Fedora Installation :: Repairing Fstab After Ghost?

Jun 30, 2010

We have a Fedora11 installation that we Ghosted (Norton Ghost) to a bigger Hard Disk because the old one was failing

I know there is an extra step for linux where you fix fstab because it points to all the wrong locations, could someone walk me through this or link me to somewhere that can walk me through it?

Do I need to do this editing from a Fedora 11 Live CD (as its gone missing) or will a Fedora 13 CD do the trick?

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Fedora Installation :: Repairing Grub After Change Windows?

Jan 27, 2010

I have two operating systems on my PC, 1- Fedora 12 2- Windows XP. when I re-install windows xp on PC yesterday, and reboot system, doesn't display grub menu to select a OS!! I tried to repair it with fc12 DVD 32bit, but it doesn't have any option for repairing grub (fc10 DVD had this option!!)


1. Resure install ...
go to shell and type:
2. chroot /mnt/sysimage
3. grub-install /dev/sda
4. exit
5. exit

and it without any error, said successfully done. when I reboot system and choose fedora from grub menu, fedora doesn't start and in black startup screen said:


SELinus target ...
take very times... dependence hard disk speed ....

what can I do for repairing it?

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Fedora Installation :: 10 Displays Ghost Image Once Booted?

May 26, 2009

I'm having a problem which seems restricted to Fedora. I'm trying to install Fedora 10 on a dual boot system. I have Windows 7 RC installed. When I boot the live CD to run Fedora, my screen ends up displaying Fedora on the left half, and bits of the Windows shut down screen on the right. I cannot access the Fedora menus, they are pushed off to the left out of view.

I previously experienced the same problem with an earlier version of Fedora, with the HD loaded with Ubuntu and Win 7 beta. Fedora would boot but display either the last Ubuntu or last Windows screen to the right, whichever had been running last. No other version of Linux exhibits this behavior that I have found, but my experience is limited. Is there a particular procedure that I need to run to get Fedora to use the entire video display? Does Fedora need to be installed first?

Hardware is: ASUS P5E VM HDMI, using the integrated graphics, display is a 32" LCD TV HDMI input, hard drive is a Samsung 500Gb.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repairing Mbr On Raid Array?

Nov 27, 2010

repairing the MBR on my raid array. I have three disks, each with three paritions:root (sda1 sdb1 sdc1) 59GB swap (sda2 sdb2 sdc2) 1.12GB grub/boot (sda3 sdb3 sdc3) 298MB I have been able to get this running and it has been working fine for several months. A few days ago, I installed 10.04 to a USB stick but did not disable the hard drives at that point and so the MBR was overwritten. If I leave the USB stick in, it boots fine from that stick. However now I can't get the boot from the raid array to work correctly. I can do the following:Load 10.04 from the Live CD install mdadm recreate the root partition using


mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

I can mount and view the files on md0 with no problems. It's not corrupted in any way. When I installed, I followed the directions to make each of the grub drives bootable. However I don't know for sure whether grub was installed on each partition separately or if it was installed on the assembled partition only. I have tried using


sudo grub-install /dev/sda3

and got warnings, something to the effect


Cannot find a device for /boot/grub
no path or device specified
Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed
specify the module with option '--module' explicitly

I have also been able to get to the grub rescue prompt but my keyboard (wireless USB) is not recognized and so I can't type anything in at that point.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Installation Without Losing Data?

Feb 9, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my computer (no other OS) and it wont boot up. I don't want to lose the files in my documents. I tried accessing them using a live CD and then copying them from the harddrive (home folder then 'richard' then documents then tried to open the folder but I dont have permission to and there seems to be no way of changing this.

The files are definitely on my harddrive but I dont seem to have a way of accessing them!

Is there anyway of either accessing them and copying them to a usb etc or repairing my installation of ubuntu without erasing the files in my documents? Opening in recovery mode etc wont work.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Back Up Disk Like Ghost

Aug 30, 2010

I would like to create a Back Up disk like Norton Ghost.

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Fedora :: Repairing GRUB From F11 Live Cd?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm wondering if there is a way to remove GRUB from a live CD, then reinstall it?

I have three hard disks. What happened is, for some reason in the installer, it thought sda had the MBR on it. But in reality, sdb has the MBR. So when I rebooted, seeing as how I have installs of windows on sda and sdb, GRUB never appeared, and I got the windows bootloader screen.

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Fedora :: Can't Get Rid Of Ghost Window On Desktop

Feb 6, 2010

I can't seem to get rid of this ghost window on my desktop. Whatever it is, it makes it unable to move the Desktop Folder around also. Easy fix I'm hoping?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Setup Crashes While Repairing Installation

Feb 3, 2010

I am facing some issues with my openSUSE 11.2 installtion. Yesterday i installed win 7 so the grub is now wiped out. I have also taken mbr backup in USB. I tried following things to make things work.[/HTML]

1) Repair using openSUSE DVD booted using DVD then automatic repair but it couldn't find any root partition. After showing error that no root partition found it crashes to a blue screen with advanced configurations from there i was able to use shell but cant see and mount any linux partitions. i tried mounting the root partition it gave the error :"please load module ext4dev before mounting" how can i install grub without losing my present installations.

2) Tried booting with Ubuntu & kubuntu 8.04 live cd .. both gave a error and refused to boot. then tried openSolaris which failed to detect the USB drive so couldnt restore the GRUB to /dev/hda.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy/ghost Dual Boot To A Bigger Hdd?

Jul 22, 2010

I just picked up a terabyte hdd, so i'd like to ghost/copy my dual boot win7/ubuntu 10.4 installation to that bigger drive, is this possible?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unaccessible And Not Used 1.2 Tb Ghost Ext4 Partition Made During Installation?

Sep 16, 2010

I am not sure this is the right forum, its more about partitions, but it is a bit like it. This is the problem; I have a problem concerning my partitions; I run Opensuse 11.3 KDE 4.4.4 (standard issue) 64 bit.When I installed suse I had only attached one harddisk. A 1.5 Tbhardisk. In that I had made a 50 Gb partition and installed Windows. I tried out linux mint, just for the fun, and thenI installed Opensuse, let it erase mint and gave it another 50 Gb In that it made home etc. The rest Suse also formatted in ext4. Somehow it didn't get a mount point.I then attached second and third harddrive, and gave them mount points Windows/E and F respectively. (They are formatted in ntfs-3g)Yesterday I decided to give it a mountpoint, and gave it /windows/DI changed my mind and changed it to /home2In both these places I could access it but only as read only. And most weird of all, it had a lot of files in them, very much looking like root.

My questions are; How can I access and use that partition?What might these files be? Can I delete them? How would I best mount them? This is a picture of yast expert partitionerImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

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Fedora Installation :: Editing Fstab / Disks.txt And Mounts.txt After Live CD Install?

Jan 19, 2010

I have installed Fedora 12 i686 Live to a 200 mb partition on an external drive. Before the install I created a 6.7 GB ext3 partition and a 45 GB ext3 partition. The live cd copied the image to a 200 mb partition.

partition 2bce0f9d-53a6-4ec2-b5ad-1a6915c74260 is 45 GB
partition 4683EB23BED2EB34 is 102.6 GB NTFS
partition b7240ff1-0807-42ba-e172-bff5872519ad is 6.7 GB


Will creating an entry in fstab sdb6 and sdb8 allow the fedora distrib dvd to install to the external hd? How do I create the entries?
I have a raid0 hd with windows xp pro. When i try to shrink the partition using anaconda, I get a disk error and the comper locks up. I have to shut off the ups to reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ghost-like System For Making Full Hard Drive Clones To A Network Location?

Aug 13, 2010

Whenever I'm dealing with large numbers of computers that need to have identical windows installations put on them, I love using Symantec/Norton Ghost to image the NTFS partition (just making the .gho file the size of the disk I've used, instead of the 160/320GB full volume size), and then uploading it automatically to a windows share.I'd love to be able replicate this exact process with Ubuntu. I have one computer that's ready to go, and a few dozen more that I'd like to quickly get that same image on.

I've heard that there's a command called dd that can make disk images, but I'd really like some sort of boot disk that can allow me to make an image, save it, then run the boot disk on another computer to allow me to reconnect to the server and dump that image on that computer. Ghost 4 Linux doesn't have a network/server component, I think.even if such solutions cost money, I'd love to know if they exist or not.

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Fedora Installation :: Editing Fstab File To Mount Ntfs Volumes Rw For User Account?

Mar 29, 2009

I have two NTFS volumes I want to automount at boot. I can't get my user account to mount them in Fedora 10. I keep getting the message that the two lines I have edited in fstab are bad. The volumes are sda2 and sda8, and the volume names are SPACELAB and Spaceman. I also need to be able to mount an NTFS usb drive from time to time. I am getting frustrated, so I have posted my fstab file below,

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Sun Mar 1 12:44:11 2009


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Fedora Installation :: Using The F10 Live CD To Setup Software RAID 1 Between 1 Hard Drives For Redundancy & Fstab

Apr 15, 2009

I have been battering with FC10 and software RAID for a while now, and hopefully I will have a full working system soon. Basically, I tried using the F10 live CD to setup Software RAID 1 between 1 hard drives for redundancy (I know its not hardware raid but budget is tight) with the following table;


I set these up by using the RAID button on the partition section of the install except swap, which I set-up using the New partition button, created 1 swap partition on each hard drive that didn't take part in RAID. Almost every time I tried to do this install, it halted due to an error with one of the raid partitions and exited the installer. I actually managed it once, in about...ooo 10-15 times of trying but I broke it. After getting very frustrated I decided to build it using just 3 partitions


I left the rest un-touched. This worked fine after completing the install and setting up grub, reboot in to the install. I then installed gparted and cut the drive up further to finish my table on both hard drives. I then used mdadm --create...etc to create my RAID partitions. So I now have


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General :: Fstab Sdxx Or Uuid Or / Disk And Partitions In The Fstab File?

Jan 5, 2010

What would be the best way list disk and partitions in the fstab file?

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Hardware :: Changes To Fstab (UUID's) / Revert Fstab's Listings Back To The Old /dev/hd Settings?

Jan 15, 2010

I've had two hd's in my box forever. for more space and backup reasons. Well I have started running the Debian Squeeze distro since December. I've had many issues, some are still unresolved. but now I'm running into major headaches with the fstab. Specifically dealing with/wondering why UUID's are used instead of the old /dev/hd? I was a little annoyed when I tried Kubuntu to find /dev/sd? used instead of /dev/hd? but that was workable. But the UUID's are a nightmare. Here's my problem.

My main box is finally giving up the ghost. The mobo is dying. So in order to do some tests I took my hd bundle (my two hard drives with their cables) physically out of the box and temp installed them in a test box. I wanted to do some benchmark and other tests. I got all kinds of errors. I found that the system wasn't recognizing the UUID's listed in fstab. My concern is when the new mobo gets here next week I won't simply be able to plug the hd's in like I always have been and just let Linux reconfigure itself (Debian used to be good about this). I really don't want to have to clean reinstall if it's not needed.

So for this I have two questions. WHY developers decided to drop using /dev/hd? or even /dev/sd? ?

And is it possible to revert fstab's listings back to the old /dev/hd? settings. In debian fstab had lines commented out showing how each partition was listed in it's /dev/hd? status during install.

I'm getting really sick of all these archane changes in ALL aspects of linux that don't seem to have any good explaination or need.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid: Weird "Ghost" Windows Persist?

May 3, 2010

Three lucid install, three different situations. The only one that seemed to be a problem was on an old Gateway 450ROG laptop (6 years old). All windows that open in GNOME leave behind faint and persistent outlines long after they are closed. These outlines are not functional and are quite faint. The panels also have a pattern of small dots all over them. Any thoughts? Is the screen dying or is this a fixable issue. I didn't notice the problem until the install. Karmic was working fine. I am probably best considered an "enlightened idiot" in Linux-land. If you need me to give you information, kindly tell me how to go about getting it from the system for you.

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Ubuntu :: Rename The Fstab-BAK To Fstab?

Jan 19, 2010

I've apparently changed my fstab file and now my boot drive fails to mount. The original file is still there "fstab.BAK". How do I rename the current fstab to another name and rename the fstab.BAK to fstab? Since this is read only in the /etc directory I have not been able to make this happen from a command prompt.

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General :: Repairing The Bad Sectors Using Software?

May 24, 2011

Just came up my mind about repairing the bad sectors using software.Does using a software really repair the bad sectors in the hard disk?

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General :: Repairing Grub Kills The Win 7?

Jan 4, 2011

I have Parckard Bell Easynote B.V and i partitioned it in three forms C and D for windows in which D is used for backup E for Debian and i installed xp and debian were just running excellent later i thought of upgrading XP to win 7,after upgrading i had grub issues which i managed to repair but after repairing on the operating system list it still displays windows XP and no windows 7 on the list.i am stuck.

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Slackware :: Repairing Lilo From Live CD

Jun 25, 2010

During the upgrade of my slackware from 13.0 to 13.1 an electric problem happen on my sony laptop. So the upgrade is fine, disk is fine but no time to run the lilo for configure the new boot. Now impossible to boot. I boot on a backtrack live CD, and can't repair my lilo.Is someone could help me. I use slackware since the 3.2 (kheops in french).

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Red Hat :: Install RHEL4 From A Ghost Under Vmware

Apr 28, 2009

I would like to have your opinion on the problem : I created a ghost of my server RHEL4 with RAID 1 and 5, then I wanted to reinstall it on a virtual server under vmware.

So I restore the image on a virtual disk and qand I restart I still have this problem :

I started in linux rescue mode F5 I reinstall Grub on sda

I modified the modules.conf file to change the BusLogic SCSI, but this module is not in the kernel I used kudzu to reconfigure it doesn't works...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bad Fstab Will Not Boot

Sep 2, 2010

I made a mistake in my fstab. I know what the problem is and how the fstab needs to be changed. However, since the system will not boot I'm having diffeculty getting in to edit it.The system is running Ubuntu 10.4 64 Bit with LVM2.I have both 10.4 64Bit Server and 10.4 32Bit Desktop cds currently and could burn others if needed. With 32Bit Desktop I'm able to get to a live cd prompt but my hard disks are not mounted.if I try mounting /dev/sda5 to a dummy directory I created it tells me it doesn't know the type of 'LVM2_member'.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Start X - Repairing Permissions

May 29, 2011

my ENTIRE hard drive now has user AND group permissions root. I can't start X and are having various permissions issues. although ive been using linux for a long time.

long story long, I did a debian netinst to my netbooks SSD. got everything EXACTLY as I wanted it, was very happy with my first go at debian but of course being a linux dork im always willing to tweak. I installed onto btrfs which I recently learned supports compression which not only saved precious SSD space (only 8GBs) but according to some benchmarks also improved performance. this was a boot option and would only start compressing new files. this, of course, could not be good enough. so I formatted my SD card btrfs, mounted it with compress option + my SSD defaults and copied over all files that weren't a mount (i.e. proc, dev, sys,...) however I forgot to copy permissions. so every file was copied with root:root ownership and I didn't realize this when booting to the SD card to verify things were working as I assumed ( never do this ) that getting to a login terminal was enough. So now I need to fix all permissions and I would really prefer it be without a clean install.

A netinst can take a dec amount of time and I had a lot of tweaking to do since I only used Xorg + i3 tiling wm. there has to be a way to fix this...I started trying to reinstall all the packages but kept running into issued where aptitude wasn't able to reinstall things like bash or perl-base, presumably bc they were in use or had incorrect permissions set

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Broken Packages Without Internet

May 13, 2010

I forgot that Python is actually essential to Gnome and wanted to update to 3.1, and didn't realize my mistake until some of Gnome had been removed, then I Ctrl+C'd out. Now I can't even connect to the internet to repair my broken packages. I'm out of town for Mother's Day, but in the car it occured to me that I should have tried my Live CD.

As a side issue, is it alright to install more than one version of Python? I'm guessing so, so long as I keep track of which one I'm calling. I used apt-cdrom to update my sources.list appropriately so I could apt-get from the Live CD, but apt complained about locales. Now sources.list has strangely lost the cdrom line, but I'll put it back when I next boot to repair mode.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing (or Extracting From) HFS + Disk - Can't Mount

Feb 5, 2011

When I hook it up to my Mac the hard drive shows up in Disk Utility but it can't mount it nor fix it. I don't have Diskwarrior (or similar programs) so I was wondering if I could fix it from my Linux boxes (xubuntu). So my question is, is there a program in Linux that could extract the data from the drive or (even better) fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Repairing A Broken Filesystem Without A CD Drive?

Apr 27, 2011

Basically, my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop crashed and now when I try to boot into it I get all sorts of error messages and then I get dropped into a shell - it can't find the device etc. I tried running fsck from the command line but it can't find it. My DVD Drive isn't reading properly so I have no way of running the Recovery software on there.

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General :: Repairing Broken Ogg / Theora Without Reencoding

Jul 1, 2010

I made a bunch of video files with Thoggen a few years back and now it seems I'm having issues with playback. As the audio and video are intact and VLC, mplayer and xine can all play the files perfectly and ffmpeg can happily reencode the files. I think I need to rebuild the container metadata without reencoding the video or audio streams but I'm not entirely sure exactly how to do this without using avidemux, which won't work for me.

Technical stuff follows:
VLC works but complains
charles@wintermute:~/Videos/tmp$ vlc broken.ogg
VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye
[0xff94b8] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface.
Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
TagLib: Vorbis::File::read() - Could not find the Vorbis comment header.
[0x126af18] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
[0x1787f18] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
MythTV gives me silent video .....

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Ubuntu :: Ghost Image Program Installed On 9.10?

Mar 29, 2011

there i have a computer running ubuntu 9.10 set up as a server in my classroom. I have ftp http and an internal mail server set up on it as well as other settings. I really want to make a copy of the system so i have a back up of the os. i have figured out that i can attach a hdd to the computer and copy the os via the command line with an ubuntu live cd but this only works as long as the computer that is receiving the backup is exactly the same or the same computer. I would like to transfer the image to a portable hdd then install the os onto virtual box ( a virtual machine). Is there a way to do this without buying expensive software.dose ubuntu 9.10 have a product similar to Norton ghost.

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