General :: Boot From A Separate External Partition?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a 320gb USB hard drive, one partition for my files, one for playing Wii games, and one which I would like to use for an Ubuntu instillation. To do this, I partitioned my disk accordingly using Windows, then booted from the Ubuntu CD to install the OS to my external hard drive partition. It asked me where I wanted to install the boot loader, so I selected the hard drive itself, rather than the specific partition, reasoning that it would scan the hard drive for a boot record. However, when I booted it (with USB boot selected) it simply said "No Operating System found, replace system disk and press enter" or something similar.

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Installation :: Boot From A Separate External Partition?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a 320gb USB hard drive, one partition for my files, one for playing Wii games, and one which I would like to use for an Ubuntu instillation.o do this, I partitioned my disk accordingly using Windows, then booted from the Ubuntu CD to install the OS to my external hard drive partition. It asked me where I wanted to install the boot loader, so I selected the hard drive itself, rather than the specific partition, reasoning that it would scan the hard drive for a boot record.However, when I booted it (with USB boot selected) it simply said "No Operating System found, replace system disk and press en

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot From A Separate External Partition?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a 320gb USB hard drive, one partition for my files, one for playing Wii games, and one which I would like to use for an Ubuntu instillation.

To do this, I partitioned my disk accordingly using Windows, then booted from the Ubuntu CD to install the OS to my external hard drive partition. It asked me where I wanted to install the boot loader, so I selected the hard drive itself, rather than the specific partition, reasoning that it would scan the hard drive for a boot record.

However, when I booted it (with USB boot selected) it simply said "No Operating System found, replace system disk and press enter" or something similar.

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General :: Installed Windows On Separate Partition And Now Cannot Boot Ubuntu

Feb 3, 2010

I originally had my full hard drive as a full Ubuntu partition but I then re-sized that and installed Windows on a new partition. Now I guess the boot sector got overwritten and I don't have a choice to boot either Windows or Ubuntu. I know I have to reconfigure GRUB or another boot loader to allow the choice but I am not sure of how to go about that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Separate Boot Partition - Doesn't Care About The Boot Flag On The Disk

Feb 14, 2010

Ubuntu 8.04.4

Added an SSD (dev/sdc) and decided to move some less often changed directories there. Started with /usr and /boot, leaving / on a primary in the first drive, for now. All started ok, and my changed fstab mounted the right ones, and the system works.

However, grub is actually using the original /boot on / on sda1. I cannot see any way to change this. (Which makes it sorta hard to update the kernel

From grub:

Okay, since it has two choices, I tried to tell it which one to use. But, grub> root (hd2,5) does nothing.

Disk /dev/sda:

what I seem to recall, grub doesn't care about the boot flag on the disk. Nor does it care about primary vs. logical (except GNU doc says "makeactive" only works on a primary?).

The GNU doc also indicates that it looks for a directory /boot on the partition, so if you're mounting a partition as /boot, it also needs to contain a /boot directory under it. Tried that, but no change.

Is my problem the logical partition? Does that prevent "grub> root" from changing it? I'm afraid to wipe out the old /boot and find that I can't start up.

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Ubuntu :: Boot Partition To Be Kept Separate?

Nov 25, 2010

is their a boot partiton that need to be kept seperate in ubuntu? Screenshot.png those are my partitons in the pic above am i okay to merge them all into the dev/sda2 or is it like windows and i need to keep a small section back for the boot?

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General :: IMac Boot From Partition On External Drive?

Apr 3, 2011

I have the following "setup:"

iMac (no internal drive/dead) --------- (Firewire) ------- [[MAC OS X]]

I routinely use the firewire drive to boot MAC OS X.However, I would like to boot from the linux partition of the USB drive. This linux partition had linux installed on it from a live cd, and during that process, I told the installer to install GRUB on the usb drive (which happened to be /dev/sdd).My question is, how do I get this disk to show up during the iMac option-boot? Currently, only the firewire MAC OS X option shows up. I have read about rEFIT, but that appears to install it to the Mac OS X disk (would that still work?)...Also mentioned was installing rEFIT to the internal EFI system partition, but I don't know if that is wise.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Using A Separate Boot Partition?

Jan 26, 2010

P4 2.4gHZ 2.0GB Ram I have tried to do some reading on this by googling and such, but it is all a bit overwhelming and so many posts/articles want to deal with dual booting which I am not planning to do on this machine. I am trying to find some info on whether it is better to have a separate boot partition. As in, separate from root partition. I have read that a separate boot partition makes for a quicker start and better recovery if system crashes. I will shortly be installing openSuse 11.2(KDE) [currently on 11.0] and I want to optimise the partition scheme so that it is the most efficient. I have a 160GB HDD that will be housing this new installation, so space is not a problem. I am only user on this machine. Currently, it is just partitioned as such:

2.0GB - swap [because I read it should equal Ram]
32.0GB - /
40.0GB - /home
76.8GB - extra storage [Not really necessary as I have 2 other HDD on system 1 - 320GB and 1 - 200GB]

Also, is it recommended to have separate partitions for /tmp /var or any other /nnn ?

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Fedora Installation :: Moving - Boot To A Separate Partition ?

Apr 23, 2009

Trying to dual-boot OpenSolaris and FC10 is difficult because Solaris grub doesn't know about ext3 and Fedora grub doesn't know about ZFS. I was able to rescue my FC10 installation by creating a new FAT16 partition and restoring /boot to it from a dump, and then doing a grub setup to it. A complication is that anaconda doesn't seem to be able to find /dev/md0 (both the Solaris and FC10 installs use mirrored disks).

This process moved the FC10 ext3 partition from /dev/sda3 to /dev/sda4, but the other half of the mirror is still /dev/sdb3.

When I boot FC10 I get a "can't load image" error from grub, but it still loads FC10 successfully. It makes no difference if menu.1st/grub.conf has "root (hd0,1)" (the FAT16 partition) or "root (hd0,3)" (the FC10 ext3 partition).

If a future yum update were to try to install a new kernel, my FAT16 partition would not be updated. It seems to me both these problems might be solved if I could move /boot from /dev/md0 to /dev/sda2 (/dev/sda2 is the FAT16 partition).

Rather than go through yet another install, would the following work?

from FC10, move /boot to (say) /boot.0
mkdir /boot
edit fstab to include "mount /dev/sda2 /boot"

If I try this and it doesn't work, I can't see any way to undo it since anaconda doesn't seem to be able to mount /dev/md0. If a grub guru sees this, perhaps they could suggest a better alternative, or if not, whether this will work or not.

Additionally, although there are two alternatives in menu.1st/grub.conf, grub doesn't display a menu - it goes directly to boot. Any idea why? I suppose this might be a Solaris stage1 grub problem...

Since FAT16 doesn't support links, it isn't possible to link grub.conf to menu.1st. Are they both required?

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Fedora Installation :: Triple Boot - Using The Separate Partition?

May 29, 2010

I am triple booting

Windows xp
UBUNTU 10.04
Fedora 13

Everything works fine, the setup went very well. But I got to thinking (A dangerous thing for me). In Ubuntu I am using separate partitions for / (root) and /home. I was wondering, during install of Fedora, could I use the separate partition I am using now for both root and /home for just / (root) and use the Ubuntu /home partition for Fedora (set the mount point for /home to the same partition as I did for Ubuntu and not format the drive)? This would allow me to seamlessly use the /home partition and not require duplication of files. I can mount the Ubuntu /home dir while in Fedora.I can share the /home partition with two different installs of Ubuntu (been there).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Use Separate /boot Partition With Grub 2

Aug 25, 2010

While installing with a separate /boot partition I cannot get two distinct copies of ubu installed on one machine and be able to choose between them. Each is installed on a different hard drive. x64 versions. I've had this issue both ways:

Stepsinstall mythbuntu
install ubuntu

Two entries in grub. Both cause ubuntu to boot

Stepsinstall ubuntu
install mythbuntu

Two entries in grub. Both cause mythbuntu to boot Grub 2 is so unfriendly for fixing these things. I don't know where to make changes. Ok, Grub 2 is very powerful, maybe it's the lagging documentation, or lack of tutorials that is the problem. But I don't know how to fix this. Do I start over without the /boot partition? Do I bail on ubu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Separate Non Raid Boot Partition?

Aug 9, 2011

I have been working in my spare time over the last few days, Had problems with the whole grub2 not installing on RAID 1. Then I found out that I had to have a separate non raid Ext4 partition on one drive with "/Boot" as mount point and install went though fine.

My question is, will the developers FIX this. I mean if I only have 2 x 2tb drives in teh pc as RAID 1, and the one fails with the boot partition the whole machine goes down. Kinda defeats the whole RAID feature huh.

I USED to run a windows network with RAID 5 servers, and windows never had a problem installing everything on the RAID. Or even setting up RAID 1 in the bios on the PC and installing XP or NT4 on the RAID 1. There was never a need for a separate non raid boot partition.

Do we need a separate RAID friendly/enabled Grub? I guess for now I will get a 250gb drive and install the Server OS to it, and setup RAID1 manually after the server OS boots. Then will make a ghost type image of the server in case that drive fails so I can quickly install a new drive and restore the image and get it back up and running again.

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Fedora :: Install Grub To A Partition And Link It To A Separate /boot?

Nov 20, 2009

Where can I install grub? I know it can be installed to the mbr of a hard drive. I also know it can be installed to a /boot partition. Can I install it to a lvm partition? Does it have to be /boot? grub-install --root-directory=/boot /dev/hda Does this command install grub to a partition and link it to a separate /boot? I have fedora, but this is a live cd. I need to learn where I can install grub2 to boot

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Installation :: Multibooting Multiple Distros With A Separate / Boot Partition For GRUB

Mar 27, 2010

Noobish question on multibooting multiple Linux distros. I have four of the current major Linux distributions. Each has been installed and run individually (no other Linux distribution installed) in a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. No problem.

What I want to do is install all four Linux distributions and multiboot them. Reading the internet it would seem this is a simple task with GRUB. The short version being - install a Linux distro with a separate /boot partition for GRUB and use GRUB to boot the other Linux distros from the GRUB boot menu.

So I installed one of the Linux distros with a separate partition for /boot. The distro installer installed GRUB in /boot and correctly setup a dual-boot configuration with Windoze. GRUB was installed to the MBR. Next I installed a second Linux distro in its own root partition and told the distros installer NOT to install GRUB to the MBR, but rather, to the boot sector of the root partion of the second Linux distro. Installation was uneventful (and I could access the second Linux partition from the first installed Linux distro, things looked ok). Then I added to following to the installed (MBR - /boot) GRUB's menu.lst:

Code: title lixux distro 2
root (hd0,7)

chainloader +1 After which I rebooted the system and the new entry for the second Linux distro now appears in the GRUB boot menu. I selected the second Linux distro from the boot menu and got the following GRUB error: Error 5 : Partition table invalid or corrupt

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Fedora Installation :: On Vista - Keep The Windows Boot Loader And Also Install On A Usb Drive Or A Separate Partition

Aug 16, 2009

install fedora 11 on Vista I want to keep the windows boot loader and also install on a usb drive or a seperate partition that has 10GB free "install doesn't see partition's". Recently I installed ubuntu and had a major problem with booting, without having the usb drive connected I couldn't boot windows so uninstalled it. I'm trying to install now but install does'nt give me any option to select partitions from my drives one 320GB "portable, 3 partitions" and 80GB "main os 2 partitions one partition has 10GB free"

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General :: Shift / Home To Separate Partition?

Sep 2, 2010

Is there a way to move /home to a separate partition?
also, i would like to know if the /home partition can be fat32 or ntfs.

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General :: Installing Mint 8 On Separate Partition?

Feb 16, 2010

want get Linux mint8 on to a separate partition but when i go into advance in the partition menu and and chose the partition i want,in this case (e),(c) having windows xp on says root file system is defined.

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General :: Install Windows 7 On Media Partition \ Keep Media Partition Completely Separate From Any OS?

Apr 24, 2010

I just bought a new hard drive so that I could convert my XP-only machine into an XP-Ubuntu-Windows 7 triple boot machine.Since the drive is absurdly huge (1 TB) I wouldn't mind throwing ReactOS into the mixtoo.I just found out that master boot records are limited to 4 entries, meaning 4 primary partitions. I had Windows XP set up on my old drive as a boot partition, a program files partition and a media partition. Since I really didn't want to install XP from scratch, I cloned this setup on my new drive.

This leaves me one MBR partition entry for installing Windows 7, Ubuntu and ReactOS. I'd like to avoid having to install XP from scratch like the plague, partly because it's supposed to be a safety net in case things go wrong with my other OS's and because I've invested a lot of time getting it set up exactly the way I like it.Here are the options I've considered and why I don't like them:Install Windows 7 on my media partition. This would work, but I prefer to keep my media partition completely separate from any OS, so that I can reformat an OS partition without affecting my media partition at all.

Use wubi or something to install Ubuntu in the same partition as something else. Again, this is brittle.Move all my media to a logical drive on an extended partition. Create another logical drive on this extended partition for Ubuntu. The problem here is that extended partitions are rather brittle--if you nuke one, it renders the rest useless.Just put the old drive back in my computer and run XP off it. Use the new one for the other OS's. The problem here is that the old drive is slower and uses extra power, generates extra heat, etc.

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General :: Grub2 Indirect Booting From Separate Partition?

Oct 2, 2010

I have multiple distros that I chainload and I have installed a grub2 shell to the partition and can boot manual. I can not seem to get a grub.cfg file to work. Is there a directory that needs to be built for this file?

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General :: Make Incremental Backups On A Separate Partition Of The Same Hard Drive?

Jan 22, 2010

one would have to exclude certain folders / directories but would the backup be possible if the system is up and running in its native "live" state ? Which directories could be excluded ? Does swap need to be turned off ? I would like to make incremental backups on a separate partition of the same hard drive. I will endeavour to backup the MBR/ Partition table using dd.

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Debian :: Separate /home Partition From System Partition - Free Space Gone?

Dec 15, 2010

My debian 5 is up and running smoothly and act as file-server in the middle of windows network jungle using samba the only problem is, after backup an external hdd (213 GB) to my /home partition, I end up with message say that I'm running out free space. Fyi my debian installed on 1TB SATA disk, and I separate my /home partition from system what happen to my free space ? here is screenshot of my disk, using disk usage analyzer: is there is a way to get my space back or something missing on my setup.or I have to reinstall my debian and use LVM when partitioning my disk?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Separate "settings" Partition But Common Home Partition On System With 2 Distro

Feb 7, 2010

I was surprised not to find an existing thread on this anywhere, as I would expect this to be a common problem: I have the following partitions on my eee PC 100HE:

10GB Windows XP
5GB Linux Mint 8
5GB Ubuntu 9.10 NBR (awesome distro by the way!)
130GB Home partition shared by Linux Mint and Ubuntu NBR
2GB Swap partition shared by Linux Mint and Ubuntu NBR

I installed Ubuntu NBR after Mint. Immediately after install, the panel layout, menus and colour scheme were slightly messed up - presumeably because they had been "adopted" from the Mint settings in the home folder. I corrected them easily, but now I have the same problem in Mint. Is there any way I can get both distros to use the same /home folder, but different settings (i.e. the /home/username/. folders)? Can I get these settings folders put on a different partition for example?

And is this problem due only to the fact that these are 2 Ubuntu-based distros? Or will I have the same problem if/when I replace Mint with another distro, such as Fedora or Moblin?

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General :: Separate Single LVM Partition "/" ?

Jun 23, 2011

I have installed my server running centos 5.6 on single LVM partiton

scheme is luke this:
/boot - ext3
Volume Group
- System LV - /
- Swap LV - swap

how can i separate devide root partition on several partition for separate directories like

Volume Group
- System - /
- Home - /home
- Var - /var
- Swap - swap

Is there any chance to do this ? also is there are basic recomendations for server partition sizes ? i will have mail server and virtual host there in /home vmail and vhost is it ok: 10gb - /; 20gb - /var; 200gb - /home ?

of course after doing separate LVM partitions i can expand them in future, but what are basics ?

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General :: External HD Partition Not Visible Under /dev/sdb?

Oct 19, 2010

I have an old external 20GB HD formatted with NTFS. It used to be able to mount in Ubuntu just fine. One day I copied a huge file into it, then suddenly it failed to mount. nitially the message was something like the following:

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error


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General :: Resize Partition On External Drive

Mar 21, 2009

Computer hardware is not my bag. I accidentally installed ubuntu on external F drive, thinking it was C drive, unaware that ubuntu installs on drive with most available space. Installation involved partitioning the drive in about half. So, before I install it on C drive, I want to restore my F drive. I deleted partition using XP Disk Management tool and tried to use gParted on Parted Magic live boot cd to resize remaining partition that contains my data. But it doesn't seem able to expand the good partition to reclaim the 'unallocated' space. How do I accomplish this? Must I backup and reformat?

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Ubuntu :: Keep /home On A Separate Partition?

Feb 14, 2010

I keep my /home on a separate partition. After every clean install of Ubuntu my old panel configuration is loaded. Meaning, shortcuts on my panel and different applets I've put on my panels as well.

what file in the /home folder is keeping these settings? Simply, I'd like to delete so I can have that "fresh" install feeling on my desktop.

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Ubuntu :: Separate The Partition For /home?

Apr 29, 2011

I have installed various distros/releases of linux over the past few days and have read of a few people keeping separate partitions for their /home folders. I have a few questions:

1) I assume /home is installed with the OS and would always be on the OS partition.

2) Can I repartition the drive even though I am already installed to allocate space or would I have to start from scratch, create the partitions, and reinstall the OS?

3) How much space would one need for a home folder? Majority of hdd right?

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Fedora Installation :: How Big To Make Separate Partition

Aug 5, 2010

I run several OSes (all Linux) on my computer. I set a separate partition for each one. I want to run Fedora 13 LXDE mainly for a game or two that are in the Fedora repos but not in any others, so I will not need a lot of space. But I want to make sure there is enough room for the OS.

I want to be able to play CloneKeen, so I will need enough space for that. I may find some other games, as well, so I will need some extra space. I have my other two OSes on six GB apiece, and Peppermint actaully uses barely half of that. Will 6GB be enough for a basic Fedora install with a few games installed? I will not really use Fedora for anything else, probably.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 On A Separate Partition - Hangs

Oct 24, 2010

I want to get into the Linux world and trying to install openSuse 11.3 on a separate partition, so I can start getting familiar with it. Installation started and PREPARATION was OK. INSTALLATION WAS OK. While doing Automatic Configuration after a little while the program stops (it hangs). I have to restart the computers by pushing the hdw reset button.

At next reboot, at the partition menu I choose openSUSE option; the program starts and after a while it says that previous installation failed and ask me if I want to retry. I do choose yes, but than again same thing happens - hangs and does not complete automatic configration (which by the way seems to be the last step of the installation). PC is a 2,8GHz, 1GB RAM, Windows OS XPHome and Service PAck3, and now partially loaded openSUSE11.3. OS

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OpenSUSE Install :: Moving /usr To Separate Partition?

Jul 24, 2011

I have a dual boot system with Vista and OpenSUSE 11.3 . Linux is distributed over 2 partitions: one for /home and one root partition for all the rest. As this root partition is getting filled, I thought of taking a 10 GB partition from the Vista partition and using this for the /usr folder (= 6 GB). This partition is a primary partition, while the rest of Linux is on secondary partitions.To be save, I renamed the existing /usr to /usr-old and created an empty /usr as mount point. I changed fstab to load the root partition, the /usr partition and then the /home partition.But when I started the system, there were a lot of errors about files not found in the /usr folder, lthought this folder and is content were clearly present when browsing the filesystem. What went wrong? Hard links? Other system configurations to change? Not possible to put /usr on a separate partition?

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