General :: Repairing Grub Kills The Win 7?

Jan 4, 2011

I have Parckard Bell Easynote B.V and i partitioned it in three forms C and D for windows in which D is used for backup E for Debian and i installed xp and debian were just running excellent later i thought of upgrading XP to win 7,after upgrading i had grub issues which i managed to repair but after repairing on the operating system list it still displays windows XP and no windows 7 on the list.i am stuck.

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Fedora :: Repairing GRUB From F11 Live Cd?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm wondering if there is a way to remove GRUB from a live CD, then reinstall it?

I have three hard disks. What happened is, for some reason in the installer, it thought sda had the MBR on it. But in reality, sdb has the MBR. So when I rebooted, seeing as how I have installs of windows on sda and sdb, GRUB never appeared, and I got the windows bootloader screen.

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Fedora Installation :: Repairing Grub After Change Windows?

Jan 27, 2010

I have two operating systems on my PC, 1- Fedora 12 2- Windows XP. when I re-install windows xp on PC yesterday, and reboot system, doesn't display grub menu to select a OS!! I tried to repair it with fc12 DVD 32bit, but it doesn't have any option for repairing grub (fc10 DVD had this option!!)


1. Resure install ...
go to shell and type:
2. chroot /mnt/sysimage
3. grub-install /dev/sda
4. exit
5. exit

and it without any error, said successfully done. when I reboot system and choose fedora from grub menu, fedora doesn't start and in black startup screen said:


SELinus target ...
take very times... dependence hard disk speed ....

what can I do for repairing it?

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General :: Repairing The Bad Sectors Using Software?

May 24, 2011

Just came up my mind about repairing the bad sectors using software.Does using a software really repair the bad sectors in the hard disk?

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General :: Repairing Broken Ogg / Theora Without Reencoding

Jul 1, 2010

I made a bunch of video files with Thoggen a few years back and now it seems I'm having issues with playback. As the audio and video are intact and VLC, mplayer and xine can all play the files perfectly and ffmpeg can happily reencode the files. I think I need to rebuild the container metadata without reencoding the video or audio streams but I'm not entirely sure exactly how to do this without using avidemux, which won't work for me.

Technical stuff follows:
VLC works but complains
charles@wintermute:~/Videos/tmp$ vlc broken.ogg
VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye
[0xff94b8] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface.
Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
TagLib: Vorbis::File::read() - Could not find the Vorbis comment header.
[0x126af18] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
[0x1787f18] pulse audio output: No. of Audio Channels: 2
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
MythTV gives me silent video .....

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General :: Xend Kills Network Connectivity On Boot?

Nov 1, 2010

red hat 5 update 4 64bit. on an interactive boot i can ping -t my vm linux server from my physical MS XP workstation and a vm W2000 64 bit server until xend is started, after that i get destination unreachable. if i choose not to start xend on the interactive boot i retain connectivity. i have read some blogs that imply this might be a bug - is this so? do I need xend on my vm red hat box that is a database server?

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Slackware :: Repairing Lilo From Live CD

Jun 25, 2010

During the upgrade of my slackware from 13.0 to 13.1 an electric problem happen on my sony laptop. So the upgrade is fine, disk is fine but no time to run the lilo for configure the new boot. Now impossible to boot. I boot on a backtrack live CD, and can't repair my lilo.Is someone could help me. I use slackware since the 3.2 (kheops in french).

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General :: Kills A Process Internally Or From Where It Picks File To Continue Its Process?

Jan 8, 2010

one tell me the internal working of kill command. that is how it kills a process internally or from where it picks file to continue its process.

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Debian Configuration :: Can't Start X - Repairing Permissions

May 29, 2011

my ENTIRE hard drive now has user AND group permissions root. I can't start X and are having various permissions issues. although ive been using linux for a long time.

long story long, I did a debian netinst to my netbooks SSD. got everything EXACTLY as I wanted it, was very happy with my first go at debian but of course being a linux dork im always willing to tweak. I installed onto btrfs which I recently learned supports compression which not only saved precious SSD space (only 8GBs) but according to some benchmarks also improved performance. this was a boot option and would only start compressing new files. this, of course, could not be good enough. so I formatted my SD card btrfs, mounted it with compress option + my SSD defaults and copied over all files that weren't a mount (i.e. proc, dev, sys,...) however I forgot to copy permissions. so every file was copied with root:root ownership and I didn't realize this when booting to the SD card to verify things were working as I assumed ( never do this ) that getting to a login terminal was enough. So now I need to fix all permissions and I would really prefer it be without a clean install.

A netinst can take a dec amount of time and I had a lot of tweaking to do since I only used Xorg + i3 tiling wm. there has to be a way to fix this...I started trying to reinstall all the packages but kept running into issued where aptitude wasn't able to reinstall things like bash or perl-base, presumably bc they were in use or had incorrect permissions set

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Fedora Installation :: Repairing Fstab After Ghost?

Jun 30, 2010

We have a Fedora11 installation that we Ghosted (Norton Ghost) to a bigger Hard Disk because the old one was failing

I know there is an extra step for linux where you fix fstab because it points to all the wrong locations, could someone walk me through this or link me to somewhere that can walk me through it?

Do I need to do this editing from a Fedora 11 Live CD (as its gone missing) or will a Fedora 13 CD do the trick?

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Broken Packages Without Internet

May 13, 2010

I forgot that Python is actually essential to Gnome and wanted to update to 3.1, and didn't realize my mistake until some of Gnome had been removed, then I Ctrl+C'd out. Now I can't even connect to the internet to repair my broken packages. I'm out of town for Mother's Day, but in the car it occured to me that I should have tried my Live CD.

As a side issue, is it alright to install more than one version of Python? I'm guessing so, so long as I keep track of which one I'm calling. I used apt-cdrom to update my sources.list appropriately so I could apt-get from the Live CD, but apt complained about locales. Now sources.list has strangely lost the cdrom line, but I'll put it back when I next boot to repair mode.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Repairing Mbr On Raid Array?

Nov 27, 2010

repairing the MBR on my raid array. I have three disks, each with three paritions:root (sda1 sdb1 sdc1) 59GB swap (sda2 sdb2 sdc2) 1.12GB grub/boot (sda3 sdb3 sdc3) 298MB I have been able to get this running and it has been working fine for several months. A few days ago, I installed 10.04 to a USB stick but did not disable the hard drives at that point and so the MBR was overwritten. If I leave the USB stick in, it boots fine from that stick. However now I can't get the boot from the raid array to work correctly. I can do the following:Load 10.04 from the Live CD install mdadm recreate the root partition using


mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

I can mount and view the files on md0 with no problems. It's not corrupted in any way. When I installed, I followed the directions to make each of the grub drives bootable. However I don't know for sure whether grub was installed on each partition separately or if it was installed on the assembled partition only. I have tried using


sudo grub-install /dev/sda3

and got warnings, something to the effect


Cannot find a device for /boot/grub
no path or device specified
Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed
specify the module with option '--module' explicitly

I have also been able to get to the grub rescue prompt but my keyboard (wireless USB) is not recognized and so I can't type anything in at that point.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing (or Extracting From) HFS + Disk - Can't Mount

Feb 5, 2011

When I hook it up to my Mac the hard drive shows up in Disk Utility but it can't mount it nor fix it. I don't have Diskwarrior (or similar programs) so I was wondering if I could fix it from my Linux boxes (xubuntu). So my question is, is there a program in Linux that could extract the data from the drive or (even better) fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Installation Without Losing Data?

Feb 9, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my computer (no other OS) and it wont boot up. I don't want to lose the files in my documents. I tried accessing them using a live CD and then copying them from the harddrive (home folder then 'richard' then documents then tried to open the folder but I dont have permission to and there seems to be no way of changing this.

The files are definitely on my harddrive but I dont seem to have a way of accessing them!

Is there anyway of either accessing them and copying them to a usb etc or repairing my installation of ubuntu without erasing the files in my documents? Opening in recovery mode etc wont work.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing A Broken Filesystem Without A CD Drive?

Apr 27, 2011

Basically, my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop crashed and now when I try to boot into it I get all sorts of error messages and then I get dropped into a shell - it can't find the device etc. I tried running fsck from the command line but it can't find it. My DVD Drive isn't reading properly so I have no way of running the Recovery software on there.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Setup Crashes While Repairing Installation

Feb 3, 2010

I am facing some issues with my openSUSE 11.2 installtion. Yesterday i installed win 7 so the grub is now wiped out. I have also taken mbr backup in USB. I tried following things to make things work.[/HTML]

1) Repair using openSUSE DVD booted using DVD then automatic repair but it couldn't find any root partition. After showing error that no root partition found it crashes to a blue screen with advanced configurations from there i was able to use shell but cant see and mount any linux partitions. i tried mounting the root partition it gave the error :"please load module ext4dev before mounting" how can i install grub without losing my present installations.

2) Tried booting with Ubuntu & kubuntu 8.04 live cd .. both gave a error and refused to boot. then tried openSolaris which failed to detect the USB drive so couldnt restore the GRUB to /dev/hda.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Repairing A Corrupt EXT4 Partition?

Mar 24, 2010

After installing the recent kernel update and rebooting my machine I have found a horrible fact, my computer won't boot anymore. It seems my root partition was corrupted, and running fsck on it just sends me through a endless loop of "Ignore Errors {y}:" and "Force overwrite {y}:". I have already tried the use the repair system on the installation DVD but that doesn't do anything, the pop up asking if I want to repair the file system keeps coming up when I click repair.

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Ubuntu :: Repairing / Reformatting USB Drive - Can't Save Files

Jun 3, 2011

I'm having difficulty repairing/reformatting a USB drive. I've yet to explore and get me on the right track. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious. I have a generic USB drive, 4GB, currently formatted FAT. I can't save files to it, can't format it using Ubuntu's Disk Utility. Attempts to format using Disk Utility return the following error:

Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb: Input/output error Yesterday I got fed up and tried to just zero the thing out using a dd command... ran it in verbose, the right stuff returned to screen, still no dice. I can't get it to a point where I can format it either using Disk Utility or mkfs.

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Red Hat :: PBM Repairing Filesystem - Copy Backup Folder In Pendrive?

May 5, 2011

Using redhat linux el5, when I had booted I had pbm repairing filesystem. So I run following commands
1. fsck -l
2. fsck
But I cannot solve the pbm. My pbm is I had important folder "backup" in root folder just I want to copy it in pendrive how to do it.

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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Ubuntu :: Repairing Windows 7 But Keeping It's Dual Boot Option

May 2, 2011

I have a fubar'd Windows 7 install I need to get working on another partition so I can do some development stuff. I use Ubuntu 95% of the time though and so the machine has an option at boot for what OS I want to go into. Does anyone know if I boot up with the Windows disc in and choose the repair option if it will screw up my boot options and I potentially lose my ability to boot into Ubuntu?

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Server :: Repairing A Corrupted Mysql Table On A Shared Hosting?

Feb 21, 2011

i was trying to do some maintenance on the database and i have the following problem when looking at the database with phpmyadmin on the site

Table Ation Records Type Collation Size Overhead
uc_order_products_pair_vw Browse Structure Search Insert Empty Drop ~01 View --- unknown -
uc_order_products_qty_vw Browse Structure Search Insert Empty Drop ~01 View --- unknown -
uc_order_products_user_vw Browse Structure Search Insert Empty Drop ~01 View --- unknown -


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Ubuntu :: Repairing File System After Partial Fsck On Mounted Partition?

Apr 4, 2011

I'm running an Acer Aspire 1830T-3721 dual-booting Windows 7 with Ubuntu 10.10 (Desktop).

Background: So first I dropped my laptop a couple feet while Windows was running. The laptop immediately shut off and then tried to boot. Booting Windows results in an unfortunate "Windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. The error can be caused by ... faulty hardware ... Status: Oxc00000e9 Info: An unexpected I/O error has occurred." But Ubuntu booted fine, and could access my NTFS files fine, so I was trying to work on the problem from there. I try a few utilities, looking at the partition table, etc without actually applying any changes.

Then I run a fsck on the drive. It loudly warns me that if I continue on a mounted drive, then I'm going to mess things up. In a moment of stupidity I push on, thinking that surely it would ask me for more configuration, or confirmation, before actually starting. The fsck runs for about 1 second before I Ctrl-C it, running some preliminary stuff and then just starting pass 1.

After this, Ubuntu won't boot anymore. Instead, it hangs just after the init-bottom script runs. If I boot with init=/bin/bash, I can get to a shell, and see that my file system is still there, but not sure what else to do.

I've been running off of a SysRescCD LiveCD, from which I've looked at the drive with testdisk. Testdisk reports that "the hard disk seems too small" while showing me the partition table.

I ran a fsck on the Linux partition; it fixed a bunch of things. There has been no apparent effect on the boot behavior.

I can access all my files, back them up, and reinstall Ubuntu, but I'm hoping there's a better solution, perhaps one that will also help me repair my Windows installation (but I'm looking at one problem at a time here).

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OpenSUSE :: Updater Kills System ?

Mar 17, 2010

put off the updater. I've had several complete system crashes after some updates...

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OpenSUSE :: Last KDE 4.6.5 Update Kills Desktop

Sep 11, 2011

I installed the new suggested OpenSuse 11.4 updates and also the last KDE 4.6.5 updates from the Index of /repositories/KDE:/Release:/46/openSUSE_11.4 repository.The result: after restart and KDE relogin I ended up with a black screen. Only two windows (firefox and dolphin) were remaining on the black desktop. I was able to switch betwen these both windows but not able to open new ones (e.g. with Alt-F2).After login with IceWM, I switched off the composite manager and made a relogin to KDE. Now KDE runs, but of course without any desktop effects. When I switch on the desktop effect I can directly have a look on a black desktop.

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Hardware :: USB Camera Kills Wifi?

Oct 16, 2010

My distro is Ubuntu 10.04 AMD X64, uname -r result is '2.6.32-25-generic'lsusb result:

Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:8197 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless Adapter
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

My webcam is a Logitech C250. 1.5 volt USB webcam. My problem is this, every time I plug the webcam in, my wifi (internal USB) quits. Wifi Manager and WICD both say "wireless network disabled" I suspect that the USB camera is using more power than the kernel will allow. Does anyone know how to turn the power up on the USB hub without damaging anything?

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Fedora :: Firefox Kills F13 Even In Safe Mode ?

Aug 13, 2010

On my friend's fedora 13 install, firefox was working, it seems, until the recent kernel update (kernel is now

After the upgrade, opening firefox would crash the system shortly after starting, so firefox was re-installed (once using rpm, once using yum).

After a re-install of firefox (using yum: firefox version is now 3.6.7) and Until a reboot, the repeated error report went something like this:

After checking to see if the flash plugin was still around and then doing a hard re-boot, however, just opening firefox immediately freezes the system.

Konqueror will run (albeit rather lamely)

In that I don't know the schedule for f13 kernel updates, if indeed the new kernel is causing this problem, does f13 save old kernels? How do I get the older kernel to start (with fc9 the option could be set in grub, or I could startx from a terminal but I have not been keeping up and am not sure how to do this.

I see there are many firefox issues lately...

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OpenSUSE Network :: New Cable Modem Kills DNS

Nov 13, 2010

I got a new cable modem so I could get rid of the one I've been leasing from the cable company. It is a Motorola sb6120. Everything is fine with the ISP, it's approved for operation on their network, the only hitch was I had to use my Windows laptop to run their activation software.

At any rate, with the new modem installed, I hop on my Linux box and go to work. I'm seeing some terrible delays in looking up names. When I look with firebug, all the dns lookups for new names are taking 15+ seconds. First I just think maybe the names aren't cached or something is weird for a minute and it will get better, but no. After several restarts and then a couple days persevering with the new cable modem, all DNS queries are still terribly slow (including zypper, mail client, web client).

Suddenly I remember an issue I was having with, I believe version 11.1 when I first installed it. For just the computer on my network with a fixed IP address, DNS resolution was slow like this and if I disabled IPv6 then all was well. I believe there was even a patch issued back then for gethostbyname() that was supposed to fix the issue? So, when I disable IPv6, DNS lookup is back to normal. The two Linux computers on my network had been working fine with IPv6 and the old modem, though, and the Windows box is still working fine even with the new modem.

I can disable IPv6 and make it fast again, but really why should I have to?

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Ubuntu :: Logging Out And Back In Kills Compiz

May 3, 2010

I'm running PC/OS 10.1, which is based on Xubuntu, I've got Compiz and everything installed on here. However, if I've got Compiz activated when I log out, I find myself with no titlebar or frames whenever I log back in. Thankfully, this is easily corrected by opening the Fusion Icon and going back to Xfwm and then going back to Compiz, where I have the titlebar and frames and eye-popping effects and the whole nine yards. But it'd be a lot nicer to not have to deal with having to correct that every time I log in in the first place.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Kills All Sound - Winecfg

Oct 15, 2010

Has anyone got wine to funtion normally in Lucid 32bit... If I launch anything

Full Tilt
StarCraft II
Call of Duty 4

All my sound for Ubuntu is killed... if I close all wine programs sound resumes..Sometimes and other times requires a complete reboot. I read that this is due to PulseAudio I'm not sure of the difference between


I'm not a termial whiz or nothing but I get around... great at following directions I installed wine from repositories an winecfg sound to ALSA Even know just to make sure I had ALSA right ( while listening to rythembox ) Even going to winecfg > sound Killed my sound from rythembox.

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