CentOS 5 :: Revelation Password Manager Panel Applet Missing?

May 31, 2010

I'm running 5.5 on one DT 32bit and am just trying it on a Dell laptop. 64bit. Both are current in update terms.

Having just got Revelation 0.4.11 working on the laptop, I notice that the panel applet, 'Revelation Account Search' is not available, whereas it is still listed on the DT.

Firstly, why would this be and secondly, is it possible to copy this across because I find it really useful?

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Fedora :: How To Use Revelation Password Manager

Jul 17, 2010

just begin with linux last week .... But my teacher ask me to use revelation 4 controlling password ... I installed it from their homepage,but i don't find useful from it.I can creat name,password ... just look it ) I wonder that : can i use it to manage user,password in firefox or thumpbird or other service ?

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Fedora :: Using The Revelation Password Manager?

Oct 15, 2010

my teacher ask me to use revelation 4 controlling password ... I installed it from their homepage,but i don't find useful from it.I can creat name,password ... just look it ) I wonder that : can i use it to manage user,password in firefox or thumpbird or other service ?

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Ubuntu :: Missing Panel Applet?

Aug 17, 2010

In the process of removing all hints of KDE from my system I accidentally uninstalled on of my panel applets.It is the one that says the users full login name and allows you to control gwibber status and empathy availability.I know it's kinda OCD but my desktop looks weird without it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-applet Icon Missing From Panel

Jul 2, 2011

In 11.04 on a Dell Latitude D610 laptop, there are two logins. User1 has sudo privs, User2 does not.When either user logs in, network-manager picks up on whatever remembered wireless network is available, connects, and the nm icon shows in the panel.If the other user logs in (via Switch User), the connection persists, but the nm icon does not show in the panel.

Under 11.04 it appears there is no way to put the nm icon back in the panel, even when the connection is set to "available to all users", and even when the user missing the icon is User1 (who has sudo privs).If control is now switched back to the first user who logged in, the nm icon is still there, and the system is still connected, but if that user logs off (rather than clicking Switch User), the connection is dropped, and when the other user gives their password to resume their session, there is now neither connection nor an icon with which it can be re-established.

This would appear to be a bug, but is there a way to ***FORCE*** the nm icon to appear in the panel? The connection is already set to "available to all users", and doing a networking start does not do anything. Under 11.04 it appears that there is no way to make any icon appear in the panel if it is not already there.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Reset Network Manager Applet In Panel

Jun 25, 2010

Accidentally I removed the NM Applet from the panel and I am trying to reset it. When I right-click on the panel and "Add to Panel", I couldn't see Network Manager. Hence I couldn't connect to the available wireless network. I am able to add Network Monitor, which is similar to Network manager, but this just displays info about current network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Is Missing

Aug 12, 2010

At first I use to have a Network manager applet for my wireless connection in the panel. But somehow it has gone missing from the panel. I am quite puzzle as to how it happen. So I just need to get it back so that I know whether or not it has been connected to my wireless router.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Applet Missing And Could Not Connect To The Internet

Aug 1, 2010

I have just started using fedora 13 and I am not sure if i am in the right area but here goes...today I was online in my fedora 13 partition on my laptop and I had been online for quite a while then I shut down my machine to recharge the battery then a couple hours later I turned it back on and all of a sudden my network manager applet was missing and I could not connect to the internet, I opened firefox and tried to get to my homepage but it basically just told me that I wasnt connected..

I suspected at first for some strange reason that MAYBE it was my NIC so I booted up into my vista partition and low and behold the internet works fine, so the problem is on the linux side, I have tried every command nm-applet but it just keeps saying an instance of nm-applet is already running, I have no clue how to restore the network manager and get my internet back and the only other piece of information I have is that earlier today I did do a bunch of security updates but the internet was working fine all day even after several reboots through out the day.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Missing Network Manager Applet And Broken Kde After Upgrade To 10.04

May 1, 2010

I was running Ubuntu 9.10 on my HP G70 laptop and did an upgrade using upgrade manager to Ubuntu 10.04.

Since I haven't been able to get wifi connection or wired working. The Network Manager applet is missing from the notification area and if I try to run nm-applet manually it says it is already running. I tried killing the process and then running it manually in the terminal and although the process appears to be running it is missing from the panel.

Booting into the live cd has the applet working fine so something in the upgrade process must have failed.

I tried changing the theme to see if it displays in other themes but had no luck.

I also tried to log into kde but kde seems to be broken. When I log into it after the splash screen all I get is a black screen with only my mouse pointer.

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Fedora :: Network Manager Missing From Panel

Nov 24, 2009

I've upgraded to F12 from F11 (with a completely fresh install) and today is my 4th day using it, Now, mysteriously my network manager has disappeared from the panel, and it is not connecting me to the internet or showing wireless APs.I am able to get online using command line so it is only a minor problem but still a hassle.how can something so vital break so easily?Also nm-applet is listed in my processes and is "sleeping"?

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Ubuntu :: Network Manager Missing On Panel?

Feb 14, 2011

For some reason when I booted today the network manager icon to disconnect and connect to different wireless networks was missing. I've read various post and have been unable to resolve this issue. Here is what I've tried.

1. Clicking in Add Panel and adding network monitor. This seems to be not included on the list of choices.

2. Clicking in Add Panel and click the Add Notification choice. This didn't seem to add anything to the panel.

3. Remove the Notification area and then re-add it. Did this and not the area is blank except for my dropbox icon. I don't have the date, logon or logoff dropdown, or network manager icon anymore. I've rebooted several times.

I can't connect to my wireless network anymore. Is there another way to manager wireless connections other then that panel tool?

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Software :: Gnome-power-manager Icon Missing From Panel

Dec 7, 2008

I am using fedora8. I suddenly noticed that the gnome-power-manager icon (battery icon) has gone missing from my panel. How can I get it back ? I donot see it in the add to panel list so it must have got uninstalled somehow, isn't it so ?

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CentOS 5 :: Panel And Task Bar Missing?

Feb 4, 2010

I installed HP Linux Imaging and Printing system yesterday and since then my panels are missing, is there a way to access the config files to correct this?

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Applet (/usr/bin/mn-applet) Needs Default Keyering

Dec 5, 2009

I use network manager applet 0.7.1. I had set the automatic wireless connection to my my wireless network (WPA key secured). Recently, I get the following problem: At the automatic connection, I get the message: Network manager applet (/usr/bin/mn-applet) needs default keyering. As I don't know what it is to type it and then, deny or OK, it doesn't get connected to my wireless network.

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME Network Manager Applet Cant Export Vpn Configuration (nm-applet)?

Mar 28, 2011

I cant use the option "export" from the VPN settings in the Gnome Network Manager, when I tried to export a popup says "Unknown error"This happend also in 11.3 and now in 11.4, so it is a nm-applet problema I think... Is there any other way to export my VPN connections?

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Ubuntu :: Resolution - Top Panel Is Slightly Cut Off - Missing About The Top 20% Of The Panel

Mar 23, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu and really like it so far, having come from a PC background up to now. I've installed it on my Acer laptop and all is well there. However, on my desktop, the screen resolution doesn't match the Ubuntu desktop and fonts and graphics are very blurry. The hardware I have is:

HP Compaq dx2450 micro-tower FE281EA
Samsung 23" widescreen monitor, native resolution 1680x1050

When I check the resolution using System > Preferences > Display it says that indeed I'm using 1680x1050, which should be correct. However, the bottom of the Ubuntu desktop is cut-off, below the bottom of the screen, so I can only see the very top edge of the bottom panel. The top panel is also slightly cut off, missing about the top 20% of the panel. Left and right seem to be in line OK. The resulting blurriness of fonts makes it fairly unusable until I get it fixed.

I've searched fairly extensively and I realise there are other threads on this so sorry for posting again, but they all seem to be slightly different problems and all the responses are fairly or very technical. Maybe I can't avoid a technical solution and getting my hands dirty with a terminal prompt, but I'm hoping I can fix this without resorting to stuff I don't understand and might get wrong. I'm a technically minded end-user but not a unix guy.

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Ubuntu :: Panel Missing In11.04 - Most Of My Effects Were Missing

Apr 30, 2011

I just installed ubuntu 11.04 last night. I noticed most of my effects were missing so I tried to put them back on. This didn't work so I disabled the effects. Then, my panel at the top and the Launcher is missing. .How do I get these back?

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Ubuntu :: Nm-applet Out Of Panel?

Dec 28, 2010

I have such an annoying problem that I really don't know how to fix! Basically for some reason the nm-applet icon just doesn't sit in the panel anymore, but it's floating on the desktop as a normal application. Restarting/reinstalling it doesn't solve the problem, it's still out of the panel. With any theme I use. It's a pretty fresh installation of Ubuntu 10.10 on a MacBook Pro, so there are no particular customizations. The only workaround I found is installing wicd, but I'm really not familiar with it and want to get rid of it.

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OpenSUSE :: Get A Globalmenu Applet In Top Panel?

Jul 23, 2010

how to get a globalmenu applet in my top panel?

I checked the packman repository ... not there. I tried to build the tarball from ...

Downloads - gnome2-globalmenu - Project Hosting on Google Code

... but got hung up when sudo ./configure replied: test for libpanelapplet-2.0 and libnotify failed. (--without-gnome-panel to disable)

the error did not go away when i installed libnotify-devel (and libpanel-applet-2-0 was already plugged int).

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Ubuntu :: Getting Rid Of Panel Applet Handles

May 16, 2010

in Gnome, every applet has an ugly handle to its left, some themes have it more ugly than others.Where can I find an option to disable the handles? in the theme rc file? if so, where exactly?

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Ubuntu :: Applet In The Middle Of The Gnome Panel?

Apr 24, 2010

I'd like to put an applet exactly in the middle of my Gnome Panel, I can't do it manually as the applet size varies so I need a way to put it in the middle always. The applet is dockbarX (a window list) so when I open or close a window the size of the applet changes and then it's not in the middle. Here you are an screenshot of what I'm talking about:[URL]..

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Ubuntu :: Restore The Network Applet In The Panel?

May 5, 2010

I had too many issues with 10.04 so reinstalled 9.10 for now.In the process of customizing the panel, I accidentally deleted the network and sound icons and there isn't any option I can find in the menu to restore it. How do I go about getting those back?

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Deleted Messenger Applet From Panel

May 17, 2010

When I installed 10.04, I got rid of the messenger applet from the panel at the top since I always used webmail. I found a way to have the messenger applet automatically check and display new emails, but now I don't know how to add the applet back. Its icon looked like an envelope. I've tried the add to panel command, but don't see that one listed.

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Ubuntu :: Inhibit Applet Keeps Disappearing From Panel

May 25, 2010

It showed up once I upgraded to Lucid. The inhibit applet keeps disappearing from the panel. It doesn't matter where I place it, if it's locked in place, or what panel I've placed it on; it will be there, but then disappear once I reboot the computer and log back in to the desktop. It shows as an empty space where the icon used to be; right clicking the blank space gives me the standard context menu for the panel instead of the context menu for the inhibit applet. The only way I can get the icon to reappear is if I go to the panel properties and fidget around with the Expand and Hide Buttons options. Does anyone have this same problem?

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Ubuntu :: Sensors / Remove Applet From Panel

Jun 3, 2010

I installed Sensors Applet & hddtemp. Installation was smooth, all of my devices were automatically detected and all seemed good.Then I restart the computer, and when everything comes back up, the processor, MB, and GPU are all working (showing a temperature) but none of the (6) hard drives are showing a temperature. After fiddling around with it I found that removing the applet from the panel, and then adding it back again fixes the problem. But then the next time I restart the computer it breaks again.

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Ubuntu :: No WiFi And Network Panel Applet

Jul 20, 2010

Basically, I chose to give Ubuntu Studio another try (after it had annoyed me with it's lack of wifi), but the problem is that there's no network manager applet in the indicator area (i added it in the top right, the panel's set up as it would be in normal Ubuntu)Using Wifi Radar, i think that the wifi card works in the preempt kernel, it's just that i don't want to use Wifi Radar all the time, can prove to be annoying.

When i start nm-applet, a small space opens up in the indicator applet. I'm not sure if that's something important.Has someone managed to get this to work? (i've installed network-manager and network-manager-applet)

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Ubuntu :: Get The Shutdown Applet Back On The Panel?

Jan 5, 2011

I was trying to get suspend and hibernate on my shutdown menu and I removed it from the panel with the intention of adding it back, hopefully with the suspend and hibernate choices on it.

How do I get the shutdown menu back on the panel?

If I don';t get it back then how do I shut down?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Nm-applet Disappeared From The Panel?

Mar 30, 2011

the nm-applet seems to have disappeared from the top panel, whenever I run the command it gives me the output:

** Message: applet now removed from the notification area
** (nm-applet:8695): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0
** (nm-applet:8695): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0
** (nm-applet:8695): DEBUG: old state indicates that this was not a disconnect 0
** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area

I have tried the --sm-disable parameter but that doesn't help ether

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Programming :: Creating Gnome Panel Applet?

Mar 12, 2010

I need to be pointed in the right direction on how to do this project. I simply want a gnome panel applet that will run constantly and, when clicked, will display an IM style list of I.P. addresses that are active on the network I am currently connected to. It should be able to have a configuration menu that will allow the user to specify a subnet mask, and frequency of scan. I am looking for something that will return something similar to the output of:

nmap -sP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-xxx

My question is: What language should I learn to make this happen, and is anyone willing to mentor me through the process?

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Ubuntu :: Network Applet Not Appearing On Panel / Add It?

Dec 9, 2009

I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I accidentally removed the network applet from the panel. I'm unable to add it back to the panel. How can I add the network applet.

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