Fedora :: How To Install A .bin File

Jun 2, 2010

I have downloaded Google Earth, the file name is GoogleEarthLinux.bin how to install this file?

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Fedora :: Create A Ks File To Install All Packages (fedora 12 Of Course)?

Apr 26, 2010

Trying to create a ks file to install all packages (fedora 12 of course). The file have in it:

@ everything

which used to work in RHEL, but in here, I get the message on screen: "You have specified that the group 'everything' should be installed. This group does not exist. Would you like to continue or abort". so what's the group name/code to install all packages?

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Fedora :: How To Install A Tar.gz File

May 5, 2011

The file name is nikki.tar.gzI tried this way and it did not work:

tar xvf nikki.tar.gz
cd nikki


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Fedora :: Install A S/w With A Binary File?

Apr 29, 2010

[b] i got downloaded qt-sdk-linux-x86_64-opensource-2010.02.bin binary file then how to install that one[]

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Fedora :: Install Something To Open A RAR File?

Nov 6, 2010

I am trying to install something to open a RAR file

I write this>
yum -y install rar
and I get this_
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
Setting up Install Process
No package rar available.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Unable To Install From Bin File

Aug 24, 2009

When I attempt to start the install of a .bin file, the prompt is returned almost immediately, no error messages. I have installed other .bin files with no problems. From the file directory I am typing ./file_name.bin. The file has -x from all levels.

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Red Hat :: Install A Config.mk File In Fedora?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a cd containing wifi drivers, but inside is a config.mk file and no configure file. so when I tried to install the tarball using ./configure it could nt find anything. so I tried using su - then I said sudo ./config.mk and it said bash error I don't have premission and it referenced the sudoers file. I not sure what this means, and am I even installing the right file for the driver I need. there is also already a Makefile in the folder as well....

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Fedora Installation :: Which Install File / Method Do I Need

Apr 15, 2009

I'm looking into using fedora as my first Linux OS, read rookie, I have an old HP PC with a brand new hard drive. I downloaded the 'F10-i686-Live.iso' file and tried to boot from it. It brought up a Fedora screen with various boot options and a memory test. I did the test which completed a successful pass. I then tried to boot from it, it showed the horizontal loading bar which turned white, after which the screen went black. From there the screen switched from blank to 'lit up black' , sometimes it showed a cursor which was mouse responsive, sometimes it showed a blinking underline cursor in the top left corner of the screen. Eventually it just stayed blank. Any threads I've checked are irrelevant or refer to a more options or command line option that isn't on the setup screen. Have I the right file/method?

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Fedora :: How To Install MATLAB (Zip File Downloaded)

Feb 26, 2010

I am very new to linux. I just got the dual boot working a couple of days ago. Now I downloaded MATLAB (2009b) from my university website. It came in a zip file...well I have no clue how to install it. I looked at the instruction manual, it doesn't really explain much.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Software File Hplip.run?

Mar 24, 2009

How to install software file hplip.run ?

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Fedora :: Where To Install / Copy The Microcode.dat File To Update The CPU

Feb 3, 2011

I installed fedora 14 on my Dell studio xps 1645 with CPU intel i7 core inside.

I downloaded the microcode.dat file from the intel website to update the revision of the CPU.

I tried to put it in /etc/ but no update was done. also in /etc/firmware (after creating the latter directory), and no update was done. also in /lib/firmware (after renaming the current microcode.dat file) and no update was done.

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Fedora :: Install Burg From Source - 'No Such File Or Directory'

May 1, 2011

I am following instructions from [URL]... i've gotten to the point where it says


No such file or directory. I hate installing from source for this exact reason, something always goes wrong. and i'm left scratching my head. But I really want this boot loader.

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Installation :: Install Fedora 15 From A Local Iso File With Network?

May 24, 2011

Today I download a fedora beta iso file, then I try to install it following the steps I installed fedora 14. However, the install guide ask me to connect to network, if not , I had to exit installation. I just want to install fedora 15 from my local iso file. What's wrong?

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Fedora :: Steps To Install System Dc++ In 11 From Source Tar File?

Oct 2, 2009

I have downloaded the linuxdcplus 1.0.3 source file. However i am unable to install the same in my fedora 11. could anyone guide me and all with detailed step by step instructions and the possible options?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Creating ISO-file From Burnt ISO-file On CD-R Gives Different File Length

Jul 25, 2010

I downloaded three iso-images, 1 dvd-image and 2 cd-images:


Being paranoid, I created iso-files from the burnt DVD-R and the two burnt CD-R to verify integrity.

The iso-file of the DVD-R was identical to the downloaded image. Both iso-files created from the CD-R were different in size.

The original size of openSUSE-11.3-KDE4-LiveCD-i686.iso is 719.323.136 Bytes.

I only got 718.938.112 Bytes when recreating an ISO-file from my CD-R.

The CD-R is from Sony. When the length of my ISO-file doesn't correspond to the downloaded one, the checksum file verification doesn't work.

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Fedora :: Install / Remove Packages Written On A Text File?

Sep 9, 2010

I use the show-leaves yum plugin, and sometimes I use that info to remove some unnecessary packages. But that list can be long, so I write them on a text file.

1) Instead of removing packages one by one is there a way to remove all packages written in that text file?

2) Why isn't the output of the show-leaves plugin compatible with the output of "package-cleanup --leaves"?

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Fedora :: Chmod Command To Install VMware Bundle File?

May 9, 2011

I was trying to install vmware.bundle file, and found a terminal command that helped me install the program.

chmod +x VM*.bundle

I was just curious what the command chmod was for? Just trying to understand the terminal a little better.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cannot Install The Glbic-common File Cause It Give Me A Conflicting Error

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to install gcc in RHEL 5.4

These is the output:

I can not install the glbic-common file cause it give me a conflicting error (the package is already install but it is somehow not recognize by the system)

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Wireless Activation - Install The Driver Using File Iwl3945.ucode

Sep 5, 2010

m using redhat 5.3 i have installed a driver for wifi as per my wireless card... i checkd my kernel version , nd it is as per the requirements... but i hve a file name iwl3945.ucode how to install the driver using this file...?

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General :: Install Vmware Player 3.0 - Unable To Locate Kernel File Location In Fedora 14

Feb 1, 2011

I was trying to install vmware player 3.0 and it prompt that it require the kernel kernel- to be compile before it start.


Kernel headers for version were not found. If you

I try following but unable to find.


Nothing to do



Then I try to map to the file, but not working.

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Ubuntu Security :: Can't Install Firmware File Into File System - Not Accessable?

Jul 11, 2010

I'm only just starting out with the Linux ubunto 10.04 OS after yeas of wasted time on Microsoft os's,I hope I'm posting this request for help in the right forum thread, if not please accept my apologies, I have tried searching everywhere for help in installing a firmware file into the File System / lib / firmware directory and each time I get an access denied result. The file is for a DVB board and I have managed to track down the right Linux fw file for this particular piece of equipment, Could some kind helpful person either explain how to get this firmware file into the Root System directory or even send a link to another site that deals with this sort of problemI've downloaded all the programs via the Ubuntu Software Center that should be able to perform this task however all to no avail.The reason why I posted this thread in this forum board is that it (in my own personal opinion which may be wrong) seems to me to be a security problem

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Ubuntu :: Install The Download File Which Is A Windows Xp Dos Executable File Of 8mbs

Sep 19, 2010

I have NDISWRAPPER installed on my laptop, but when I try to install the download file which is a Windows Xp dos executable file of 8mbs I have tried every thing but without success I can see my Iomega 250 Zip drive when I go into system>administration>disk utilities and acess properties but cannot make it run,

Dell inspiron 6400
OS: Ubuntu 10.04LTS
HDD: 250gb

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OpenSUSE Install :: Keep Getting .gvfs (gnome Virtual File System) File Appearing As Corrupt In /~/usr Directory

Jun 24, 2011

Why do I keep getting .gvfs (gnome virtual file system) file appearing as corrupt in /~/usr directory, I can get rid of it by unmounting, but it re-appears later on. It is causing problems as it interrupts my backups (which are automated) with an error message,ListError .gtk-bookmarks/.gvfs [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/jimt/.gvfs'

drwxr-xr-x 2 jimt users 4.0K Jun 22 22:00 .gstreamer-0.10
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimt users 132 Jun 24 11:50 .gtk-bookmarks
d????????? ? ? ? ? ? .gvfs
-rw------- 1 jimt users 4.3K Jun 24 11:50 .ICEauthority
drwxr-xr-x 3 jimt users 4.0K Jun 23 08:41 .icedteaplugin

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Ubuntu :: Install / Run J2eesdk-1_4_03-linux.bin - Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Jul 12, 2011

i should install a old version of Java EE, so i can write code for a old kind of webservice. Here's what happens:

Code: michael@michi:~/Downloads$ ./j2eesdk-1_4_03-linux.bin./j2eesdk-1_4_03-linux.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I looked for the library in Synaptic, but there are only newer versions of libstdc++. I couldn't find a solution to this problem i was able to follow.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get A Download Popup Which Specifies That The File Is 49.0MB File?

Aug 2, 2010

Asked this on Jul 21, and didn't get any satisfactory answers. Thought i'd ask again before i switch to Ubuntu or go back to Fedora: Has anyone gone to software.opensuse.org: Download openSUSE 11.3 and actually chosen "Installation Medium" as "4.7G DVD", "Direct Link", "32 bit PC", hit the "Download DVD" button and gotten the file "openSUSE-11.3-DVD-i586.iso" which is not 49.0MB?

I mean, the steps above are not rocket science, and not much chance of making mistakes, so i'm not sure how i can get a download popup which specifies that the file is 49.0MB file, if it's not actually that size?

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Debian :: Install A File That Username Is Not In Sudoers File?

Jun 3, 2010

Is it possible to disable all passwords in debian. I do not need any security usernames and passwords. I don't want type sudo all the times and i want free acces all the time. With debian i allways have some premission problems and why i need a password for my home computer?

1. For example today when i tried to install a file debian told me that my username is not in sudoers file. How can i fix this? 2. Is it possible to disable all passwords and asking admin premission, i dont need that kind of ??? for my home computer. (including the login screen user/password asking) And i am sorry for my grammar errors, i hope you can still understand what i have tried to say.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Attach An Ordinary File As Well As Excel File While Sending Mail To A Particular User?

Dec 21, 2010

How to attach an ordinary file as well as Excel file while sending mail to a particular user in red hat.

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Fedora :: Display The File On The Gnome Desktop Without Messing Up The KDE Config File?

Jan 4, 2010

New install of FC12 and after logging into the KDE desktop then going back to Gnome, the Desktop Config File for KDE shows on the Gnome desktop. I ran gconf-editor and I can see the file but no option to not display in Nautilus. Is there an easy way to not display the file on the Gnome desktop without messing up the KDE config file?

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Fedora :: VBoxVMM.so: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory

Oct 26, 2010

after updating my system I can't start VirtualBox-OSE anymore. I get the error:

VirtualBox: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen("/usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox.so",) failed: VBoxVMM.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I try to remove and to re-install VirtualBox-OSE again, still the same error. VirtualBox works as root but not from a user account. The installed version is VirtualBox-OSE.i686 3.2.6-2.fc13 @rpmfusion-free-updates

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Fedora :: Cannot Open Shared Object File: No Such File Or Directory"?

Mar 28, 2011

I am trying to run Ansys on Fedora (64bit), but every time I do it gives me this error. "error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"Please help as I am stuck with this issue for long.

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