I'm running F15 -64. The latest program updates have somehow broken my VirtualBox (4.0.4, the one in the Fedora repository) installation. I have one virtual machine and trying to load it engenders the error message. Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908). The driver was loaded, I've been running the machine with (almost) no problems for a couple of weeks now. The suggestion for loading the driver doesn't work, it complains that it can't find any of the three programs vboxdrv, vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp. KPackageKit won't uninstall VirtualBox because it says there's a missing dependency. how I can unpick this to get back to either VM gone so I can reinstall it, or fixed?
Installed Fedora 12 in a 3.1.6 Virtual Box with Open Solaris as the host OS. All went well, with Guest Additions and was really nice. Until however I did a yum update and now it fails to boot, or at least get to a login box. how I can watch the boot information i.e. turn off the splash screen whilst it is coming up?
I am an inexperienced Linux user, I have tried Knoppix and Ubuntu in the past. Since we use Fedora servers at work I have wanted to try Fedora for some time and I tried running it in a virtual machine.My virtual machine is Sun VirtualBox and my OS is Vista Ultimate. Everything worked well until it was time to decide where Fedora is to be installed.Alright, screenshot time yet? This is where I hit the wall, the screen where you select installation drive/partition. The field is greyed out as you can see.
I have prepared a partition, at first I formatted it in FAT32 but because I didn't see it in the installation screen I just re-formatted it in NTFS.Installing with virtual machine should be working? Why is the field grey? What to do? Is it because I have mounted the dowloaded disc image instead of burning it? I have a 64-bit architecture AMD processor with 2GB RAM and have tried Ubuntu 64-bit in the past, is there a 64-bit version of Fedora and would that be better or worse for me than 32-bit version?
am totally new to this linux environmentas i was having a subject am bound to first things firsti hav intel 946gzis motherboard with intel dual core 2.8ghz processor,1.5gb ram,80gb harddisk and my os is windows 7 ultimate am tryin to install fedora 11 on my system using sunvirtual box software heres the thing i allocated 15gb of my harddisk space 2 install fedora(is it sufficient)(then it asked me to reinitialize the drive) after that everything went smooth i gave the domain name, followed by world time when it came to the harddisk parti selected the option "replace existing linux installation option"(then i got a dialog box saying all contents will be lost on the drive)after that i got an exception error saying something i din really understand i cudnt save it as i was in live cd mode
I'm not exactly a newb (anymore), but I'm trying to get F11 to install in a virtual PC environment on Win7.
I'm installing on a tablet PC, so I want to do the virtual thing first, to see if Linux can handle the touch screen the way I need it to before I put only Linux on here. The problem I'm running into is that the install wants to default to "text mode", which isn't really a problem, but upon the first reboot, the graphics are all messed up, and I can't get the install to continue.
Is there a command line I can modify to use standard VGA settings during the install, but "redetect" the display settings when the install is complete and I'm ready to use F11?
I Installed fedora in Virtual PC after adding the line while booting as shown in the forums. But after installing to the hard disk, The Fedora virtual machine is not booting. The window closes without any notice automatically.
Using x86_64 Fedora, with virt-manager, and trying to make a Fedora 15 virtual machine. Using Fedora-15-x86_64-netinst.iso to try to install it. When I boot the virtual machine, it gives the boot screen. If I choose the first install/upgrade option, I get console messages but it hangs when it gets to "Trying to unpack rootfs as initfs."
I m working on Ubuntu for 2 years, i got that fedora is most supported in all fields than any other linux distributions, Last night i was installing Fedora 14 64bit on Virtual Box, and i fail every time, in first step, its not loading up.
My laptop is running Linux Mint 9 and I am trying to install Fedora 13 in a virtual machine within Virtualbox. However, it's not working. It takes forever to get past the initial white/blue loading bar when it first boots and then it just goes white, so I can't see anything. I've already tried modifying the bootline parameter of the live CD to include noprobe, noacpi, noapic, nousb, and nofirewire. However, the result is the same. Am I missing something? Is it possible to install this?
I am triying install F14 virtual machine in my Windows XP systems. I have downloaded .iso file from fedoraproject.org: [URL] I create my virtual machine and I continue with all steps to install but when installation process finished and I reboot, process installation starts again. Can you tell me how I can create my F14 virtual machine on Windows?
i installed RHEL 6 as virtual host on one of the blades on HP enclosure. i set up network on eth0 and started it but i cannot even ping gateway from within this installation. i logged in as root. i set up everything such as IP, netmask, gateway, nameserver etc.
I have a Lenovo T500 laptop with 4 GB RAM. I have installed Windows 7 64bits OEM on my laptop HD. I also installed Fedora 14 on my USB External Hard Drive which it has it own boot sector. I don't want to have a dual boot. So if I plug in my external HD to my laptop and turns the machine on, it automatically my Fedora comes up, other wise my windows 7. (I set up start-up boot drive , first to USB External HD and then internal HD)
I installed KVM (Virtual Machine Manger) on my Fedora 14 and I am trying to install windows 7 64bits OEM on my Fedora 14 as Virtual Machine. After setting everything and start installing windows form CD, I got BLUE SCREEN right after "WINDOWS FILES LOADING..." finished. it shows me a blue screen and then it will stop
1- How can I fix that problem? 2- Is ther way to make a Virtual Machine on my Fedora using my exiting installed windows 7 on my laptop HD?
I've tried to use the GUI tool for update system in Fedora 10. It listed all of the available updates successfully, but it have not any response when i click the 'Update System' button~
I installed the Centos 5.5 with XEN and put 03 virtual machines (Centos 5.5 too). I did this correctly, but I have a problem. In the virtual machine, I need update the kernel. I used "yum update kernel" and this is downloaded correctly and the menu.lst file is updated too, but the kernel not ran. I ran "grub-install /dev/sda" or "grub-install /dev/xvda" and received a error return. I read the device.map file and i ran "grub-install /dev/sde" and received a error return too.
The errors: [root@vm01 ~]# grub-install /dev/sda /dev/sda: Not found or not a block device. [root@vm01 ~]# grub-install /dev/sde /dev/sda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. [root@vm01 ~]# grub-install /dev/xvda /dev/xvda: Not found or not a block device.
I have checked the known issues and the sticky post, it does not seem to be related. I have Ubuntu as my host OS and I want to run Windows as a guest.
Now, Here is the error:
Kernel driver not installed (rc=-190
The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing
'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary. I have done the obvious:
I still have the same error. I just updated from Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, then I was prompted by virtual box to update to the newest version, then this happened.
Fedora ( I installed that update, during the installation process it said that it had to remove three packages, one of them was kmod nvidia for the old kernel (Fedora ( the update finished installing the new kernel, I restarted the system and Nvidia did not load. (I assume because Update manager removed the old nvidia? But I also assumed that a new version would be installed automatically?)I received the following Boot messages:
Entering non-interactive startup Starting monitoring for VG vg_user1: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_user1" monitored
I'm confused, if Update Manager removed kmod nvidia, then why does yum say it is installed? And why doesn't the new kernel update work with that version? Or should I install a driver version for that particular kernel? I've read while searching that I need to install a kmod-nvidia for that particual kernel version and that I should login to my previous kernel until that happens, is that the problem I'm having?
Why don't rpmfusion and fedoraproject release the kmod-nvidia and kernel updates at the same time to avoid problems such as this? Does anyone know how long does it usually take for rpmfusion to release the new kmod-nvidia driver for the latest kernel?
What is the easiest way to update my fedora 6 box to 10? Yum update won't even work anymore, it gives me errors and I read the upgrade tutorial and it didn't seem to help me. Is there a way to simply download 10 and install it and then reboot?
I just upgraded from fc9 to fc10 via the live cd. All went smooth. I tried to run yum update, but it keeps failing. I thought maybe there was something wrong with the repos, so I copied the repo files from another pc I have that is running fc10 and is able to run yum update.
Still get errors: [root@sony yum.repos.d]# yum clean all Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Cleaning up Everything [root@sony yum.repos.d]# yum update Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit rpmfusion-nonfree-updates | 2.7 kB 00:00 rpmfusion-nonfree-updates/primary_db | 81 kB 00:00 [URL]: [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (101, 'Network is unreachable')> Trying other mirror. [URl]: [Errno 12] Timeout: <urlopen error timed out> Trying other mirror. fedora | 2.8 kB 00:00 fedora/primary_db | 6.6 MB 00:46 Could not retrieve mirrorlist [URL] error was [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error (-2, 'Name or service not known')> Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: rpmfusion-free-updates. Please verify its path and try again [root@sony yum.repos.d]#
I'd like to confirm if the latest updates of a couple of rpms is causing me a problem. I'd like to downgrade these rpms to an intermediate version (greater than the original F11 versions, but less than the latest version). I've looked on a few mirrors, and all I can find is the latest update. Are intermediate versions of an rpm discarded when they're replaced with new versions? Are these intermediate versions available some place?
The two rpms I'm interested in are: gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.16-1.fc11.i586 gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10.25-1.fc11.i586
I have successfully installed Fedora 12 today on a Dell M6400 from a live usb stick. Everything went very well. After the installation I rebooted, and updated the system. Then rebooted again, and now I get this message. No bootable partition in table. Apparently something in the update is broken... Is there a buggy kernel version I should be aware of? Should mention that I have two disks in a hardware raid 1. I left a none-bootable USB key in the computer when rebooting.
Just done a system update from F10 to F12. All has completed fine, but now I don't appear to have any wireless. Everything worked first time when I first put on F10, so how come after an update things break.
For several days now, I have been getting the following software update through the gpk-update-viewer :kmod-nvidia- 1:195.36.15-1.fc12$ yum list updates gives: Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit, remove-with-leavesUpdated Packageskmod-nvidia- 1:195.36.15-1.fc12 rpmfusion-nonfree-updatesHowever, I am running the following kernel$ uname -r2.6.32.10-90.fc12.i686.PAEand if I list my nvidia config, I already have that old package, plus the newest one required by my current kernel and my system works perfectly well.
$ yum list installed |grep nvidia kmod-nvidia- kmod-nvidia-
I installed F12 few weeks ago and successfully upgraded it with yum (so that known PackageKit bug was gone). There was a few more successful updates until ibus update was out. ibus related packages can not update, another packages update without errors:
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
Using --skip-broken doesn't sound good, so it's gonna be a last effort.