etc. in both. As the guy's upload, I would like to create a line crontab where I can move all the content under /FTP-Shared/upload/mp3/* older than 14 day's to FTP-Shared/downloads/mp3/ recursively (Like in cp command), but the timestamp must be searched on the first directory and not sub files example: /mp3/Club Dance/CD1/Hallo world.mp3This is how far I got:[root@clients ~]# /usr/bin/find /FTP_Shared/upload/Mp3s/ -depth -mindepth 1 -mtime +14 -type d -exec mv -f {} /FTP_Shared/download/Mp3s/ ;This command moves the directory and files, but it is not recursively
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf I have a directory /foo with a few files in it, how do I symlink each entry in /foo into /bar/? For instance, if /foo has the files a, b and c, I want to create three symlinks:
/bar/a -> /foo/a
/bar/b -> /foo/b
/bar/c -> /foo/c
I have created user, group, gave permission chmod and chown with -R option. But when i try to enter into the directory for that created the user and group, I can not enter into.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble with an NFS mounted directory on a newly installed 5.3 server.
The directory mounts fine using this command:
However I cannot write to the directory despite it being mounted RW and having read-write access on the host (a Netapp Filer). If I check permissions on the mounted directory, I see it is owned by 'avahi-autoipd':
I have disabled the avahi-daemon in chkconfig, although it wasn't running to begin with. Any idea why this directory would be owned by avahi-autoipd and whether or not that has anything to do with why I can't write to the mounted directory?
$ whoami
$ cd /var/www
$ sudo mkdir html
$ sudo groupadd web
$ sudo usermod -a -G web meder
$ sudo usermod -a -G web medertest
$ sudo chown meder:web html
$ sudo chmod -R g+rwx html
The problem is, anytime I create a new file in /var/www/html even though the group is set to web, it is only writable by the original user. I was given the advice of setting the umask to be 002 because the default is what causes the problems. But I would have to do this for all users in that group, and as far as I know it would be tedious having all of them modify ~/.bashrc to have umask 002. Even if I can do it myself with a shell command for all of those users, it still seems too tedious.
# Create a directory, and user, assign ownership of dir to that user and usergroup.
sudo mkdir /mysecureddir
sudo useradd mysecureduser
sudo chown mysecureduser:mysecureduser /mysecureddir
I've read some similar issues dealing with apache, but its still not clicking for me. Group has rwx access to directory and everything in it. I'm in the group.
This may be a rookie mistake, but I created a user (new user) in Linux on a Ubuntu system and didn't actually create the home directory for this user. Now, when I log in, it says there are problems... If I delete the path home/<new user> and try to log in the system tells me I can use root as home directory but I will likely experience problems, and then it won't let me log in. What is the best way to create this directory with the appropriate permissions? Should I just create another user and delete this one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a machine which has only /opt with some decent amount of space where I can install a software. /opt belongs to root:root. The software I want to install cannot be installed as root user.
So lets say I create a directory called /opt/install1 and then chown -R install1 to belong to user1. And now I install the software under /opt/install1 with user as user1.
Is this a best practice violation? There could potentially be just /opt/install1 belong to user1 and in future everything else created under /opt belonging to root..
I have a directory that needs to be owned by nginx user and I need to access it via other users in order to add/edit/delete files in it. So I created a group called www and added both then chgrp -R on the directory. However I am still getting a "unavailable to access no permissions" sort of error in my SSH/SCP/what ever you want to call Mac's Transmit.
ls -a output
drwxr----- 3 nginx www 4096 Jul 17 23:56 nginx
How would i go about copying files to a directory, yet skip the files that already exist in the directory, and also remove the files that are in the directory. For example:
$ls /dir1
Now i would like to copy from dir1 to dir2, but the contents of dir2 would be:
$ls /dir2
I'm trying to do something like thisi created a group called www and made this group the owner of the directory/var/www/htmlso i can read and write to it.of course I've add my self to this group, but it seems i can't read and write.the syntax i used was something like chown :www /var/www/html.didn't workonly when i used chown samurai:www /var/www/html i could finally could create new file.the reason i don't want to specify the user name is because I'm thinking of a scenario when i need to give permission to a large group of ppl and don't want to do it user by user.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a directory structure in my system (linux) as shown below
I have two owners steve and scott I have one group msngrp I want to write output as below
Recently I mounted a larger partition into my home directory since I was running out of space, Everything went smoothly, but it caused me to wonder about something I cant figure out. While playing with the mount unmount commands when I was copying everything over... before editing my fstab.
Is there a way to access the files that existed in a directory before you mount a partition to that directory? after mount the original files are gone.unmount and they are back, Where do they go?
i want to copy a few files from my windows directory into the wine directory - its no big deal, just a few preference files so i dont have to set something up all over again. trouble is, i had the files copied, but i cant find the wine/ c: drive directory anywhere, anyone know where this can be found??
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I run "ls -al somedir*" (I use the "ll" shortcut, actually), Linux not only list files that match, but also the contents of directories whose name also happens to match.Is there a way to limit "ls" so that it will only show names (files and directories) and ignore the contents of the directories?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter i try to find logfiles follow date/month/year. i want copy this files to another directory with name's directory is time you find(date/month/year).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using my media server as my podcast collector. I am in the process of learning the ins and outs of NFS so i can mount a NFS directory and transfer my podcasts from server to player. For now i am using scp to transfer podcasts from server to desktop then to player. The problem is the path to the directory of one of the podcasts is /home/user/gpodder-downloads/The BILL&TIMMY Show Podcast.
whenever i try and run my scp command it fails because it thinks that TIMMY is a script i want to run in the background. I have tried to back-slash escape the character, i've tried single quoting and double quoting the character and i still get the same problem. as it sits now i have to move all podcasts to another directory and then transfer them to my desktop...but i would like to transfer the podcasts without un-necessary steps.
There are millions of files in many directories. Wherenver i try rm * or find or use xargs, they say 'argument list too long' and exit. How can i deleted files in a directory with so many files without deleting the directory itself.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have two questions:How do I remove files from Directory A if their name appears in Directory B?How do I move foo.jpg and bar.jpg from Directory C to Directory D if and only if foo.png and bar.png appear in Directory D?I suspect there's probably a bash one-liner for this, but...I can't come up with it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using OpenSSH 5.5p1 on Fedora 15. I'm trying to get a chrootDirectory to work. Specifically trying to figure out why I can't write files to a sub-directory of the chroot directory. I created a user test_user and created a group called sftp. I added test_user to the sftp group. I edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config as follows:
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Match group sftp
ChrootDirectory /home/sftp_users/%u
X11Forwarding no
Is it possible to copy files from directory of one user to directory of another user in linux?
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