General :: Can't Find Terminal In Zorin
Aug 5, 2011I've just installed Zorin 64 bit and want to make some changes and install some new packages using apt-get but i've been through the whole start menu and can't find a terminal.
View 1 RepliesI've just installed Zorin 64 bit and want to make some changes and install some new packages using apt-get but i've been through the whole start menu and can't find a terminal.
View 1 RepliesMy computer can see the signal but it will not connect.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am currently reading a few different command line tutorials and have my terminal set to almost completely clear. In dreamlinux it made it easy to see what the tutorial said, While still letting me use the terminal as I read. In zorinOS (Ubuntu build using Gnome) I have it set to almost total clear, and what I get for the background is my wallpaper ... Regardless of whether there is a window open or not. The only changes I have made are in the preference settings, and not to any files.
But on the part where I set transparency here are my options (grey is not selectable,[x] is chosen option,{dir} is drop menu, --*---- *=current setting):
it said the kernal requires an X86-64 CPU, but i only have a i686 CPU. what do i need to do to get the appropriate kernel. i am using windows xp now and want to move to linux. do i just need to try ubuntu or can i do something to change mine in windows now to go ahead and upload Zorin
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow do i change resolution in Zorin to make the text larger.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was having a problem even loading my distro. It turns out I accidently installed wrong drivers (nvidia while I have an Itel chip set) So everytime NVIDIA tried to load it's module and screen setting, it forced a check (fsck) because it couldn't find anything for NVIDIA. I booted in recovery, Changed configuration. # commented out the NVIDIA section, and changed NVIDIA to intel in the display section. Which seems to have worked because it now loads without me having to go into recovery mode, however my screen is abnormaly large and I can only see the center of the desktop. Leaving me unable to reach the panel and change the settings.
However when I do xrandr I get:
cannot open display
Is there a way for me to edit that and any ideas on why it may be doing that?
Since I see on my Centos 5 system, when using the Gnome Terminal, there is no 'Find' feature, do I use grep to search the output on Gnome Terminal?
I see grep syntax is:grep search-term file
But what do I use as the 'file' when what I want to search is the contents of the gnome terminal screen?If there is a good terminal program that does have a 'find' feature, let me know.
i just jumped into linux with both feet not having a clue what im doing.. loaded ubuntu 10.10.. liked it but i couldnt get stellarium to work with my ati x1300, so i upgraded to 11.4 and it works fine.. problem is.. i have a applications start on the left side, but i cant seem to find the setup like in 10.10 at the top, where you can go to terminal, admin, synaptic, etc.. the only way i found synaptic was trying to download it and asked me if i wanted to keep it in the bar, so now its on the left, but cant find anything else.. ive been trying to find it on the net but 11.4 seems to be so new that there arent very many faqs or tutorials about would be nice if i can get that stuff back without having to format and reinstall 10.10.. im not going back to windows.. so i might as well figure this out..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to determine what computers are currently connected to my access point/router via the command line in Linux.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNew to Suse. Have been driving Zorin, where all updates can happen at once. Have been trying to update Firefox (3.5.10) to new ver and Yast doesn't seem to be aware of it. Do I need to compile? My Zorin package (Ubuntu variant) sees each Firefox and everything else update and installs or gives me option. What do I need to do in Suse to get up to ver 3.6.8, and why isn't Yast aware?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI need some help desperately. I am trying to install Series 7 for Dummies on Zorin OS 4. I was able to get Wine to recognize the program by copying the .exe files from the CD to the hard drive as the CD installation directly wasn't working. Now however the prompted Series 7 installation window that asks you to "Accept" or "Decline" will not move when I click "Accept". How can I resolve this? I am thinking it has something to do with either Java or Flash since this is an interactive program where multiple-choice questions are answered by clicking on them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have installed Open Suse 11.3, after giving up on Ubuntu when the latest version would not connect to the internet. In Ubuntu I could always open a terminal to carry out any command line task. In Suse I simply cannot even find one.
I need to find a terminal that I can run in Root in order to load some firmware for a different network adapter, as I am currently using one borrowed from another computer.
I'd like to find all files of a specific type (as determined by the terminal "file" command) from the command line ... and haven't been able to figure out a way to do so. For instance, I'd like to be able to find all JPEG files in my filesystem, even if their names don't end in .jp*. It would be helpful to be able to combine this with other tests in find, so that I could type something like "sudo find / -atime 0 -size +1M -type adobeflash" or something like that.
I've looked for ways to hook find up to file and tinkered around with a few ideas involving pipes, but nothing seems to get what I want.
I need to show which Display is online on X if i have 2 Graphic Cards ,how to find out which is display 0.0 or 0.1 ex.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can not find Terminal for CLS in Ubuntu 11.0.4. Where is it located in 1104 version.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wonder how CLI applications know the width of the terminal. For example, how does ls know how many columns to use?
How do package managers like pacman know what length to make the download progress bar?
Also, how do they redraw the progress bar in the same line?
Is there any way to find what is displaying in a terminal in C language?
I want to automate ssh login process, I know that I can use "expect" but I want to write another program in C myself.
In first ssh try to a host, ssh prints a message like this:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is **** Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
and waits for an answer. I want to enter "yes" programatically when the message appears, but I don't know how to find if the message is appeared or not. In this case problem can be solved in another way, deleting the entry of the host from ~/.ssh/known_hosts before executing the ssh command, sleeping for one or two second and entering yes. Same problem exist for password prompt and this can be solved by sleeping, too.
But it is not a general solution and can be failed if prompts appear after entering required keys.
I just decided I'd give Google Chrome a try. Installed it via the google repository and it went fine.
However, every now and then it just vanishes from my menu and it can't be found again, also the command in the terminal can't find anything.
So, what's left is to reinstall it, and during reinstall it doesn't even whine about already being installed.
Anybody else with this matter? I am running 64-bit Squeeze.
I have found KRename to be very useful for bulk find and renames; however, I'd like to do a find a copy, which KRename doesn't appear to do.
For example, I'd like to (case insensitively) search all subdirectories for files called "cover.jpg", "cover.gif", or "cover.png" and create a copy of these called "", in the same subdirectory the original is found, with the same extension as the original.
I like to do a lot of my tasks through the command line, and was wondering, is there a way to see all the wireless networks available in the terminal? I tried 'iwlist scan', and it said all the interfaces do not support scanning. Is there anything I can do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to find out the specs of the computer, however I did build the computer from components myself so I can't google anything to find out specs.
View 8 Replies View Relatedi'm running slackware 13.0. i've installed dosbox package and the installation process showed no errors,but now i cant find how to run dosbox in any of the menus or from terminal.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI installed Fedora 12 on a new machine (Intel Core i3) and one of my terminal-based programs won't run because it can't find libtermcap. The specific error is
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I seem to have this problem every other time I install a new Fedora. I tried a few things with old libtermcap files from other machines, and I tried looking around the YUM repository, but nothing seemed to work.
What's the proper way to get the libtermcap libraries for a Fedora 12 machine on an iCore i3?
yesterday I tried to convert a file with ffmpeg and as usual I type the first letter of the file and hit tab to auto complete and nothing happened, I then cut and pasted the file name, no such file or directory I have 41 files in ~/videos and if I hit tab without choosing anything gnome terminal gives me the choice of just 1 file, ok just tried it again first time only 1 file second time 4 different files 1st file can't be found. I can't do anything from the command line, is anyone else seeing this odd behaviour ?
Edit: I just installed aterm and gnome terminal found some more files and now can't find them again, aterm seems to be removing the first 4 letters and replacing them with spaces
Were can I find a complete list of commands for the terminal in ubuntu linux 9.10
View 9 Replies View RelatedNo menu, can't find a keyboard combination to start terminal. Ubuntu 10.10 32 bit. Do I have to re-install?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI can't find the start command for Gnome from Terminal.
I tried:
start gnome
start gne
Nothin is matching. In the Documenation is no help from console.
I was messing around with fed 12 yesterday (only on a test installation) and i've hit a snag. I installed openbox and tint2, nitrogen, obconf etc so i could have a #!-style session at startup. It all worked fine until i installed pcmanfm and removed nautilus. The problem is that i can't display files in my home directory, either using pcmanfm, a reinstalled nautilus, or in terminals. Every time i try to point a file brower there it just seems to get stuck searching forever, until i kill it. Weirdly in terminator i can do an 'ls' to see visible files, but 'ls -la' causes the problem again.
ps i thought permissions might have something to do with it, so i did a 'chmod -R 777' as root. it changed permissions for quite a lot of the files but then froze again, and now the problem persists.
Is there a terminal emulator which works well in an Ubuntu desktop and provides the following features which Mac OS X's Terminal application has? Re-wrapping text when the window is resized.A Clear command which clears scrollback (as the shell clear does not) and does not clear the cursor's line (typically containing a prompt).
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to make terminal (xfce4-terminal) transparent from bash script?
Maybe by enabling compostion?