Fedora :: Looking For A School Software?

Nov 16, 2009

Is there a software which can manage within a school of about 300 students: Students: notes by subject, quarterly averages, annual averages, the average of Contents Classes: the level and class name, head teachers
Teachers: classes held, the subject taught the above details are just examples.

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Access School's Network

Feb 14, 2009

i hav 2 laptops but there is only one LAN port and i recently splitted them with my own router, the problem is the internet works fine, but i cannot access the schools's network e.g. my friend's shared folder in another room, the school's shared folder, etc. i can only access my own local router network.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Vista10 For School Purposes?

Apr 23, 2009

Im trying to dual boot Vista/Fedora 10 for school purposes. I have some linux classes on my required classes. Over the past 3 days Ive had one or the other booting correctly. My harddrive layout

Partition 0: Recovery
Partition 1: Vista
Partition 2: Fedora 10
Partition 3: Linux Swap

I have both of them installed on the harddrive. Im using EasyBCD 1.7.2 to manage the bootloader. Last time I installed Fedora I did not install a bootloader in the options. Everytime I do, Vista appears to load properly but then my Gateway recovery console wants to run and asks me to do a restore and of course after the restore Fedora dies in a sense.

So right now I have Vista working, Fedora on partition 2 and it will not load. Any ideas on where to go from here to get my Fedora partition bootable.

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General :: Notebooks For Going Off To School - Which One Should Get?

Jun 30, 2010

I am having difficulty in deciding on a linux laptop for going to school. I will be attending college for a Bachelor in Flight Technology and I need a notebook to take to class with me for notes (So nothing too awkward and heavy). I would prefer one without Windows pre-installed.So far I have considered:-Verix 1656 from zareason, however I am concerned about battery life and screen brightness (I like very dim screens, that which can be obtained with LED backlighting)-Serval Professional from system76, however again I am concerned about battery life (I hear it only gets about 1 hour)-Apple Macbook Pro, however it seems way too expensive for what it offers and might not have the best linux support.

For my battery life concerns, I believe that I could probably get away with running a text editor on the command line without having to boot into a GUI so I can save battery life. I also don't want to get a netbook because I'm likely to do *some* gaming, programming and 3d modeling in my spare time. Are there any other notebooks that I should consider from other places before making my decision? I would try emailing the college, but they are busy with admissions stuff and probably won't care too much seeing as a computer is not a course requirement.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Tunneling Through School AP

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to tunnel through my college's free AP so I can get access to protocols outside of http and https. The school has an in-browser DNS redirect until you log in.The output of "cat /proc/version" on the server OS is "Linux version 2.6.35-27-generic (buildd@palmer) (gcc version 4.4.5 (Ubuntu/Linar o 4.4.4-14ubuntu5) ) #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:29 UTC 2011" The client OS is Windows 7. What I have done so far is use Proxy Cap to redirect applications to a Putty tunnel connected to the server. Eventually I want to tunnel that SSH connection through my school's firewall, so that I can keep encryption and have a reasonable amount of ease with setup.

I am not particularly educated on the inner workings of the DNS redirecting so I was not sure what to search for. My attempts to connect Firefox over normal http proxies failed and since all ports are blocked besides http and https I didn't attempt any socks or SSH. I have also tried simply hosting the SSH server on http ports with little success. I hope that I can do this without having to purchase a domain, but that's starting to seem like that won't be the case.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To School Wireless

Jan 4, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 onto my laptop, and having wireless issue. I was able to connect to wireless at home, but cannot at school. Then recently, I reformatted by desktop at home, and now I can no longer connect to my own connection. But yet, I'm able to connect to my neighbor. I considered installing ndisgtk package, but then i thought if I'm able to connect to some connections that means I'm not missing windows driver (maybe I'm wrong ).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Keeps Dropping At School

Oct 5, 2010

I'm running ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop with broadcom BCM4322 wireless card.Basically what keeps happening is my wireless will stop working, then network manager will notify me that I have lost signal. It will then try and reconnect, but it never seems to be successful. The only way I can get the wireless to work again is if I disable wireless then re-enable wireless (or do a complete system restart).

However, it does not seem to have this problem at home. The only difference I can think of from home and school is either encryption types (the university uses WEP, I use WPA) or the fact that at home there is only one access point and at university there are multiple access points all with the same SSID.Anyone have any idea how to make my laptop stop dropping connection all the time?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Map To School Share Network?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to map to my schools shares VIA their network.

Normally on windows, I would just say Run and type the network path and it would open a window with the folders.

the path is \KNA11.XX.ON.CA you need to be on our VPN to connect to it, which I am.

How do i access this directory in ubuntu? And even better, make it a permanent shortcut or mountpoint so that i can easily access it later without having to re-mount it.

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Ubuntu :: Switching To Old School Startup Display?

Feb 16, 2011

I just did an update on an Ubuntu 10.4 LTS machine and it wanted to reboot so I did now I can't even get to the console. I think it's hanging up somewhere on the start up but thanks to the Microsoft like tell you nothing display I don't know for sure or what exactly is hanging up. The only thing the system responds too is ctrl alt del to reboot. Can't even ping it or log in via SSH. I already installed the same updates on this machine but luckily did not reboot it yet. I'm willing to bet whatever package broke the other one will break on this one and if I can figure out where it's breaking I can figure out how to fix it. That means seeing it start up not the blank screen I'm getting. Been meaning to find out about this anyway as the graphics thing annoys me to no end. I prefer to see what services error or fail rather than find out weeks later when I thought my back up service was running and it wasn't or that snort never did run or I'm looking through the logs and discover there's a problem that's been going on for weeks that I never noticed until I went through the logs about something else.

So how do you switch to a detailed start up mode?

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Debian Configuration :: Setting Up A Server Network For A School?

Nov 26, 2010

I am putting together a server and computer lab at my school for Standardized testing, and am planning on using debian for it. But first, i must prove to the school board that this is a possible and viable option, so right now it is one pc with 1 gig ram (Going to be the server for this experiment), and two others with around 512 mb ram.the problem with all this is, the computers in the lab cannot have hard drives, as there is some sort of licencing issue. So I need to be able to have these two testing computers boot from the server's hard drive.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Connect To Wireless Networks At School

Mar 10, 2011

I installed Debian sid recently. I installed the B43 driver and wireless is working just fine at home and elsewhere. I can't connect to the wireless networks at school though. There are two networks, one is unsecured (and you have to enter your login details after connecting - I can't connect at all though), the other is secured. I was previously using Ubuntu, with network manager, and I have all my settings the same for the secured network as I did in Ubuntu. In Ubuntu I can connect to both networks just fine. In Debian I can't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Not Working In School

May 5, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Lucid Lynx(great interface!). But I am experiencing a very weird problem. The wireless internet works just fine at my apartment. But when I am in my school, it just stops working at all. It didn't use to be like that. It used to work in school too few weeks before. But I don't know what happened all of a sudden. I have checked with my school system administrator to know if there has been any change with the network. He said the network has always been the same.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mapping The School Network Drive?

Aug 23, 2010

In my university linux lab I have access to a linux network drive where I save programming code.I have ubuntu as a guest in virtualbox on my xp computer in my dorm. How can I map the linux network drive to ubuntu for use in virtualbox? I already have it mapped in windows, but can't get it mapped in ubuntu / virtualbox

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To School WiFi - Need Certificate

Oct 28, 2010

At home, I can easily connect to my home network with ubuntu. But at school, things are differently. The wireless security is tighter, and I need more then just my username and password to connect.
(See attachment for Screenshot)
The last two lines, okay, but I seem to need a certificate, and that MSCHAPv2, Anonimous identity. I don't understand what I need to enter in those fields. I only got a username and password from school and that's all I need for windows. So why does Ubuntu want/need more info?

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Ubuntu :: Installed In Usb Flash Drive It Works But Not In School

Feb 27, 2011

When i boot to my ubuntu installed in my usb flash drive it works (home computer) but in school it wont? in school i already boot from the usb in bios but it promts the message "boot error". what should i do.. ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To School's Wifi Network

Apr 30, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop and I found that I cannot connect to my school's wifi network while i have no problem connecting using windows. Also I can connect to my home's wifi network. The details of the wifi network are as follow:

SSID: Universities WiFi
Authentication: WPA
Data Encryption: TKIP


I have downloaded the certifate required and put it in my home directory and selected that .cer when setting up the connection But I still can't connect to it

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UUbuntu Networking :: Configure Squid3 Et SquidGard On Server 10.04 For A School?

Sep 29, 2010

i'am trying to configure Squid3 et SquidGuard on ubuntu Server 10.04 for a school. I'm new in linux, before i post this thread, I searched in the french forum and www. I found nothing to help me to resolve this issue. You can see below to configuration file from Squid3. which is stored in /etc/squid3/


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Internet Access Through The School Proxy Only For Ubuntu Users?

Jun 11, 2011

I have been using ubuntu for my college work for some time, and suddenly last week for ubuntu users in a specific Department/building lost the ability to connect to the internet through the school proxy.The problem seems to have effected only our department/building .

What is so annoying is even its the same computer we have internet if we use Windows but no internet for ubuntu.When using ubuntu the DHCP server automatically assigns IP's just as before, and we can reach the Default gateway using ping, but cant reach the proxy server. When we ping the proxy we get a message saying it refuses a connection. When using firefox or chrome we get the same message when we try to browse <proxy server not available>. The network guys says that the only change they did recently is to activate ipv6. But i fail to see how this can become a problem.

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Software :: Recommend Software For An Elementary School Computer Lab?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm an elementary school librarian, and my school is experimenting w/ a Linux platform computer lab. I am end user, and don't know much about Linux or available software. Can anyone recommend appropriate educational software for younger students?

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Software :: Online School Management Software?

Jan 25, 2011

I've been googling a bit, trying to search for a management software for an Online School Project, but had no luck in finding the right one

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General :: Upgrade From Fedora 5 To Fedora 11 With A Fedora 11 Live CD?

Sep 30, 2009

I just wanted to upgrade to fedora 11 from the current version 5 with the of a live cd.I dont want to loose the previous configuration files. upgrade everything except the / directory. How do you do that? I also have a retarded WINXP partition on the same drive which I dont wanna loose.

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Fedora Installation :: Import An X11 Xorg.conf File From Debian To Fedora And Have It Work?

Feb 26, 2009

Is it possible to import an xorg.conf file from Debian to Fedora and have it work? The reason for this is that I have an older monitor that only offers 800x600 as the maximum resolution.

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Fedora :: Versions Of Localepurge, Deborphan And Debfoster - Do They Exist In The Fedora Software Repository

Mar 7, 2009

install of Fedora, always used Debian or Ubuntu before now, and am looking for versions of localepurge, deborphan and debfoster - do they exist in the Fedora Software Repository?

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Fedora Networking :: Samsung N130 Realtek 8192 Doesn't Work In Fedora 12

Apr 2, 2010

I have a Samsung N130 with a Realtek 8192 wifi card (possibly 8192e, I'm not sure) and I am trying to run Fedora 12 on it. I used to run Ubuntu until trying their latest beta and realizing it's not very good, so I looked for something else. Ubuntu was at least easy to get the wifi working with just a few quick commands that were written out, word for word, in order, on the Ubuntu forums. I tried openSUSE on here and it didn't have wifi working out of the box either but people on their forums refused to give me actual instructions and just kept bumping me from thread to thread with people giving vague advice or else just telling me I was looking in the wrong place. I'm hoping that someone can give me clear and detailed instructions on how to get this wifi card working. Keep in mind that I am coming from Ubuntu and so I'm not super comfortable in CLI, if I need to do some CL stuff I will need clear and detailed instructions on how to do that.

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Fedora Networking :: Bulk Abd Real Data Transfer Over Ad Hoc / WLAN Network Under Fedora 13

Aug 21, 2010

I am newbie to linux, I am dealing with Fedora core 13. I have already succeedded in building an ad hoc network and a WLAN network. My next step is to get some networking statistics such delay, throughput, etc. So, I need traffic to flow through the network for both multimedia traffic and bulk data traffic. How to send files between nodes on the network (I found commands ftp, rcp but do not know whether they are the correct choice for this). ID their any application to perform this?

Also, I want to perform some video streaming between two nodes to study the behavior of real time data transfer. Is thier any application to perform this?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Dell N5010 - Unable To Install Fedora On Unallocated Space

Sep 13, 2010

My laptop is currently running on Windows 7 Ultimate. I have a 320 GB HDD, which I have partitioned as follows. C: Drive as Windows 40 GB capacity and successively partitioned the rest of the drives for 50 GB capacity and left an unallocated space of 67 GB for fedora 13 x64 installation. The problem that I am facing is, that I am unable to install fedora on this unallocated space..even though I am checking the option for "Creating custom Layout". When I check the option for "Creating Custom Layout" Ive been shown with the only option to install fedora on the unused space on the HDD which is around 265 GB. I am also attaching a screen shot of my disk management. how I can install Fedora on this unallocated space of 67 GB?

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Fedora :: Error To Rebuild Inkscape Srpm Fedora 14 : Glib.h: No Such File Or Directory?

Dec 23, 2010

my problem is inkscape-0.48.0-1.fc14.3.src.rpm in fedora 14 64 bittry rebuild --source inkscape-0.48.0-1.fc14.3.src.rpm and this my error:I think something wrong pkgconfig .

attributes.cpp:20:32: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
arc-context.cpp:21:28: fatal error: gdk/gdkkeysyms.h: No such file or directory


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Fedora Hardware :: Parallel Printer CUPS Fedora 15 HP Doesn't Install Driver

Jun 3, 2011

This post is for an HP parallel printer but I think it should work for at least "some" other parallel printers.I am sure that someone smarter than me will follow up this post with a "well, just do this and that" and you will have your HP Laserjet 6P printer ready to go, but since questions litter the forums of MANY distros on how to get "at least" an HP parallel printer to work, I'll post this anyway.This may or may not work for you if you do not have an HP but you can try it.The install printer box will let you do an install for an HP Parallel and it asks for how it is to talk to it, through CUPS sock or "local host'. When we get through what I recommend you should chose "local host".

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Fedora Networking :: Fedora 10 Unable To Access To Windows Share Folders On LAN

Jan 8, 2009

I am using F10 desktop edition, all the computers using windows are able to access the shared folders over lan except me using F10. I have tried many things with smb but still unable to connect.I am new to linux so i dont khow much of its technicalities.kindly suggest how can i be able to access the shared documents ..

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Fedora Installation :: Uable To Boot Fedora From A CD While Keeping Other File On Computer?

Feb 14, 2009

I'm setting up my first Linux install and I was wondering if I would be able to boot Fedora from a CD while keeping every other file on my computer, or in other words if I would be able to put the /boot partition onto a cd. I've also read that Linux can be booted entirely from a logical partition. If that's true then can anyone help me in setting that up. Mostly my problem is I already have four primary partitions, one being a logical drive with plenty of free space in it, and I can't get rid of the primary partitions I already have.

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