General :: Can't Update Fedora 12

Mar 20, 2010

i am getting this error when i try to update Fedora 12

Error Type: <class 'yum.Errors.RepoError'>
Error Value: Error getting repository data for installed, repository not found
File : /usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/, line 3125, in <module>


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General :: Fedora Update - Error: Missing Dependency

Mar 24, 2010

I was trying to install vlc in fedora 12 and got the following error. Missing Dependency: is needed by package vlc-core-1.0.5-2.fc12.i686 (rpmfusion-free-updates) Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package vlc-core-1.0.5-2.fc12.i686 (rpmfusion-free-updates) Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package vlc-core-1.0.5-2.fc12.i686 (rpmfusion-free-updates)

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Fedora Servers :: Update Lineage2 Client From Official But The Update Crash?

Apr 19, 2009

I've install F10 to use it as server and router and found a strange problem on my XP machine which is behind the F10. I've tried to update my Lineage2 client from official server but the update crash, tried to open the web page it didn't open. Also tried to open microsoft web it didn't open. When i try to open the same pages on PC with F10 they open with no problem.


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Fedora :: Automatic GUI Update Has Been Crashing - Transaction Error In Update

Oct 1, 2009

For the past few days, the automatic GUI update has been crashing, complaining of a "Transaction error."

Here is the output that pops up in a separate window:


I tried the following:


And got the following (similar) output:


I very rarely use xfce and I don't quite know what exo is, but I'd like to fix this problem if it's not too involved.

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Fedora :: Update Error / Can't Add Package Update For Poppler-data?

Feb 26, 2010

Code:could not add package update for poppler-data-0.4.0-1.fc12(noarch)updates: poppler-data-0.4.0-1.fc12.noarch.

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General :: Fedora Update Install Interrupted - Screen Goes Black

Feb 23, 2010

I'm new to Fedora! My problem is this, I was updating Fedora using yum, the updates were in the process of installing when I got up and tripped over my power cord and of course cut power to my computer killing it and interrupting the installation. I plug my computer back in and boot it back up. I make it to the blue Fedora loading screen with the blank Fedora symbol that fills with white while loading; loads fine but before the user login screen appear Fedora melts down. The screen goes black, the cursor appears with the circle loading timer, and some form of terminal is there were I can enter text but no commands like SU or whatever seems to work.

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General :: Update Gnome To A Newer Version Without Upgrading Fedora?

Oct 16, 2010

I am using Fedora 11 and I was curios if it is posible to update gnome to a newer version without upgrading Fedora.

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Fedora :: Comand Line To Update The System Via Yum Update?

Jan 28, 2011

Yesterday i have installed F14 and then went to the comand line to update the system via yum update. It was about 860MB of updates in 430 packages. The strange thing is that only one package was a delta rpm and all other were normal rpm. Is Fedora giving up on presto or it needs some special configuration?

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General :: Update Standard Fedora Library Package Without Internet Access?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the library ( on a computer with Fedora 8 and don't wonder why it's so ancient,-there is a good reason for it) but I don't have Internet access from that computer, so I can't get to the online repo's.

However, I do still have the installation disk, and I'm typing this from a computer (SuSE 10) that is half a meter from the Fedora box.

I tried the "ADD/REMOVE Software" option on the menu, but it keeps on looking for the online repo and then if it doesn't get it, it fails.

Is it possible to get this library from the installation disk. How? Could I download the single package from the online repo onto the SuSE machine and then move it to the Fedora machine? How do I then tell the Fedora machine to "incorporate" it.

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General :: Header Border Frame Missing In Fedora After Update The Software Packages

Jul 14, 2011

After installing some Fedora software updates, I can no longer see the header frame in every window. Furthermore, I can't access any window frame after I open a new window frame.

How can I fix this? Can I remove all the updates I recently installed?

Note : After installing these update, when I reboot the system, I can see there are two version of Fedora.

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General :: Not Able To Update Metasploit Modules Using Svn-update / Solve It?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem here with my back track. am not able to update my metasploit modules using svn-update nor sudo apt-get is working..

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Fedora :: Can't Update With Software Update?

Nov 12, 2009

tried a few times to update today and one, it keeps failing with an error. I did manage to update with YUM. and two, I am getting kernel errors just about any time I try and do anything. most seem to have this in common... Unable to watch (/home/louis/public_html/*) No such file or directory

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Fedora :: Update Error / Can't Update?

Mar 25, 2010

Can't update my fedora 12,I attached a print screen of the error at the link below:url

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Fedora Installation :: Use GUI Tool For Update System - No Response When Click The 'Update System' Button

Apr 28, 2009

I've tried to use the GUI tool for update system in Fedora 10. It listed all of the available updates successfully, but it have not any response when i click the 'Update System' button~

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Fedora :: Can't Get Update By Yum Update - ERROR: Cannot Retrieve Repository Metadata (repomd.xml) For Repository

Aug 30, 2009

I've made a terrible mistake that I changed files in /etc/yum.repo.d and /etc/yum.conf.Now I can't get update by yum update, saying that ERROR: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: base. Please verify its path and try again. Now I'd like to reset everything to default.What can I do now?

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Fedora :: Difference Between Yum Update And "Software Update"

Mar 31, 2010

difference between yum update and gpk-update-viewer. I thought these two were supposed to do the same thing, apply the updates from the repositories. However, if I run "Software Update" and then yum update, yum update returns many more updates. This is confusing. Which should I use? What is the recommended way to update Fedora systems?

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Fedora :: Fedora 11+KDE - Login Screen Not Responding To Keyboard And Mouse After Update?

Nov 10, 2009

It's two days now I'm in deep troubles after my last "yum update". The system boots as usual, the graphical login pops up the normal way but no input is handled by either the internal keyboard (the system is a laptop), the mouse pad, the external USB mouse and keyboard.

The hardware itself seems to be working as I can pop up the BIOS menus and even edit the GRUB booting line. But, after GRUB there's no possible input. I've tried to boot the system with the Fedora 11 DVD, rescue menu and then chroot. This in order to run a "yum update" in the hope that the problem was in some broken update. No chance: there's no update.

My questions are:

1. Is there a way to boot Fedora withou any graphical interface from GRUB (or anything else to skip the KDE)?

2. Is there a way to have the (cabled) network activated at boot *before* the graphical login?

3. What the he** is happening to my otherwise pefectly working laptop?

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Fedora Installation :: Software Update - Fedora ( - Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work

Sep 1, 2010

Fedora ( I installed that update, during the installation process it said that it had to remove three packages, one of them was kmod nvidia for the old kernel (Fedora ( the update finished installing the new kernel, I restarted the system and Nvidia did not load. (I assume because Update manager removed the old nvidia? But I also assumed that a new version would be installed automatically?)I received the following Boot messages:


Entering non-interactive startup
Starting monitoring for VG vg_user1: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_user1" monitored


I'm confused, if Update Manager removed kmod nvidia, then why does yum say it is installed? And why doesn't the new kernel update work with that version? Or should I install a driver version for that particular kernel? I've read while searching that I need to install a kmod-nvidia for that particual kernel version and that I should login to my previous kernel until that happens, is that the problem I'm having?

Why don't rpmfusion and fedoraproject release the kmod-nvidia and kernel updates at the same time to avoid problems such as this? Does anyone know how long does it usually take for rpmfusion to release the new kmod-nvidia driver for the latest kernel?

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Fedora Installation :: Update From FC10 To Fedora 12 From The Command Line?

Dec 10, 2009

How do I update from FC10 to Fedora 12 from the command line.

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Fedora :: Fedora 10 No Compiz - No Working NVIDIA-driver After Update

Jan 28, 2009

I have Fedora 10 installed. I've just made an update of my system. Things that were updated were a new kernel version with devel and also something with NVIDIA (which is my video card).

After restart of my system, compiz fusion no longer works.

I have a -file to manually install the NVIDIA-driver so the advanced features of Compiz can be utilized.

After install, the bootup screen tells me that loading the NVIDIA driver has failed. I also receive a WARNING-message.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Cannot Update Kernel (Fedora 10 X86_64)

May 31, 2009

Keep trying update the packages (36 in total) and every time I keep getting this error
ERROR with rpm_check_debug vs depsolve:
kernel-x86_64 is needed by kmod-nvidia-
kernel-x86_64 is needed by kmod-nvidia-
Please report this error at [URL]

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Fedora :: Add New Repositories Other Than Update And Fedora I386?

Feb 4, 2010

what is the equivalent to build essential in fedora? how do i add new repositories other than update and fedora i386?

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General :: Ubuntu / Suse Red Hat Are Developing General Update Tool

Jan 29, 2011

PackageKit is a system designed to make installing and updating software on your computer easier. The primary design goal is to unify all the software graphical tools used in different distributions, and use some of the latest technology like PolicyKit to make the process suck less.

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Fedora :: Every Update Gets A Bug?

Jul 30, 2009

Every time Fedora 11 tries and updates (which is every time I turn it on because it never finishes) it gets a bug. The same updates try and reinstall but every single time I get a bug error.

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Fedora :: Can't Update 13 Box

Nov 2, 2010

Since a few days I can't update my Fedora 13 box. When I run 'yum update' I get following error:

Transaction Check Error:
package sqlite- (which is newer than sqlite-3.6.22-1.fc13.i686) is already installed
Error Summary

I tried 'yum clean all' and 'yum --skip-broken' with no success. The sqlite package seems to be fc14 although I am running FC13, I don't know how it got installed.

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Fedora :: Can't Update / How To Fix It

Jul 15, 2011

I haven't tried to update for quite awhile and now I am getting this error...

An unspecified transaction has occured.
More information is available in the detailed report.

could not add package update for fedora-release-rawhide-15-3(noarch)updates: fedora-release-rawhide-15-3.noarch

I haven't a clue how to fix it.

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Fedora :: Fedora LIVE CD Update?

Nov 25, 2009

Does fedora ever update their iso. files,because my live CD has a bug

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Fedora Installation :: Kernel-devel Package With Version Between The Fedora And Update Repo Version

Sep 11, 2009

I have a fedora 11 with kernel package: kernel-PAE-

I would like to install the devel package for this kernel version, but I can't find it, because in the fedora repo there is only the original kernel ( and in the updates repo there is only the newest kernel package (2.6.30....)

Where can I find the packages which are between the fedora and update repos' versions?

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Fedora Installation :: Update 6 Box To 10?

May 5, 2009

What is the easiest way to update my fedora 6 box to 10? Yum update won't even work anymore, it gives me errors and I read the upgrade tutorial and it didn't seem to help me. Is there a way to simply download 10 and install it and then reboot?

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Fedora :: Did F11 Update And No More USB Mouse

Aug 25, 2009

I updated F11 this morning and when I rebooted X no longer sees my USB mouse. The system is a Dell Optiplex GX620 and it is a stanmdard scroll wheel Dell USB mouse. I do not have any of the bluez packages installed - I saw in another thread that removing/reverting them helped.

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