Fedora Installation :: New Upgradation Not Working For F15?

Jun 5, 2011

In a fine evening I have decided to upgrade my Fedora14_x64 to Fedora15_x64. Up gradation process finishes successfully without any error. but at the time of login just after the screen "Fedora 15 is written buttom right corner and progress bar is shown" start up fails with the message attached.

Exactly same with Upgrade operation. What to do? (Apart from feeling irritated in this fine Sunday morning)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 8.04 To 10.04 Upgradation Didn't Shown Up

Apr 30, 2010

When is the 10.04 upgrade going to show on my update manager? I have been running the update manager since yesterday and the 10.04 upgrade hasn't shown up yet. It is still showing an upgrade to 8.10. I have been waiting to upgrade while exploring and using the 8.04 LTS Hardy. Now that it has been released it isn't showing on the update manager.

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Fedora Installation :: Adobe-flash For Firefox Installation (installed But Not Working)?

Sep 13, 2010

I am having trouble getting adobe-flash to properly work on fedora. I have done it before but on a different distribution, and i am migrating to fedora. Here is the output and command that i used for installation of adobe-flash (below). I dont know what else could be causing the problem, note: i restarted firefox after installation accordingly. I tired upload the code and the forums system said

The text that you have entered is too long (23586 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.
so i put the information a a .txt file and it is at this download link from 2shared. u have to look for the small words Save file to your PC: click here the other stuff is just junk links to try to get u to get ad funds from clicks, took me a few clicks to find which one actaully downlaods the file. [URl]...

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Fedora Installation :: Fedora 9 Installed But Not Working Up ( Dula Boot With XP )?

Jun 27, 2009

i have insatlled fedora 9 on a system with xp already installed on it but when i start fedora it hangs while booting. after starting the service ANACORN it hangs and same happens with fedora 10. it hangs while starting CUPS.

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Fedora Installation :: 10 - Cannot Get Usb Working

Feb 11, 2009

Automount works for CD but not usb.

In earlier versions, of RedHat, plugging a USB thumb drive which works on windows
would at least produce a message with the address /dev/Something? but this release does not.

How can I determine the hardware address so I can at least manually mount the device if in in /var/log/messages ?

I have tried different thumbdrives and a palm drive trying to get a reaction?

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Fedora Installation :: 10 - Boot / Menu's Not Working

Mar 18, 2009

I've burnt the fedora 10 Installable Live CD on to a DVD, the initial boot/menu's works fine but after the progress bar loads the display on the next screen loaded is all out of wack bad resolution etc, I can see a mouse cursor.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Get Connection Working To Use Internet On F10

Mar 27, 2009

I just set up my computer to dual boot Windows XP Home and Fedora 10. After installation, on Windows, the internet works just fine (since I'm able to compose this message). However, the internet connection on Fedora does not work.
Here are the details:
I'm connected via a cable modem only.
I have an Ethernet cable connecting my modem and PC.
I've tried looking info up online about the issue and many people say to do an ifconfig -a to get the MAC Address and so forth. How to get the connection working to use the internet with Fedora?

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Fedora Installation :: Keyboard And Mouse Not Working On F11

Jun 11, 2009

I'm having an issue installing Fedora 11. The install goes fine, but after restarting (when I get to the initial configuration screen) my keyboard and mouse don't work. I can boot into the Live CD without issue. My boot.log file is below:

Welcome to Fedora
Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.
Starting udev: [OK]
Setting hostname Ste-PC: [OK]
mdadm: failed to add /dev/sda1 to /dev/md/imsm0: No such device or address
mdadm: Container /dev/md/imsm0 has been assembled with 2 drives
mdadm: Started /dev/md126 with 2 devices .....

HAL is failing to start, could that be the issue? If so, how should I go about fixing it?

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Fedora Installation :: F10 To F12 Upgrade - PHP Pages Not Working

Nov 23, 2009

I just completed upgrading from F10 to F12. I had a few problems but now everything works just perfect, except my Apache server does'nt execute the PHP pages on the web-server. The php-pages use to work just fine. I have Apache/2.2.13 (Unix), with PHP 5.3.0 (cli) (built: Nov 17 2009 19:19:17). I tried to remove alle PHP rpm-packages and install them again with no luck.

I have checked the httpd.conf file and it include the following lines:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php5
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
LoadModule php5_module modules/libphp5.so
I get a msg. from the last line, that the php5 module is already loaded.

I have restarted httpd-service. I have the following php modules installed:
Seems that in the new versions of PHP/Apache with F12 you need to write:
<?php .....?> and not just <? ... ?>

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Fedora Networking :: F12 Network Not Working After Installation

Mar 14, 2010

I met network connection problem in my previous installation, so I tried a second time. But when I try to "enable your network interface", it gave me an error: "An error occurred trying tobring up the eth0 network interface.". I tried again and it just freezed there and won't work anymore.I use Comcast cable service, and a Apple Exteme station as router with gateway "". This desktop is new HP e9150t with Gigabit Network card. Don't know why.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Boot Not Working With 7 And It

May 20, 2010

I just bought a new laptop with the Intel I3 processer in it and it came with Windows 7 preloaded. I am running Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit on my old system but decided to use this opportunity to upgrade to a 64 bit OS and Fedora seemed to be a good choice. Anyways, the problem I'm having is that I am trying to run dual-boot with 7 and Fedora. I got it installed and from the grub menu, I can load both OS?s. I can boot 7 just fine but for some reason Fedora will not finish loading. It will start loading, run though several scripts and then the screen goes black like its trying to go to a splash screen but that were it stops. I tried the rescue option on the boot DVD and it pretty much did the same thing.

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Fedora Installation :: Trying To Get Dial-up Working On FC14

May 14, 2011

I'm trying to get dial up working using wvdial, kppp or system-config-network. Whatever I try, it shows "no modem found." I'm using a US Robotics serial modem that's worked with other linux set-ups, so I know it's not the modem. What's the command to find a serial modem in the terminal? lspci doesn't show it.

And any info on getting any of these to work..especially system-config-network! Had it working with linux Mint's LXDE on an older Thinkpad, but something happened after an up date (kept saying that an IBM system was detected and refusing to load a module when it booted.) After update, didn't show that warning, perhaps loading the module.

Old Thinkpad hasn't loaded an operating system since! Won't even load gparted so I can get something else on it.....so I'm sticking with Fedora until I can figure it out. Got another old Thinkpad, don't want to repeat the same mistake. Guessing that it's a debian problem, as Mint's never broken anything before.

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Fedora Installation :: Wine And Virtualbox Not Working After Bug Update?

Mar 25, 2009

i always run updates if i get prompted about it... this time i ran a couple or so updates and software updates and restarted, i realise my VirtualBox and Wine isn't running at all... i click on the icons but nothing fires up.. all my programs on Wine seem to fall under the same issue...

how do i view all the latest updates i just installed?

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Fedora Installation :: Running As Root All The Permission Are +xrw And Still Does'nt Working?

Jun 15, 2009

(xcdroast:22631): WARNING **: Failed to access cdrecord. Please check the permissions and ownership of /usr/bin/cdrecordcdrecord is a link to wodim, i'm running as root all the permission are +xrw and still does'nt working

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Fedora Installation :: Yum Not Working After Upgrade From FC10 To FC11

Jun 22, 2009

I've been running FC10 with all updates and had downloaded the FC11 DVD. Yesterday I upgraded to FC 11 using the DVD and it appeared that everything went fine. However when I tried to do ayum updateI got the following error. There was a problem importing one of the Python modules required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:

No module named yum

install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.

It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is:

2.6 (r26:66714, Mar 17 2009, 11:44:14)
[GCC 4.4.0 20090313 (Red Hat 4.4.0-0.26)]

go to the yum faq at: [URL] I'm not sure what to do next. I also noticed that all my previously configured repositories are lost.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Yum - Get A Package Manager Working On My New VPS

Jul 29, 2009

I'm trying to get a package manager working on my new VPS.

I didn't set it up The machine is running Fedora Core 5, so I came here.


First I tried:


What am I not doing? Then I tried compiling an older version from a tarball:


Unfortunately when I entered "make" I got:


So I googled and apparently I'm missing gettext too? So I downloaded that...


Which is confusing as I thought I installed GCC a while back. Edit: Guess not.


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Fedora Installation :: Korean Not Working As System Default

Jul 7, 2011

Have 2 FC 14 servers. On both of them set system default language to German (de_DE), reboot, and all is as expected -- all menus and messages in German. Then changed system default back to English, reboot, both are back in English. Then changed system default to Korean (ko_KR), reboot. One server comes up in Korean as expected, but the other comes up in English.

/etc/sysconfig/i18n is ko_KR.utf8 as expected. SSH terminal and execute 'locale' and all variables set to 'ko_KR.UTF8' as expected. Start a GNOME session (thru VNC), open a terminal and 'locale' shows 'ko_KO.UTF8'. Changed default language back to German, reboot, everything comes up in German. Change it to Korean, reboot, and we're back to English (not even German). (Note: LANG=en_US is set as kernel boot option, do that's probably why not German here.) Have trolled through DMESG and /var/log/messages but do not see any error message.Tried 'yum groupremove "Korean Support"' to clear everything out, then re-installed it. Still the same result.

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Fedora Installation :: Flash Plug-in Not Working For Firefix Or Opera?

Feb 21, 2009

I searched alot & tried installing flash plug-in but none has yet solved the problem. it's currently installed but doesn't work in opera & firefox. Moreover I tried removing it & re-intalling it with yum & rpm but the problem persists.

BOB Merhebi
Dell Inspiron 8600
Fedora 10

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Fedora Installation :: Number Pad Not Working With F10 X64 On HP DV9000 Series Notebook

May 7, 2009

For reasons I can't even begin to figure out, the number pad does NOT work.i can get the num lock light to come on, but pressing the keys there produces no love at all. Right before I installed F10, my F8 x64 had been working flawlessly for a VERY long time and I have been able to verify that the keypad still functions both with the M$ Windoze Vi$ta virus and a live Knoppix CD.Since this is the first time I have had this issue, I don't even know where to look to consider solving this.

I did try the System->Preferences->Hardware->Keyboard and all of the HP layouts listed there, but I still can't get anything more than the Num Lock light to come on and go out.

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Fedora Installation :: Eclipse Galileo Wizards Stopped Working In F12

Nov 18, 2009

I upgraded from F11 to F12 and everything seemed to be working until I went into my Eclipse IDE. Several things stopped working, icons in the "New" sub-menu items disappeared and when I activated wizards and added items like a new text file, I was unable to complete the creation of the file. If I try to "Save-as" the file to a file named create_products.sql pressing the "OK" button does nothing. This seems to be true of all of the wizards when you try to write out the changes, nothing happens. All these wizards worked correctly under F11. The Eclipse IDE is installed in my /home/user/Application/eclipse directory and was left in tac after the upgrade. Does this mean I need to do a full install and if so will restoring my home directory just result in the same problems? [URL]. Seems that there is a problem with eclipse 3.5.1 and F12 regarding mouse click capture.

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Fedora Installation :: Install F13 In Virtual Machine Within Virtualbox / But Its Not Working

Jun 28, 2010

My laptop is running Linux Mint 9 and I am trying to install Fedora 13 in a virtual machine within Virtualbox. However, it's not working. It takes forever to get past the initial white/blue loading bar when it first boots and then it just goes white, so I can't see anything. I've already tried modifying the bootline parameter of the live CD to include noprobe, noacpi, noapic, nousb, and nofirewire. However, the result is the same. Am I missing something? Is it possible to install this?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Network On RHEL 6 Virtual Host Installation - Not Working

Feb 25, 2011

i installed RHEL 6 as virtual host on one of the blades on HP enclosure. i set up network on eth0 and started it but i cannot even ping gateway from within this installation. i logged in as root. i set up everything such as IP, netmask, gateway, nameserver etc.

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Fedora Installation :: Grub Not Working With FC10 / Vista Dual Boot

Jan 25, 2009

I did a fresh install of Fedora Core 10 32bit on my Caompaq Presario AMD 64 laptop which originally only had Vista ultimate 64bit. When I go in to grub and choose windows I get a screen that says:

Windows failed to start...
File: windowssystem32winload.exe
Status: 0xc0000225
Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

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Fedora Installation :: Get The Broadcom BCM4312 Wifi Working On HP 2133 MiniNote?

Aug 14, 2009

I'm trying to get the Broadcom BCM4312 Wifi working on my HP 2133 MiniNote.I have tried:

(from here http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 )
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.


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Fedora Installation :: Live Usb Media Persistent Storage Feature Not Working

Sep 1, 2009

live usb media does not let me to to save files and make modifications to live operating system that will persist after a reboot

I made the bootable stick with the liveusb creator at https://fedorahosted.org/liveusb-creator/ using an iso image of f10 live cd, a flash drive with 2 Gb capacity and a paersistent storage setting of 200 Mb

I changed root=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXi-do-not-remember-XXXXXXXXXXXX to

On the flash drive to make it bootable

I installed gparted on live operating system and when i rebooted gparted was not installed.

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Fedora Installation :: F12 Not Working With Riva TNT2 Model 64 Graphics Card

Nov 18, 2009

After a fresh install of F12 on pc with Riva TNT2 Model 64 graphics card, Login hangs once booted.

Worked fine on f11.

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Fedora Installation :: Does Live USB Creator Create A Working System For Windows 7?

May 12, 2010

Before going too far it may be simplest to answer the question "Does Live USB Creator create a working system for Windows 7?" If not then don't bother reading further. I have installed Live USB Creator on a 32-bit Windows 7 computer but when I run it I can't for the life of me get it to recognize any type of drive. I've read and tried the instructions of using the command line with the --force [drive]: but that has no effect Maybe I am misunderstanding this whole program. From what I read about it, this program will create a working Windows system, place it on a USB stick and then run Windows on a different computer. In my application I would like to run it on my work computer which has Windows XP. If this application should work then will I have complete access to all my computer drives and files and the network/internet? I imagine I would need to install all necessary programs so that I could use them in Windows 7 and would I need to install those programs on the USB stick or could they be on a local hard drive?

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Fedora Installation :: GXine Video Player Configured Correctly But Not Working

Aug 10, 2010

Just installed the LXDE spin of 13 onto my acer aspire netbook. Couldn't make a usb boot stick, finally succeeded with an external card reader and unetbootin. Anyway, GXine isn't working, though it says its configured correctly. I'm very new to fedora and linux in general, played a bit with ubuntu 9.10.

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Fedora Networking :: Ping Working But Internet Not Working From Dhcp Clients

Jul 17, 2009

I have a strange problem for internet. My clients (winxp - S2) can't get internet.Let me explain my scenerios. Fedora 10 with lan (eth0) having direct internet from dsl model, client (XP service pack 2) can use samba shares using dhcp (wlan0) installed in Fedora 10 box. client can ping my linux box.Now problem is: client (dosbox) can ping the google ip address (i.e ping but can't use 'ping www.google.com'. That means ping with ip works for internet from my client. My linux box can. I can use internet from FC10 but can't use iexplorer from my client to have internet. I have enable ipmasquarding in Firewall and dhcpd is running on wlan0 for dynamic ip address of my clients.Can someone suggest me what kind of problem having I? What should i do to success iexplorer for internet? what possibly am i missing?

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Fedora Installation :: When You Reboot The Mouse Works Ok Until The Welcome Screen Apears Then The Mouse Stops Working?

Jun 17, 2009

I have install fedora11 live and the mouse work well when installing.When you reboot the mouse works ok until the welcome screen apears then the mouse stops working and I cannot continue with the postinstall. I have a 1TB usb externalHD that I am installing fedora11 and have partitioned it so that I have 500Gb free for fedora, system is doucore 2.4,4gb RAm, I tryed doing this with three differend mice and connectting the mouse to different usb ports

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