Fedora Servers :: Cannot Create DB On PostgreSQL Ascultaţi

Feb 6, 2011

I have tried to create a Postgresql DB from Konsole, but it could not. I received the following messages:

root@fedora-system ~]# chkconfig postgresql on
[root@fedora-system ~]# /etc/init.d/postgresql initdb
Initializing database: [ OK ]


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Fedora Servers :: Downgrading PostgreSQL To 8.2.x?

Feb 1, 2009

Is there any simpler method to downgrading to PostgreSQL 8.2.x? I am installing an application that requires it. I have removed postgresql 8.3 and tried to install some older fedora packages, but it did not go well.

My next step was to compile from scratch. However, I'm not real experienced with make/compiling and am fond of the organizational structure of RPMs.

The other option I could pursue is keeping 8.3 and installing an isolated 8.2 server for exclusive use by this app.

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Connect To The Postgresql

Jun 21, 2009

I have recently Installed Fedora 11. I have installed postgres like yum install postgresql but I wonder there is no user created for postgres when I tried su postgres system says, no identity for user postgres. even when I tried to connect postgres server using psql then it says


psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory

Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

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Server :: Cannot Create Database In PostgreSQL

Dec 26, 2010

i installed Fedora 14 on my machine,then i installed postgresql in it i started it and configured it after seeing link [URL] i am able to do su - postgres but when i am trying to create database in it am getting error,It is asking for password then i am giving my root password

createdb company
createdb: could not connect to database postgres: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postgresql-8.4 Won't Boot At Startup On 9.10?

Apr 1, 2010

I have just moved to rackspacecloud and created a Ubuntu 9.10 server. Moved everything over all fine (7-10 wordpress sites). Now I have a couple rails apps that need to move over and run on postgresql 8.4.

I installed postgresql via sudo apt-get as per usual. Usually at this point the postgresql server starts up and I can forget about it. But no luck. I booted it by running /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start. When I run that command it boots fine, I can connect via psql no trouble.

I rebooted the machine to see what happened. After boot, apache and mysql started just fine, wp sites came up nicely no trouble. postgresql wouldn't start up.

I have tried installing from source, I have tried using different /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 scripts. I have no idea what to do.

I have downgraded to upstart to 0.6.3-10. I have apt-get updated, upgraded. I have Googled. I have pushed and pulled.

Usually with any linux issue in the past I have been able to find a solution on the net or work it out myself. This one stumps me to no end.

The other irritating part is that while I wait to work out this issue I am still paying for my old server running my Rails apps.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Rsnapshot And Postgresql - Permission ?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a server with a postgres database, apache and a custom java application.

I am trying to run rsnapshot to backup /home /etc and /var folders.

But I am running into issues with rsnapshot and permissions. More specifically these kind of errors,


I look at the permissions on these files with ls -la, I get


The owner of the files is root and postgres users. I am using passwordless login to connect to server as user XYZ. XYZ has root access to the server and to the database.

These files are all over the place. Some in /etc and some in /var/lib for instance. How can I best copy these remaining files.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Clear Postgresql Database Cache

Jan 16, 2010

I just wanna clear database(postgresql) cache so how to do that..and also adempiere cache...

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Ubuntu Servers :: PostgreSQL 8.4 GUI Admin Tool For 9.10 (Karmic)

Feb 11, 2010

I have Apache 2.2.12, Gallery2, PostgreSQL 8.4, and XCache (PHP cache) humming along on a Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) server. Can someone recommend GUI postgreSQL admin tool for managing the database other than pgAdmin?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovering Data From Old PostgreSQL Install

May 5, 2010

I was previously running postgresql 8.3, but upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, has installed postgresql 8.4 and I'm now unable to start 8.3. I don't mind using 8.4, but I need to recover the data from my 8.3 installation, But I'm not sure how to do this as I can't start the 8.3 server, and 8.4 can't read my old data directory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: PostgreSQL Not Starting At Boot & Httpd?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to get SQL-Ledger installed and running on my computer, which needs PostgreSQL installed to run.Currently, I am having trouble with it starting at boot-up. How can I access the appropriate log files in order to figure out what's wrong?

Also, I need to know what httpd is, and who the owner and groups using that might be on my system.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Menalto Gallery2 2.3.1 On 9.10 - Php 5.3.1 - Apache 2.2.12 - Postgresql

Jan 11, 2010

Is there anyone out there running Menalto's Gallery2 on Ubuntu 9.10? I'm trying to install Menalto Gallery2 2.3.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 + php 5.3.1 + apache 2.2.12 + postgresql

php5 is configured and running correctly. I verified the config using gallery2 ghcc (gallery host compatibility checker) and running a "test.php" (<?php phpinfo();?>). a2enmod php5 is enabled.

Whenever I try to run the install script in the http://mysite.com/gallery2/install folder, the "index.php" file is not executing it just downloads the "index.php".

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure PostGreSQL For Internal Network Access?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a problem configuring my PostGreSQL server for internal network access.

I want to be able to access my postgre server from

It works when I set listen_address to *, but if I input, or any other IP address, I always get:


WARNING: could not create listen socket for ""
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
postgresql.conf section


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Fedora Servers :: PHP Not Able To Create Files In 10?

Apr 28, 2009

Im trying to understand why in my fedora 10 box I can not get php to create files. His is the cod that Im trying to run.

file createfile.php


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Fedora Servers :: Can't Create Virtual Machine

Jan 6, 2009

I used qemu sucesfully on F9 but I can't find it on F10. I can't create a virtual machine. I tried installing qemu from rpms that I found on their site without any luck. How can I create a virtual machine on F10?

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Fedora Servers :: Create An Wireless Hotspot?

Jun 18, 2009

Where can find the best guidelines to create an wireless hotspot fedora based. All my users are on windows domain (Active Directory)

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Fedora Servers :: Create New Samba User?

Dec 3, 2009

When i try to create a new samba user the computer locks up and i get this message. can someone help me out. TB08997608 connection.py:630:call_blockingBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1


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Fedora Servers :: Create TUN/TAP Device With Non Default Name?

Apr 27, 2010

I try to configure openvpn under Fedora, using TUN/TAP device. I configured it under windows without the problems. However in windows this device is TAP-WIN32 device with the name VPN-urs. It set set in client.ovpn file as:

# Windows needs the TAP-Win32 adapter name
# from the Network Connections panel
# if you have more than one. On XP SP2,
# you may need to disable the firewall


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Fedora Servers :: Create A Pxe Boot For Windows Clients?

Jul 23, 2010

is it possible to create a pxe boot server on fedora for windows clients?

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Fedora Servers :: Create Exact Backup / Copy?

Mar 14, 2011

I want to backup my server that godaddy is hosting and install it on my linux system at home. In other words I want to have a clone of my server at home, like what timemachine does on mac (carries files and programs from one mac to another to make a clone).

How do I do that? I create an image file an iso file? or what? How?

I want to do this incase my server burns up over there. I don't want to reinstall all the programs and do the set ups manually again.

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Fedora :: F12 : Downgrading Postgresql To 8.3 ?

Nov 24, 2009

I upgraded my server machine to F12 without realising that postgresql gets upgraded to 8.4, and without realising that 8.4 can't work with 8.3 databases.

Is there a way to install postgresql 8.3 on F12, preferably from Fedora repositories?

Alternatively, is there a way to migrate an 8.3 database to 8.4? I know that the recommended approach is to dump and restore the DB, but now that I have upgraded to F12, the pg_dump command doesn't work anymore.

There is also this open-source tool called pg_migrator but I couldn't find a package for it and it requires a complicated compilation and installation procedure.

The simplest solution seems to me to remove pg 8.4 and install 8.3 on Fedora 12.

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Fedora :: Postgresql Won't Start In F15

May 31, 2011

I upgraded some days ago from F14 to F15, I once had postgresql-server configured and running, but now I'm getting errors when starting the service and I can't understand where the issue is.

Here some infos

# /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Starting postgresql (via systemctl): Job failed. See system logs and 'systemctl status' for details.
# systemctl --failed


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Ubuntu Servers :: Postgresql Not Starting - Error "psql: Could Not Connect To Server: No Such File Or Directory"

Feb 1, 2010

I'm trying to install postgresql 8.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server and I'm running into problems starting it. Commands I've done # apt-get install postgresql postgresql-common Things I've tried Starting it manually

# /etc/init.d/postgrsql-8.3 start

Nothing appears in my /var/run/postgresql When I try and start psql as the postgres user I get the following error psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? I've been following the docs at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL

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Fedora Servers :: Create A Backup To A Remote File System?

Jun 26, 2010

Attempting to create a backup script to copy files from one file system to a remote file system.

When I try this I get:


# tar -cf - /mnt/raid_md1 | gzip -c | ssh -i ~/.ssh/key -l user@ "cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz"
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
ssh: Could not resolve hostname cat > /mnt/backup/fileserver.md1.tar.gz: Name or service not known


I know that the remote file system dir is RW and the access is working fine. I am stumped...

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Fedora Servers :: Cannot Create Local 13 Repo: Pycurl Error 6?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm in the process of creating local repos for our company servers (CentOS 5.5) and laptops (Fedora 13). And while the CentOS part went perfect the Fedora part is causing major trouble.

But first things first, here's the setup: a central CentOS 5.5 server is running Apache2 and has a VirtualHost listening on Port 8080 for both CentOS and Fedora. The DocumentRoot for this VirtualHost is /data/repo wherein two directories, centos and fedora, reside.

This is the .repo-file for CentOS that works like a charm:


name=CentOS-$releasever - local packages for $basearch

After the CentOS repository was up and running I follwed the exact same steps and was expecting to find a Fedora repo up and running (I know, I know, silly me...). However, yum complains it cannot download the repomd.xml. The .repo-File is as follows:


name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch

Yum returns the following error message:

Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: local. Please verify its path and try again

The path is definitely correct - copying the url and pasting it into a webbrowser returns the correct repomd.xml file, so does pasting it to wget.

Any ideas? Does createrepo need any parameters in order to create a working Fedora repository?

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Fedora Servers :: /var/www/html - Not Allowing To Do Any Changes/create The Files Or Folders

Aug 8, 2011

I m able to do the changes in the home directory of the users' but when it comes to the /var/www/html folder, it's not allowing to do any changes/create the files or folders

I m able to view the files and it's contents

Global Settings:

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Fedora Security :: Securing PHP And PostgreSQL

Nov 19, 2009

I'm still new to PHP and SQL, but all the tutorials I've found connect to the database like this:

PHP Code:

Right now I'm just doing local network tests before exposing everything to the Internet.

Wouldn't leaving the password in there as plain text be a huge security issue? I tried downloading the php file off the server, and it just comes down blank. So does PHP already have a security feature that doesn't allow anyone to just nab PHP files off the server?

And for Postgre, I have pg_hba.conf set up to "trust" it's own IP address:


Would I need to use something like Kerberos, PAM, or ident authentication? Right now the only plan is to use it as login system for a website. The clients themselves won't be accessing the DB itself, because all the DB access will be through PHP.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Start With Postgresql

Jun 30, 2010

I want to know how to start with postgresql

os using : fedora 10
installed postgresql with the DVD rom , by clicking the check box while installing fedora

i tried postmaster , initrd , psql commands.... (command not found error coming)

i created a local user ...........]#adduser postgresql password : 123456
for working with postgre.

as one of my friend told i installed phpPgAdmin also ...........]# yum install phpPgAdmin

now i just want to work with the postgresql....!!!

and i need full steps as i am a beginner...

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Fedora Networking :: Tool To Create Multiple Listening Servers On TCP And UDP Ports

Jan 17, 2011

Looking for a test tool where I can fire up any number of ports (TCP and / or UDP) to listen on.

I am currently getting my using nc but its only 1 port at a time (i know I can open up multiple sessions but thats cumbersome), it can't do UDP, and it closes at the end of the session.

A friend has suggested socat but it looks pretty much the same except it can do UDP, but also cumbersome, I have to manually output to a different file per port, etc.

Basically its so I can quickly test firewall and NAT rules.

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Fedora :: PostgreSQL's PgAdmin3 Query Mode Crashes On 15 X86-64

Aug 11, 2011

this is my first post right here. I'm running on my first Fedora full experience, then I'm not so experienced about the specific details of the distro. Coming from Ubuntu (and certainly sad about Unity bugs), I wanted to know other distros, so I've adopted Fedora as my main OS. I often had some bugs and try to resolve them by myself but, this time, I've no idea about what can I do. So, there it goes:

Recently I've been trying to set up my PostgreSQL server for development purposes. Then I went to EnterpriseDB website and downloaded the x86-64 GUI install bundle, as I always did in Ubuntu (I never had this bug with Ubuntu). After the download, I went on with the installation, doing these steps:


sudo chmod +x postgresql-9.0.4-1-linux-x64.bin
sudo ./postgresql-9.0.4-1-linux-x64.bin

I run the installation with no problem, doing it alright, then I finish the installation and open pgAdmin3, for set up my databases. I log onto my server, put my password for postgres user and create a new server. It's all OK, so when I go to Query Mode tool (Ctrl + E), it crashes along with the pgAdmin.I decided to run the pgadmin script on terminal, looking for more details, then:


/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/pgAdmin3/bin/pgadmin3: /opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib/libuuid.so.1: no version information available (required by /usr/lib64/libSM.so.6)
/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/scripts/launchpgadmin.sh: line 3: 4890 Segmentation fault (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/pgAdmin3/lib:/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH G_SLICE=always-malloc /opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/pgAdmin3/bin/pgadmin3

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installation Of Php - Platform With Remote Postgresql Support

Oct 18, 2010

I have two machines. One is for web server and the other is for database server.I need to install php in the web server and postgresql in the database server. I installed postgresql. But could not install php as it needs postgresql library during configuration steps.

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