CentOS 5 Networking :: Static Ip - No Network Connectivity

Oct 27, 2009

I'm having strange difficulties in setting a static ip for my CentOS 5.4 installation. If I use DHCP everything is fine, but with a static ip I have no network connectivity. I have done this many times with RedHat/Fedora/Ubuntu etc. with no problems and now I have no idea what I'm missing or doing wrong. I have tried to set ip as (anything below .100 will do). GW is and NM is This is all I have had to use with other distros, but now when I set these I cannot even access my routers admin page or ping it ( (I just did this with Vista on my other machine and all worked fine).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Bind A Static IP To My NIC I Loose All Network Connectivity?

May 26, 2009

I am having a problem with when I bind a static IP to my NIC I loose all network connectivity but, if i leave it set to dhcp it works fine. I've gone over all my settings a thousand times and they are all correct. Has anyone else had this problem or give me a hint as to what the problem might be?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Converting From Static Ip Network To DHCP

Apr 19, 2010

I decided to take the plunge and change the existing static ip configuration for my home network to a dynamic (DHCP) configuration. The DHCP server in this new network config is my gt701-wg actiontec DSL modem.


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Network Install / Static Changes To Dhcp In Anaconda

May 10, 2010

I'm trying to install CentOS 5.4 from my local repo, booting the server from centos54-netinstall iso (vmware). I write "linux URL..." during boot. I eventually get prompted for network config, where I choose manual configuration. Hitting OK ignores my config and defaults back to dhcp, which won't work since I don't have any dhcp server available.Whats wrong? Is there a bug in anaconda?

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Ubuntu Networking :: AR5001 Chipset - Wireless Networking Randomly Loses Connectivity And Can Not Regain Connectivity

Jun 25, 2011

Wife's laptop has AR5001 Wireless Adapter laptop model is Toshiba Satellite A215

Problem : Wireless networking randomly loses connectivity and can not regain connectivity, the only apparent solution is a full power down , this is not even certain to work. The card works under Windows, she hates Windows. (I love her for this) I know it's not faulty hardware , because it will work for days on end under Windows without problems.

Things I've tried : madwifi drivers (any and all versions available) : These increase stability of the signal and seem to delay the inevitable however it still happens. When using these drivers the only option is to unload them modprobe -r then reboot then remove them again and re add them. It makes no sense why this works, and if I don't remove them prior to rebooting it will not work.

ATH5K drivers : These are pretty much junk, results are unpredictable at best, sometimes it will work perfectly for a few hours, sometimes it will not work at all. Nothing is repeatable, I can't seem to force whatever condition is causing this. rfkill does not show the wifi being blocked (hard or soft), unblocking it anyway does nothing, only way to make this work and it's iffy is to fully power down wait 5-10 minutes turn it back on and it MAY decide to work.

Firmware update : Updated the Toshiba BIOS to the latest version of the firmware 2.0 no joy here either. Same issue both sets of drivers.

Tried different distros and kernels : I've tried Mint 9, 10 ,11 ; Ubuntu 10.10, 10.04 , 9.10 and 11.04 (which is currently installed) , Fedora and OpenSUSE. All are giving the same problems. I have also tried a slew of different kernels no joy from any of them (I'm not at the computer with the issue now I will post exactly what kernel versions I've used when I have access to the machine).

Another useful bit of information, the hard switch to disable/enable wifi WILL disable it but turning it back on does absolutely nothing. The hotkey does nothing at all. The bios does not have an option to disable or enable the wireless card.

I will also post the typical lsmod , lspci , iwconfig all that good stuff when I get back to the computer in question. I'm probably just going to buy a PC card for it and give up on that one, but this is driving me insane and I would really like to see it resolved even if I do replace the hardware.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Eth0 Won't Enable - No Network Connectivity

Aug 24, 2010

Trying to get the wired nic working so I can troubleshoot the wireless. I cannot get any kind of network activity. Been searching so I will post a little information that seems to be common with my situation.

lshw -C network


WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
*-network DISABLED
description: Ethernet interface
product: 82562EZ 10/100 Ethernet Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation


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Networking :: Network Server (DHCP) - No Connectivity To Modem

May 4, 2010

Basically, I wanted to use the Bootp (PXE) protocol to boot a machine (my laptop) from my network instead of using USB/DVD boot medias to reinstall if need be. My router being a piece of crap, I couldn't setup the DHCP server to allow PXE packets. Confirmed from the manufacturer that it is not possible. Well for a $140 router, you would expect the opposite. Anyways, here I am with a small machine setup with Slack, no desktop environment (only CLI) and connected to my router (which I deactivated the DHCP) so the machine can act as a DHCP server. It works very well. However, I would like to install a few other utilities into that machine and for them to work, I need to put the machine between my cable modem and my router. Basically, here's the topology from outside):

Internet (ISP) --> Modem --> DHCP machine --> Router (no DHCP - acting as a switch) --> computers & printers

The problem is that I cannot connect to the modem from the computers on the network. Also I cannot access the internet (go on the WAN side) from the computers. From the computers (namely my laptop), I can ping the router, but cannot ping the interface where DHCP broadcast. Also I cannot ping the modem. From the router (using the web config page), I can ping the DHCP broadcast. From the DHCP machine, I can ping the modem. In the DHCP server, I setup the eth0 (the interface where the modem connect to) as a DHCP assigned IP so it can obtain the IP from the modem. The eth1 (the interface where DHCP broadcast) is static. All my machines obtains a IP from the DHCP machine without a hiccup.

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Fedora Networking :: Flaky Internet Connectivity - Network Inactive In NM Panel

May 28, 2011

I just installed F15 on a laptop that previous had F12 working well. During install, it finds my wireless card and seems to set it up fine. The full install ran with the wireless active without any problem that I could see. Now, when I start up, I see Network Manager tells me that the wlan is active, but it doesn't show my specific network. If I click on the NM tray icon and open up the panel, my network is shown but it is not "active".

I can double click on it and it will become active - shows the little globe next to the antenna. This works fine for about 2 web pages worth and then FireFox 4 stops being able to find web pages. If I go back to the panel, double click on my wireless network (which looks like it is active already), and reactivate it, I can get the page I was looking for in FireFox, but within a couple of minutes it will stop.

Likewise with yum, while I'm installing software, I'll occasionally get errors like this:
[URL]: [Errno 14] curl#6 - "Couldn't resolve host"
If I reactivate my wireless network in the NM panel, it continues fine. Other computers/phones connected to this network seem to work fine. Is NM known to be problematic in F15?

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Networking :: No Network After Software Update Reboot / Restore Its Connectivity To Computer?

Feb 28, 2010

I am running Fedora 12 32-bit on an Intel Core2 Duo system. I just installed some recent updated, and after starting the computer, I no longer have any network access, either to my local network or the Internet.

I'm not sure what information to provide at the moment that will be helpful in diagnosing this problem.

What do people know about how I can restore network connectivity to my computer?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Centos OS 64 - Development VM Image With Static Ip Address?

May 23, 2011

I am a developer, not a network admin - sorry if this ia dumb question. I need to test an application on CentOS 55 64 bit. The instalation went fine and initially I let DHCP work its magic. The router IP address ia and all other VM's I have are granted dynamic ip address on this range (i.e. 192.168.0.x). However, the CentOS vm got an IP address that looks like it belongs on a different subnet :

The VM (vmware desktop) network setting for this VM uses "Bridged: Connected directly to the physical network". I can ping the host (Windows 7 64 bit) and the host can ping it (it been the VM) - but no other computer on the network can see it. To make things easier, I changed the network configuration to use a static IP address. Here are my configuration files:



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Networking :: Use The Network Manager App To Set A Static IP?

Jan 12, 2009

In 8.04 I can use the network manager app to set a static IP.

In 8.1 the network manager doesn't seem to work. I tried many different permutations of settings and got nowhere. Even though I put in IP subnet and gateway it still does the DHCP config.

So I added lines to my /etc/networking/interfaces file like this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

I then either reboot or do this: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

This made the network manager icon in the top panel vanish. An ifconfig showed that those settings are in place but DNS doesn't seem to be working. I can ping other hosts on my network by IP but not www.yahoo.com etc.

I even read the man, that's how desperate I got! (a config like the above seems to work on my 8.04 machine except that the auto eth0 appears at the end of the file.)

I didn't see how to set the DNS server(s), unless I was in the wrong man.

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Networking :: Securing Network With Static Arp?

Aug 27, 2010

I am trying to secure my LAN a little by doing static arp entries. But I am not sure how to go about doing this... I have a gateway, and I have a seperate box that runs dhcpd. I would like to assign every machine an ip and only allow it to use that ip, therefore static dhcp entries, and static arp entries on the gateway.

1. But how do I prevent someone from picking an ip that nobody is using and assigning it manually?

2. I assigned a static arp entry by doing arp -i br0 -s 00:1F:E1:CC:2E:46, how do I remove it now? I used arp -d but now it just says:

? ( at <incomplete> on br0

3. I would also like each machine to have a hostname/dns.. like machinex.local, where I can do forward and reverse dns lookups, how do I config this?

4. I know static arp can be fooled if someone just clones an allow mac.. is there anything else that I could use that is more secure for wired lan?

5. I have my gateway running rflow sending all data to ntop running on my dhcp box.. Ntop is kinda cryptic, is there anything easier to use? or something that is better in features? I would like to see how much bandwidth each local ip is using and possibly what protocols, like ntop already shows.

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Networking :: Static Network Setup?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a fresh install of Centos 5.x and I'm having issues on setting up the network...i know i have to edit/etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-eth0 and create an ifcfg-eth0:0 right?im just having issues getting everything setup correctly.my network setup:Router IP: on network: 192.168.2.xNetmask:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Configure Static IP - Use Of 'network'?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm setting up a home webserver with Ubuntu 10.10 and want to configure the interface to static. I'm using a router, which is setup and working correctly. I have been using linux workstation with dhcp for some time.

I've edited my interfaces file to reflect the parameters for setting static ip, with the exception of 'network'. No matter what I put into this setting, it causes me to loose connectivity to the outside world. I've tried to put my router IP, and my IP set by my provider. What should the 'network' value be?

At this time, my 'interfaces' files only includes the following and has connectivity out to the internet:


Do I need the 'network' settings as shown in every tutorial (but never explained)?

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Networking :: Connect To Network With Static IP Address?

May 19, 2009

I am running on my laptop.

I am trying to connect to a network at a university in China right now and I cannot figure out how to connect.

subnet mask:
default gateway:

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Get Static Network Functioning F14

Feb 18, 2011

I need static networking to be functional on F14 to try freeipa....the problem I have is I am unable to get eth0 to start. Knowing the software it has to be eth0 or it will likely not work... The guest is in a RHEV6svr environment... So I have disabled NetworkManager and enabled networ and set manula settings in ifcfg-eth0 incl the hware address but eth0 wont start on boot....

next I tried setting a e1000 network card after the hypervisor default didnt work, only to find that this doesnt work either. The MAC addresses are changing as I try and fault find a dead DNS client issue (yet another F14 issue but lets not go there yet, it could be RHEV's "funky" NATing setup)....so I suspect F14 has got its knickers in a twist over the MAC for ETH0....I keep changing it and I suspect it cant keep up.....so I need to disable the automatic function(s), if there is one....

So somewhere down in the code there is probably a line saying eth0= <mac address> but despite greping I cant find that.....or not something that I edit and it then works.... I have tried the gui tools and command line tools and I still have no network..... So what would be a totally CLI process to fix this automated crap? ie stop F14 pointing at the wrong MAC for eth0?


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Ubuntu Networking :: Need Static Ip On Wireless Network Card

Mar 15, 2010

I want my Ubuntu desktop to have a static ip-address, i have altered the interfaces file to the below and also filled the info regarding my wireless network card but still every time I reboot the desktop gets the ip, HOW is that possible???

I use a apple time capsule router, I want my desktop to run a apache server thats why I need the static ip. I also want the static ip to be set on the wireless network interface. I have an old laptop with an internal Intel pro 2200 card so there should not be a driver problem.

This i my interfaces config code...

To be on the sure side to get this to work I have configured my router(DHCP) to give my wireless-HWaddress the ip of, STILL the ubuntu desktop starts with the false address above.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Ip Remove Computer Name To Network

Jun 3, 2010

I wanted to have a static local IP on my server,But on my 192*.168.1.1, there's a place where ic an see all devices, and before, the displayed name was "STASH" and with the update i put, it'S now "--", but i'd like to keep my old one..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Wireless IP With Network Manager?

Jul 3, 2011

I want to set up a static IP on my laptop that connects via wireless to my home network. I have 11.04 installed on my laptop. When I try to use the manual IPv4 setting in the network manager the save option gets greyed out. I tried to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file but all the examples I could find on the net refer to eth0. I tried replacing this with wlan0 but this did not work. I tried installing wicd but I kept getting "Bad Password" errors even though I know the password is correct. A number of people recommended uninstalling network manager to get wicd to work but many other posts said that uninstalling network manager didn't help so I didn't want to go ahead and uninstall unnecessarily. Besides I figure if Ubuntu is distributed with network manager there must be a reason for having it. So what do I do to get a static IP address for the client on a wireless connection?

1. I went to network manager and selected "Connection Information" On the information window I saw the following:

IP Address: (This is the item I wanted to change and make static)
Broadcast Address:
Subnet Mask:


2. I went to network manager and selected "Edit Connections"
3. I selected the wireless tab and then the wireless network I wanted to edit
4. I clicked on the edit button and then I clicked on the IPv4 settings tab.
5. I changed method from Automatic (DHCP) to Manual


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Hostname Changes Automatically On A Server With Static IP?

Jan 7, 2009

Server has been moved to a different locations and so the IP has been changed now the hostname is changed to something other that what it was before.

Could it be the rDNS that is causing this?

Note: this is not a DHCP connection.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Static Configuration For Wireless Card ?

Apr 28, 2009

I have a desktop PC with CentOS 5 installed, and a wireless card that's working well via NetworkManager.

How would I configure the wireless card statically, e. g. by editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0?

This would be something like :


But I don't know how to define the WEP key here.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: DHCP Work But Not Able To Setup Static IP?

May 26, 2010

I am having several boxex with centos on it. No pb. I have recently setup a new box with centos 5.4 and I am not able to get the network working on it when configuring a static ip.I've configured eth0 and dns using "setup": unsuccessfulI've used the network config GUI: unsuccessfulAnd it is working very well when I let the dhcp getting the setting.I need a static IP.Here is the getinfo output when static ip setup, and below it, the getinfo for dhcp setting

== BEGIN uname -rmi ==
2.6.18-194.3.1.el5 i686 i386
== END uname -rmi ==


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Spontaneous Static IP To DHCP Switch?

Jan 7, 2011

I had something I think if very odd happen to one of my computers at work today, it appears to have spontaneously switched from having a static address set to getting its address by dhcp.this is a small office with a mix of mostly linux servers and desktops with a few stand alone windows computers, mostly notebooks. Most of the desktop computers get their address by dhcp, they all have NIS /NFS for remote mounted home directories (interchangeable desktops so anyone can log in at any desk). The particular desktop computer in question here has a shared printer on its parallel port, so has a static IP. Yesterday a UPS in the server rack died, after pulling it and plugging things back in and restarting the servers, it was easiest just to reboot all the desktops, everything came up ok including the desktop in question, and the printer did work.

Today I pulled the oversized UPS from this desktop to replace the dead one, and put a more appropriately sized one in its place, shut the servers down again, rebooted, etc,About an hour later someone tells me the printer is not working on the desktop, and after a lot of searching I find this desktop has the wrong IP address, I ran system-config-network and it showed the address was set to dhcp, I changed this back to the correct static IP and things seem to be working ok now.

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Fedora Networking :: F14 Server Is Looses Access To The Network Once Set A Static IP?

Apr 29, 2011

Our F14 server is looses access to the network once we set a static IP.The same IP, if used on any other pc works fine.We had the same exact setup in our F10 server also.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Static Route For A Nested Internal Network?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm using ubuntu server 10.04. I need to create a second network to do some testing. Here's what it looks like so far: WAN > x.x.x.x/9 > router > > LAN

I need to do this: WAN > x.x.x.x/9 > router > > LAN > ubuntu server (LAMP, dhcp, dns via eth1) [eth0] > ubuntu server [eth1] The two networks should be transparent to one another. I've got everything working, except routing. Here is ifconfig:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Hostname Not Announced With Static Network Interface

Sep 17, 2010

My /etc/hostname is not announced on the local network (not showing up on my Mac nor router) when setting /etc/network/interfaces to:


iface eth0 inet static

I have tried bringing the interface up and down, and have also rebooted. If I change it to DHCP it will display, but this does not really help me.

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Networking :: Network Very Slow If Static Ip Settings / But Fine With DHCP

Jan 27, 2010

I've been using slackware for many years. I think I started with Slack 8. I know how to configure the network, I've had this same POS Dell computer for a few years now but the other day I tried to go to a different distro (first mistake) everything worked fine but it was not for me. Once you go slack you never go back! Anyway I had slack on here prior to the change and it all worked fine. I'm running slack 13 and all of a sudden my network is slow as balls! I set it up as I always have so I did some research and tried a few things, nothing worked. So i enabled DHCP and its fine now.. I have a dell xps 420. onboard intel nic. worked fine when i first installed slack 13. Anyone have any clue what to do? I would like my static IP on this machine.

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Networking :: Centos Cannot Ping Hosts On The Same Subnet After Change To Static Ip

Jul 26, 2011

I am using centOS 5.0. After I change from DHCP to static IP address, I cannot ping hosts on the same subnet. The error message says destination host unreachable. Before I made the changes I was able to ping and now even I change it back to DHCP I still cannot ping with the same destination host unreachable message. The centOS is running on VMware on a Windows host.

ifconfig shows

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C29:A1:9A:10
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr ......

After pinging (106 is on and other host can ping it), arp -a shows ? ( at <incomplete> on eth0 I tried different ways by disabling the firewall and and disabling SE protection. No Luck.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Multiple Static ISP IP Addresses / Servers Configuration

Mar 31, 2011

I have a CentOS5 server with dual ethernet adapters + Webmin installed as my Router / Firewall / DHCP server working successfully with 1 static IP from my ISP. I also have 7 additional static IP addresses from my ISP needing to configure to individual servers inside my network. I have configured the additional virtual interfaces, but am lost on how to route data specifically from additional ISP address to specific internal network address.

Below is my desired configuration.
98.173.159.xx1 = eth0 physical interface ==> eth1
98.173.159.xx2 = eth0:1 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 2
98.173.159.xx3 = eth0:2 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 3
98.173.159.xx4 = eth0:3 virtual interface ==> ==> CentOS Server 4
98.173.159.xx5 = eth0:4 virtual interface ==> ==> Mac OS X Server 1
98.173.159.xx6 = eth0:5 virtual interface ==> ==> Mac OS X Server 1
98.173.159.xx7 = eth0:6 virtual interface ==> ==> Network Attached Storage Server 1
98.173.159.xx8 = eth0:7 virtual interface ==> ==> Windows 2008 Server 1

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Networking :: Set An Static Ipaddress On Network-scripts But Dynamic Ip Shows On Ifconfig?

Jan 27, 2010

I recently installed fedora 12 in my server where I had a page published in my local net by tomcat, and I was looking on the Internet how to set up an static ip address and this is what I did

on /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
# Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express
# File: ifcfg-eth0


then I can access via ssh by two addresses the one I got from dhcp ( and the static one ( I put ifconfig and and appear on eth0 I restart my server and I just can access from I have to put

ifdown eth0
ifup eth0

Again...to access by my static ip, y can access my page by its dns on my server, but I cant access from other computer...so, I guess when my static adress appears on ifconfig I would be able to access my page from other computer...

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