Fedora Installation :: Sha1sum On Cd Iso Is Wrong - But Consistent

Jan 22, 2010

I downloaded the disc1 iso from [url] and ran it through sha1sum and got 5063ec... (the exact digest is in the virtual console, so I can't copy and paste). But the sum shown in [url] is different, so I removed the iso from my file-system and re-downloaded it. I ran the second download through sha1sum and got the same (wrong) digest as before: 5063ec...

Now, I may not understand fully how sha1 works, but I'm pretty sure if the faulty digest was wrong because of a download error, it would be -very- unlikely that I would get the same wrong digest twice. What is going on here? Is the error server-side or something? Or do I just have terrible luck, or do I not fully understand sha1 sums? Or maybe sha1sum isn't the right command to run?

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Fedora Installation :: Check Sha1sum For Iso?

Nov 5, 2010

Where I can find sha256sum value for installation .iso file of fedora 8 and same others version of fedora

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Find Any SHA1SUM Files To Give Correct Character Sequences

Sep 27, 2009

I have downloaded both versions of Fedora 11 (Gnome and KDE) to iso files on my hard disk - in Windows XP. I then tried the verification procedure advised in [URL]... section 3.1. I have successfully installed and run hashcalc, with the SHA1 option, and got the following results:

- for the Gnome version : 795b52b3c7b16eba6f2cae055ec894d8648d8095
- for the KDE version : 38ef6c97e29803add28d40add05aa025b6f4c92b.

But I can't find any SHA1SUM files to give me the correct character sequences against which to compare the said results.

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Fedora Installation :: Consistent Crashes At Detecting Storage Devices

Apr 30, 2010

Getting very frustrated trying to install F12 to my work PC. Its a dell precision 670 with a 3ware 9550sxu raid controller running raid 5. Its consistently crashing at the point when it says 'finding storage devices' with a message about : Mismatched Sizes. What I could try? I had no problem on this machine with fedora 11, so whats changed? Just for info by the way, theres two raid volumes on this system a 750Gb that contains my windows vista installation in a 500 Gb partition (NTFS) and the free space I'm using for fedora. The second volume is a 2TB data volume with a single data partition (NTFS).

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Fedora :: Importance Of Sha256sum Compared To Sha1sum?

Dec 24, 2009

I understand that md5sum had some faults where it would get the same checksum on 2 different files.What exactly are the benefits of sha256sum compared to sha1sum?

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Fedora :: Cursor Theme Isn't Consistent

Jun 28, 2011

I'm running F15 with KDE right now, and I'm using a non-default cursor theme. All KDE/Qt apps are fine, but if I use Firefox, as an example, which is a GTK app, the cursor theme returns to the default as long as it's inside the Firefox window. Back when I was using GNOME, I noticed the same thing when I had my cursor over a Qt app.

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Fedora Servers :: Passwords Aren't Consistent With Root

Aug 2, 2010

We use a Linux server with AFS on it. I changed the linux root password using passwd. The new password will let me log in as root but when I try to change the AFS admin password it asks for the root password. When I put in the password that it let me log in as root. It tells me authentication failed. And when I run the password command with -admin admin, it asks for the admin password. I put in the admin password that worked before I changed the root and it says authorization failed.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Installation Media Not Booting - Wrong Kernel

Nov 20, 2009

I downloaded the minimal boot image and installation CDs for F12 i386. On booting either I get the following messages:
This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU:
Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU
Looks to me like the installation media for i386 doesn't have an i386 kernel! I'm trying to install to an i586 CPU.

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General :: Why Does Sha1sum Act Differently With The Same Input

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to replicate the behavior of the sha1sum executable in some java code, however, in the process I've discovered that sha1sum appears to behave differently given the same input in two scenarios.

Assume input of '12345' without the single quotes and with no newline.

If I put this data into a file (file1) and run sha1sum from the command line:

However, if I do this, I get a different result:

Using the apache commons-codec jar, I'm able to read in file1, get it's contents, and perform a .shahex() on the content and get the first result. However, I need to get the second result (due to legacy code) and I can't figure out why sha1sum is behaving differently, or what grep is doing to the input.

The system is running CentOS 5.4 with sha1sum 5.97

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General :: Sha1sum A Folder And Files?

Nov 2, 2010

Is there anyway to make a hash (or similar), of a folder of files, for data integrity purposes?

I tried with sha1sum, but it cant do it.

Is it possible with some other software?

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading From 8 To 10 - Wrong Architecture

Feb 12, 2009

I clicked on i386 instead of x86 64. The box is laptop AMD64, and I stopped the upgrade at this point: Should I continue it and change later? Or delete files and start again?

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Fedora Installation :: F11 - Netmask For Eth0 Wrong At Boot

Sep 27, 2009

I have been working on a network problem and have found what the actual problem is. For some reason on boot the netmask for my eth0 is set to be In the network GUI application it is set correctly to

I looked in the following files and it is set there correctly too.

If I check the box to "controlled by network-manager" the eth0 interface is started at boot but with a netmask of If I uncheck this box then the interface does not come up at boot and I have to go to the GIU application to start it. It still comes up with the netmask of

I have to use ifconfig to set it to the right netmask and then everything works until I reboot.
"ifconfig eth0 netmask"
How do I get this to work properly? I need it to come up with the correct netmask.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Failed: Wrong # Of Devices In RAID Set

Apr 13, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 and performed the normal updates. Now I can't reboot and get the following console error message.

ERROR: via: wrong # of devices in RAID set "via_cbcff jdief" [1/2] on /dev/sda
ERROR: removing inconsistent RAID set "via_cbcff jdief"
ERROR: no RAID set found
No root device found
Boot has failed, sleeping forever.

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Fedora Installation :: User Created W/Kickstart Password Is Wrong

Aug 13, 2010

I have a kickstart script that attempts to create user "joeblow" with an encrypted password. The user is created okay, but the password does not seem to "take". After installation is complete, and the system is rebooted, this is the relevant portion of /etc/passwd:


This is the relevant portion of /etc/shadow:


Where there are two exclamation points, I would expect the encrypted password (as is the case for the root user, which is also created in the kickstart file).

The relevant line in my kickstart file looks like this:


That password string, which is 34 characters, is the word "password", encrypted with this command:


Also in my kickstart file is this line:


After the install is complete, I reboot and attempt to log in as "joeblow", but no dice. If I log in as root, and manually put the above encrypted password into /etc/shadow for jowblow, I can then log in as joeblow.

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Fedora Installation :: 15 Fresh Install - Something Has Gone Wrong - Error On Login ?

Jun 29, 2011

I have just fresh installed Fedora 15 over my (very) old copy of Fedora 11. I wanted to play around with Linux.

Anyway, when I log in, I get the "Oh no! Something has gone wrong" (like I stated).

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot - Installer From F13 LiveCD Doesn't Detect Other OS - So Grub Conf Is Wrong

Oct 13, 2010

I've just installed Fedora (F13) for the first time, on a new HDD, to give myself a dual-boot system. So currently I have:

So, at the appropriate stage in the install menu, there is an option for where to install GRUB, and a drop-down to choose which drive is the primary BIOS boot drive.

However, in both cases, no other drive except my new sdc is visible. So, I can install GRUB to MBR of sdc, or to first sector of boot partition - but no option to put it to my primary boot drive MBR on sda.

Likewise, in the GRUB configuration page, if I go to Add another OS, the only option it gives me is my new Fedora install. It doesn't list the Vista OS on sda at all.

The result is that I can boot to either OS by changing the boot drive priority in BIOS.

I guess my question is this:
- is this expected behaviour from the installer, meaning that I'll need to configure GRUB manually somehow? (gulp ) or
- did I do something wrong in the install process? or
- is this some weird bug manifesting itself?

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OpenSUSE :: Kmail Does Not Have A Consistent Layout

Jan 14, 2010

I have setup different identities in Kmail to deal with multiple gmail accounts so I have a different set of inbox, sent mail and draft folder for each account.In the message layout, I have chosen to display the columns - subject,sender/receiver and date. For one of my email accounts, kmail does the job perfectly. The inbox foler shows subject, sender and date, whereas the sent-mail folder shows subject, receiver and date. However, this order is not maintained for my other email accounts. The inbox folders show subject, sender and date(which is correct); the sent-mail folder shows subject, sender and date - instead of subject, receiver and date which is what should be displayed.

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Ubuntu :: Theme Is Not Consistent Upon Booting?

May 9, 2011

Whilst this may sound trivia, its some what annoying. I've just upgraded to Natty Narwhal, from Meerkat.On Meerkat i had customised the feel of my desktop to my liking, however whilst it may have kept some of the customisation in Natty, i think there maybe a bug.I boot up and some days my Awn Dock looks different.Sometimes the icons on the dock lookcompletely different to the ones i have selected. Also my desktop icons change. My mouse pointer that i have changed sometimes works and sometimes resorts back to the original mouse pointer.

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Software :: Dir And Dates Listings Are Not Consistent?

Jan 26, 2011

It only occured to me now, but why is it that date listings are not consistent?



They are all Month Day Year but one (from that particular extract, there's more), why is the 3rd there one Month Day Time? I know the year is not 2011 because we have not hit august 2011 yet, but what if it's 2009 or 2008? I would not know.

One of my sites got hacked and I'm just trying to figure out what the hacker got into and trying to figure how he got in so I can fix the exploit.

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General :: How To Create Consistent Snapshots Of Tmpfs

Mar 22, 2010

How can I create consistent snapshots of tmpfs or any RAM disks?

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General :: Consistent Sync Between Two Remote Directories

Aug 17, 2010

I wanted to create a consistent sync between two directories on two separate hosts. So when I write a file on one host, the file is automatically written on the next host. I don't have shared storage between each host.

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Software :: Dchroot Environment Variables Not Consistent?

Feb 20, 2011

I've created a 32-bit chroot on my AMD64 installation. It works pretty well when I just type 'dchroot' but if I try to execute a 32-bit program from 64-bit land using 'dchroot <command>', the environment variables are all screwed up. I know I can use -d or --preserve-environment to keep my 64-bit environment but I don't want to do that because I want my PATH to change when I go into 32-bit land. Here's an example of what I am talking about:

me@box:~$ dchroot "echo $PATH"
I: [x86 chroot] Running command: ?echo $PATH?


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Months To Get Consistent Audio To Work?

Mar 22, 2011

I have an intel HDA chipset that desperately wants to work. I have it plugged into my receiver and sound only occassionally works. I say occassionally because I will hear some sound, then my receiver will flash hdmi, as if it is switching to the new stream, I hear silence. Then shortly later, the receiver will provide sound, then again it will 'switch' and i hear silence. To work around this, I had an optical line working and somehow had alsa using ONLY that for the audio (bypassing the HDMI completely). Then one day when I was trying to the audio fixed for some specific application, I broke it! I cannot figure for the life of me how to make alsa ONLY use my optical line. Of course any suggestions on how to get the hdmi to work is even better.

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Debian Multimedia :: Adobe Flash 10 Consistent Way To Make It Work?

Dec 5, 2010

I have the latest version of Debian Lenny AMD64 installed on my brother's computer. I am trying to get Adobe versions of flash to install on his computer. It seems no matter what I do I get the freeware version installed which unfortunately is not up to the task. If I try to remove the freeware version the package manager tells me it needs to remove the gnome as well. How can I keep the gnome and at the same time get Adobe version to install. Yes I have a multimedia repository installed and I tried reinstalling Mozilla Adobe package with no success.

Searching forums did not result in any helpful ideas.Things I have already found out from reading this forum.-I have to purge all freeware version of the Adobe flash plug-in. I can't seem to find a way to do this without removing the gnome desktop. It seems that the plug-in is a dependency for the gnome desktop environment. Yes I want to continue to use the gnome desktop environment. I have to install flashplayer-mozilla package from the Debian multimedia nonfree repository. That I can successfully do, and have done so without success. It installs successfully, but it still shows version 9 of the plug-in. I believe version 9 is the free version. What I would like to use the free version, it's just not compatible with the websites I go to.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Knetworkmanager Startup For Wireless Is Not Consistent On 11.2 - Activation

Feb 1, 2010

I have built 11.2 on several laptops and knetwork manager startup for wireless is not consistent. I can't figure it out. Sometimes the options "Create Network Connection" and "enable wireless" are greyed out. Other times they are fine. What is the secret to getting the options to appear in my window tray all the time? I always select knetwork manager as the default when I do a clean build.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Kvm Libvirt Lvm VM Consistent Backup - Online And Offline

Apr 12, 2011

What are the solutions to consistently backup a set of VMs stored in disk images (qcow2 or raw) on a filesystem on a lvm volume (with possible snapshots).

- Online : Ideally, I would like to send a sync to all VMs before pause and snapshot, but it seems that it's not possible with KVM (it was with XEN). The save command seemed to be an option, but it crashes some VMs. So, what do you recommend to backup these VMs online ?

- Offline : Is there a command to shutdown all vms, and start them back after snapshot/backup ?

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Server :: Generate Very Large Files And Simulate A Consistent Throughput To The LUN

Jul 6, 2010

I have a test RHEL5 box, sitting in a brand new Dell blade rack on a PowerEdge M610, with a lovely Emulex OCm10102-F-M FCoE card connected to a Cisco Nexus 5000 switch. The whole setup is extremely new (the cards only recently became available for purchase.) We've finally worked with Emulex to get the cards functional, and we are ready to some stress testing to the SAN. My question now is, is there a good tool I can use to generate a large amount of traffic to a LUN? The Wintel team used a windows-only tool that showed an average of 6gigs/second throughput, so I need something that can generate very large files and simulate a consistent throughput to the LUN. I found iozone, but I'm having a devil of a time with it.

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Programming :: TCL Expect Script That Spawns A Telnet Session To A Nortel - Response In Expect_out Is Not Consistent

Dec 2, 2010

I have a TCL expect script that spawns a telnet session to a Nortel DMS100 to execute some commands. The strange thing is that the response in expect_out is not consistent. It sometimes contains a extra enter or newline. This results in differences in the expect out buffer. Here is a part of the script:

send "time
sleep 1
expect -re ">"


This command displays the time. The correct output should be (with log_user=1):

Time is 11:44:04

But sometimes the output is:

>timeTime is 11:45:04

As you can see here the is missing on the command that expect sends , or at least in the echo that is comming back. I use a split command to filter out the response in the expect_out buffer, but this fails when the is missing. Here is a example with the debug enabled:


I suspect it has something to do with a slow response of the switch. I tried to send the time command slow and with the send_human but the result is the same. A timeout between the send and expect also doesn't help.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installation Migration Attempt Gone Wrong

Feb 27, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 (32 bit version) a few months ago on a system with two IDE drives (cable select configuration). The primary drive (/dev/sda) is 40GB and the secondary drive (/dev/sdb) is 80GB. I created all of my partitions on the primary drive and left the secondary drive unconfigured. After a month or so I noticed that two of my partitions had quickly reached 50% capacity, as I had just taken a guess at an appropriate partition size when I first installed Ubuntu.

Since I had a larger unused drive already in place, I decided to migrate my installation from the smaller drive to the larger drive, but sizing the partitions in question more appropriately (i.e., much larger). I assumed that I could install Ubuntu on the bigger drive with larger partitions, byte-for-byte copy all my existing partitions from the old disk to the new one, edit /etc/fstab, reboot, and GBTW. Naturally that didn't work as I expected.

Here's what I did: Carefully logged my existing partitions on /dev/sda and their mount points Used a live CD to install the same version of Ubuntu on the larger drive (/dev/sdb), using its partition tool to generously size my partitions. I carefully logged the new partitions and their mount points. For each partition on /dev/sda (except for /boot and swap), I used dd to create a gzip'd image and stored all of those images on a backup drive.

I then used dd to complete the task of migrating all of these partitions (again, all but /boot and swap) to their respective partitions on /dev/sdb.

Ran blkid to see all of my partitions. I noticed that some of the UUIDs existed on both drives. I thought "hmmm...that's weird" and moved on.

Mounted my new root partition (/dev/sdb6) on a contrived mount point.

Edited /etc/fstab (after backing it up) and carefully replaced all the old UUIDs with their respective counterparts on my new drive. Also replaced the device reference for /boot with its respective counterpart.
Crossed fingers. Rebooted. Got some warnings about missing UUIDs.

After the system completely booted, I used the graphical disk utility and saw that the system mounted some partitions from /dev/sda and others from /dev/sdb. Not good.

Here are the steps I took since lurking here:

It seems my installation still has an identity crisis. What steps should I take from here to force my Ubuntu installation to only use my partitions on /dev/sdb?

Was there an easier way for me to migrate my installation to a new drive?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bad Superblock - Wrong FS Type

Jan 4, 2010

I cannot for the life of me get my HD working again. I tried following all the various remedies I could find but to no avail.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo e2fsck -f /dev/sda1
e2fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
e2fsck: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda1
Could this be a zero-length partition?

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dumpe2fs -f /dev/sda1 | grep -i superblock
dumpe2fs 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)
dumpe2fs: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda1
Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.

It goes on and one like this. I'm stuck using the LiveCD for now (Jaunty) so I have some limitations.

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