Fedora :: Add New Repositories Other Than Update And Fedora I386?

Feb 4, 2010

what is the equivalent to build essential in fedora? how do i add new repositories other than update and fedora i386?

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Fedora :: How To Update Repositories

Jan 10, 2011

I did an upgrade from Fedora 12 to Fedora 14 using a DVD.My repositories all still point to Fedora 12 programs. What do I have to do to make them access Fedora 14 programs ?

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Fedora :: FifeFox Update From Repositories?

Jan 13, 2010

I am new in Linux world. This is my question: how i can update Fiferfox browser from Fedora repositories?

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CentOS 5 :: Log4cpp Missing From 5.4 I386 Repositories?

Dec 3, 2009

I've been trying to find log4cpp and log4cpp-devel packages in the *i386* repositories on the Centos 5.4 mirrors but they appear to be missing. They do exist in the x86_64 repositories on the same mirrors.e.g.[URL]

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Fedora :: Nspluginwraper I386 How To Install

Dec 10, 2009

I need the nspluginwraper.i386 how can i install it

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Fedora Installation :: F11 I386 Iso CD Disc 1 Is Bad In Some Mirrors

Aug 4, 2009

Seven times I was downloading the fedora11 disc1 i386 iso and the sha256 checksum was bad. When I try ftp.belnet.be mirror I can get the correct checksum. I understand the copy process between mirrors probably was errors. Becarefull friends. This bad iso aborts the installation process.

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Fedora Installation :: SHA1 Is Not The One In F12-i386-CHECKSUM?

Dec 16, 2009

is there anyone who checked your downloaded file against the provided key? i have successfully downloaded the Fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso several times, but the SHA1 is not the one in Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM is there anyone who has the same problem? the SHA1 i calculated is: 0dc8ed436f0b44874454a379e8de5ad057c0115d


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Fedora Installation :: 12-i386-DVD.iso Burns Bad - On Different File

Jan 16, 2010

i've downloaded this image from 3 different sources. checksums are verified. DVD image write errors out on Packagesus-pinyin-1.2.020090915-1.fc12.noarch.rpm has happened on 5 DVD writes so far has happened with Fedora-12-x86_64-DVD.iso also but on a different file. DVD writer can write other images no problem.

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Fedora Installation :: F14 I386 32 Bit Install Error

Nov 4, 2010

downloaded the install dvd mounted it and ran it but I am getting an error line 55 of the kickstart file: section does not end with %%end install exited abnormally.

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Ubuntu Installation :: LUCID: Downloading Repositories/Packages - Get This Message " Unable To Find Expected Entry Deb-src/binary-i386/Packages In Meta-index File "?

Jun 24, 2010

I did the UPGRADE from Karmic Koala to Lucid, and everything was going well. But now I've been having problems with the UBUNTU UPDATE tool for the last 2 weeks. Every time I try to do an update check on the packages, I get the following message:Failed to fetch http:[url]....Release Unable to find expected entry deb-src/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.I've tried changing the servers to MAIN and others, and still no way to solve it. I've also checked for other posts, but haven't found a solution yet. Here's my SOURCES LIST (gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list)# See http:[url].... for how to upgrade to # newer versions of the distribution.

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Fedora Installation :: Get Both X86_64 And I386 Packages On F10 Install?

Jan 15, 2009

Installing f10 on an x86_64 platform from CD or netinst. I can't seem to find a way to have it install i386 compatible (32-bit) software at the same time. Is there a repo that has to be enabled? In f8 i think it was just a box to click somewhere.

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Fedora Installation :: FC10 I386 - How Many CDs - Of 6 - Required For Min. Install

Apr 18, 2009

I would like to try out fc10 on an old, k6-2 pc. Last night I tried to download the dvd, but firefox 'completed' the download with only 1.2/~3xg, and of course it didn't work.

I am trying a test net installation in VirtualBox, so far so good.

However, I would rather have a more complete installation on hand and I'm looking at the full install cd's --there are 6 of them.


Are all 6 required for a minimal install, or could I get by with one (or two, etc)? For example, with debian installation cds you can use just the first one -- the rest are just a complete set of packages for everything +kitchen sink.

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Fedora Installation :: Download The Source-DVD Or I386-DVD File ?

Jul 30, 2009

I need to install it on laptop along with linux, which of the two files should i download and burn?

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Fedora Installation :: When Try To Install F11 I386 Get Stop At 'SMP Alternatives'

Nov 14, 2009

I have VISTA home installed in my HP DV5 laptop and I have installed MS Virtual PC. When I try to install Fedora 11 i386 get stop at "SMP alternatives: switching to UP code" and won't proceed.But I installed Fedora 11 i386 in my desktop using same steps it work fine.

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Fedora :: IBM IseriesAccess Install - Use The I386 Version And The 64bit

Aug 12, 2011

Im trying to install iseriesaccess for linux. I've had to use the i386 version and the 64bit says it has not 5250 emulator which is the reason im installing it. I have had a good look and cant get it to solve these dependencies. Has anyone else tried and got this working?

[ltodd2@zeus Downloads]$ rpm -ivh iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
libodbcinst.so.1 is needed by iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386
libodbc.so.1 is needed by iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386
libstdc++.so.5 is needed by iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386


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Fedora :: Are The 8 Repositories Still Available

Jun 16, 2011

I have an acer aspire one laptop that runs linpus lite, which is based on fedora 8. I have noticed that my update software no longer works and was wondering if the problem was that the repo had gone.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Fedora 12 I386 Using CD#1 For A Minimal Install?

Dec 19, 2009

I'm trying to install Fedora 12 i386 using CD#1 for a minimal install. For that during installation I selected only Base. For some reason when I started installation it was trying to install 432 packages (Base has got about 80 or so packages). i can understand there might be some dependencies, but really that much? I kept going with the installation of 432 packages, but it finally failed on gtk2-immodule-xim-2.18.3-19.fc12.i686.rpm.I need just minimal install, so I can install LXDE later on by myself.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Kernel Installation With I386/i686 Configuration Set

Jul 24, 2009

I'm currently using FC 9 - 2.6.27 x86_64. (In my Hp - nx6320 laptop with- Intel centrino Duo processor). I have downloaded linux- How do I install this with i386/i686 configuration set. All that I want is a 32 bit - linux-2.6.30, because NCTUns 5.0 works only with the 32-bit kernel. I have tried following:

make ARCH=i386 menuconfig
After this, I see the architecture set to "X86_32 = Y" in the .config file. But later, after I run

make bzImage
The configuration restarts asking to select Y/N for various packages and modules. I have no much idea on what to select and what not to, in order to retain X86_32 set. I end up with the new .config file with contents as below after the make bzImage command.

#X86_32 is not set
X86_64 = y
Again it is going to be built as a X86_64 bit kernel.

How to install the kernel as 32-bit along with the existing FC-9 64 bit kernel.

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Fedora Installation :: Options Which Will Allow To Exceed The I386 Memory Limit?

Jun 25, 2010

I presently have Fedora 12 running on a Dell Optiplex with a Pentium 4 CPU. I want to buy a new computer, probably from Dell, I don't completely understand the options I have available for which Fedora 13 will run.I more or less understand what 64 bit means since I also have an HP with an AMD 64 bit processor. But are there other options which will allow me to exceed the i386 memory limit? How about dual processors?

I used to understand CPU architecture pretty well, but i've lost track of more recent developments. Can anyone recommend a primer of CPU types, including assoicated memory limits? Similarly, I would like to be sure that Fedora 13 will run on whatever machine I decide to get. So a list of available processors, which are equivalent to which, and which Fedora 13 has been tested on,

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Fedora Installation :: Finding A Live Booter Iso Of 14 For I386 Architecture

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a live booter iso of Fedora 14 for i386 architecture?

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Fedora :: Switch From The I686 Kernel To I386 Without Reinstalling The System?

Aug 2, 2011

One of our F14 machines was originally set-up with the i386 Kernel. I found out it had a kernel crash and the person tried to fix it by reinstalling the kernel, unfortunately they installed i686. Now some of our software that was setup to work with i386 is not cooperating. Is there a way to switch from the i686 kernel to i386 without reinstalling the system?

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Fedora Servers :: Make A Mirror Site - 15 I386 Rpm Files

Aug 22, 2011

I want to make a fedora mirror site and i only want to have the fedora 15 i386 rpm files i dont want to download all the rest. How do i di this ?

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Fedora :: Why Sun Java Is Not Available In The Repositories

Mar 28, 2010

When I tried to install OpenOffice I noticed that there are no packages with Java from Sun in standard repositories for Fedora 12.Could someone explain why the Sun Java is not available in the repositories and how to install it?

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Fedora :: How To Get The Current Repositories

Jun 6, 2010

Repository configuration for Fedora 13, and a few earlier releases. I don't see these repositories mentioned together on one page or web site, so I thought I'd throw this together.


You'll need the RPMFusion repos, so hit the link and follow the instructions there.


If you want to be able to play DVD video you'll need a file called libdvdcss so you'll need the Livna repository. To set up the Livna repository, open a terminal and type


su -c 'rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release.rpm'
su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-livna'
Then install libdvdcss with the command


su -c 'yum install libdvdcss'

The Adobe repositories provide the Adobe Reader and the flash plugin. To install this repository issue the following commands:


su -c 'rpm -ivh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/adobe-release/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm'
su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux'

To install Adobe Reader issue the following command:


su -c 'yum install AdobeReader_enu'

This reader is available in several languages. The one above is the English version. To list all available issue the following command:


yum list AdobeReader*

You'll see several listed. To get more information on a particular package use something like:


yum info AdobeReader.chs
Available Packages
Name : AdobeReader_chs
Arch : i486


I prefer to leave these additional repositories disabled (with the exception of RPMFusion of course) after I've gotten what I need from them. At that point they don't need to be enabled, but there's no harm done if they are. To disable any of the repositories you've installed open the corresponding file with a text editor. Using Livna as an example:


su -c 'nano /etc/yum.repos.d/livna.repo'

Find the first instance of the line that reads enabled=1 and change it to read enabled=0. Save and exit the editor. The Livna repository is now disabled.

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Fedora :: Firefox 3.6 Isn't In The 12 Repositories

Sep 20, 2010

I am curious as to why Firefox 3.6 isn't in the Fedora 12 repositories. I've read the existing threads on this issue, but these threads were started in January/February of this year. It's been what, 8 or 9 months since those threads were created? I installed Fedora 13 at home over the weekend and realized that it uses Firefox 3.6.

I'm not trying beat a dead horse. I understand that people have priorities.

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Fedora :: All Repositories Required For 13?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm having a hard time locating the one's I need.

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Fedora :: Which Repositories To Setup From Within 13

Sep 10, 2010

What repositories did you set up from within Fedora 13.

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Fedora Networking :: WLAN Doesn't Work With Kdenetwork-4.3.0-2.fc10.i386

Sep 2, 2009

I have just updated KDENetwork to this level and now my F10 doesn't find any wifi connection. By the way, I have been working with F10 for some months without any problem on wlan.

iwconfig now says:

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:""
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Tx-Power=0 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2352 B


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General :: Include Special Characters When Sorting Files By Name (Fedora 12 I386)?

Feb 15, 2010

I am dragging my files over to a new Fedora 12 installation and I just noticed that special characters are not taken into account when sorting files by name (I want '_js' to come before 'images').Is there a way to make the sorting process behave like Windows, where files starting with a special character are listed first?

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Fedora :: 12 - Unable To Access Repositories ?

Feb 12, 2010

I just did a clean install of Fedora 12 on a system running Fedora 11.

I'm behind a proxy, and I followed the steps outlined at [url] to fix the initial repository error.

This is what I get now:


My /etc/hosts.conf looks like this




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