General :: Connect Via SSH To Remote /dev/pts/X?

Jan 22, 2011

Target server is under Kubuntu 10.04. Is there any method to connect using SSH session directly to an existing /dev/pts/X device? I need it, because an instance on User-Mode Linux virtual machine allocates it's TTYs as a set of /dev/pts/X devices in the host file system. As I understand, for futher interactions with the VM I need to connect to that devices.

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General :: Need To Connect With Remote Desktop

Dec 11, 2009

Ubuntu installed on my home system,and i'm working MSwindows OS to this computer from my office I need to connect with remote desktop.

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General :: Can't Connect To Remote Database

Nov 16, 2010

I'm trying to connect to a remote database but can't connect directly (I think due to security reasons). Here's the setup:

Computer A - my computer
Computer B - server, I can SSH to this from computer A
Computer C - server that runs database, I can SSH to this from B but can't from A

Any ideas how I can can connect to C directly from A? I think I need to setup a tunnel or something like that but I can't figure it out.

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General :: Connect To Remote X-Server (logged In Via Ssh)

Jul 31, 2010

When I'm logged on to another host (e.g via ssh), how do I connect to the XServer of that machine (same user is logged in and is running a desktop (gnome))?

You may ask way I wish to do that: There are commands that don't open an X-Window, e.g. xinput, xhost, etc.. and there are situations where you want to run them from remote.

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General :: Connect To Remote Desktop From Lucid (with Tsclient) To XP (with UltraVNC)

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to connect to my laptop using tsclient in ubuntu and UltraVNC in XP.

I open tsclient in linux, enter the laptop IP and protocol = RDP, hit connect and it opens the windows logon, I can connect and login, but its not using UltraVNC (its running on the XP), I know this because I close UltraVNC from the remote desktop and the connection still works so it seems its using the windows built in remote desktop.

How can I connect to UltraVNC instead of XP default remote desktop?

I want to do this because I read UltraVNC works better for screen refreshs, my currently remote desktop connection works really bad for screen refreshs.

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General :: NTP - Remote Host Refused An Attempted Connect Operation

Jul 24, 2011

When I do a ntpq -p on my machine I could see the ntp servers configured and it's status:

But when I telnet to ntp server "" it says A remote host refused an attempted connect operation:

I know * here represents that the machine is in sync with ntp server. My question if the machine is in sync with ntp server, how does it work?why ntp port 123 is connection refused?

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General :: Connect To A Remote Server (graphically) With Open Text Exceed?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a server which I need to connect to and run a graphical program on. I know that you can do this with Open Text Exceed, but it's been years since I've done this and the last time I did it was on version 9. Unfortunately I only have a license for version 14 now and have no idea how to do this. how I can use Exceed to connect to my linux server?

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General :: Telnet :Unable To Connect To Remote Host:Connection Refused?

Jul 3, 2011

My system is Ubuntu 11Before I typed "telnet localhost" or "telnet localhost 23". I have make this work below:$sudo apt-get install xinetd$vim /etc/xinetd.conf



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General :: Connect FortiGate1 SSL VPN Remote Access From Fedora/CentOS/Ubuntu?

Aug 9, 2011

How can i connect to FortiGate1 SSL VPN Remote Access router from Fedora/CentOS or Ubuntu/Debian?It only working with Windows Internet explorer for the moment using Vbox (But i cant use Windows only for this)How can i use it from my favourate Linux?

# vpnc
Enter IPSec gateway address: xx.xx.xx.42
Enter IPSec ID for xx.xx.xx.42:


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General :: Telnet - Unable To Connect To Remote Host - Connection Refused

Sep 11, 2009

I did followings:


But got:


But as I tried:


It's OK.

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General :: Connect To SUSE Server From Other One - Error "Remote Host Identification Has Changed"

Jan 15, 2011

When I try to connect to my SUSE server from other one this appears: Remote host identification has changed. I deleted entry in know_hosts but it still working wrong, showing me this message. What could be the cause of this problem??

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General :: How To Connect To A Remote Server And Run Some Code On That Particular Server

Jun 30, 2011

I am implementing an automated backup scheme so I created a shell script which first creates SQL dumps for all MySQL databases, then retrieves all websites from the /var/www directory of a remote server. The latter is working as I am using rsync to get the remote files.However, the MySQL dumps being retrieved are the ones from the local server which is not what I want. I want to get the SQL dumps from the remote server as well.I have a tunnel between the local and remote server which I can connect to without using any password (I added the public key to the authorized_hosts), so I tried to add the following code to the script:


I then attempted to retrieve the SQL dumps and exited from the remote server. However this does not work as I still have to enter exit manually in the terminal for the SQL dumps to be retrieved from the remote host. I don't know why this is happening. This is what the script is trying to do:

//connect to remote server
//retrieve SQL dumps


Is there a way to connect to the remote host AND run the script's code on THAT remote host?

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Ubuntu :: How To Allow Remote RDP Client To Connect

May 6, 2010

ubuntu 9.10

I have xrdp installed running on the PC. how to allow remote Linux PC to connect Ubuntu 9.10?

Do I need to install;


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Connect To IP Address Via SSH From Remote PC

Sep 13, 2010

I'm trying to connect to my home pc with ssh. I have road runner connected to a wireless router and then my pc connects to the router via a wireless card. I can use the Internet from my pc. I also know sshd is running. I do a ifconfig to get the ip address. Then, nothing happens when I try to connect to this ip address via ssh from a remote pc. So, what's going on with this? How can I get ssh to connect to the home pc?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Connect A Remote PC With SSH?

Jan 5, 2010

I've problems to connect a remote PC with SSH. I got always the error message: Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).Here with command line:

advantech@headnode:~$ ssh root@
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).

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CentOS 5 Server :: Connect To Remote For GUI?

Sep 14, 2011

I have installed CENTOS 5.0 .. IM new to this centos linux..

-->regarding the remote connection
how can i connect the server through remote from windows 7 ..graphical interface ?

how to install lamp or apache , php , mysql

can u guys provide me any link or book for as a beginner for centos ?.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect Via A Remote Host To Ssh?

Feb 5, 2009

have fedora 10 and am having problems with ssh. For some reason I can't connect via a remote host to my ssh. Local network connections do work just fine. I have been looking for a log of what is going on but have not had luck seeing anything.Things I have tried:

-Modify hosts.allow to allow ssh to all
-generated rsa1 key identity tryed specifying that with the -i option on the guest computer


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Fedora Networking :: Connect F10 Using Remote Desktop?

Jul 8, 2009

how to connect fedora 10 using remote desktop? i have a notebook and a desktop. both machine is in same LAN. and Both machines are using fedora 10. i would like to access my desktop from my notebook. how to do this? i have installed the remote desktop. and vnc viewer. but couldn't get thorugh it...

i have done this.
1. sudo yum install vino
2. intall vnc viewer.

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Fedora :: Connect To Remote Machine Via Terminal

May 19, 2010

I just started to run Fedora/Linux on my laptop... I was using XP and using putty to connect to Linux servers at work. I am assuming I can use the terminal editor supplied with Fedora to connect to remote linux server? Can I uses the terminal to connect to remote linux server? How do accomplish this?

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OpenSUSE :: Unable To Connect To Remote VNC Server

May 11, 2010

I am not able to connect to the Remote VNC Server..Error: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connect To A Remote Machine Outside LAN?

Mar 30, 2010

regarding a remote connection from my workplace to my home system. On my home a have a connection to the ISP and the provider is allocating a dynamic IP to my router. How can I connect from my work computer to the home computer? There are other application or other stuff for making this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Ssh To Connect To A Remote Computer Behind A Router

Jan 30, 2010

I want to show you this scheme:MyPC -> router -> internet <- router <- Mom'spc I want to connect from my pc to my mom's pc using ssh. The first router doesn't represent a problem, but my mom's router does. Our IPs are both dynamic (anyway, I can easyly know them) and I have opened the port (TCP/UDP) 2100 on the router in order to open a gateway on mom's pc.The firewall is not enabled on the router, nor on mom's pc.

Granted all this, now I should be able to connect to that computer using ssh:ssh user@ip -p 2100 But I can't, I always get a "connection refused".if I do it on my intranet, I can connect without any problem (to others computers, of course, not mom's) What's the reason because I always get a connection refused?

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Windows Remote Desktop Using NLA

May 25, 2010

I can't connet to windows remote desktop using NLA. I have try'd Terminal Server Client and KRDC but it seems they don't support remote desktop with NLA, but if i wanna connect to remote desktop without NLA its ok.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remote Desktop Cannot Connect?

Jan 6, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 on a pc connected to my TV. I would like to be able to use remote desktop on this from another pc, so i enable Remote Desktop and apply the settings i need, but it says its only available through local network and to connect with the name localhost.

When i try and connect to the computers IP address from other computers with Ubuntu 10.10 on local network, it says it cannot find the server.

I have a firewall configuration program installed and have enabled VNC and the appropriate port(s)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Remote Desktop

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to configure my machine to allow remote desktop connections from outside my home network so i can connect at school, work etc. However, when setting up my remote desktop it says "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address localhost." (see attached screenshot) My other linux machine has the same problem, but provides the IP address, is there something i'm missing?

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Ubuntu :: Remote Desktop Cannot Connect Before Login?

Aug 13, 2011

I have a PC running Ubuntu 10.04 with vino to share the desktop. After I login to the PC I can connect to it from another PC (again 10.04) with the vinagre Remote Desktop Viewer. Canonical has made this rather easy to configure. However, I cannot connect to the remote PC and use the Desktop Viewer to login to the remote PC.

Short of ripping out vino and installing vnc or tightvnc is there a way to configure Ubuntu's desktop sharing to allow me to connect to the remote PC and then login?

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Networking :: Connect Board To Remote System?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a arm board where qtopia installed. there is no ssh or scp installed . how can i connect my board to my linux desktop.

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Networking :: Connect To A Remote Machine Using Tcp Socket?

Mar 2, 2010
use IO::Socket;
$| = 1;
$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => '',
LocalPort => '5000',

it displays the message "couldn't connect to the server". How can i connect to the remote machine using tcp socket?

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Networking :: Remote Connection - Unable To Connect

Feb 24, 2011

I was able to connect linux server on windows through putty.But now i am unable to connect that,I can able to ping that IP.SSH daemon is also running. shall i need to change anything in configuration file...

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Networking :: Unable To Connect To Remote Desktop

Jan 1, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a friends computer when Windows died on it, and though she has had relatively few problems with it, she still occasionally has problems that are really hard to impossible to fix over the phone. She is also not very knowledgeable with computers, so I was trying to guide her through setting up so I could connect to her remotely and try to figure things out, but I cannot get it to work.

I personally don't use Ubuntu on my computer, I use openSUSE and KDE so that does add to the problem, though I have used Ubuntu and Gnome a lot in the past.

I had her go to remote desktop settings and allow connections from other computers and allow other users to control the desktop, and at first I had her require confirmation and a password but it didn't work without it either. When I try to connect, it just hangs for a while then times out. I tried using KRDC and just VNC in the terminal with the same result.

There should be nothing on my side preventing a connection, but I am not positive. I am not very familiar with remote desktop outside of a LAN either. I am just trying to connect using her IP address, I don't know if there is anything else I need to include. Is there maybe some other setting that needs to be changed or maybe her DSL modem/router is blocking me though I don't know why it would, especially since P2P programs work fine.

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