Fedora :: Gnome Terminal Randomly Can't Find All Files

Aug 18, 2011

yesterday I tried to convert a file with ffmpeg and as usual I type the first letter of the file and hit tab to auto complete and nothing happened, I then cut and pasted the file name, no such file or directory I have 41 files in ~/videos and if I hit tab without choosing anything gnome terminal gives me the choice of just 1 file, ok just tried it again first time only 1 file second time 4 different files 1st file can't be found. I can't do anything from the command line, is anyone else seeing this odd behaviour ?

Edit: I just installed aterm and gnome terminal found some more files and now can't find them again, aterm seems to be removing the first 4 letters and replacing them with spaces

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Fedora :: Can't Find / Display Files In Home Folder In Terminal Or Fm

Feb 23, 2010

I was messing around with fed 12 yesterday (only on a test installation) and i've hit a snag. I installed openbox and tint2, nitrogen, obconf etc so i could have a #!-style session at startup. It all worked fine until i installed pcmanfm and removed nautilus. The problem is that i can't display files in my home directory, either using pcmanfm, a reinstalled nautilus, or in terminals. Every time i try to point a file brower there it just seems to get stuck searching forever, until i kill it. Weirdly in terminator i can do an 'ls' to see visible files, but 'ls -la' causes the problem again.

ps i thought permissions might have something to do with it, so i did a 'chmod -R 777' as root. it changed permissions for quite a lot of the files but then froze again, and now the problem persists.

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Fedora :: Menus Files Hidden (Gnome Terminal / Nautilus)

Jun 19, 2010

I install some package, I don't know what and now my menu file of all gnome-terminal, nautilus its not show, someone know what is the packet to do this? The firefox have menu ok, only the applications like gnome-terminal hide the menu.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Find The Start Command For Gnome From Terminal

Jan 11, 2010

I can't find the start command for Gnome from Terminal.

I tried:

start gnome
start gne

Nothin is matching. In the Documenation is no help from console.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Fedora Shell Scripting \ "Find In Curent Folder For Files, And It Copy First File He Find With Name Gived By User?

May 18, 2011

shell scripting in Fedora14I want a script"Find in curent folder for files, and it copy first file he find with name gived by user, if name already exist then echo error message and finish"command usage " bash scriptname copyASname"

smthing like Code: #!/bin/bash
for files in /home/user/*


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Fedora :: ANSI BBS In Gnome Terminal ?

Sep 24, 2010

I am a former Sysop of a BBS and currently resurrecting the BBS. I have been looking for a way to get Gnome Terminal in Fedora 13 configured to support ANSI BBS emulation.

Back in the DOS days, we just loaded ANSI.SYS and ran our terminal software (like Procomm Plus or Qmodem), but I am hoping someone has done this and can help me set it up.

I have already tried Qterrm and the "latest" syncterm. Neither of these worked right. Syncterm hasn't been updated since 2009, so I really don't want to mess too much with that one.

I know you can terminal.app in Mac OS X to do it, so I figure we can too. I REALLY want gnome terminal to be the way to do it.

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Fedora :: Gnome Terminal Not Opening ?

Jun 1, 2011

I tried to run


Command automatically in gnome terminal, when i open it. so i changed the setting in edit->profile preferences->title and the command->command section. now when i open the terminal,command is running successfully.afterwards terminal is closed automatically. how to open my terminal prompt.with the sl program running and not closed..

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Fedora :: Colors In Gnome Terminal?

Mar 30, 2010

I am using Fedora 8, gnome, a tcsh login shell, and I would like to have my directories and files color coded when I use ls. I have been searching the internet far and wide today looking for ways to do this. I have tried all the ways I could find: edit .bsrc file, edit DIR_COLORS, edit DIR_COLORS.xterm, create .dircolors, edit etc/profile, edit .cshrc file, alias ls --colors, and all combinations of this. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong.I use su in my terminal I get the colors for ls. So there must be something up with my user profile? I have tried to edit my terminal profiles and my desktop themes neither worked. Please help! I know this is a trivial issue, but now I am on a mission to figure this out.

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Fedora :: Embeding Terminal In Gnome Top Panel?

Jan 8, 2010

Is it possible to embed the terminal in gnome panel?So I want to listen to mplayer radio / playlist and see on my panel what is now playing?(but the panel is "autohide", soI would like that this "embed terminal" wouldhide with my toppanel automaticly)Simply I want on my toppanel see what is playing in mplayer and how big the buffor is

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Fedora :: Remove A Panel From GNOME In Terminal?

Jul 14, 2010

I created a new panel in Gnome (Fedora 12) and it wasn't showing up right. So I just told it to make another (with the same results), and finally one more. So with the two that are there by default, that's 5 total panels... None of the newly created panels where displaying at all. But after creating the last one the system froze up. Now when I try to boot into fedora my system locks up as it's trying to load GNOME...

Is there any way for me to remove those panels through BASH? So I can just boot to a prompt and get them removed. After that I imagine GNOME will load correctly again...

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Fedora :: How To Run Scripts From Gnome Launcher Not In The Terminal

Feb 17, 2011

I want to use the Gnome Launcher to launch a script I made but it will only work if I select "Application in Terminal." It will not launch if I use "Application". I've also noticed that my script will only run in the terminal regardless of how I launch it. Fedora will not let me just double click the file and "Run" the script. I don't want to open a terminal every time I run the script.

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Fedora :: Gnome Terminal Animation FC15

Jun 13, 2011

I'm using FC15 and Xfce4 desktop, as gnome3 does not work well with my ATI 5770HD graphics card and the proprietary catalyst 11.4 driver.When I start gnome-terminal from xfce, there is some (animation?) and the gnome terminal appears normal size then shrinks horizontally.Is there a way to disable this re-sizing ?

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Fedora :: Terminal-based Programs Won't Run Because It Can't Find Libtermcap

May 30, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 on a new machine (Intel Core i3) and one of my terminal-based programs won't run because it can't find libtermcap. The specific error is


error while loading shared libraries: libtermcap.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I seem to have this problem every other time I install a new Fedora. I tried a few things with old libtermcap files from other machines, and I tried looking around the YUM repository, but nothing seemed to work.

What's the proper way to get the libtermcap libraries for a Fedora 12 machine on an iCore i3?

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Fedora :: Dialog Box Opens When Closing Gnome-terminal?

Jun 30, 2009

When closing the gnome-terminal a dialogue box opens that says:

Close This Window?
There is a process still running in this terminal.
Closing this terminal will kill it.

Nothing is running it's complete, so I have to close the box then the terminal closes. I know I'm a perfectionist. how to get rid of this?

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Fedora :: Xterm - Gnome Equivalent Command In Terminal

Aug 31, 2009

Using the following command:
xterm -e tail -f stdout.log

I can see the log of an applications and it's update in realtime. I want to uninstall the gnome and I'm looking for the equivalent command for the terminal. I want on startup tty4 for example to show me the log.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Remove The Title Bar Of Gnome Terminal?

Sep 2, 2009

I am using the X server of Fedora 7 for displaying my application.I am getting the display as I need but I dont want the title bar of gnome terminal titlebar to be displayed.I also dont want the maximize,minimize buttons to be displayed.

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Fedora :: Gnome-terminal Doesn't Recognize Root Pw?

Oct 16, 2009

I have been using Fedora 11 for some time and I ran into a major problem today. I had installed some packages by yum (especially bacula-related) and erased them. Now I can't use gnome-terminal as root. Quote:

[webman@localhost ~]$ su -
su: incorrect password

The password is correct, but it is not accepted as such.

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Fedora :: Gnome-terminal Cursor Bug In Jove Editor?

Apr 3, 2010

I use an ancient text editor - Jove - that I maintain and update myself. It has worked fine on Fedora 6, 7 and 8 under gnome-terminal (known to the Jove editor as xterm). I just installed Fedora 12. When moving around a file being edited, the cursor often 'replicates' itself into a series of blocks (or underlines, depending on the cursor type setting) that seem to correspond to tab-stops. I initially thought it was stumbling on TABs, but it does this weirdness on long strings of blanks, as well. Clearing and redrawing the screen cleans things up until the next movement command.

I _intensively_ checked the code for anything that might be sensitive to the new termcap strings that have come with F12, but nothing. I could live with this if the underline cursor blinked so that I could SEE it in text, but alas, there ain't a blinking cursor. Just found out how to get the cursor blinking on another thread. But, I'd _still_ like go get the 'block' to work right. I compared the termcaps used by Jove in LF8 and LF9 and they were identical. Since the "7-block-wide" cursor bug happens in LF9, 10, 11, and 12 but not in LF8, I can confidently conclude that support for termcap/terminfo has been broken as of Fedora 9. And people ask me why I have four computers. (So I can run F8 F9 and F12 and compare their performance!).

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Fedora :: How To Let Emacs Run In Text-mode In Gnome-terminal

Sep 11, 2010

I had Emacs installed in Fedora 11 and want to run it text-mode,but everytime when I type emacs command in gnome terminal,an emacs graphical window pop up. I want to emacs to back to text-mode by typing M-x text-mode, and it doesn't work.Can emacs run in text-mode in X11 environment?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Start GNS3 Gnome-terminal In F13

Nov 18, 2010

I've tried to access the console in vain. Every time I try to, I get this message


Cannot start gnome-terminal -t R1 -e 'telnet 2000' > /dev/nul/2>&1 &:No such file or directory

Then i decided to use the xterm client instead. But still didn't work


Cannot start xterm -T R1 -e 'telnet 2000' >/dev/null 2>&1 &: No such file or directory

The last option I had was using Kconsole (linux kde) but still it doesn't work. And i get the same error message


Cannot start /usr/lib/kde4/bin/konsole --new-tab -p tabtitle=R1 -e telnet 2000 >/dev/null 2>&1 &: No such file or directory

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Fedora :: Opening Gnome-terminal - To Be Performed Only At Login

Jan 17, 2011

I have a 'special script' in my .bashrc file, which I want to be performed only at Login. When I open a terminal (through a gnome launcher <gnome-terminal> as the command) it unfortunately sources .bashrc.

Hence the opening of the terminal runs the 'special script' again.

How can I instruct .bashrc not to do something except when and only when I am logging in? I found a segment of code which is supposed to do what I want but I am not sure of how it works.


Will this work to put my 'special script' in to ensure that it only runs when it is a login script and not when it is a simple launcher terminal opening?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Restarts Suddenly And Randomly?

Mar 14, 2011

Gnome restarts itself suddenly and (at least it seems so) randomly. Then I have to log in again and everything works fine as before.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-terminal Does Not Read Terminal Sizes From Gconf

Jan 24, 2011

gnome-terminal from the Debian squeeze does not use the 'default_size_columns' and 'default_size_rows' from the /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/ folder of gconf.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Broken, Lost Functionality In Terminal (gnome-terminal)?

Dec 10, 2010

Linux-goers. I did some research on this, but I am still fairly new to Linux. In Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick), I accidentally overwrote my "/bin/bash" file. Dude, using "sudo" with a small typo can work disasters. Bash is now broken in the Terminal (gnome-terminal). Terminal itself still works fine, technically, but bash is still hosed/broken. Here is what I did to try to fix it: Booted from Ubuntu 10.10 live CD. Mounted my Ubuntu partition and manually copied the good/fresh "bash" file onto my hard drive. Verified copy was successful. Didn't help, as you see. Reinstalled "gnome-terminal" using synaptic package manager. Tried to reinstall bash via synaptic, it failed with error, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/bash_4.1-2ubuntu4_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"

In Terminal, all basic commands work as far as I can tell. ("ls", "pwd", navigation, etc.) Here are some problems:My "username@computername" does not display in the prompt; only the $ sign. Bash keyboard shortcuts such as uparrow and tab do not work. Instead, each inserts a key code. I can't even move the cursor left/right. Aliases (a function of bash and .bashrc) are broken, of course. My sanity level decreases when I use Terminal now. For what it's worth, even with "sudo" I get a "permission denied" error when trying to run Google Chrome! I read something about a ".bashrc" file being a possible problem, but I don't know how to make it work, or the file's proper locations in Ubuntu 10.10. Is there something I can do with a "make" or "apt-get install" command or something?? Could this simply be a permissions problem? Is the link to "/bin/bash", "/bin/sh", or a ".bashrc" file broken? Guide me, oh Linux gurus.

P.S. I always wondered what exactly bash was and how it was different from the basic terminal. LoL, this is an excellent way to demonstrate the difference, and I WANT IT BACK!

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Fedora :: Gnome-terminal Text Turns Too Grey To Read (BUG)?

Jul 13, 2010

Changing background to black and text to light seems to work I execute a command, sometimes the output comes out in this faint shade of grey.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Turn On Terminal Bell In Gnome-terminal Using Remote Screen Session With Irssi

Nov 6, 2010

I'm using 10.04, and gnome-terminal GNOME Terminal 2.30.2 . I have irssi running on screen session on remote host. And I've been struggling for quite many days to configure it to produce either visual feedback or ring terminal's bell when I receive a private message or one of those that are highlighted.

My compiz settings window in General tab has 'Audible bell' checked.

My GNOME terminal has 'Terminal bell' checked.

I also added 'set bell-style audible' to my ~/.inputrc

And I also tried to manually load pcspkr module into my kernel.

No of the above helped or at least I haven't been able to notice any difference.

I also used some commands for irssi to produce bell sign.

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General :: Terminal Emulator For GNOME With Display Features Like Mac OS X Terminal?

Mar 5, 2011

Is there a terminal emulator which works well in an Ubuntu desktop and provides the following features which Mac OS X's Terminal application has? Re-wrapping text when the window is resized.A Clear command which clears scrollback (as the shell clear does not) and does not clear the cursor's line (typically containing a prompt).

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Ubuntu :: Computer Shuts Down Randomly - Where To Find Logs

Dec 18, 2010

My computer randomly shuts off sometimes and I'm not sure what causes it. It doesn't always happen when I'm doing the same thing.I know this is hardly any info, but if someone could let me know where I can go to find logs and Also, if this means anything, to restart my computer I need to physically turn it off (the I/O switch on my PS) and let the capacitors on my board empty out before starting it up again.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gnome Mplayer Freeze Randomly?

Mar 19, 2010

I use Gnome mplayer but it freeze random when playing videos and just show a black screen without sound and if i simply press backward or forward button to send it 10 sec forward or backward it will continue to play video until it freeze again.sometimes it takes seconds to freeze and sometimes half an hour or more.

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Ubuntu :: Parts Of Gnome Panels Disappear Randomly?

Mar 25, 2011

upgraded from Lucid to Maverick, panels lose pieces randomly then come back just as randomly. sometimes i have to right click on them other times they just come back after a few minutes on their own. enable desktop effects even though my driver is working fine. and if so is this a driver issue or an xorg issue or a kernel issue and how can i trouble shoot to find out and fix?

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