Fedora Security :: Unusual Warning Message Asking For Password?

Apr 9, 2011

Sometimes when I try to open some chat application i get a strange warning message asking for password. The message is that /usr/libexec/mission-control is trying to gain access of the system, please provide the password. On top of the message box it shows "Unlock Keyring".

This very weird, as I am also unable to do a print-screen when this message box is up.

what this message is all about and what does the executable /usr/libexec/mission-control do?

I am using Empathy as my chat application

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Security :: Attack Warning In Logwatch Message: Loopback Relay

Dec 14, 2010

I'm not concerned about this since this traffic is generated from the loopback address, but would like to find out what it is.


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Fedora Security :: Send An Email Using Evolution The Message Was Not Sent But Returns A Error Message?

Apr 30, 2009

Hi I am running a fedora 10 desktop. when i send an email using evolution the message was not sent but returns a error message:"Error while performing operation.DATA command failedError: 550 Viagra SPAM - Hi in Subject" and the message did not have an attachment just plain words. what might have gone wrong for i have been using this for sometime without a problem. or what security measures should be in place to remove this viagra spamAm I infected by virus on this fedora, all my updates are up to date.

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Fedora :: Udev Warning Message At Boot Time?

Aug 11, 2009

i'm heaving the following message at boot time: "Starting udev: udevd[114]: unknown key 'DEVTYPE' in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-cups-libusb.rules:6", i guess it's something about usb printing support but i am not sure, and i don't know how to fix it, does any of you guys know what this exactly means and how to fix it

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Fedora Networking :: Getting Message - WARNING - Probably Rcvbuf Is Not Enough To Hold Preload

Feb 28, 2010

I am getting the following message

WARNING: probably, rcvbuf is not enough to hold preload.

When i try to adjust the mtu to the router (1400) config

What is wrong about message? if i change to a low value, like 500, the message it doesn't showed..

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Fedora :: 15, Gnome Disappeared \ Warning Can't Start Display Message?

Jun 23, 2011

Just installed F15, was everything fine, but then gnome got away, from terminal I have<gnome-session:1951): Warning can't start display message.Before that I put in config file one extra line to start tint2 like <sleep 3 && tint2.Not sure was it the reason?

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Security :: Unusual Sm-msp-queue Log In Maillog?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm running sendmail in FC6. For the last 3/4 days I'm geeting the following unusual message in my maillog:

Apr 25 04:03:54 mail sendmail[20827]: o3OLq515020827: from=<info@efcc.com>, size=8084, class=0, nrcpts=0, proto=ESMTP, daemon=MTA, relay=localhost.localdomain []
Apr 25 04:03:54 mail sendmail[20827]: o3OLq516020827: ruleset=check_mail, arg1=<info@efcc.com>, relay=localhost.localdomain [], reject=451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address info@efcc.co
m does not resolve
Apr 25 04:03:54 mail sm-msp-queue[20769]: o3N6XIQd029543:


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Ubuntu Security :: Unusual Port - 8081 - Is Open?

Jul 3, 2010

I did a port scan on my own network and found the following port open on my Ubuntu:

Particularly, I have no idea what/why the following is open: 8081/tcp open blackice-icecap

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Ubuntu Security :: Unusual Folder Appearance Under Places?

Aug 10, 2010

I'm not sure this is the correct place for this post, but since it involves a keyring, I'm making my best guess. Feel free to move it if I am in error. I have had a "tmp" directory appear under Places in the first grouping which contains "Home", "Deaktop", "Documents", etc. When I open this folder I find the attached png file.

When I look for this folder I find it is owned by root, but it appears in what should be my home directories. The only guess I have as to it's origin is that I recently formatted a USB stick as an encrypted device. I don't know if that is when it appeared or not.

Can anyone shed any light on what this folder is, and why it appears where it does? Somehow it just doesn't seem a correct placement.

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Ubuntu Security :: Unusual Traffic From Amazon EC2 Cloud Server

May 1, 2011

Last night my old Sony Vaio laptop which connects via wired Ethernet and runs Ubuntu 10.10 started hammering the network out onto the Internet. Fired up Wireshark and found lots of traffic between my machine and which I did a whois on and found belonged to Amazon EC2 Cloud Server. The port on my machine was an unknown 5000+ but the port on the remote system was 443 the port used by https, however no browser was running. Did a search and put together a couple of iptable commands to block this IP address which stopped the traffic. I then used nmap and netstat and found port 3000 open and another connection to IP address which I also blocked. Unusually no info exists on this IP when you do a whois. At first I thought it might be some sort of sync as this machine has Ubuntu One running on it, however it could also be something else.

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Fedora Security :: SELinux Warning On Rkhunter?

Mar 17, 2011

i get this warning from selinux :

"SELinux is preventing /bin/mailx from append access on the file /var/lib/rkhunter/rkhcronlog.OmRFCZOynG."

I tried to fix it by "# /sbin/restorecon -v /var/lib/rkhunter/rkhcronlog.OmRFCZOynG" as suggested by SELinux but it comes back with another warning, but with a different /rkhcronlog.xxxxxxxxx...

i think its just a way of rkhunter logging issue -. attached here is the actual error message by selinux.

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Fedora Security :: Receiving A Rkhunter Warning On 14 Server

Jun 15, 2011

I had been receiving a rkhunter warning on my Fedora 14 server for quite some time now. Attempts to fix the error via information from Google searches have failed. I decided to have a look at bugzilla and what do you know, a fix. The warning:


[03:29:08] Warning: The SSH and rkhunter configuration options should be the same:
Warning: The SSH and rkhunter configuration options should be the same:

The fix, according to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=596775 is to change

PHP Code:



PHP Code:


I made the change and ran rkhunter again. No more error. I know everyone was wondering about this.

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Security :: Unusual Directories Appear On One Of Mounted Arrays - "samba_symlink_dir_traversal_nasl-#"

Jul 27, 2010

I recently started having unusual directories appear on one of my mounted arrays. I did not create them (intentionally) and I have no clue what they are. They all have the this in the name of the folder "samba_symlink_dir_traversal.nasl-<10-digit number>" they all have the same time-stamp for the date modified column (see pic).

What are these folders? Why are they appearing? And how can I make it stop? It doesn't do this on my other mounted arrays and disks. I recently grew my two attached arrays, this started right after that, but only on one of them. Connection? Also, it may be relevant, the folders are different today in their modified date(reflecting today's date) and the numbers in the name of the folder are different too.

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Ubuntu :: Warning Message Before Swap Is Used?

Jul 28, 2010

Is there any way to set up my system so that, just before I run out of RAM, and SWAP is utilized, I can get a warning message so that I can kill the memory hog before my computer slows to a crawl?I'm a programmer, and it's happened a few times that my programs have memory leaks and run over into SWAP and effectively freeze my system.

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Ubuntu :: Get A Message That Ur Login Keyring Password And User Password Do Not Match

May 4, 2011

i changed my password and whenever i log in i get a message that ur login keyring password and user password do not match, so how do i change my login keyring password!!

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Ubuntu :: Warning Message In Terminal - Configure GUI

Feb 25, 2010

I'm pretty new to Ubutnu and Linux in general so take it easy on me. I'm a Senior at the University of Houston and part of our final project involves running an application in Ubuntu that was developed by another university. It installs fine, but when I run the command the launch the configure gui I get a strange warning message.

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General :: Ssh Connection Forces Password Change Then Closes Connection - WARNING: Your Password Has Expired

Feb 16, 2011

On my linux machine, I've enforced a password expiry policy every 45 days. So, today when I tried to ssh to the host, I get the typical "WARNING: Your password has expired". Fine, no big deal. But when I enter my new password and confirm, instead of giving me a login prompt, it tells me passwd all auth tokens updated successfully, then next line, "Connection to <host> closed". I can re-ssh back into that host and all is well from here, but it's a nuisance having to go through the extra step. Is this something in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config somewhere or perhaps a PAM config issue?

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Software :: Accept System Call Warning Message?

Jan 7, 2010

im writing a simple socket program and im getting below mentioned warning msg. what does it mean and what i have to do to avoid this warning ??

/usr/include/sys/socket.h:214: note: expected 'socklen_t * __restrict__' but argument is of type 'int *'

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Software :: Warning Message Or Error When Running Gedit

Dec 28, 2010

Why is it when I run gedit, there are always tonnes of error or warning messages? (Even though my gedit ran successfully)

To name a few:
1. GConf error: failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you ned to enable TCP/IP networking for 0 RBit, or you have stale NFS lockes due to a system crash.
2. Failed to get connection to session: Did not receive a reply among others.

Just to mention again my gedit is running fine though. Is there any configuration that I missed out? or I can disable to avoid these nuisance?

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Software :: Why Gcc Make Warning Message Don't Show Color Font?

Mar 16, 2009

rencently, i move develop env from one linux machine to another, two linux have same gcc and make version, but at new linux machine make warning/error messages dont show color font.so, when make, there are all white messages, i cant focus on warning and error.

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Programming :: Error/warning Message S From For Simple Perl Script

Mar 17, 2010

I just wrote a simple perl script to compare the following two files


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Slackware :: Warning Message During Kernel Boot - All Configuration Files Need

Mar 12, 2010

I recently did a fresh install of current and once I had it up and running I compiled a fresh 2.6.33 kernel using my old config file, but now I get this warning durning boot, specifically during module loading WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/sound, it will be ignored in a future release. This doesn't seem to be causing any problems but I am curious to know what the message meams? I checked /etc/modprobe but everything looks normal.

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Security :: Iptables 1.4.1 Mac Module Doesn't Work (error Message) - Fedora Core 8

Nov 25, 2010

I use iptables firewall (v1.4.1) installed on FC8. I'm trying to limit the inflow traffic for the port 1723 to certain MAC addresses. To experiment with the mac option, I've written the following iptables rule:


iptables -A INPUT -m -mac --mac-source 10:08:08:08:08:10 -j ACCEPT

It didn't work. It gave me this error message:


iptables v1.4.1: Couldn't load match `-mac':/usr/local/libexec/xtables/libipt_-mac.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information. Does that mean the mac module wasn't installed/enabled?

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Fedora Security :: Use A Passphrase - Not A Password

Feb 9, 2010

Simply, the number of possible combinations of passwords increases as an exponent of the number of characters used and as a factor of the number of characters available for use.

26 potential characters for a 2 character password results in 26^2 possible password combinations. This means that each new character added would result in an "order of magnitude" increase in the difficulty of brute force attack.

Using a phrase, complete with punctuation and capitalization is the very best mnemonic device to remember a password. Consider this, how hard is it to remember; The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

Than it is to remember, l33tsp34kp@ssw0rd

If we pretend that both of these passphrases are generated from a character set consisting of 26 characters, the first would be one of a possible 15274273784216769021564085930704478424313742483024 510976. The second would be one of a possible 1133827315385150725554176.

In short, use a passphrase not a password, they are much MUCH more secure.

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Fedora Security :: How To Debug 'ssh W/o Password'

Jan 22, 2011

I tried the following instructions to set up "ssh without passwords". But this didn't work.Could someone please tell how to debug this.

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Fedora Security :: Forgot Login Password?

May 8, 2009

I just installed Fedora 10 on my laptop 2 days ago. I dont seem to remember the password i userd for my username. Is there a way to reset or change the password? I cannot login to the system.

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Fedora Security :: How To Change Password Complexity

Aug 26, 2009

I want to change the password complexity how do i do this?

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Fedora Security :: Locekd Local Password?

Sep 2, 2009

iam new in linuxi put check on locked local password and now i can not log in if i put my password

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Fedora Security :: Forgot Root Password?

Sep 21, 2009

what does one do when he forgets the root password ? i still have a terminal logged in as root how can i change the password in terminall

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Fedora Security :: Changing Encryption Password?

Oct 19, 2009

When I installed Fedora selected the option to encrypt the hard drive. I want to change the passphrase, is there a way to change the passphrase, or do I have to re-install Fedora?

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