Fedora Servers :: IMAP4 And STMP - Simple Back Up To Be Located?

May 18, 2011

Would like to run an IMAP4 and associated STMP services for a small group [5-10] non-local users. This would run on a dedicated, headless box. simple back-up mail server to be located elsewhere?

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Fedora Servers :: Simple Apache/PHP Setup For A Start

Feb 26, 2010

I've installed Fedora 12 Desktop in order to develop a simple website, which is going to use some PHP.

I will need:code editor to write html/css/php local apache server running php browser how to get me up and running in no time with least extra configurations.

Bonus: I'm going to run all this in a virtual box on my company computer. I'd love to be able to stay undercover with this, so if one of you can tell me how to configure the apache server not to be too visible to the company network/domain, that'd be excellent.

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Ubuntu :: Simple Back Up Tar Crash In Maverick?

Jan 25, 2011

I have been all morning trying different backup programs: dejavu, backintime and now simple backup. I really liked this last one because it not only backs up the home directory but also critical parts of the file system (var, usb, etc). However I have been unable to make it work. As my configuration, my back-up is about 36Gb+ and should go to a external fat32 drive (a WD passport 300GB btw). Since the drive is fat32 -with a file size limit of 4Gb- my backup can't be made in a single compressed file.

So I configured sbackup to not compress and chunk the backup in 4Gb bits (fat32 setting). However every time I run the backup I got: An error occurred Unable to finish successfully. TAR terminated with errors.

I read in launchpad that this was due to sbackup requiring a new version of tar, so I downloaded natty's deb file and installed it. But it keeps generating the same error. Does anybody have been able to run sbackup in maverick with settings similar to me. If so how?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Where Are Samba Passwords Located In 10.10?

Apr 10, 2011

Although my smb.conf file cites /etc/samba/smbpasswd as the password file, I see that it is not in some database file. Since smb.conf doesn't seem to look anywhere else but /etc/samba/smbpasswd, how can I direct it to the new password scheme. At least this is what I find when using SWAT to display the smb.conf file contents.This seems to be preventing my windows client having access to shared printers, but yet, not shared files.

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Ubuntu :: Running A STMP Server?

Jul 29, 2011

I am a client running 10.04. Not a server of any kind.

When I run telnet 25 the response is:

220 nameofcomputer ESMTP Exim 4.71 Fri, 29 Jul 2011 19:48:19 +0100

Should I be running a SMTP server and if so why is this necessary?

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Ubuntu :: Getting Stmp Running - Get Script To Send Email Alerts

Jan 19, 2010

I have ubuntu 9.10 and i have mailx and smtp installed and getting them running so I can get this script to send email alerts. I been trying to get smtp running with my isp stmp server but I been having problems with it. getting this running with a stmp server. and if a good stmp server for sending mail let me know what it is. I have heard of postfix and I like to know if I should use it instead of smtp.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Way To Implement A Mail Server?

Feb 21, 2011

I am putting a php contact form on my webpage that sends messages directly from the page to my email address. This script has worked in the past, but unbeknownst to me that is because my previous server was running a mail transfer client that handled php's mail() function through smtp. The web server I am using now is a home machine configured with ubuntu running php/apache but there is nothing to handle mail. My contact form says the message has been sent, but it never arrives to my inbox.

Following forums, I installed sendmail and verified that smtp was running on port 25, but the form would then hang for over a minute upon submission(and messages still would not be delivered). I then tried exim4 as a mail transfer agent which solved the hanging, but messages still werent delivered. From my reading it appears this could have something to do with my hosts file, but I am unsure how this needs to be configured (pretty new to all this and I seem to have bitten off more than I can chew).

I eventually configured exim4 to use the smarthost feature for outgoing mail, using my gmail account's smtp server (following a tutorial). My exim log file produces no errors, but messages from my contact form still are not delivered. This has turned out to be a huge, hair tearing situation and I'm at a loss on what to do next.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Php Script - Directory Listing Output

Oct 6, 2010

Just want a very simple directory listing output, no real need for hyperlinks, preferably with a line space between items, that the end user can print out.

I have this code, just don't have the knowledge to make it do what I want.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Apache2 Configuration File Package Could Get?

Apr 2, 2011

Anyone have a simple apache2 configuration file package I could get?I'm trying to serve a internal network site for files throughout my network, (music, video, etc). I remember when I did this with Redhat 5-6 and all I had to do was redirect the folder I wanted to share over apache and it worked. You could click on the file you wanted and it played, etc.For some reason I can't even get apache2 that ships with Ubuntu 10.04.02 to even have a "It worked!" internal site or anything. I haven't configured apache2 ever before. It seems to have grown from one or two configuration files to five or so!

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Fedora Networking :: In Which File DNS Address Is Located In 10

Mar 26, 2009

in Which File DNS address is Located in Fedora 10 ? in Which File IP ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Simple File Server In A Native Environment?

Dec 7, 2010

I have two computers on my home lan I am trying to share files between...My desktop which is running Ubuntu Server 10.10 (x64) with a GUI, and my laptop which is running Ubuntu Desktop 10.04. I have tried a million different tutorials regarding SAMBA setup, but they never work.

In addition, most of those tutorials are geared towards hybrid Linux/Windows environment. I do not have any microsoft product in my home. I have created the share on my server, but I'm not sure how to connect to it from the laptop (once again at this point in the tutorials it explains how to access it from a Windows PC). I tried using the menu doing this:

Places-->Connect To Server-->Service Type-->Windows Share (for the server I tried my server hostname and IP) to no avail. Does anyone know of a recent step by step tutorial for setting up a complete Ubuntu environment? Is there a simpler method I can use since I do not particularly need to use SMB protocol?

All I want to do is share my music folder from my server so I can access it (from the same LAN) on my laptop...Arrrghhh frustrating.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Q Multiple Apache Users And Remote Administration

Feb 7, 2011

how one professionaly would solve the security and administration for the multiple webadmins, but firstly I give some general information.I spent 2 days searching and there are alot of good guides but I dont see my specific questions answered, not so I can understand them atleast.I have Ubuntu 10.10 64bit server edition installed.I am educating myself and am new to linux but use vmware and have installed Gentoo multiple times and a copy of Ubuntu server. This server is going to be setup on the 64-bit 10.10 Ubuntu virtual machine.

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Programming :: How To Compile / Simple Tutorial For Making Simple Program

Oct 7, 2010

i'm a college student studying pc programing, and i was given today a special work and i have to program using miranda... which i've never used it >.< can anyone give me a hand to where to download, how to compile, and a simple tutorial for making a simple program or something?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Noob Setup Simple SMTP Relay Contradiction In Terms?

Jun 7, 2011

Is the term a 'simple SMTP relay' a contradiction in terms?!I have an elderly Dell server on which I have just made a fresh install of 10.04 LTS server. I had 8.04 running on it for a long time, but I haven't tried an SMTP server before. It is a headless server with CLI (no GUI) and the latest version of Webmin installed.I have a basic LAMP server installed for a few websites using PHPbb and Joomla, and also I run a Mediatomb server for our household. When I installed I also chose to install mail services, but these remain masked behind NAT at the moment

I now want to set up an SMTP relay server so when I am working away and using different wifi points or my notoriously unreliable 3G dongle I can always send emails through the home server (from my iPhone and my laptop) rather than having to look up the SMTP server for each ISP of the place where I am working.

What I want is an authenticated server which takes my email and redirects it to my home ISP's SMTP server. I need only 3 authenticated users to have access (myself, my wife and my son). I don't need (or want) any incoming mail services at all.

Useful modules installed are: Dovecot, Postfix, Procmail mail filter, PAM - but how do I set them up?

Is there any simple setup that I could do, preferably through Webmin, but I can handle CLI if necessary?

I have looked at the Ubuntu help pages, but it looks so complicated to set up something that seems like it should be so simple to me.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Error Prompt On Virtual Manager - Package Not Located

Jun 3, 2011

In red hat linux server 6. I start up virtual manager and I get below error prompt:
Package required for KVM usage. The following packages are not installed
These are required to create KVM guests locally. Would you like to install them now.
I press yes but the package cannot located ...
So, I have install the qemu-kvn- already.
I use command rpm -ivh XXX.rpm to install.

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Fedora :: Give The Command For Directory Path And Image Located Drive

Aug 28, 2010

problem during fedora x8664 installation. how to give the command for directory path and image located drive. the procedure to install fedora for the first time.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Simple Logon Script To Remap "My Dcouments"?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a samba PDC set up, roaming profiles are not needed as the user accounts are on a per-machine basis (ie the machine on reception logs on as the "user" reception for all the operators, no personal data is stored but I would like to redirect the local My Documents folder of the XP clients to the user /home folder on the samba server. I thought about making the user /home share browsable and having a simple logon script to redirect the My Documents folder to it.

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Fedora :: Find A Configuration File Where "metacity" Is Located?

Dec 6, 2009

I have Fedora 11, x86_64, fresh install four days ago on newly formatted disk. Gnome desktop.

I have been installing and configuring things, rebooting after every few application installations. I have been rebooting so often because this is the fifth distro that I have tried. In the previous four I ended up lacking a window manager, and in two cases I lost the gnome-panel as well. At first I was blaming the latest version of Gnome, which is why I installed Fedora 11 instead of 12. But yesterday I got bitten by the same bug again. In the present instance only metacity is missing. I can function just fine if I just start metacity from a command line after logging in (which is how I am running at the moment.

Something is making metacity not load after I log in.

In an effort to fix this I created a new user. The new user has the standard Gnome desktop, complete with metacity. So the question is, what does the new user have or not have that is different from my real user?

I was pretty sure the problem was in Gnome, not X, so I started polluting the new user's installation by copying config files from my real installation. I started with .gconf, then .gconfd, then .gnome2. I logged out and back in again after each folder was copied, hoping to track down the offending one.

I finally found it - the ~/.local folder. As soon as I copied my ~/.local folder to the new user the new user lost metacity after logging in.

Of course, before copying one of my folders to the new user I renamed the new user's folder by appending -original to it. I ran diff on the two folders, and there are lots of differences. Mostly the new user doesn't have many application launchers in ~/.local/share/applications/, but I don't think those would make a difference.

I was hoping to find a configuration file where "metacity" is located in the -original file and missing in the new one. So far I have not been successful. Yet for sure *something* in that folder is the culprit. Does anyone have any knowledge of what Gnome does with this folder?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Back Up System To A Tarball For Quite A While Now?

Aug 28, 2010

I've been trying to back up my system to a tarball for quite a while now. I recently bought a tape drive, and it works. But I'm having a little bit of trouble getting tar to work--whenever I try to copy the files (either directly to the drive at /dev/st0 or to a tarball), I end up with a "file changed as we read it" error, and tar quits before the archive is done. Is there some way I can either prevent this from happening and/or tell tar to just skip that file and keep the job going?

$ cd /home
$ sudo tar -czf /dev/st0 soren {soren being my home directory, /dev/st0 the tape drive}
[sudo] password for soren:
tar: soren/.gvfs: Cannot stat: Permission denied
tar: soren/.local/share/Trash/files/From Removable Media/16GB Flash Drive Dump/Cliffs of Incognita/Cliffs of Incognita Music/Audio/Stereo 01_01.wav: File shrank by 7289884 bytes; padding with zeros


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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Get Back To Command Line

May 8, 2011

I had some trouble before getting to install Webmin on my nas from the command line in Ubuntu Server So I wanted to temporary install a gui and used kde. Downloaded it via the browser.Now I got webmin running and tried to remove KDE again. Some things were removed but the inlog screen is still there, and now it looks more like a gnome interface when I logged on.How can I remove the GUI completely again?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Back-Up To A USB Hard Drive?

May 26, 2011

I'm learning with a local intranet server with Ubuntu Server 10.04. It works well:^) I have a back-up question: I want to buy a hard drive of some kind to back-up to. I imagine a USB Portable Hard Drive would work OK. I'd plug it in to the box and mount it and then run a back-up routine. Is a workable way to do it?

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CentOS 5 :: MD Raid Lost On 2 Servers / Get That Back?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a problem with a few up-to-date installations of CentOS 5.5. I have lost all md (software raid) devices on them some point in the past. They were working ok.

Now the 2 disks are seen as two separate disks, with no link between them.

# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities :
unused devices: <none>

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Fedora :: Get The Rpm's For 13 Of Screenlets And Simple Ccsm?

Aug 12, 2010

Where can I get the rpm's for fedora 13 of screenlets and simple ccsm? Or can I use the fedora 12 ones?

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Fedora Installation :: Any Simple Way To Downgrade From F15 -> 14?

Jun 11, 2011

I recently upgraded my laptop from Fedora 14 to 15 and would like to go back to 14. What is the simplest way to do this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Packages Held Back In Upgrade?

May 16, 2010

I recently upgraded to 10.04 (clean install) and when I run apt-get upgrade, I get:

The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded. why these updates have been held back?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mounting Windows XP Share For Back Up

Jan 9, 2011

Mounting Windows XP Share for back up.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Back Up Windows Computer Across Internet

Feb 9, 2011

I need to back up a Windows computer to a Ubuntu server across the internet. It needs to be secure as I'm transferring business data. I have been searching high and low and am only coming up with sporadic, half solutions.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Back Up Windows PC As It Connects To The Network

Mar 22, 2011

I have a little home server with Ubuntu 10.10, actually it is already backing up my web hosting daily via a cron.daily script.. But I would like to do the same with my Windows laptop, which would it be the best way to do so?

since the Ubuntu pc is (almost) always turned on it would be no profit to have it mount the Win PC at startup, indeed I could have a cron.hourly script to check if the Laptop is connected to the network and to back it up once a day, thus by checking a small text file with written the date of the last backup BTW how do I check if the Win PC is connected to the network? How do I mount it via samba? Do you suggest to backup stuff simply moving files, via tar (as I already do with my web host) or with rsync?

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Fedora :: Find Out What Driver Webcam Is Using And Where Its Located The Webcam

Aug 14, 2010

how to find out what driver my webcam is using and where its located the webcam it self works but goes from normal to dark after a minute of use and would like to fix it

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Fedora :: Simple Video Editing Software For 12?

Jan 2, 2010

I am in need of a video editor that will work in Fedora 12, I just need to do some simple trimming and then add an mp3 to the video.Avidemux has already failed me on this simple task.

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