Fedora :: Customize Gnome Desktop To Kde Using The Fedora DVD?

Aug 21, 2011

When I first install fedora from my fedora DVD i was unaware of the fact that it also contained in it the KDE Desktop environment.The thing is I am new to fedora and since the default is GNOME, I installed it the GNOME desktop.Can any one tell me how to have the GNOME and the KDE environment both as option when i boot my PC using only the Fedora DVD and not the internet.---------- Post added at 08:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 PM ----------I more thing i would like to tell which i tried.I went to add/remove software and searched "KDE desktop". It showed me lots of KDE packages from my DVD. But I don't know which one to install so I didn't go forward to install any of those.

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Fedora :: Gnome-Do Error - Could Not Load Desktop Item - Libgnome-desktop-2.so.17

May 27, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15 with Gnome 3. I installed Gnome-Do using 'yum install gnome-do'. I opened it from the Terminal by typing 'gnome-do' but I keep getting an error message that says

Could not load desktop item: libgnome-desktop-2.so.17

Gnome-Do opens but it doesn't display any application I search for and when I try opening the Gnome-Do preferences, it quits.

I installed gnome-desktop-2.32.0-8.fc16.i686.rpm from here: [url] and then installed Gnome-Do. Everything works fine now.

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Fedora :: Installed 15 With The Gnome Desktop - Doesn't Put An Icon On Desktop

Jun 26, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 with the gnome desktop which looks like the android system for mobile phones, I installed wine which put the icons on my desktop but whenever I install a windows app it doesn't put an icon on my desktop for that particular application. How would I add an icon for those window apps so I can lunch them from the desktop, I don't know if you call that the desktop or just the program luncher either way how do I put an icon there so I can run those windows apps from there?

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Fedora :: Error Gnome-desktop3-3.0.1-2.fc15.x86_64 When Choose A Minimal Install Then Add ONLY The Defaults Of The "GNOME Desktop" Package

May 3, 2011

I noticed that in Fedora 15 Beta when you choose a minimal install then add ONLY the defaults of the "GNOME Desktop" package, you will get this error: gnome-desktop3-3.0.1-2.fc15.x86_64 has a required package:


When I look for gnome-desktop3-3.0.1-2.fc15.x86_64 it is not on any installation menu list. I prefer gnome, but installed KDE and that worked. Any ideas of getting gnome to work?

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Fedora :: How To Reset Gnome Desktop

Oct 24, 2009

I created a separate /home partition to share between F10 and F11. And, of course, the gnome settings conflict. I really don't need to go back to F10 and when I install F12 over it I will omit including the separate /home directory during the install set up and that will force F12 to create the /home Dir on the same file system. So, to clear up gnome settings for now, is the only way mean deleting the .gconf, .gnome* directories? This was recommended in another post back a few years ago.

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Fedora :: Clipboardmanager For The Gnome Desktop In F12?

Nov 25, 2009

In Fedora 11 I used Glipper as Clipboardmanager, very helpful tool. It's gone in F12, is there any alternative panel applet I can install or a particular reason why Glipper is not in the repo anymore ?

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Fedora :: How To Switch From Gnome Desktop To KDE?

Jan 23, 2010

How to switch from Gnome Desktop to KDE? Still new to this Linux Operating System.

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Fedora Installation :: Both Gnome And KDE Desktop

Feb 3, 2010

I had a request from one of my colleague that he would like to try my Fedora 12 installation which was set up recently. However, he said he would like to start with the KDE Desktop while my normal login uses the Gnome. Is it possible to have different desktops for different users (well I believe so)? If yes, I would be appreciated if some one will provide me guidance in doing so as I am quite new to Linux.

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Fedora :: Removing Gnome Desktop?

May 3, 2010

I have an interesting question. I had originally installed Fedora 12 with the Gnome desktop. Later i also installed the kde desktop and alternated between them. What would haven if i removed the gnome desktop elements? Would it function and only be a single boot kde system? Or would it kill the whole thing?

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Fedora :: F14 Gnome Desktop No Sound?

Feb 25, 2011

I have just installed Fedora 14 and am using the Gnome Desktop. There is no sound on any application at all. I have tried checking that nothing is muted or turned down to no sound by using pulseaudio volume control I have tried reinstall alsa and pulseaudio I have got this information Your ALSA information is located at [URL]... Where to from here?

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Fedora :: Gnome Desktop Is Not Working

Apr 15, 2011

my Gnome Desktop is not working means i can't able to copy/paste into it and my fedora directory window is opening in konqueror web browser.plz tell me what is default for fedora dir. window and item from desktop are deleted.i am using fedora 14

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Fedora :: Get The Desktop In The Gnome Shell?

Jun 29, 2011

Is there any easy way to do that in gnome shell with a key shortcut or setting it up like in gnome2 days with a hotspot?

ctrl + alt + d - should minimise all windows and focus the desktop - but it's not working for me?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Difference Between Gnome And Kde Desktop?

Jun 3, 2009

difference between gnome adn kde desktop in RedhatEL-4.

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Fedora :: Gnome Desktop Background Distortion?

Jan 27, 2010

F12 current updates. The Gnome Desktop Background images are compressed in the horizontal axis enough to make a cessna 182 look like a disney cartoon. I am running 1280X1084 75 hertz update rate. The Gnome Image Viewer gives a correct image. The image I am running had to be stretched to fill the screen. I suspect the stretching algorithm is at fault. Is this a bug that need reporting?

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Fedora :: Gnome Desktop Does Not Start After Shutdown On 14?

Aug 31, 2011

After power off the Gnome desktop environment does not start on my machine. It never gets past the splash screen with Fedora logo.The OS boots, and I can ssh and even run graphical applications, such as Thunderbird, remotely. No errors are reported in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. There are errors reported in .xsession-errors (attached) but I do not now how to recover from them

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Fedora :: 14: Gnome Desktop : Sometimes Menus Are Not Clear

Nov 24, 2010

Recently I have upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14 using preupgrade. Everything is working fine except menus on Gnome desktop. Sometimes menus are not cleared. They just hang on the desktop infinitely.

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General :: Changing Desktop Of FEDORA 12 From Gnome To KDE?

Dec 2, 2010

I have checked the thread about the referred subject. However, I cannot find the gdk in /etc/sysconfig. I have fedora12 i686.

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Fedora :: Unable To Add Workspaces On GNOME Desktop Panel - Using 12?

Apr 14, 2010

am unable to add new workspaces to the panel and by default it is four only. When installed fedora for the first time I could add up to 36 orkspaces (fedora 10). I have tried deleting adding back the panels but no use

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Fedora :: Disable Desktop Effects In Gnome In Console?

Jul 5, 2010

how to disable the desktop effects of gnome in the console of F13? My desktop freezes every time directly after login, I assume the desktop effects could have something to do with it. (x86_64 + open nvidia driver)

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Fedora :: GNOME Tool Missing In Desktop Menu F13?

Aug 22, 2010

F13 just installed for me on a server back in the states for me. I VNC into it to setup my personal website. The GNOME menu listings do not have the tool I am familiar with that tells me which process are running, allows me to stop and start them, and to install them I believe if they are on the machine. I can see that MYSQL are on the machine with the Add/Remove tool. I also see myphpAdmin. I need to get both of these up and running. I should be able to do this with out going back to 1980's terminal commands right?

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Fedora :: Enable Automatic Login In 14 Gnome Desktop?

Nov 7, 2010

I have tried editing

by adding


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Fedora :: Logging Into Root User In Gnome Desktop?

Mar 10, 2011

I need to update my NVIDIA server settings, but to do so I need to be logged in as root user. Does anyone know how to do this from the gnome desktop?

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Fedora :: Install Other Desktop Environments Despite Already Having Installed KDE And GNOME?

Apr 30, 2011

I have two desktop environments installed on my Fedora pc. Here it is


Is it still possible to install other desktop environments despite already having installed KDE and GNOME? If I happen to install other desktop environments such as XFCE, LXDE, CDE, EDE, UDE, will I be able to use one particular environment by disabling the rest whenever needed

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Fedora :: FC14/gnome Panel Keeps Moving To Top Of Desktop

May 23, 2011

On FC14/gnome I created a panel on the bottom of the desktop. After reboot the panel shows up on the top of the desktop. The panel cannot be moved to the bottom. Can go into panel "properties" and under "Orientation" selecting "Bottom" but after a second the botton switches back to "Top" without moving the panel.

The workaround was to create a new panel on the bottom, set it up, then delete the old panel from the top. When the machine is rebooted the panel goes back to the top. Seems like a basic gnome panel bug.

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Fedora :: Moved Desktop (physically) And Now Gnome 3 Won't Start

May 24, 2011

Our office moved yesterday. I shut down the computer cleanly and physically moved it to the new location. On startup, the wallpaper shows on both monitors, and the login screen. But, when I log in, I get failed to load session "gnome"

I am using Fedora Core 15. The only hardware that changed is I swapped out my cordless usb mouse for a corded one because I left the dongle at home. How I can I troubleshoot the problem and get my computer up and running again?

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Fedora Installation :: Add Gnome Classic Desktop In FC15?

Aug 12, 2011

I installed a fresh live CD version of Fedora 15 which has that new Unity desktop, but I also want the option of booting to the old gnome classic desktop session. So can I add that with the package manager, or just use terminal with yum install ?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: White Screen Coming When I Log On To GNOME Desktop / Fix It?

Jun 22, 2009

When i log on to GNOME desktop a white screen is coming.so i am not able to see the desktop..So i always log in to kde desktop..Do i have to change something in x0rg.conf file...

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Deleted Default Gnome Panel From My Desktop

Apr 28, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 with Gnome.I stupidly deleted the default Gnome Panel from my desktop.By the 'default' Gnome panel I basically mean the default one that is installed whenever you first install Fedora 12.

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General :: Border-less Windows For Fedora-12 Gnome Desktop?

Mar 28, 2010

I have installed Fedora 12 with Gnome desktop on a PC. For some reason, I want GNOME to NOT decorate windows with borders. Is there some way to instruct GNOME to NOT add border to windows, and leave them border-less, without scroll-bar title bar etc. Is there some other desk top environment where it is more convenient to achieve this?

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Fedora :: Customize The Applications Menu?

Jul 23, 2010

How can I customize the applications menu. I would like to have a menu option 'programming' and I would like to add emacs, DDD, eclipse to that menu option. So it would be something like this:


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