General :: 567 Is A 3 Character Number Why The O/p Is 4

Jan 11, 2011

look into the following command...

asit@ubuntu:~/script$ echo 567 | wc -c

though 567 is a 3 character number, why the o/p is 4 ??

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General :: Use The Man / Info / Apropos Pages - Character Instructed The Shell To Interpret A Special Character As An Ordinary Character?

Mar 27, 2010

1.What character instructd the shell to interpret a special character as an ordinary character?

2.What directory contains some of the utilities available on the system in the form of binary files?

3. What command is used to search the location of a utility?

4. What command is used to instruct the editor to write the file and quit the editor?

5. What key quits the more utility and displays the shell prompt?

6. What command starts a child shell as the super user, taking on root's identity and environment?

7. Which wildcard characters can be used for searching all the files in the system that start with "A"?

8. The user name or login name of the super user is????


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Ubuntu Installation :: DPKG - Invalid Character In Version Number

Oct 29, 2010

# sudo dpkg -i vasre-se-1.1.1~Debian_5-i386.deb dpkg: error processing vasre-se-1.1.1~Debian_5-i386.deb (--install):
parse error, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/' near line 2 package 'vasre-se':
error in Version string '1.1.1~Debian_5': invalid character in version number
Errors were encountered while processing:

I did install same package ok in 10.4 but now after I upgrade to 10.10 I am getting this error. I have already tried:
# sudo dpkg --clear-avail
# sudo aptitude update
# sudo aptitude upgrade

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Ubuntu :: Ibm_lotus_notes_fixpack-8.5.2.i586.deb : Invalid Character In Revision Number

May 4, 2011

Impossible to install the Lotus Notes 8.5.2 FP2


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General :: Unix Ps -l Priority Whoes One Number In Column "PRI" But In Same Time Ps -o Pri Shows Another Number?

May 21, 2011

Why does unix ps -l whows one number in column "PRI" but in same time ps -o pri shows another number? cpu and nice are zero for those processes

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Ubuntu :: Frozen Panel - Messing Around With The Alternate Character Panel App And Made A Custom Character Set

Jun 12, 2011

I was messing around with the alternate character panel app and made a custom character set. I then wanted to put it on a new panel and created a new panel. I moved the character set to that panel, and then started to mess around with the panel settings (auto hide, show hide buttons, and expand, to be specific.) So far so good, until I moved the panel from the right side of the screen to the top. I already had a panel here, and it seemed not to like hiding a panel when there was already one on the top.

When the new panel hid itself, all my panels stopped responding (any clicks on them did nothing) and my processor started going at 100%. I tried a reboot and the only thing that changed is that now I can't even see my panels. I'm guessing I need to change the settings back manually through the prompt, but I don't know how to do that. I am using 10.04 and have not upgraded gnome since upgrading to 10.04.

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General :: VI And Vim And Set Default Character?

May 11, 2011

1,i access my server via secureCRT, when i typed the Code: vim in it, it shows Code: -bash: vim: command not found . how to install the vim? my linux version is centos.

2, when i typed some chinese characters in VI, it shows unnormal. maybe i should set the default character to UTF-8. but i don't know how to set it.

3,i want to copy a html file code to VI, how do i do?

4,how to create a file. like this? Code: mkdir filename ?how to rename the file, which i created by VI and had some contents in the file.

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General :: Sed Add A Character To The End Of Each Line

Aug 5, 2010

I am using the following command to add a comma to the end of each line in my file:

but for some reason the comma gets placed on a new line in between each line in the file. Why is this?

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General :: Bind / Map Character To Alt+?

Dec 23, 2009

In programming and various terminal programs (Screen, Vim) the [, ], { and } tends to be used a lot. I'm using a Norwegian keyboard where these are placed such that I have to stretch my fingers a bit too long for whats comfortable. To make it easier I though I'd try to make alt+[some key] be one of these characters. Is there a way that I can bind, say alt+� (Norwegian letter) to '{' system wide?Btw, is such thing called binding, mapping or something else? I'm getting a bit confused by the terms...

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General :: Cut Only 2nd Line And 2 Character?

Apr 6, 2010

i have a trouble here to cut a file

cut -c1-2 /etc/hasil.log


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General :: How To Set Character Set Per Application In Slackware

Jul 9, 2010

I am attempting to set a character set of IBM850 on slackware linux for a particular application (epic5). I am using rxvt-unicode and have setup LANG/LC_*=en_US. Now if I set the encoding to IBM850 in kde's konsole program im able to display certain characters correctly. I'd rather not use IBM850 for everything; is there a way to set/alias a command for a per application execution?

I've tried things like:
LC_CTYPE=IBM850 epic5
LC_ALL=IBM850 epic5

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General :: Formatting $PS1 To X Amount Of Character?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm looking for a way to force my PS1 variable to a certain number of chars.
It currently looks like:

$PS1="W $"

and I'm trying to keep the same number of characters regardless of the length of current folder name.

For example, both Documents and bin would be displayed as 10 character strings, keeping the left side of my terminal the same width all of the time.

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General :: Vi Command To Delete Character?

Jan 12, 2010

i need some help to solve thisif i have this , CREATE TABLE "HALOOO"in one lineafter this line they have "BRANCH INFO" how do i use the (") that is in create table line and not affect other line

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General :: Change File Character Set?

Aug 9, 2010

I would like to know how I can change a file so it has the same character encoding as files saved as comma separated csv files from Microsoft Excel.

I have tried using iconv to do this. code...

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General :: Read From A Character Device?

Oct 5, 2009

i studied the program chardev.c from 'The kernel module programming guide'. The text tells me that by doing a :

1. 'cat' the character device is opened.

2. hi > /dev/hello the character device is written into.

now i wanted to know how to 'read' from the character device !

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General :: How To Unregister A Character Device

May 17, 2010

I'm reading linux device drivers,
and I'm creating a scull-like driver.

I alloc a chrdev region

how can i deallocate it ? I tried with
unregister_chrdev_region but it does work only for
statically allocated devices.

i want to deallocate it so that only a single major number is assigned to my driver and

cat /dev/devices | grep $dev_name
returns no more than 1 line.

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General :: Alternate Key For Character Like Alt+65 Combination

Apr 19, 2011

I have a keyboard with two faulty buttons, and I don't want to through away my keyboard just for two buttons.I have linux and windows, In DOS and Windows I somehow managed to get away with this problem by typing Alt+65 (for letter 'A') and so on.and in Linux while in GUI I take use of on screen keyboard. But problem starts with when I work in run level 3.

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General :: Character Setting With X11 Using SUSE

Jul 19, 2010

I am accessing a program through X11. My OS is Suse 10.3. However when I access this program, the menu bar title are not letter but a string of characters of "[]". I need to find a way to perform a character setting for X11 using SUSE.

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General :: Remove A Certain Character From A Variable?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to remove single quote from a variable. eg: Suppose I have a variable VAR='TEST' (including single quotes) How can I remove single quotes and make it TEST.

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General :: Replacing Character / Value In Certain Column

Jun 21, 2011

I need to replace a value in a file. For example the content of data.txt file is:
1 1 23
2 1 42
3 2 52
4 2 62
5 1 77
6 1 88
7 2 99
8 1 100

Could I substitute 2 in second column with 3 using awk and or sed or other command so that the data will be change as follow?
1 1 23
2 1 42
3 3 52
4 3 62
5 1 77
6 1 88
7 3 99
8 1 100

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General :: Sed Code To Replace Character?

May 17, 2011

This is what i doing to remove ( and ) sed 's/(//'|sed 's/)//') Can you offer me some better sed code that remove ( and ) with blank without using pipe (|) . I mean sed code that check ( or ) and replace that with blank character.

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General :: Remove Abnormal Character DEL From A File Name?

Jul 22, 2011

I have got certain files which somehow contain abnormal character "Del" "0x7f" or 177 which represents Del. And this is causing SVN to reject these files and abruptly end the process. I need to remove those characters from the file names but am not able to. find or grep do not search the files. This is how the file looks like with ls or find code...

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General :: Concatenate Two Files With A New Line Character Between Them

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to concatenate two files with a carriage return.

Iam not sure how we can implement this using .sh script.

For ex:

I tried concatenating using:

I got an output like:

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General :: Displaying Chinese Character In Fedora?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to display chinese character in filename and also on firefox, any link so that I can check out how to do this?

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General :: How To Search For String (Real Character) In Vim

Dec 1, 2010

How can I search "$" in vim, which is not the end of line but the real char '$'.

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General :: How To Handle Character In Bash Shell

Apr 30, 2011

i have a script where i need to pass an argument "1234:-)"if i run this as ./ 1234:-)it wont work because invalid character. i need to handle this with expect utility so if i pass it as ./ "1234:-)"no issue in bash but expect does not recognize this.

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General :: Replace A Character With The Output Of Some Commands Using Sed?

Mar 16, 2010

rm -f /www/emailout/template.html
TODAY=`date '+%d-%m-%y'`
DBRUN=`ps ax | grep dtd `
sed -e 's/ncTODAY/'"$TODAY"'/g' -e "s/ncdbrun/'"$DBRUN"'/g" /www/emailout/test1.html > /www/emailout/template.html

But, I can't get the output of $DBRUN ?

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General :: Server Character Encoding - Install?

Mar 15, 2010

we have a dedicated linux server for our web hosting services which we purchased a few months ago...however the support is limited and every time we ask for assistance we are told to find the answer ourselves and pay the techies to install our solution! Anyway... we seem to have issues with character encoding on our websites - any text that isn't fully ASCII coded is outputted as funny symbols - for example:


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General :: Serial Input Read Into A Character App?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a character app running on a Linux server with a telnet thin client. This app requires 3 input values that I would like to be filled in from a scale indicator that is connected via serial to the PC running this app. I feel like this is doable but not sure how. The app is running in Progress 10.1B. Currently I can see the 3 values coming from the serial port with hyperterminal but I do not want to have to rekey into the app.

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General :: Using Grep With Accent Character Present

Jul 7, 2011

I am filtering some output from gcc with grep. But if the output contains the accent character (`) I run into a problem.Then I have to press ctrl/c to get back to a prompt.

(1) Can someone tell me what is going on? I suspect that it is trying to match up the accent with another accent. But my output is from gcc and there is no control over the fact that it uses an accent and a single quote around a name.
(2) Can someone tell me how to do the grep so it does not give the ">" prompt but instead locates "xcvr" in my example?

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