Fedora Networking :: F12 Network Not Working After Installation

Mar 14, 2010

I met network connection problem in my previous installation, so I tried a second time. But when I try to "enable your network interface", it gave me an error: "An error occurred trying tobring up the eth0 network interface.". I tried again and it just freezed there and won't work anymore.I use Comcast cable service, and a Apple Exteme station as router with gateway "". This desktop is new HP e9150t with Gigabit Network card. Don't know why.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Rdp Working One Direction

Feb 15, 2010

I have laptop with Ubuntu wired to ferdora 12 server. Server RDP control to desktop is working.Laptop to server is not.See screen shots.I am thinking VNC server is not installed or configured properly on server.

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Fedora Networking :: DNS Not Working With Multiple Network Connections

Mar 5, 2010

I have a machine that I'm trying to setup as a reverse web proxy. It will have two NICs, eth0 will face the public network, and eth1 will face the "internal" network (connects to a switch that goes out to the other web servers that are statically assigned a private IP address).

When both interfaces are started, I can ping hosts on the network and the network without problem when doing so by IP, but if I try to run a ping or nslookup command with a DNS name, it does not work. I've tried commenting out my entries in /etc/resolv.conf and adding the DNS entries in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX files directly (DNS1=x.x.x.x and DNS2=x.x.x.x), but the results are the same.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Connection Manager Gone / Not Working

May 15, 2011

Fresh install of Fedora 14 from Live cd.Used it for an hour or so, d-loaded some programs, had ti all running great. Wired connection to internet. Had the Network Connection Manager icon in panel. There was an icon saying new updates, alot of them, like 400 or so. Told it to go ahead and up date, left room. Came back hour later was done, said it needed to re boot, so I did. From then on, no internet, not icon, no Network Connection in the drop down list for preferences.

What I have tried:Worked off live cd, again, all works fine, icon, manager, internet all there.In installed version: In terminal, typed service Network Manager, it said unrecognized service.Did yum install network manager. It started to do it, but looked like it was trying to get stuff off mirrors, and of course there is no internet access. error PYCURJ ERROR 6.Of course I can re install, but I figure I will just end up in the same place a few hours from now.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Authentication Icon Not Showing Up And WiFi Not Working

Dec 22, 2009

Ive been using fedora 11 fora few months now and suddenly today after I booted up fedora network authentication(the little icon that lets me choose wifi networks) isnt showing up in the upper right hand corner which isnt that big of a problem but the fact that its on start up applications and its not wondering is what Im wondering about but on top of that my internet doesnt work at all.It will work for a little bit after boot then die and when I go to network authentication and network manager no wifi networks show up and I have about 5 around my house not including my own which is also what ive been wondering.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Network On RHEL 6 Virtual Host Installation - Not Working

Feb 25, 2011

i installed RHEL 6 as virtual host on one of the blades on HP enclosure. i set up network on eth0 and started it but i cannot even ping gateway from within this installation. i logged in as root. i set up everything such as IP, netmask, gateway, nameserver etc.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Connection Intermittent After DHCP Configuration - Stops Working Randomly

Jul 17, 2009

I'm having a bizarre problem where my network connection stops working randomly. At first I thought it was a DNS issue since Firefox simply chilled out on "Looking up [hostname]" until it timed out, but after further investigation (pinging IP's, "host" and "dig" being unable to reach servers) it became apparent that I couldn't even access the DNS servers i.e. the Wicked Connection of the East was most sincerely dead.

There are two strange things about this: one, there are no errors except "timeout". The network manager is happy, Firefox is happy until the lookup fails... Two, the failures only start *after* DHCP configuration. DHCP configuration never has any trouble sending or receiving packets. I'm going to try static IP and whatnot to see if that helps, more information later.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Card Working On 10.04 32bit But Not Working On 10.04 64bit!

Jul 25, 2011

I had an Ubuntu Server 32 bit installation and everything was working fine. Now that I installed Ubuntu Server 64bit on a new drive in the same machine, the ethernet card is not working!! This is insane cause when I put the hard disk with the 32bit installation back and booting from it, the ethernet card is working without any problems but in the 64bits installation it is not shown at all using "ifconfig -a"

lspci output:


02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8151 v1.0 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

How can I check which module is being loaded in the 32bits installation to try to load it manually in the 64 bits installation?

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Networking :: Network Has An Intermittent Fault - File Share Network Stops Working

May 7, 2011

Sometimes my file share network stops working,and will then work again.I'm lost with this problem. The server pc is a Zenwalk pc.The other pc is a win7 pc. This error only occurs on Zenwalk. When i run puppy from the live cd the file shares are always visible,without fail.Under puppy i use pNethood. When the ping command is used there is no problem, and the pc name can be pinged.This is shown below:


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Debian Installation :: Network Interface Up But Network Manager Not Working?

Aug 20, 2010

Config: Squeeze, 2.6.32-5-amd64I just installed squeeze and the network is up and nm-manager deamon if working but the Gnome applet doesn't seem to work as usual. It indicates no network although the network is available as indicated by ifconfig and route below. When I switch WiFi on, the nm works flawlessly. When I click on the applet icon it says "Wired Network: device not supported" (or similar, msg in french is

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1f:e2:12:ea:d8 
          inet adr:  Bcast:  Masque:
          adr inet6: fe80::21f:e2ff:fe12:ead8/64 Scope:Lien


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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 Network Card Randomly The Network Connection On The Server Will Stop Working?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 network card on my server at work.Everything works fine for a few weeks, then randomly the network connection on the server will stop working. After it stops working, I will try to reconnect with the network manager, it shows a wired connection available, it shows the "connection in progress"animation, then the "connection disabled" icon.

I uninstalled the network manager and used manual configuration, but do you think the network manager was the issue? I can't have the server disconnecting randomly every few weeks with no way to know what the real problem is. Was there an issue with the network manager with 10.04?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Is Working But Not Working?

Aug 28, 2010

OK so I set up a server yesterday and got ndiswrapper loaded on it with the appropriate driver, I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file to contact my router with it's MAC address, WEP Key, etc... So the problem is I can ping addresses like Google and Ubuntu Forums but I can't use apt-get to install or update packages. When I try sudo apt-get update I get a whole bunch of Code: W: Failed to fetch <address>Temporary Failure resolving <address>My Wireless interface is wlan0 and also I can ping my server from my other computer running Linux and my server can ping that computer too.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Speed Depends On Installation?

Jul 27, 2011

probably this is the most idiotic question and probably i know the answer. But I want to get confirmed. Is it anyway possible that my mobile broadband speed is slow because of my installation is wrong? actually, I formatted my machine and make it dual-boot. After that my mobile-broadband speed is horrible slow. I installed (a)kmod-wl and as dependency, broadcom-wl but my lspci only shows intel network manager.

$ lspci|grep Network
17:03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Device 008a (rev 34)

can this be related or just coincidence?

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Fedora Networking :: Bridged Networking And NetworkManager - No Network Connection Because Network Isn't Managed

Mar 2, 2011

I have installed qemu/kvm and created a Bridged network connection which works just fine(Windows 7 VM won't work in NAT mode.)

But when I try to use NetworkManager it says that I have no network connection because the network isn't managed, (I set the settings in ifcfg-br0 and ifcfg-eth0 to be managed)

The real problem is that now I can't use my VPN connections (I have many) in NetworkManager.

Is there a way to have both of these pieces of functionality?

I am using FC14

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Network WAN Not Working?

Jan 13, 2010

I decided to bite the bullet & upgrade from V8 to V9.Now after doing so the WAN connection is not working

bcm@bcm-laptop:~/wireless$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | tee sb.lis
wlan0 Scan completed :


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Networking :: SSH Not Working On Local Network?

Jul 23, 2009

Let me start off by saying everything WAS working...I have a lab environment comprised of two subnets (.1.128/25 and .2.0/25). On the .1, I have 3 Solaris 8 servers running NIS, NFS, databases, DNS, various services, etc... the network was setup on VLAN'd Layer 3 switches with the VLAN interface addresses acting as default gateways (dgw) for the two networks (on a single switch). The switch dgw was a router for outside connectivity. The servers are running ODCS OpenSSH.I was having problems with the VLANs, so I reconfigured the network so that each subnet had it's own switch as a dgw, and they route through a point-to-point static route setup as on a separate VLAN between the two gateway switches.Here's where the problems start:First, ALL the services (NIS,NFS,databases,DNS,etc) are STILL WORKING. I can ping all the addresses. Traceroutes show the proper path thru the point-to-point, etc. There are NO firewalls setup, hardware or software, network or host-based... no iptables running, etc.

The three servers are on the .1 network. I can ssh to them from hosts on the .2 network no problem. However, I cannot complete an ssh login to them from any host on the .1 network. I get a password prompt, enter the pwd, and then it hangs until I receive a "Connection timed out" error message several minutes later. The next time I log in however, it shows "Last successful login" from the failed attempt.While the connection is hung, netstat on the server shows "ESTABLISHED" to the client on the proper port. nother odd indication is that I CAN sftp to the servers from hosts on the .1 network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Only Half Working / What To Do?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm clearly missing something small. My Ubuntu machine can see the XP machines in the WORKGROUP, pull files over and even print to the printer attached to one of them. Internet sharing also works. However, the XP machines cannot find the Ubuntu system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: New Install Network Not Working

Mar 14, 2010

I have just done a new install and have no network (LAN) connection.My network card blinks as if there is activity but the corresponding diode on my router is not active.I have checked the ethernet cable by switching with a valid connection to a WinXP system; like this I know that all the router ports are good.The network configuration module does not indicate a wired connection.

I have also tried sudo ifdown eth0 and sudo ifup eth0 but receive error message: interface eth0 not configured Can anyone help as it is my first experience with linux systems.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Card Not Working / Get That?

Apr 21, 2011

I have BroadCom BCM4318 802.11B/G Wireless Card. When I first started Ubuntu a week ago it didn't work, but I fixed it after a day or two of googling it. However I made a mistake and uninstalled the Network Manager. I then reinstalled Ubuntu, but it wouldn't load the card again. I activated the driver, and restarted the computer, but then, since It was connected via Ethernet, it wouldn't reconize the Ethernet connection, but the wireless card it did, but wouldn't find a network that is supported.

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Networking :: Dhcp Not Working After Restarting Network ?

Jul 12, 2010

I installed dhcp on my Debian server and it was working fine.

untile I restart network with this :

And then dhcp was not working.

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Networking :: Network Connection Stopped Working ?

Nov 24, 2009

I have Debian installed a year ago, working perfectly until last week when network card connected to internet stopped to communicate. I did no change in configuration. It just stopped to work while I was reading an online web page. Network card connected to local network still works fine.

I thought it might be a NIC failure so I installed a new PCI NIC but no change, still no communication throught this NIC.

I verified/changed cable between NIC and the router, no luck. If I connect the same cable from router to a Windows PC, everything is OK. If I connect back to Debian machine, it does not work.

I tried connect this NIC with a different router with DHCP enabled, nothing, NIC will not communicate with DHCP server.

I tried to set static IP, no change.

Today I booted a Knoppix 6.2 and this NIC worked perfetly! It set up using DHCP, I could access the internet.

I booted machine as usual and the problem still persists of course.

This is information captured immediately after boot. The trouble NIC is eth0 after boot finishes.

All this was captured with eth0 connect to a router with DHCP enabled. There is no DHCP entry in syslog related to eth0. Reinstall is the very last option.

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Networking :: Network Not Working In Gateway System

Jan 7, 2009

I have a network gateway system which runs redhat 7 (2.2.16)
Firewall running is ipchains
Internal network is eth0
External network is eth1 (example add)

My problem when I change the static address of the external network from to I am not able to connect to internet. From my preliminary investigation ip is not binded to network card., but I am not sure, is there a way to check binding accurately
Below is the ifcfg-eth1 file contents


I have updated the address change in ipchains firewall scripts. Before IP change network was work fine with this firewall scripts.

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Networking :: Network Cable Just Stopped Working

Dec 14, 2008

I have a laptop, and the wireless and cable worked fine for a while, but one day, for some odd reason, the wireless and network cable just stopped working. I'd connect to the web, and I would get output using "ifconfig" and the GUI wireless signal. When I hook up the wire, it detects it. However, no matter what I can't load any web pages. The wire does work in another house, and my windows partition utilizes these devices well. Any ideas?Additionally, I am able to log into my wireless router and change configurations, but that's about it :/.

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Networking :: TCP Crawler Network Not Working After Many TCP Requests?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a crawler on my VPS VMWare Server (also tried it on my dedicated server). After many requests about 200.000/6h my network is gone. I use lynx to get any website outside of local network and any site is not responding - also tried to obtain IP address instead of host name - no results. I can get every local site. For example when I am on I can obtain a page which is placed on but obtaining is not possible.I tried many things such as changing TCP timeouts to less, restarting virtual machine and no results. After few hours - 4-5 hours I get network working. It is not working as fast as it should but it is ok.

I am wondering where is the problem. Have I got to configure linux? Am I missing something? Maybe some router stack is blocking my ip? (Other crawlers put on same VPS are working properly, but after 6 hours they also crashes)I also notices that I can get like 30.000 web sites per hour (some with errors, some with no response, some with timeout surely) but this number decreases hour by hour and finally reaches zero.Can you help me and suggest where may ba a problem?My system: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server, 1GHz, 512 MB RAM, 5 MB/s.

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Networking :: Working With Multiple Network Connection?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a pc running Ubuntu 10.10 with 2 wired net card and 1 wireless card, all of them connected to a router through which connected to the internet. My question is when I launch a connection, such as ping or visit a website with browser, which one connection the system uses or both of them? Can I manually specify one connection to use? How to do it?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Getting Network Manager Working On 5.3?

Sep 5, 2009

So I just did a fresh install of CentOS 5.3 and ran an initial update how ever I cannot get the network manager to start. I found this page on the wiki - [URL]? highlight=(networkmanager) But when I try to run chkconfig NetworkManager on

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Debian :: Network Not Working In New Installation?

Jan 19, 2016

I installed debian 8.1.0 (netinist-i386) in my laptop at work using ethernet (installed mate desktop). At home I do not have such thing, so I should use my phone connection. I can not use wifi due to b43-firmware. I use usb tethering as my only solution. Now I connected to my phone but do jot have internet access in laptop. ping http://www.google.com or or any other address says destination host unreachable,

ifconfig shows usb0 is ok

#generated by networkmanager

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Fedora Networking :: Ping Working But Internet Not Working From Dhcp Clients

Jul 17, 2009

I have a strange problem for internet. My clients (winxp - S2) can't get internet.Let me explain my scenerios. Fedora 10 with lan (eth0) having direct internet from dsl model, client (XP service pack 2) can use samba shares using dhcp (wlan0) installed in Fedora 10 box. client can ping my linux box.Now problem is: client (dosbox) can ping the google ip address (i.e ping but can't use 'ping www.google.com'. That means ping with ip works for internet from my client. My linux box can. I can use internet from FC10 but can't use iexplorer from my client to have internet. I have enable ipmasquarding in Firewall and dhcpd is running on wlan0 for dynamic ip address of my clients.Can someone suggest me what kind of problem having I? What should i do to success iexplorer for internet? what possibly am i missing?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Networking Not Working On Acer Netbook

Jun 7, 2011

While installing the openSuSE on my Netbook (Acer AspireOne D250) with a bootable thumbdrive Live image, the installation seemed to go fine, but after the installation was completed, there was no "network"! I checked and the system auto-sensed the drivers, but when I go into the network, even trying to manually set up the IP info, Yast reports NO NETWORK running!!

I then went out and bought a USB CD-ROM drive and installed using the boot CD (Network install) on the external USB CD-ROM drive. It booted up fine, and installed "RIGHT OFF OF THE NETWORK", but when the install was through, I could not access the network. Same error: NO NETWORK RUNNING!! Now I've installed openSuSE on this unit before (v11.4) and it worked fine (after I changed the wireless driver to the legacy driver) but this time it's NOT working!! My 13yr old son uses the Netbook, and was so excited to get to use LINUX instead of Windows ... until now.

Richard A. Allcorn
email: rAllcorn@uucpNET.org
Netbook: Acer AspireOne D250, 2GB RAM, 250GB hard drive, extended life 8hr battery.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Weird Network Is Not Working Properly

Apr 18, 2010

I have just recently installed Ubuntu karmic on one of my machines. The network worked perfectly until today, when it just wont connect. I have double checked that the SSID and Password are correct. It is a WPA network. I am sure it is a problem with my computer, not the network, because my brother's laptop (which I am using right now) has ubuntu 9.10 installed on it and the network is working perfectly.

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