Fedora :: Using The Revelation Password Manager?

Oct 15, 2010

my teacher ask me to use revelation 4 controlling password ... I installed it from their homepage,but i don't find useful from it.I can creat name,password ... just look it ) I wonder that : can i use it to manage user,password in firefox or thumpbird or other service ?

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Fedora :: How To Use Revelation Password Manager

Jul 17, 2010

just begin with linux last week .... But my teacher ask me to use revelation 4 controlling password ... I installed it from their homepage,but i don't find useful from it.I can creat name,password ... just look it ) I wonder that : can i use it to manage user,password in firefox or thumpbird or other service ?

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CentOS 5 :: Revelation Password Manager Panel Applet Missing?

May 31, 2010

I'm running 5.5 on one DT 32bit and am just trying it on a Dell laptop. 64bit. Both are current in update terms.

Having just got Revelation 0.4.11 working on the laptop, I notice that the panel applet, 'Revelation Account Search' is not available, whereas it is still listed on the DT.

Firstly, why would this be and secondly, is it possible to copy this across because I find it really useful?

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Fedora :: Revelation Fail On KDE?

Jul 4, 2011

I normally use Revelation password manager in KDE. After F15 x86 KDE install it no longer works for me. Anyone able to use it in similar configuration?

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Fedora :: Install Password Gorilla But Cannot Find It In The Package Manager?

Aug 23, 2010

I would like to install Password Gorilla but I cannot find it in the package manager, is it available in F12? It may be that I need to install another repository but I do not know which one, as far as I'm aware I have all of the 'standard' ones.

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Password For Password Manager?

Mar 17, 2011

When I login to my laptop, there's a dialog that asks me for a password. When I fill that in, it allows the network manager to access my wifi password and connect to the wifi.How can I change the password that network manager is asking for? It's kinda awkward to ask this question - I am not asking how to change my wifi password, but the password that comes up - Seahorse? I'm not sure what's used on Lubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Network Manager Requires To Enter Password Every Time - Login To Unlock Password Keyring?

Jan 29, 2009

I've tried Ubuntu, Arch, and most recently Fedora but the SUSE GNOME environment blows everything else away!

The only problem (so far) is that Network Manager requires you to enter your password every time you login to unlock the password keyring. I want to disable this.

I think some distros disable the prompt by using the login password to unlock the keyring, but I use auto-login (if that makes a difference).

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Ubuntu :: CLI Password Manager ?

Jun 15, 2010

Does anybody want to recommend a CLI password manager? All the ones I've found are in questionable maintenance or don't have a track record for me to look at.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 - Searching For Useful Password Manager

Mar 27, 2011

I am searching for a usefull PasswordManager for Opensuse 11.4. All I found till here are Apps that wont run. I found:
Password Gorilla (wont run)
KeePassX (I am not even able to install)
Password Dragon (is a Java App, that is just launchable via Terminal and I dont know how secure it is).

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Ubuntu :: Finding A CLI Password Manager?

May 2, 2010

Does anybody want to recommend a CLI password manager? All the ones I've found are in questionable maintenance or don't have a track record for me to look at.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update Manager Not Asking For Password

Sep 12, 2010

I just checked for updates using update manager. It found some (49) updates recommended/required, but when I clicked 'update', it started and completed the update w/o asking for sudo password.

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Password Problem.

Jan 2, 2010

After forgetting my general password/password lost by Ubuntu (uses @...) I use the Psychocats lost password guide: [url]

This allowed me to reset my password but now after login the Network Manager applet pops up and demands a password.

This password is the original password that has now been changed. Putting this original password works.

I've now changed my password back to the original one to avoid the Network Manager prompt but I can't find where to change the Network Manager password or tell it to use my general password.

If I change my general password Network Manager asks for the old one.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Update Manager From Always Asking For Password?

Sep 2, 2010

I recently set up an Ubuntu computer for a friend who is new to Ubuntu and who is complaining that very often, Ubuntu's Update Manager pops up and asks for password to install updates. How could we make the Update Manager install updates quietly in the background without interrupting and asking for password? Maybe this should even be set as default in forthcoming versions of Ubuntu!

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Ubuntu :: How To Stop Update Manager From Always Asking For Password

Nov 12, 2010

I recently set up an Ubuntu computer for a friend who is new to Ubuntu and who is complaining that very often, Ubuntu's Update Manager pops up and asks for password to install updates. How could we make the Update Manager install updates quietly in the background without interrupting and asking for password? Maybe this should even be set as default in forthcoming versions of Ubuntu!

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General :: Getting The Tomcat Manager Username And Password ?

May 12, 2010

Just wanted to know Where would i get the Tomcat manager's username and password .My tomcat version is apache-tomcat-5.5.29.




<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="tomcat"/>
<role rolename="role1"/>


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Debian Multimedia :: Network-manager - Openvpn Does Not Ask For Password ?

Mar 9, 2011

I have setup my laptop to connect to a VPN server running openvpn.

This works fine if I from the client, start OpenVPN from the terminal. /etc/init.d/openvpn start

It then asks for a password for the certificate, which is should.

I have then installed the OpenVPN option for the Gnome network manager (network-manager-openvpn), so I could use the nm-applet for this, instead.

But it seems to be that there is a little bug, so I does not prompt me for the certificate password, OR use the password this is actually set for the certificate. (kinda irritating)

I get the following error on on the client.

nm-openvpn[2936]: ERROR: could not read Private Key username/password/ok/string from management interface

It seems like an very old bug, I tried the following without any luck (Yes I noticed it was for Ubuntu). [url]

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Forgetting WPA Password

Jan 23, 2010

Booted up my laptop with wireless disabled (using the little switch on the laptop). I flipped the switch, network manager showed all the wireless networks, but didn't connect to any. So I picked mine, and it asked for the WPA key. Now normally (if I had booted with wireless enabled) it would connect without asking for the WPA key. So I rebooted again with wireless enabled this time, and same deal. It seems that it's just forgotten the key altogether.

I put in the key and it's all back to normal, but I'd like to know where/how network manager is storing the WPA key, and why it forgot it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Won't Accept Password?

Apr 7, 2010

I'm using 9.10 most recent updates. I want to connect to a wireless network and get a dialog box offering "WPA & WPA2 personal" as the only choice. The passphrase I was given is 6 letters but the "Connect" button does not light up until I get to 8 when entering wpa/wpa2.

Do I need to convert the passphrase somehow?

Atheros 9k and Linksys "Wirelss G router with SRX200".

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic Package Manager Won't Recognize Password?

May 23, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 i386 and I installed the unity desktop by using sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop. However when I try to open the synaptic package manager it won't recognize my password. It just keeps asking me for the administrator password. I can open update manager which also needs the admin password. This is a fresh install all I have done is installed the ubuntu desktop. I am currently trying to install KDE desktop to see if it works on there. I also have had this problem on my laptop which runs 11.04 x64 desktop edition. Does anyone else have this problem or is it just me? and is there a fix? also what is the terminal command to launch the packet manager? edit. It started working on my laptop a week or so ago after I did updates. So I'm not sure if the server version of unity or the packet manager is just behind? I have run the update manager on my server and it says its uptodate.

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Software :: Best Password Manager And Form Filler For Firefox?

Feb 14, 2011

What's the best password manager & form filler for Firefox?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Refuses To Remember Password

Jan 20, 2010

I routinely use somewhat spotty wireless hotspots, and Network Manager is driving me insane. Whenever there's a momentary drop, NM will prompt me for my password. I enter it, and it connects perfectly. And then 5 minutes later, it'll prompt me again. How do you instruct NM to remember a password, and stop prompting?

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Ubuntu :: Sharing Gnome Password Manager Between Multiple Accounts

May 17, 2010

I use gnome password manager. It stores encrypted passwords in the ~/.gpass directory.I have 2 users, johnny, and audio. My default gpass setup is at /home/johnny/.gpass I've created a group called gpassusers and added johnny and audio. I chgrp'd /home/johnny/.gpass to gpassusers. I chmod'd /home/johnny/.gpass 770 (to give group access) I then created a symlink as follows


ln -s /home/johnny/.gpass /home/audio/.gpass

when I try to cd into /home/audio/.gpass I get


audio@picard:~$ cd .gpass
bash: cd: .gpass: Permission denied

for sanity's sake, here's the ls of johnny's home directory


drwxrwx--- 2 johnny gpassusers 4096 2010-05-17 19:34 .gpass

and here's the ls of audio's home directory


lrwxrwxrwx 1 audio audio 19 2010-05-17 19:34 .gpass -> /home/johnny/.gpass

and just to verify groups are set up properly


audio@picard:~$ groups audio
audio : audio adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape dip video plugdev fuse admin gpassusers
audio@picard:~$ groups johnny


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Ubuntu Servers :: Tomcat Manager Username And Password Failed

Sep 27, 2010

I have tomcat 5.x installed and is running on port 80(with mod_jk setup). The directories 'manager', 'examples' and 'ROOT' were removed under /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/ and rebuilt them copying from a working tomcat server. When I acces [URL] (or) [URL], it keeps on prompting for the password even after enter correct username and password.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Packet Manager Doesn't Recognize The Password

Dec 10, 2010

just setup ubuntu server 10.10 on my new home server, installing usual stuff ect and came to install TCL, however had a couple of errors and done a bit of digging, come across a thread here that told me i needed to enable the 'repositories' packets in my packet manager, then went to open the packet manager and its doesn't recognize my password, although i can use sudo just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Requires Non-Existent Root Password?

Aug 8, 2010

One of my machines running 10.04 recently began requiring the root password in order to carry out privileged operations in update-manager. I found this bug in launchpad. It's similar, but related to 10.10. If I create a root password, then I can use it to carry out privileged operations in update-manager, but I prefer not to add a root password just for this purpose.

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Software :: Preventing Network Manager From Saving Vpn User Password

Jun 22, 2011

we're using Network Manager with vpnc plugin (cisco vpn).According to our IT policy, we'd like to prevent the users from saving the password.I've been trying to set the value via gconf as mandatory, but the setting is blatantly ignored:system/networking/connections/1/vpn/ipsec-secret-type...I set it on "ask" and mandatory.I'm quite sure that's the wrong key.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager - Enter A Password - Unlock Keyring

Apr 25, 2010

I am new to linux and ubuntu. I am using ubuntu Hardy Heron release 8.04 I have not used it in a long time and then when I did fire up the laptop. I get a message asking me to enter a password for keyring. The message is as follows; Unlock Keyring "The application 'Network Manager Applet' (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants access tot he default keyring, but it is locked.' Password: _______________

Then I can Deny or OK it. How can I disable that and keep it from popping up. Also, it there a way to figure out/change the administrator password if you don't remember it as well?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Bad Password Error From Wicd Network Manager On Encryption

Jan 1, 2011

Running ubuntu 10.10 here, brand new install/machine.USB wireless based on a realtek chipset. I spent a few days trying ndiswrapper, and now have the native driver up and running. I can see the network(s) but can't connect. If I encrypt the network, i get a bad password error from wicd network manager (All encypt. methods- Weps, WPA etc) If I open my wireless up with no encryption, i receive a "can't obtain IP" error.

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Server :: Tomcat Administration Webapps Not Authenticating Username - Manager Password

Jul 4, 2010

I installed Apache Tomcat6,every thing is running fine but facing problem in Tomcat administration webapps:- in manager webapp [URL] in this i am using username=manager password=s3cret but not it is not authenticating with these credentials in host-manager webapp [URL] in this,i am using username=admin password=s3cret
but it is also not authenticating with these credentials i edited file /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml


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Fedora :: Non-root User Cannot Launch 'shortcuts' From The File Manager / Plasma Desktop Manager

Aug 3, 2011

Non-root user cannot launch "shortcuts" (sorry I grew up on windows, don't know the right term) from the file manager or plasma desktop manager.They have full permissions to the shortcuts, even ones they create do not work.If I log in with root permissions they work fine

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