Fedora :: Network Connectivity Drops Out Randomly?

Jan 21, 2010

Installed Fedora 12 recently.

For some reason, my network connectivity drops out randomly. This has happened between 5 minutes to 1 hour of booting and logging into the machine.

When the internet does work, its great, and super fast !

When it drops out, Internet stops working, cannot ping to external site and I cannot ping my router

I have onboard realtek network ports on my motherboard.

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Ubuntu Networking :: AR5001 Chipset - Wireless Networking Randomly Loses Connectivity And Can Not Regain Connectivity

Jun 25, 2011

Wife's laptop has AR5001 Wireless Adapter laptop model is Toshiba Satellite A215

Problem : Wireless networking randomly loses connectivity and can not regain connectivity, the only apparent solution is a full power down , this is not even certain to work. The card works under Windows, she hates Windows. (I love her for this) I know it's not faulty hardware , because it will work for days on end under Windows without problems.

Things I've tried : madwifi drivers (any and all versions available) : These increase stability of the signal and seem to delay the inevitable however it still happens. When using these drivers the only option is to unload them modprobe -r then reboot then remove them again and re add them. It makes no sense why this works, and if I don't remove them prior to rebooting it will not work.

ATH5K drivers : These are pretty much junk, results are unpredictable at best, sometimes it will work perfectly for a few hours, sometimes it will not work at all. Nothing is repeatable, I can't seem to force whatever condition is causing this. rfkill does not show the wifi being blocked (hard or soft), unblocking it anyway does nothing, only way to make this work and it's iffy is to fully power down wait 5-10 minutes turn it back on and it MAY decide to work.

Firmware update : Updated the Toshiba BIOS to the latest version of the firmware 2.0 no joy here either. Same issue both sets of drivers.

Tried different distros and kernels : I've tried Mint 9, 10 ,11 ; Ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 , 9.10 and 11.04 (which is currently installed) , Fedora and OpenSUSE. All are giving the same problems. I have also tried a slew of different kernels no joy from any of them (I'm not at the computer with the issue now I will post exactly what kernel versions I've used when I have access to the machine).

Another useful bit of information, the hard switch to disable/enable wifi WILL disable it but turning it back on does absolutely nothing. The hotkey does nothing at all. The bios does not have an option to disable or enable the wireless card.

I will also post the typical lsmod , lspci , iwconfig all that good stuff when I get back to the computer in question. I'm probably just going to buy a PC card for it and give up on that one, but this is driving me insane and I would really like to see it resolved even if I do replace the hardware.

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Networking :: Internet Connectivity Drops With Ubuntu 10.10

Jan 23, 2011

I had my desktop running ubuntu 10.10 at my sisters house hooked up to a router sharing internet with her boyfriend never had a problem with it there. I moved into my own apartment this week plugged the cable modem directly into the broadcom ethernet card and couldn't get an ip or anything it wouldn't connect period so I ended up hooking it up usb which works but only at speeds of 5-7mbit when I have 15mbit connection. So I put another ethernet card in hoping it was just problem with the card and tried it that worked.

I got a connection but it was incredibly slow like getting maybe 5k a second so I open network tools in administration menu and start pinging google. While I'm waiting on a bandwidth test to complete and it takes off getting like 20mbit keeps that connection for a while then out of nowhere just drops to almost nothing. Again for a few minutes then falls off completely so I restart and it does the exact same thing starts off slow then something clicks and it works great for 5 min then nothing?

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Ubuntu Networking :: HUAWEI E1630 HSDPA USB Modem Drops Connectivity

Jan 17, 2011

I recently got a HUAWEI E1630 HSDPA USB Modem and it was working fine until recently. Recently it starts to drop the connection and in /var/log/messages I can see a pppd error "Protocol-Reject for unsupported protocol xxxx". The protocol number is random. Only way to resume is to unplug and replug the device. The happens very frequently and hence the device is not usable.

To isolate the service provider end, I use the same SIM on a PROLINK HSDPA USB Modem and it works fine. Also I use a different SIM from another service provider in this device and the issue still exists.

I am on Kubuntu 10.10 with all the updates to date. Should I report a bug?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Drops Randomly For A Split Second

Jun 5, 2010

I could not find a solution to this problem anywhere. I use a ubuntu server to play (stream) mp3s and movies to other computers on my network. It works most of the time, but sometimes in the middle of a movie or a song it will drop/hiccup--saying it is "not reachable". I am not overtasking the server at all, and merely playing an mp3 that takes up less than 10% of the bandwidth, yet it drops it for a split second.

I have a WRT160N router (DD-WRT of course) with 4 clients connected (2 of which are wired). The ubuntu server is connected via ethernet and all machines have the same issue. It can't be the router because another Windows machine works just fine for streaming these files. I just can't understand how it can lose connection for a second or so. It may just be the file-system or some service that is hiccuping, but I have no idea...

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Wifi Connection Randomly Drops And Reconnects?

Sep 27, 2010

i have dell latitude d830. has anyone else had this problem? it drops and reconnects every 10 minutes or so.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection Drops Randomly?

Nov 20, 2010

My internet connection drops randomly in ubuntu but works fine in XP.The connection is not disconnected but i cant browse any sites,so what i do is i will reboot my system so that i can surf again but after few minutes the same problem is happening again

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sound Card Randomly Drops From Configuration?

Mar 25, 2011

Since I started to use Suse 11.3, I've been having problems with my sound card. It starts normally and I can use it without further problems, until it randomly stops working. I don't know what causes it to stop working, it just does. Then, if I go to YaST>Hardware>Sound (it shows I have a 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller), press edit then reset, it works again!

I've been doing this for like 4 months, but I'm growing tired of doing it and not being able to just sit back and enjoy music on the amarok. I don't know what should I report, so that's why I only say the sound card identification.

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Ubuntu :: Wireless Randomly Drops Connection And Refuses To Reconnect?

Mar 23, 2010

my wireless will connect to a well known connection but will sometimes drop the connection then tries to reconnect. Sometimes it will reconnect w/o a problem but most times it will fail and when it fails it will refuse to even recognize that same wireless connection.

If by a small chance it does recognize the network then when you click on it, it will ask you again for the password, which is already saved onto the computer. After entering the password it will try to reconnect, then fail.

Only solution is to reboot.

I was wondering if there was an easy temporary fix of just reloading the software that controls the wireless.Such as, my audio doesn't work when I boot. I need to reload the ALSA driver using sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload

Is there something specific to the wireless that I can force-reload and it will start working w/o having me reboot my PC?

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Ubuntu Networking :: AMDTek 10 / 100 Drops Connection Randomly (Tulip)

Sep 1, 2010

The title pretty much says it all. My eth0 will disconnect at random intervals. lspci:

01:08.0 Ethernet controller: ADMtek NC100 Network Everywhere Fast Ethernet 10/100 (rev 11)
And lsmod | grep tulip:

tulip 50592 0
Ubuntu 10.04 Linux desktop 2.6.32-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 20 14:21:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux

When it disconnects, it easily reconnects when I disable/enable networking. But until I do.... Update: It disconnected again right after I posted this. Here is what dmesg | grep tulip:


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC / Phonon Randomly Drops Audio Stream

May 24, 2011

I have an Asus EEPC that I use in my classroom whenever I want to show a movie. I normally keep all of my educational videos as ISOs, and then simply move one over to the netbook when needed. I normally use VLC for playback. With the latest upgrade, however, I'm having a few difficulties. No matter what DVD I choose to show with VLC, the audio stream will randomly drop every 10 minutes or so whenever I am using KDE as my desktop environment. In order to re-enable the audio stream, I have to either completely stop playback OR reconfigure the audio output in VLC.

(It does not matter if I change it right back to what it was, I will get audio for another 10 minutes or so). I've also noticed that if I pause playback, sometimes the audio will not re-enable when unpaused. Strangely, however, I do not have this behavior at all when I'm using Gnome as the desktop environment. I get seamless audiovisual playback and never have to fiddle with the audio. Is this a documented problem in Phonon somewhere? How I might better backtrace what's going on?

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Fedora :: Unable To Get Network Connectivity Up?

Jul 30, 2009

Tried to re-install Fedora 11 since I haven't been able to get my network connectivity up for some reason. But during the boot process it got into a comand prompt complaining about some boot record problem and the need to create a soft link to /etc/root.

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Fedora Networking :: 15 Drops Network After Suspend

Jul 3, 2011

I just performed a clean install on a desktop (older IBEX model) that is connected directly to a Cicso router; this is a DSL service. I configured the Network during the install, and all went well, the installation script downloaded many software modules, I was able to set up my mail accounts, etc. Now, if I suspend this machine and log back on I notice that I am no longer connected to the Network. Clicking on the Network icon brings up the configuration pane, and the original network appears to be there, but I cannot figure out how to make it reconnect without rebooting.

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Networking :: Wired Network Drops Out Frequently In Fedora?

May 28, 2010

I'm having issues with my wired network. After about 5-10 minutes of turning on my machine, the network will drop out. Sometimes rebooting my pc or router will fix the connection, other times it will have no effect. Also, sometimes the connection will completely disconnect, other times it will appear to be connected (i.e. the network icon will indicate that there is a connection), but trying to ping a remote server or the router will fail.

This problem first showed up on Fedora 11 64, however I've just installed Fedora 13 64 and that hasn't helped. I'm using a brand new NIC (I've tried using the onboard NICs). The machine also has Windows 7 installed, which is able to connect just fine. Apart from changing NICs, the only other thing I've tried is switching from dhcp to a static IP address.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Xend Kills Network Connectivity On Boot

Oct 31, 2010

red hat 5 update 4 64bit. linux newby. on an interactive boot i can ping -t my vm linux server from my physical MS XP workstation and a vm W2000 64 bit server until xend is started, after that i get destination unreachable. if i choose not to start xend on the interactive boot i retain connectivity. i have read some blogs that imply this might be a bug - is this so? do I need xend on my vm red hat box that is a database server?

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Fedora Networking :: Flaky Internet Connectivity - Network Inactive In NM Panel

May 28, 2011

I just installed F15 on a laptop that previous had F12 working well. During install, it finds my wireless card and seems to set it up fine. The full install ran with the wireless active without any problem that I could see. Now, when I start up, I see Network Manager tells me that the wlan is active, but it doesn't show my specific network. If I click on the NM tray icon and open up the panel, my network is shown but it is not "active".

I can double click on it and it will become active - shows the little globe next to the antenna. This works fine for about 2 web pages worth and then FireFox 4 stops being able to find web pages. If I go back to the panel, double click on my wireless network (which looks like it is active already), and reactivate it, I can get the page I was looking for in FireFox, but within a couple of minutes it will stop.

Likewise with yum, while I'm installing software, I'll occasionally get errors like this:
[URL]: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Couldn't resolve host"
If I reactivate my wireless network in the NM panel, it continues fine. Other computers/phones connected to this network seem to work fine. Is NM known to be problematic in F15?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create Network Bridge / Device Hooked Up Via Ethernet Had No Internet Connectivity?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm on opensuse 11.4 (11.3 won't work with my monitor).

My computer gets internet through wireless and I want to share that internet through its ethernet port. So far I've tried using Knetworkmanager to create a network bridge between my wireless and wired connections. I created a new wired connection and shared it using the ip address settings. I was able to get both connections active, but the device hooked up via ethernet had no internet connectivity.

I also tried this command:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

but another test resulted in the same fashion (no internet on wired). I believe anything I add to /proc should have an immediate effect, correct?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 - No Network Connectivity - Audio To Work On Skype

Oct 16, 2010

I had Kubuntu 64-bit installed and decided to try OpenSUSE instead as I was having problems getting the audio to work on Skype. After installing OpenSUSE 11.3 (64-bit), I do not have network connectivity (Ethernet or Wireless)? Neither adapter can be detected? I thought the install would be fairly straightforward as Kubuntu 64-bit detected all the hardware.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Connection Intermittent After DHCP Configuration - Stops Working Randomly

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having a bizarre problem where my network connection stops working randomly. At first I thought it was a DNS issue since Firefox simply chilled out on "Looking up [hostname]" until it timed out, but after further investigation (pinging IP's, "host" and "dig" being unable to reach servers) it became apparent that I couldn't even access the DNS servers i.e. the Wicked Connection of the East was most sincerely dead.

There are two strange things about this: one, there are no errors except "timeout". The network manager is happy, Firefox is happy until the lookup fails... Two, the failures only start *after* DHCP configuration. DHCP configuration never has any trouble sending or receiving packets. I'm going to try static IP and whatnot to see if that helps, more information later.

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Hardware :: No Network Connectivity?

Jul 18, 2009

I just installed a linksys router for the computers in my house. All the MS windows computers work but the linux computer that I use does not work.

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General :: FTP Or Rsync Transfer Drops Network Connection

Apr 23, 2011

I'm using Scientific Linux on a laptop, connecting to a debian server on my LAN via a basic BT HomeHub router. When starting a file transfer with ftp or rsync from the laptop my connection is dropped, every time, after a couple of seconds. I have to reset my network adaptor and restart my network manager (wicd in this case) in order to get network connectivity back. I had a very similar problem before - [URL]. On this occasion my workaround was to replace NetworkManager with yast. I am now using SL though so no yast available, and I am not using NetworkManager any more anyway.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Xen NAT Setup In 11.2 - No Basic Connectivity?

Feb 21, 2010

I am experimenting with Xen with the standard kernel (kernel-xen package) and utilities. I already got bridged setup to work with a single domU, but found out that because of my wireless card I cannot expect bridging to work when connected wirelessly. Now I am trying a NAT setup but I cannot seem to get any network connection from the domU to the dom0 and viceversa. Comparing the network devices and routing tables of others, I cannot see any problem.

The domU runs with IP and the dom0 has a vif with IP with a default gateway of Pinging from the domU to the dom0 and viceversa does not show any traffic at all when I use tcpdump to monitor eth0 in the domU or the vif interface in dom0. It seems that basic connectivity of the vif interface and eth0 in the domU does not work. Any tips on how to debug this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Not Getting Network Connectivity Via Ethernet Cable?

Jul 14, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu Desktop and connected the ethernet cable, but I don't have network connectivity. Why?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Static Ip - No Network Connectivity

Oct 27, 2009

I'm having strange difficulties in setting a static ip for my CentOS 5.4 installation. If I use DHCP everything is fine, but with a static ip I have no network connectivity. I have done this many times with RedHat/Fedora/Ubuntu etc. with no problems and now I have no idea what I'm missing or doing wrong. I have tried to set ip as (anything below .100 will do). GW is and NM is This is all I have had to use with other distros, but now when I set these I cannot even access my routers admin page or ping it ( (I just did this with Vista on my other machine and all worked fine).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 Network Card Randomly The Network Connection On The Server Will Stop Working?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 network card on my server at work.Everything works fine for a few weeks, then randomly the network connection on the server will stop working. After it stops working, I will try to reconnect with the network manager, it shows a wired connection available, it shows the "connection in progress"animation, then the "connection disabled" icon.

I uninstalled the network manager and used manual configuration, but do you think the network manager was the issue? I can't have the server disconnecting randomly every few weeks with no way to know what the real problem is. Was there an issue with the network manager with 10.04?

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OpenSUSE Network :: NFS Client Machine Freezes After Server Drops Off?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a 11.1 NFS server and several 11.1 NFS clients. If for some reason the server shuts down before the clients then the clients become almost frozen, particularly KDE is rendered useless even after cycling back to init 3 then init 5. I would like to make the clients immune to shutdowns on the server.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mobile Broadband Drops It's Connection For Every 10 Minutes?

May 25, 2011

i am using mobile broadband to connect with network after i connecting mb.it drops it's connection for every 10 minutes.i need to restart to reconnect it.it is happening in kde.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Iwl3945 Intermittent Drops With Network Manager?

Jul 20, 2010

Installed openSUSE 11.3 over an existing 'very stable' 11.2 installation and started experiencing wireless connectivity issues immediately. Network Manager would show connected 100% - 92% but I would lose connectivity to mail, browser and messenger(s). This disconnect would last less than 30 secs but would occur every 2 to 4 minutes.

dmesg reported:

[ 3663.672098] iwl3945 0000:03:00.0: Failed to get channel info for channel 3 [1]
[ 3664.101085] iwl3945 0000:03:00.0: Failed to get channel info for channel 3 [1]
[ 3664.529050] iwl3945 0000:03:00.0: Failed to get channel info for channel 3 [1]

BTW Channel 3 is the channel my wifi is broadcasting on. I've tried other channels and other computers and it is only openSUSE 11.3 having an issue. I am also using WPA2. Modifying the Global Options in Network Settings from User Controlled with NetworkManager to Traditional Method with ifup seemed to stabilize most of the issues, but I do notice occasional drops. I've also switched from Network Manager to wicd to provide some UI while dealing with this issue. Since iwl3945 drivers are now in the kernel I don't know if I should try to revert to an older driver or if there is another issue.

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General :: Network Starts Then Drops When CLI Login Screen Appears?

May 17, 2010

I've restarted a server a couple times, and during the boot process pings respond when it brings up eth0, but then when i get to the command line login screen, the pings die. once i log in and do a ./network start the pings respond again, so i'm guessing its dying or not set to start automatically maybe? What should I check?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Changing MAC Using Ifconfig Causes Connectivity Lost?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using Suse 10 sp2. By running ifconfig I am changing the mac address. Everything is happening successfully, but this is adapter losing the network connection. Even when I give a static IP. I am not able to ping any other IP.

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