Fedora Installation :: Installing 14 On Desktop With XP?

Mar 24, 2011

I want to install Amahi and Fedora14 on a desktop which is already running Windows XP. The detailed guide for installation at the Amahi site, which I intended to follow, assumes a clean installation with no XP. I have downloaded and burnt to DVD the Fedora 14 Desktop Edition. I have one 1,5 TB HDD with much unallocated space outside the partitioning for XP. When I restart the PC, it will boot XP. The boot options in the BIOS does not allow me to set the DVD as a boot priority. How do I start the installation process?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Desktop Environment (KDE 4) F12

Feb 25, 2010

I installed Fedora 12 on my computer using the install DVD and that worked fine. However, upon booting up, I was dismayed to find that all I could access was the command line where it says:

So naturally I went searching and found that the problem was that no desktop environment had been installed. So I went to try to install KDE since I really like the way its screenshots worked and a number of my friends recommended it. I hooked my computer into my router(since I'm finding wireless on my machine is going to be tricky right now) and used yum to try to install the desktop. I found the appropriate code at [URL] to install with yum. I promptly did and allowed yum to do its thing, downloading and installing all the necessary files after which I went through the steps on the website.

The problem comes now, when I try to boot my new desktop environment from the command line. After entering "startx" I get the following error:
xauth: creating nw authority file /root/serverauth.1250
xinit: No such file or directory (errno2): no server "/usr/bin//X" in PATH
Use the -- option or make sure that /usr/bin is in your path and that "/usr/bin/X" is a program or a link to the right type of server for your display.

Possible server names include:
Xorg Common X server for most displays
Xvfb Vertual frame buffer
Xfake kdrive-based virtual fram buffer
Xnest X server nested in a window on another x server
xephyr kdrive-based nested X server
xinit: Server error.
How to get the startx command to work. Or maybe I'm not even supposed to use startx...

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Not Installing On Desktop HDD

Apr 29, 2011

I am new to ubuntu and the forum system. I downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 to make a live usb. It booted correctly and everything seemed fine. I explored Ubuntu a little further and liked it very much. Satisfied with Ubuntu I began to tried the installation process. The Ubuntu installer opened up and asked what language I would like I chose english, then the next screen popped up, Which was titled "Preparing to install ubuntu". followed by, for best results, please ensure that this computer:

(xmark)Has at least 4.4 GB available drive space
(check)Is plugged into a power source
(check) is connected to the Internet

I want to use the HDD that windows is installed on, it won't show up at all. I even went through System>administration>GParted Partition Editor. And the only thing that is there is the USB which is a 2gig. Why won't it let me install on the HDD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing 10.04 LTS ONLY, BOTH On Desktop & Laptop?

Nov 10, 2010

Plan installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ONLY, BOTH on my desktop & laptop.1. How do I proceed........as to how many, types, sizes, file systems of partitions.......I think would need /boot, /root, /swap, /home (on a separate partition)?2. Size of HDD are 290 GB & 100 GB respectively.3. Once partitions are created & Ubuntu installed would like to create a full back up image just in case?4. If the Linus OS files get corrupted or need a reinstall is it possible to just install it in the /root with out changing/recreating other partition structures?5. Is Ubuntu version stable enough, any advantage of any other version or 64 bit vs 32 bit, since want to install once & have a peace of mind for some time......no Linux genius just a retired old MD.6. Suggestions as to what kind of security steps to be taken & what software to use to create a full back up & where to save the backup?

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Debian Installation :: Installing The Squeeze Graphical Desktop?

Aug 28, 2011

I am trying to install Squeeze (Debian 6.0.2), KDE environment, desktop PC, older 32-bit single CPU, 40 GB hard drive wholedisk, 2 GB RAM). I am trying to install an encrypted hard drive (takeover installation using entire hard drive).

Each time I try this I seem to run into different problems, and to date I have not succeeded in obtaining graphical installation. My most recent previous thread on my problems is at


It contains video controller hardware information. (In that thread I mentioned a desktop and a laptop; I am currently trying to install Squeeze on the desktop PC, not the laptop!)

It seems I will need to request using apt in the shell the Squeeze package firmware-linux-nonfree. I am not familiar with configuring apt from the command line. Can anyone just tell me what I need? (I have many other things I am trying to learn today, so RTFM would not be helpful in this instance.) I am hoping apt will be autoconfigured well enough to get the deb if I simply give the command. Would it be

apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree

I want to ensure before trying to get apt to install debs over the internet that the key-signing and package verification is working. I hope that all is done automatically by the installer, but does anyone know with certainty? I stress that (as I understand things) checking the GPG signature of a signed deb is different from and complementary with checking the integrity hash; both verifications are crucially important. The reason I ask is that at least under oldstable (Lenny) there was a separate debsig package, which seems to imply that apt does not automatically acquire the ability to check the GPG signature of signed debs.

Someone said that in addition to non-free drivers I might need to obtain firmware. I have never been able to do this successfully, probably because hardware sites assume Windows users and I don't use Windows at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Desktop After Installing Propietary Nvidia Drivers

Jun 19, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.04, it was all working like a charm until y tried to install nvidia's propietary drivers using the integrated hardware drivers manager. Now ubuntu just boots into a non graphical tty. How can i fix Xorg?I have an AMD Athlon X2 5200+, the chipset is a nForce 430 with an integrated Geforce 6150.

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Installation :: Error While Trying To Boot Ubuntu After Installing Desktop Edition / Fix This?

Jan 20, 2011

I downloaded and installed the Ubuntu desktop edition and when I boot up I have the options to boot either Windows 7, or Ubuntu (so far so good), however, when I select Ubuntu I get a message saying that the following file is corrupt:

File: ubuntuwinbootwubildr.mbr

status: 0xc000000f

Info: The selected entry could not be loaded because the application is missing or corrupt.

Any thoughts on this? Would just re-installing it fix the problem?

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Fedora Installation :: Two Ways Of Installing Nvidia Drivers In Fedora 12?

Nov 20, 2009

After searching online and in these forums I found two different ways of installing the Nvidia drivers in fedora 12. If you haven't yet installed the the repos then:

rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-stable.noarch.rpm
First way:
as su
yum --enablerepo=rp*g install kmod-nvidia.$(uname -m) xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64


I used the first way and everything seems to work fine. Compiz-fusion works good but i did have to add vga=795 to /boot/grub/grub.conf to get the graphical boot loader to work again. Should I have used the second method? What is the difference in these two ways? Most notably the second steps. Is one way better or preferred over the other? From my understanding you must do this because of the nouveau driver.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot Up Ubuntu After Installing Fedora

Jun 2, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 with gnome3 on my netbook and after some slight trouble I got it installed Now heres the the bad news: grub doesn't show my Ubuntu installations(s), only Fedora 15 and windowz 7

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Fedora Installation :: Setup RAID 10 With Fedora 11 On Desktop?

Aug 11, 2009

I've been trying to setup RAID 10 with Fedora 11 on my desktop using this tutorial:[URL].. Everything has been going well, except when following the instructions and getting ready to format, it says I need to define / and boot partitions. This was never included in the instructions.

- LVM Volume Gropus
-- vg_jordan
--- fedoraRAID (type: ext4)
- RAID Devices
-- /dev/md0 (mountpoint/RAID/volume: vg_jordan ; type: LVM)


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Fedora Installation :: Installing Ns 2.26 And Gcc 2.95 On Fc 8

Mar 26, 2009

I hve to install ns 2.26 on fc8 and am having the following errors during my installation: checking whether the C++ compiler (g++ - 3.3) works... no configure: error installationor cofiguration problem: C++ compiler cannot create executables. NS configuration failed! Exiting... ow i made some research and found out that the problem may be coused because the ns 2.26 may require gcc versions lower than 3. So i started te adventure of intalling gcc 2.95 as a second gcc on my PC. After following an instalation guide i tryed th install an received these 2 errors:

make[1]: *** [libgcc2.a] Error 1 [3:53:33 MD] Blerina Top�iu: make:***[all-gcc] Error 2 I have got so many errors for today.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 12 With No CD-Rom Or USB?

Mar 13, 2010

Well I just freshly installed Fedora 12 from a live CD onto my laptop and I would like to do the same with a new computer I picked up recently. Going anti Windows. Anyways it is a Acer Revo 1600, The computer is running Windows Home Edition with SP3. I do not have a optical drive since the computer is the size of a router, I do however have a USB but I can't not find it to save my life. So how would I go about installing Fedora 12? I have tried the mirror method but couldn't figure out how to do it. Does any just just have a link with a download button and it be simple as that. Also like Wubi I can keep Windows and Linux, Is there something like that but with Fedora 12 and I can still keep XP. how would I also download and try Fedora 13 Alpha?

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Fedora Installation :: Kde Desktop After F13 Installation With Dvd Media?

Oct 16, 2010

I installed fedora 13 second time on same fedora partition by "install on existing linux partition" option on dvd media( if i remember ok). i forgot to check kde desktop and was left with gnome desktop only after installation. when i open packagekit, from Administration, the gui environment to install software(Add/Remove software) in gnome, click on left pane select installed packages or anything else i dont see anything on right pane but i see error cannot find metadata repo. i dont understand in error message it says refresh cache may solve problem although it is software source error.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing 10?

Feb 7, 2009

When I boot up, my Laptop reports the operating systemis missing??? Unless, I put my XP installation disk in the drive, thenFedora will boot up fine.If I put the Live install Fedora disk in & choose to boot from the HD, again it reports the OS is missing??Clearly it isn't as here I am using Fedora after booting leaving myation disdrive.Incidentally, I don't have windows installed, Fedora only.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 10 On IBM X3400?

Feb 11, 2009

We are trying to install Fedora 10 [Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso] on IBM X3400 server and the specs for IBM X3400 server are

Intel Xeon 5405 (Quad Core) / 2.0 Ghz / 12 MB / 1333 Mhz / 4GB Memory / 2* 250 GB
SATA / DVD Writter/ Keyboard, Optical Mouse

The following are the issues we are facing with the install.

1. First time, install hanged with message "booting from anaconda"

2. Second time, tried the boot option "linux vesa". When the system re-booted, the mouse and keyboard were not working.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Packages From DVD ISO

Feb 17, 2009

I've just installed Fedora 10 LIVE CD on USB (1GB) on a MSI WIND Netbook (no optical drive) and realise I don't have the extra packages options available for installation. I do have the DVD ISO and I'm just wondering if there's a way of accessing packages in the DVD without reinstallation, like Open Office, Gimp etc. Is there a way of accessing softwares in the DVD ISO? or Some how install them into my currently running Fedora 10 on my MSI WIND?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 11 Onto 4 500GB HDs?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm installing Fedora 11 onto 4 500GB HDs....and I want it to be a RD5.

What would be the best way to do this?

1 - software raid each 500GB into a RD5, then create a LVM boot/swap/and / partitions? Is it even possible to do this? And performance wise, is this ok?

2 - the first two 500GBs into a RD0 and load the OS onto this raid, create a RD0 onto the second two 500GB, then just use rsync to mirror the first RD0 onto the second RD0...which I know isn't REALLY a RAID, but will be more of a backup onto the second raid. This probably will show the best performance, but isn't a raid.

Because the /boot has to be on a mirror drive I think my options are pretty limited.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 11 Using USB Drive?

Oct 25, 2009

Listed are the steps and the issue:

1. Downloaded the Fedora-11-i386-DVD.iso in windows m/c

2. Used the liveusb-creator

3. Plugged the USB drive in the m/c where the Fedora needs to be installed. (This m/c does not have an OS)

4. The BIOS sensed the drive.

5. Selected the installation option from the menu

6. Proceeded with the installation steps and created the partitions

7. Got the error:

"Missing ISO 9660 image The installer has tried to mount image #1, ..."

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Fedora Installation :: Installing XFCE DE Only From DVD

Nov 14, 2009

During my two previous installation, I almost never try to include or exclude package during the process. I want to know if I only want to install XFCE as my only DE, how can i do it during the installation progress (I Know i can install both, or even with KDE, but I also know that i can do it later should I change my mind)?

Second question is, if I install only XFCE, what will I miss ?(no, not the gnome feature, but maybe fedora distro(gnome) specific tool or something). Last word, no I'm not asking what feature of gnome is absent in xfce nor which DE is better, so don't start it.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 12 On A Laptop?

Nov 20, 2009

I really want to try it on my Dell E6400 (it runs Fedora 10 right now).

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Fedora Installation :: Installing 12 - 32-bit And 64-bit To Intel I5 Cpu

Apr 7, 2010

I just got a new desktop PC with Intel i5 650 Dual Core 3.2GHz 4M Turbo. I would load up the installation cd, once I selected to install the screen would go blank and nothing happens. Centos 5.4 work, but I just want Fedora 12 installed.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing The 12 With Esxi?

Jun 18, 2010

I have had problems getting Fedora 12 installed on esxi. I have 20gb of hd space and 2gb of ram. Everytime I try to load Fedora, it freezes during the install. I don't know if maybe I'm downloading bad torrents or what. Has anyone ever ran across this issue? Is there a different source I should be downloading from?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot After Installing F13?

Jun 19, 2010

Having searched this and other forums and googled without valid results, I need some help. I've been a linux user since RH 5.2, having experimented with several distros but have not run into this problem previously. I've just installed F13 for the third time. Each time the installation completes without any apparent error but when I reboot, I get the following message:Quote:

Error No Active Partition
Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (build 082)
copyright ...
This product is covered by one or more of the following patents ...
Realtek PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller Series v2.26 (090219)
PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable
PXE-M06: Exiting PXE ROM

The cable failure is consistent with there being no cable and inability to configure wireless during install. I used the custom partitioning option during install and was very careful to search for any fields I might have missed initially.


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Fedora Installation :: 15 Stuck When Installing?

Jul 3, 2011

I started installing fedora 15 from CD on a dell Vista Laptop (2hz 1g ram) but after the logo finished turning white it stays on the blue screen with the bird.I have been trying fedora 13 and xubuntu on this cheap old con of a laptop from pc world and things run smooth (E-system 1.7hz 512RAM vista

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Fedora Installation :: **Installing Fedora On Mac Fails**?

Jul 2, 2009

Im trying to install fedora 11 on my MacBook (Aluminum Series) but its not working.I turn on my mac...boot from the DVD...follow the instructions to install the fedora on my mac ( 3 partitions = [1-swap, 2-boot, 3-main]) and it installs normally, installs all the packages. When the installing is finished...it says click on reboot..When i do that, it seems like its rebooting...but the screen turns black for a long long long time that after a while im forced to manually turn off my mac. And when i turn it on...and see if the fedora is installed, There is nothing but my mac OS

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Fedora Alongside XP ?

Jun 24, 2010

I am completely new to linux and I want to install Fedora on my older PC. The PC is running 2.3 GHZ pentium 4 processor, 512mb Ram, and about 80GB free on the harddrive.

The PC is a Dell 8300 series and is already running Windows XP. I want to be able to dual boot Fedora and XP. I was following a tutorial but I cannot find the link anymore otherwise you would be able to view it and see if its a bad tutorial.

The tutorial had it so that I was downloading and creating and ISO Disk from here [url]. The next step was that I boot from the newly created disc by changing the setting in the BIOS. Then the tutorial instructed that I change the partition size for windows inside fedora after it boots. however I never got that far

When I booted off of the Fedora disk that I created the machine would get a message that said "Missing operating system"

I also tried booting from a flash drive but it did the same thing

It would be great if anyone could help me out, or point me to a better tutorial. Please take note that I am very green. I am not a programmer and I have limited skills on the computer. I just wanted to get my hands dirty by playing around in Fedora. So I may not understand all the Linux lingo yet.

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Fedora Installation :: Both Gnome And KDE Desktop

Feb 3, 2010

I had a request from one of my colleague that he would like to try my Fedora 12 installation which was set up recently. However, he said he would like to start with the KDE Desktop while my normal login uses the Gnome. Is it possible to have different desktops for different users (well I believe so)? If yes, I would be appreciated if some one will provide me guidance in doing so as I am quite new to Linux.

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Fedora Installation :: Missing Desktop In F13?

May 29, 2010

I thought I'd have a play with F13 so downloaded the 64bit live cd and away I went. It loaded ok but I ended up with no desktop icons or menus in fact nothing but the background. I right-clicked, created a folder and browsed to the install icon and installed anyway.

As before that went fine but again once logged in I had no desktop other than the background. I opened a terminal and did an update but still no different. I can run apps from the terminal but no desktop at all.

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Fedora Installation :: Installing With Yum - Start A .RPM Get Message ?

Feb 2, 2009

I've recently installed Fedora 10 on a space computer. It works fine until I tried to install Mplayer.

As i've read on a number of sites that there is a dependency problem, I went through loads of websites looking for a fix. I found nothing that would work.

Now i'm stuck with a problem that i think might be worse. If I start a .RPM I get the following message.

Now when i try to install other things it's hit and miss, I tried to install VLC and got the same message.

I've got no idea what i've done to get to this point and i don't really want to reinstall fedora 10 again.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall WinXP After Installing 10

Feb 3, 2009

I have a dual boot system - WinXP and Fedora 10. I am happy with my fedora 10, but as usual the WinXP has lots of malware on it. So I wish to reinstall it and patch it up with a AV. Is it possible to reinstall WinXP without breaking the system - becoz AFAIK, installing will remove grub from the superblock and then there will be no way to reload fedora even if it is still there. Can't I copy grub and the partition table away and reinstall it from windows after the intallation completes? That way I shall have my dual boot system back as usual if I didnot do any changes to the partition table during the fresh windows installation.

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