Fedora Networking :: Create A LAN Where The Machines Connected Have A Name Binded With The IP's?

Mar 9, 2010

How can one create a LAN in fedora where the machines connected have a name binded with the IP's . The names corresponding to the IPs are stored on a host which can act as a domain name server. The host can have a name of something like test1.test1.org. I am actually working on Globus toolkit where I will be providing grid services to clients. For that I needed a static IP registered with a domain name service. But since I required it only for local network so I thought to create a Local network myself.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Can Ping - Connected Machines Can't

Feb 16, 2011

I'm running into a curious networking hiccup with my router setup. I have a D-Link DIR-628 wireless router connected to our modem, and a wire running from that to a Linksys WRT-54G (v1.1) in our basement. This setup worked great for a few days, but then suddenly the Linksys stopped routing us to the internet. I can connect to the router page on the Linksys and using the diagnostic tools I can ping the web from there, but none of the computers connected to it can. Everything is fine when connected to the D-Link.

After fiddling around with just about every setting on the Linksys I finally gave up and tried resetting it to factory defaults--and it worked! Everyone could access the internet again. But then, every day or two it locks up again and I have to reset factory defaults again.

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Networking :: Create Simple Pppd Tunnel Between Two Machines?

Nov 26, 2010

I'm looking for a tutorial on how to create a simple pppd tunnel between two machines. I've found alot of tutorials about pppd over ssh (using the pty option) but for the purpose I just want a simple pppd tunnel.

host 1: lan ip running slackware 13.0
host 2: lan ip running slackware 13.1

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Fedora Security :: Why Is Httpd Allowed To Start Binded To Port That's Not Explicitly Allowed?

May 28, 2010

While reading some papers on securing apache with selinux, I have tried to bind httpd to port 3000 expecting to be blocked by the selinux, since port tcp 3000 isn't on the http_port_t list. However I was able to start the service...

I'm preety sure selinux is enforcing. Also, if I bind httpd to tcp 81 selinux denies the start of the service, as expected!Did I miss something? Why is httpd allowed to start binded to a port that's not explicitly allowed?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Samsung TV , Connected Via DLNA With XP Machines Wirelessly - System Cannot Be Recognised By The TV?

Nov 8, 2010

I have a Samsung TV that can be and is connected via DLNA with my XP machines wirelessly. There is NO WAY I can make it see my Ubuntu machine though.I have the 10.04 and I have tried almost all the available programs for this OS.Name it and I have tried it: Mediatomb,ushare, PS3MediaServer and others that I cannot recall right now.These programs are installed with no errors and they look like they run correctly, their web interfaces work fine but that's all.None of them has been ever found by the TV,-but it can see the native Samsung program PC Share runnning on the XPs.What's the problem with my Ubuntu system and it cannot be recognised by the TV?It's not that it won't play this or that file. It's that it won't see the server AT ALL.

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Fedora Networking :: How To Have XP Machines Log Into F11

Feb 2, 2010

How do I go about having XP client machines authenticate into their Fedora 11 accounts upon starting up windows? For example, I would like the Windows logon window show their accounts on the F11 server so they can log in and have their server stored home directories used via the network on the XP client machine they are using

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Fedora :: Networking Two F14 Machines?

Apr 25, 2011

I am trying to access folders on my main computer running F14 from my laptop, also running F14. I have had no luck, in the past I've networked windows 7 and Fedora and it was easier than this

I have tried setting up Samba and everything looks fine, except I can't access the folders from my laptop. I'm sure this has been discussed on the forum and believe me I've searched, here, various search engines, the official Fedora guide, and still no luck.

how to share folders between two computers?

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Fedora Networking :: Networking On F11 Doesn't Work On Various Machines

Aug 25, 2009

Networking on Fedora 11 doesn't work for me on various machines. Fedora 10 does, but only if you don't do an update.Why does Fedora get worse the more you keep it up-to-date?

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Fedora Networking :: Linking Disks Between Machines?

Oct 26, 2009

I am setting up my first disk share between linux machines using just mount to test ( as with mounting win disks) and it doesn't mount. I get messages like "special device - does not exist" Should I be doing fstab entries from the start or what should I do?. One machine is F11 the other f10 if that makes a difference. I can link one linux to windows on the other machine.

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Mount One Of My Windows Machines

Apr 10, 2010

What could block access from Fedora to just one Windows XP system without blocking access to or from other Windows systems on the network? I have a working Windows network with six computers and one network-attached-storage. Two of the computers (MARTIN and NANCY) are Windows XP, the rest are older. I set up a Fedora laptop with Samba. The Fedora system can access the Internet (I'm using it to post this message). It can see all the Windows systems, and it can open all of them except MARTIN. The firewall on MARTIN is turned off.

I go to Places, Network, and I see nine icons: the Fedora system, seven Windows systems and one for Windows Network. If I double-click on the MARTIN icon I get a message window that says "Unable to mount location" and "Failed to retrieve share list from server". If I double-click on any of the other Windows icons, including NANCY, a new window opens showing the shares on that system. Similar results with smbclient. It shows the shares for all systems except MARTIN. For MARTIN it says "Connection to MARTIN failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)."

The other Windows computers on the network can open the shares on MARTIN with no problem. The network is partly wired and partly wireless. The wireless network is secured with WEP. The Fedora laptop is (as you might expect) wireless. The Fedora laptop is an emachines E520 and both Windows XP machines are custom-built tower systems. I don't think that information is relevant but I mention it anyway. What should I look for?

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CentOS 5 :: Create A High Availability Environment Between Two Machines?

Jul 9, 2009

Is there a way to create a high availability environment between two CentOS machines? I don't mean just the HTTP service or just one other thing. I need the entire server synced in real time ready to take over if the next goes down.

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Fedora Networking :: Share A Printer To Windows Machines?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a machine running fedora 10 that has a printer in cups that i want to share to the windows machines on the network.I cant find any mention of shareing printers in the cups interface

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Fedora Networking :: Isolated Network For Virtual Machines?

Oct 10, 2010

give a reference to the definition of 'isolated network' as used in the Virtual Machine Manager? I have virtual machines that I do not want to have access to the host, I thought 'isolated network' did this but the VM's can ping the host. If (probably) I am wrong, how can I create an network that can not see anything else but what is also on the same network? The host and the isolated network are 192. and 172. The virtual bridge is not connected (or so it says) to any physical device.

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Programming :: BASH - Create User And Password On Multiple Machines

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to write a script that will prompt the user for a username/password, then create that user/password in the right groups on all my machines. I know this is kind of a long way around to avoid a NIS server, but I like making my life more difficult.

This is what I have so far:


the script has 2 problems: The "if" functions return an error and do not compare the strings successfully. whatever password is entered does get applied properly and the user is unable to login

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Fedora Networking :: Block Virtual Machines Access To Server

Nov 10, 2009

in my network, users has total access to their PCs, so theres a problem to filter (URL, ports,etc.) their virtual machines installed (they can assign self any IP, e.g.)

Id thought about use the MAC prefix in VMware VMs (00:0c:29:*), but i can only found a way through DHCP, and this isn't a good solution (they can assign a static IP to workaround...)

It will be better using firewall (iptables), but I don't found the way to add rules based in MACs with wildcards.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To See Other Wireless Machines - Destination Host Unreachable

Feb 17, 2009

I've got a problem with 'seeing' other machines on my Network. I have two laptops both with F10 on them however I can't ping either of them. They can connect fine to the internet and ping the router, they are both on the same subnet with Firewalls disabled on both machines. When I try to ping it says: "Destination Host Unreachable". I've tried firing up Wireshark to see if that will give me any clue but even that doesn't show any packets whatsoever from the other machine across the Network. It's like they are completely invisible to each other.

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Fedora Networking :: Easy Way To See What AP Im Connected To?

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a easy way to see what AP im connected to? I know what SSID im on but i need to find out the AP name.IN windows you can, But i cant figure out how in fedora.. It just gives me the normalbasic IP and SSID name in Network manager.Is there also a good program that can visualise what is nearby and what strength.Im working with some problems on my AP's at the mo and need to find out what one im authing to and what im not.

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Fedora Networking :: Connected But No Internet / Get That?

Apr 14, 2011

Yesterday I updated my kernel, and then i could not run my wireless card, since I use the broadcom STA driver and there was no update on rpmfusion yet.

I googled and downloaded akmod, and all got fixed after a reboot.
Latter last night, i got an update message in wich, among other updates, was rmpfusion's aforementioned update, I installed it.

After a reboot, I am connected to my network, ifconfig throws normal stuff (default gateway, ip adresses and subnet mask) and i LOOKS like there should be no problem

however I'm unable to connect to any website, or access any remote server via ssh, or ping anything.

Also, i disabled ipv6 in firefox just in case, and it was no use.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Speed Very Slow When Connected To Vpn In Fedora 12?

Mar 1, 2010

I have the following nasty issue:I am using fedora 12 and I use vpn for working remote.When I browse the internet the speed is very slow!even when I do a yum update it downloads the packages with max 100kb. if I drop the vpn connection I download the packages with 1Mbdo you know what the problem could be? i created the vpn connection using the network manager...it is a regular pptp connection for the vpn!

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Fedora Networking :: Run A Script After The Computer Has Been Connected?

Jan 3, 2010

I would like to run a script after I got a network connection. The reason is that I'm trying to install Dropbox on my Fedora 12 laptop, but it only works if I start it after I'm connected to the network. So, is it possible to automatically run a script after you've got the connection?

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Fedora Networking :: NIC Wont Stay Connected?

Mar 31, 2010

Situation: Someone intelligent physically dropped a HD from a dying machine into a newer one, things magically went well (with exception of X, fixed) and now we have this NIC problem. The owners of the server refuse to upgrade to fedora 12 unless there is no other choice, so here I am consulting the experts as I promised i would Ty for your help in advance

[CODE]# netstat -an | grep tcp | egrep -i 'established|time_wait' | wc -l
# service iptables status


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Fedora Networking :: F13 Connected But Unable To Browse

Nov 11, 2010

I have a fresh install of Fedora 13 on my Toshiba Notebook. I am able to connect to the internet but can not browse neither by Ethernet or wireless. I have an Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG wireless card and a Marvell Technology Group LTD 88E8036 PCI-E fast Ethernet card installed. The command ifconfig shows an ip address. I am able to ping by URL and IP address. It does the same with the firewall disabled. I have also disabled the iptable & ip6tables in the services. I have even set fire fox not to use proxy settings. I am just not able to browse at all.

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Fedora Networking :: [F14] Connected To WiFi, But Cannot Browse?

Nov 21, 2010

is the following (btw I'm new to linux) - installed f14, connected to WiFi from my home router, started Firefox, and it was not able to open any pageslong with that I successfully updated my system and applications (and even installed new ones) through the same internet connection.Being connected to WiFi on my workplace I am able to browse with firefox, but at home - not...What could be the problem? What additional info should I give?PS. Sorry if the problem was already addressed, I am trying to find the solution on the web - but no success. Also 1-day discussions on ru-net forums were not successful, unfortunately.

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Fedora Networking :: Wifi Detected But Not Connected

Dec 2, 2010

I just installed Fedora 14 i386, and Fedora can see the wireless network just fine. I try to connect and nothing happens. It asks for the PSK constantly (yes, I promise I'm entering it correctly), even after I enter it correctly (I guarantee). I've searched around here a bit, but due to my limited knowledge in linux system I can't figure it out

Bus 002 Device 002: ID 1737:0071 Linksys WUSB600N Dual-Band Wireless-N USB Network Adapter

lo no wireless extensions.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Access Dsl Modem While Connected To Dsl?

Dec 30, 2010

Ive got two connections, one is the eth0, that is the LAN connection to the DSL modem ( and the other is the DSL connection that I connect to use the internet. Now I can only connect to one of the two at a time, so when I'm connected to the internet, I am not able to access How do I use the two simultaneously?

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Fedora Networking :: Connected To Wireless But No Internet

Sep 3, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 today and after a few very long hours finally got the broadcom driver to work and my laptop is now connected to my router. Yay! But now when I try going to a website in firefox it says server not found. I can ping anything inside my network but when I try to ping outside the network, for example google, it says ping: unknown host google.com. So I thought it might be a DNS problem but the network settings point to the router for DNS so I'm not sure what else could be wrong. All of the other settings look correct.

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Fedora Networking :: Disable Autoneg If Not Connected To Network?

Aug 9, 2009

I am trying to boot my laptop in text mode while it is not connected to a network. A message keeps popping up " eth0 ... negotiating". Does anyboy know how to turn it off? I tried "ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off. It still won't stop. I had tried editing /etc/sysconfig/network and turning off networking by NETWORKING=no. Still the same.

When I boot in the graphic mode, this problem of pesky message does not come out. I want to use the text mode since I will use my computer for editing documents and will be using vi only. In the text mode, when I plug it to a network, the persistent message stops but returns the minute I unplug the network. I want to use it unplug to the network since I will not have access to a network all the time. By the way, I am using Fedora 11. I am using a wired DSL network. My computer can do wireless but i had it disabled or switched off.

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Fedora Networking :: Bluetooth PAN With 3G Phone / Connected But Not Able To Work?

Dec 3, 2009

I have a liveusb running Fedora 11 on my hp laptop. I would like to use my T-Mobile Dash 3G unlimited data connection. I have seen many posts regarding wvdial, modem scripts, etc that are going a little over my head. I was able to connect my phone to the laptop, but when I tried to initiate internet sharing on the phone via Bluetooth PAN, nothing happened on the computer. I was connected but not able to do anything.

I saw some developer in a blog mention that he had put Bluetooth PAN support in Fedora 12. Is this not available in F11? Should I try moving to a F12 liveusb for this?

Has anybody had success getting a Tmobile 3G to work with F11?

I would rather use the USB connection so I could charge simulteously, but this looks a lot tricker.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Get Connected To Wireless Or The Wired Network

Apr 24, 2010

I have installed Linux for the first time on an old Gateway purchased from work. The system seems up and running, but I can't get connected to my wireless or the wired network. I have tried using the network manager, but it isn't working. I have tried reinstalling Fedora 12 I have the following LSUSB and LSCPI output.


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Fedora Networking :: Wireless Connected To Network But No Internet.

Sep 7, 2011

I just installed a dualboot win7/F15 on my laptop (dell XPS 15) and everything seems to be working fine except that when I connect to my network it is connected and the network is accessible (I can visit my gateway/ router) but when I try to visit a website it simply never ends loading it.Internet is working on win7 so it isn't my network's fault.Now I found somewhere that updating could help but since I dont have internet I can't update

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