Ubuntu Servers :: Rsnapshot And Postgresql - Permission ?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a server with a postgres database, apache and a custom java application.

I am trying to run rsnapshot to backup /home /etc and /var folders.

But I am running into issues with rsnapshot and permissions. More specifically these kind of errors,


I look at the permissions on these files with ls -la, I get


The owner of the files is root and postgres users. I am using passwordless login to connect to server as user XYZ. XYZ has root access to the server and to the database.

These files are all over the place. Some in /etc and some in /var/lib for instance. How can I best copy these remaining files.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postgresql-8.4 Won't Boot At Startup On 9.10?

Apr 1, 2010

I have just moved to rackspacecloud and created a Ubuntu 9.10 server. Moved everything over all fine (7-10 wordpress sites). Now I have a couple rails apps that need to move over and run on postgresql 8.4.

I installed postgresql via sudo apt-get as per usual. Usually at this point the postgresql server starts up and I can forget about it. But no luck. I booted it by running /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 start. When I run that command it boots fine, I can connect via psql no trouble.

I rebooted the machine to see what happened. After boot, apache and mysql started just fine, wp sites came up nicely no trouble. postgresql wouldn't start up.

I have tried installing from source, I have tried using different /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4 scripts. I have no idea what to do.

I have downgraded to upstart to 0.6.3-10. I have apt-get updated, upgraded. I have Googled. I have pushed and pulled.

Usually with any linux issue in the past I have been able to find a solution on the net or work it out myself. This one stumps me to no end.

The other irritating part is that while I wait to work out this issue I am still paying for my old server running my Rails apps.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Clear Postgresql Database Cache

Jan 16, 2010

I just wanna clear database(postgresql) cache so how to do that..and also adempiere cache...

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Ubuntu Servers :: PostgreSQL 8.4 GUI Admin Tool For 9.10 (Karmic)

Feb 11, 2010

I have Apache 2.2.12, Gallery2, PostgreSQL 8.4, and XCache (PHP cache) humming along on a Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) server. Can someone recommend GUI postgreSQL admin tool for managing the database other than pgAdmin?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recovering Data From Old PostgreSQL Install

May 5, 2010

I was previously running postgresql 8.3, but upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, has installed postgresql 8.4 and I'm now unable to start 8.3. I don't mind using 8.4, but I need to recover the data from my 8.3 installation, But I'm not sure how to do this as I can't start the 8.3 server, and 8.4 can't read my old data directory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: PostgreSQL Not Starting At Boot & Httpd?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to get SQL-Ledger installed and running on my computer, which needs PostgreSQL installed to run.Currently, I am having trouble with it starting at boot-up. How can I access the appropriate log files in order to figure out what's wrong?

Also, I need to know what httpd is, and who the owner and groups using that might be on my system.

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Fedora Servers :: Downgrading PostgreSQL To 8.2.x?

Feb 1, 2009

Is there any simpler method to downgrading to PostgreSQL 8.2.x? I am installing an application that requires it. I have removed postgresql 8.3 and tried to install some older fedora packages, but it did not go well.

My next step was to compile from scratch. However, I'm not real experienced with make/compiling and am fond of the organizational structure of RPMs.

The other option I could pursue is keeping 8.3 and installing an isolated 8.2 server for exclusive use by this app.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Menalto Gallery2 2.3.1 On 9.10 - Php 5.3.1 - Apache 2.2.12 - Postgresql

Jan 11, 2010

Is there anyone out there running Menalto's Gallery2 on Ubuntu 9.10? I'm trying to install Menalto Gallery2 2.3.1 on Ubuntu 9.10 + php 5.3.1 + apache 2.2.12 + postgresql

php5 is configured and running correctly. I verified the config using gallery2 ghcc (gallery host compatibility checker) and running a "test.php" (<?php phpinfo();?>). a2enmod php5 is enabled.

Whenever I try to run the install script in the http://mysite.com/gallery2/install folder, the "index.php" file is not executing it just downloads the "index.php".

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Connect To The Postgresql

Jun 21, 2009

I have recently Installed Fedora 11. I have installed postgres like yum install postgresql but I wonder there is no user created for postgres when I tried su postgres system says, no identity for user postgres. even when I tried to connect postgres server using psql then it says


psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory

Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

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Fedora Servers :: Cannot Create DB On PostgreSQL Ascultaţi

Feb 6, 2011

I have tried to create a Postgresql DB from Konsole, but it could not. I received the following messages:

root@fedora-system ~]# chkconfig postgresql on
[root@fedora-system ~]# /etc/init.d/postgresql initdb
Initializing database: [ OK ]


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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Configure PostGreSQL For Internal Network Access?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a problem configuring my PostGreSQL server for internal network access.

I want to be able to access my postgre server from

It works when I set listen_address to *, but if I input, or any other IP address, I always get:


WARNING: could not create listen socket for ""
FATAL: could not create any TCP/IP sockets
postgresql.conf section


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Ubuntu Servers :: Postgresql Not Starting - Error "psql: Could Not Connect To Server: No Such File Or Directory"

Feb 1, 2010

I'm trying to install postgresql 8.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server and I'm running into problems starting it. Commands I've done # apt-get install postgresql postgresql-common Things I've tried Starting it manually

# /etc/init.d/postgrsql-8.3 start

Nothing appears in my /var/run/postgresql When I try and start psql as the postgres user I get the following error psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"? I've been following the docs at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostgreSQL

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Ubuntu :: Rsnapshot Over SSHFS And ENCFS

Apr 29, 2010

Right, just a quick question about rsnapshot over sshfs and encfs. I've set up an encfs filesystem, and when mounted on the remote machine remotely:

touch foo.bar
cp -al foo.bar foo.car
Works as one would expect it to.

The same is true on the local machine (The EncFS has External IV chaining disabled). However, when the remote dir is sshfs mounted on my computer here, and then encfs'd to a decrypt mount on my computer, I can move files to it, and they go over the network and get encrypted, however:

cp -al <file> <file>
No longer works, I get 'not implemented' errors...

I thought since I don't have External IV chaining this shouldn't be an issue - I've tried without any of the file chaining options, again to no effect. All work remotely, or with both locally, but not over sshfs. Is this a quirk of sshfs?

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Ubuntu :: Strategy To Schedule Rsnapshot If Pc Is Not Always On?

Jun 20, 2010

I just did my first rsnapshot backup of my /home/ to an external harddisk. When I am not at my computer for a couple of hours, I always shut it down. Therefore, there are no predictable hours of the day where I know that my computer is running. So, how should I schedule/crontab my rotating rsnapshot backups?

Is anyone using rsnapshot in combination with a schedule which is not based on exact times but rather on the time the computer is running?

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Ubuntu :: Run Rsnapshot From Cron Via Root's Crontab File

Nov 21, 2010

I am trying to run rsnapshot from cron via root's crontab file (crontab -e). If I run rsnapshot from the command line with sudo it works perfectly, however, if I run it from cron:

* * * * * /usr/bin/rsnapshot hourly >/tmp/crontab.out 2>/tmp/crontab.err
This does not work. The crontab.err file shows:


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Debian :: Rsync Error In Rsnapshot Backups

Apr 5, 2011

I am backing up my debian server with rsnapshot which actually uses rsync to perform the backup. The backups are located in an external storage of size 1.4T .


I tried to understand what this error message means and i founde that error code 12 : 12 Error in rsync protocol data stream I understand that when rsync find that a file on the target was changed , it will send only the block/blocks that contain the changes and in the destination rsync will create new file and not update the old one (new inod...) . I want to know if this error i get is due to full disk or perhaps it is some other factor

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Debian :: Backup Running Server Using Rsnapshot?

Jan 31, 2010

How to backup incremental running debian server using rsnapshot?

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Slackware :: How To Run Rsnapshot To Backup Home Directory?

Apr 24, 2010

I have installed rsnapshot from slackbuilds.How to run it to backup home directory?I'm also reading the official docs.

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Ubuntu :: Rsnapshot - Automated Data Backup Of Remote File System

Aug 28, 2010

Rsnapshot is a software written in Perl to make backup of local and remote file system. The well proven rsync is behind this utility. rsnapshot does not need root user intervention to restore the data of a normal user. It does not take much space in your Backup server. It can be easily automated (scheduled) to make life easier. Just setup once and forget it configuration. Basically it takes snapshot of file system (or a part of) in regular interval such as hourly, daily, weekly and monthly.

This can be configured easily through a simple text based configuration file. The above task can be setup in a few easy steps in a few minutes. Two major tasks are configuring rsnapshot and openssh automatic login. To make the backup automatically, we need to automate the remote login in a secured way. This can be done through openssh tools. This scenario depicts backup of desktop (assuming that IP address is data to a backup server. My desktop runs on Ubuntu 10.04 and backup server runs on Debian Squeeze. [URL]

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Slackware :: Automated Remote Backup Of Laptop Using RSnapshot?

May 25, 2010

I have a machine on my network and that machine is a mass storage server that I will eventually use as a media server (to stream movies, videoclips and music on my home theater system). I use slackware 13 on ALL of my machines.

I am trying to automate the backup of the "/home" folder of my laptop onto the mass storage server. I currently use rsnapshot and it works great, but I would like to automate the whole process, even if I am not home or in front of my machines...

Here's what I imagined (in pseudo code):

1) Poll if server is active (up);
1.1) If not:
1.1.1) Wake up the server (WOL);
1.1.2) Wait for the server to boot;
1.1.3) Confirm the server has made it to the login prompt (normal boot); If not, send an alarm via email;


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Ubuntu Servers :: Ssh Server - Permission Denied - Please Try Again

Feb 20, 2010

fresh install of ubuntu karmic server. fresh, vanilla install of openssh-server attempt to connect either via standard ssh, linux client or puTTY win32 client system (both on local LAN)

First connect is great. connection established.

Second connection (via multiple clients) screams that: "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" and since I have strict checking, won't let me continue.

So, i do a little


To flush it out (i have backups,).

Then i try again:

I get the typical "Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" and i say yes. at which point, i offer the password for the username in question and it flat out refuses: "Permission denied, please try again."

Ok, so i have even gone as far as do a complete rip and replace of the ssh server and it's config files, however this continues to loop and repeat.

So, question one: Why does my key change?

Question two: Why am i getting "permission denied" errors on subsequent connect.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Check A File Permission With Ssh?

Jun 5, 2011

i have check a file permission with sshand i get : drwxrxwrwxwhat is "d" ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: SATA/PATA - Permission Denied

Apr 18, 2010

I'm currently running Karmic on a old Dell Pentium 4, and I am having trouble copying files to this box from my laptop which is running Linux Mint Helena. I am able to see and connect to the shared directory on the Dell, copy and execute files from there, but cannot write to it. The permissions have been set to 777 on the shared directory and sub directories within that. The older Dell has a PATA hard disk, 300gb, while my newer laptop has a SATA hard disk. I've read that this can be a problem, and permissions may not be recognized? I'm not able to connect to the laptop from the Dell, neither of the administrator logins work, though I maybe need to do this as root?

Here is the smb.conf file I am running on both machines:

I want to be able to write to my server, not just read and execute. I am also not able to write to the server when logged on to a windows machine on the same network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Root Permission Denied Errors When Using Apt

May 6, 2010

Just had a new VPS installed running Ubuntu Server 8.04 Getting some errors when I connect to the server and try to use apt.. only trying to install nano and after messing around I've managed to get the error to change.. but still can't get any further.



# sudo apt-get install nano
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu Servers :: Configure The Personal Pc - Permission Error 403 ?

Jun 24, 2010

I switched from opensuse yesterday and i'm trying to configure the personal pc. In opensuse was pretty easy because i only needed to use the yast.Now: I've got 403 error

PHP Code:[code].....

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Ubuntu Servers :: SSH Error: Permission Denied (publickey)

Aug 10, 2010

I want to use SSH to connect to my desktop. I have used Ubuntu 10.10's encryption to encrypt my home folder (thus encrypting my .ssh folder). This means that the OpenSSH doesn't have access to my .ssh folder. When I try to log into SSH before logging in on the local machine I get the following error:


jason@ONONWARA:~$ ssh jason@
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS
Permission denied (publickey).

If I log onto the machine, then use SSH it works fine. I want to use key based login, One way to get around this error would be use a different authorized_keys file, but I don't know of a way to do this. This is the contents of my sshd_config file:


# Package generated configuration file
# See the sshd_config(5) manpage for details
# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cat Command Gives Error Permission Denied

Aug 28, 2010

I am using Ubuntu server edition 10.04.1 running in Vmware server 2.02.I am connect via Putty so I can use copy and paste.My first goal is configuring a ftp server using PureFtpd using this guide.In section 10 I need to write this command

cat /dev/null > /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf

I am getting this error

almog@Testing:~$ sudo cat /dev/null > /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf
-bash: /etc/pure-ftpd/db/mysql.conf: Permission denied

I tried with and without "sudo" and I am getting the same error.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Folder Permission 777 - Cannot Authenticate Samba

Sep 28, 2010

I have samba allowing only known users, and on the ubuntu side, I have the folder permission 777. I have the same exact samba smb.conf file(locations of course matching new server), but I can't get it to authenticate with the new server(Old server is up and running too) and I'm lost. I thought I had it figured out when I did my last server, but I seem to be missing something on this one.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Win7 Needs Permission To Copy To Smb Share?

Oct 5, 2010

I setup ubuntu 10.04.1 server on a computer I'm using as a server for my home. I can view the share folder on server from win7 I can read files but cannot right to the share. However from Xubuntu I was able to read and write no problem. So the question is... why can't windows 7 read and right like xubuntu? I have 2 win7 machines and both were denied writing to the share folder... I'm by no means an expert.. I setup the share using ubuntu server guide pdf... not sure if its done correctly maybe someone here knows off hand what kind of permissions would be causing this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Modify Permission On Jail User?

Dec 3, 2010

Does anyone know how to modify permission on jail user. current jail user added to its /home/jail/*

How can I assign jail user(s) enough permission to access /opt, /var, or any other directories other than /home/jail/* ?

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