Fedora Hardware :: FC14 Detects Extra Thermal Diode

May 8, 2011

I am looking for the best place to report this issue. FC14 appears to falsely detect some hardware as a Thermal diode and causes random shut down due to thermal over temperature condition. I am in the process of building a new MythTV back end and choose the EliteGroup motherboard A790GXM-AD3. I did a fresh FC14 install usewd the update depositary during the install. On the first boot the system shut down before I could get the password entered. Eventually I noticed the following in the /var/log/dmesg file. May 6 09:20:52 pvr1 kernel: [ 71.081080] Critical temperature reached (127 C), shutting down. I installed the lm_sensors RPM and I see the following:

[root@pvr1 ~]# uptime
08:29:07 up 0 min, 1 user, load average: 1.45, 0.45, 0.16
[root@pvr1 ~]# service lm_sensors status
Adapter: Virtual device
temp1: +30.0�C (crit = +110.0�C)

I did log a call with the ECS mother board support to get their view on this issue. But based on the BIOS PC Health display temp3 should not exist. So perhaps the kernel is detecting some other hardware as a thermal diode? Random shut downs due to ghost hardware is not good. The kernel version is

I tried to boot a FC15 beta live CD but it shut down due to the over temp condition before it completed booting. A google search of the error message got two hits one in FC12 and the other in Ubunuto linux both with ECS motherboards.

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Debian :: Thermal Allert: Unknown Thermal Allert Received?

Feb 25, 2010

I just installed Debian testing on my new ThinkPad T400s. Everything went like a charm, but, I have three questions to fix some minors: (A) When I reboot or shutdown, just before everything turns off message appear:
[37.439999] thinkpad_acpi: THERMAL ALLERT: unknown thermal allert received

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Fedora Networking :: Fedora 10 Live Usb Detects Other WiFi Connections / Not Router

May 27, 2009

ok so the router works in windows and i know the config details of it.i can see other wifi access points in the area but not my one. i have tried joining it as a "hidden network" to no avail.is there any reason why fedora would not detect my own wifi when it detects substantially weaker signals instead??

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Startup Freeze - Unreliable CPM Thermal Sensor

May 13, 2011

My F-14 x64 bootup stalls with this message: "K10 temp ... unreliable CPU thermal sensor: monitoring disabled". I'm unable to find an explanation/basis for this message. I can boot from CD#1 and chroot onto the disk - near as I can tell, all the data is there. Might this be the result of a corrupt boot up sequence file and, if so, which one(s)?

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Fedora Hardware :: Using Acpi: Thermal / Sysfs-api To Extend Battery Life

Dec 31, 2009

This link, acpi: thermal/sysfs-api, explains how the new thermal management sysfs class is built, but doesn't give much information about using it. Using watch, I can see that the cur_state of cooling_device2 changes from 0 to 5 when I check "Dim display when idle" in Power Management Preferences. But I haven't found an applet that changes cooling_device0 or cooling_device1.

Echoing different integers to the cur_state files limits the maximum cpu frequency for cpu0 and cpu1, respectively. This behaviour is expected from what I've read, and mimics the options in Windows power manager for extending battery life by throttling the CPUs. I've had no luck with google and local man pages, so has anybody has seen an applet for controlling /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device[0|1]/cur_state?

On a side note, a value of 1 does slow the CPU down, but it will still hit 100C (normal for an Intel mobile duo core). However, values of 2 and larger throttle enough to lower the maximum CPU temp. Since the CPU temp is a good indicator of power consumption, it's pretty obvious that these two cur_state files are intended to extend battery life. dd_wizard

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Fedora Networking :: Detects Wireless Networks But Cannot Connect?

Nov 29, 2010

Basically, I just installed Fedora in my desktop (use it on my laptop), and have a big problem, which is that Fedora (13), detects my wireless card (Edimax nMAX EW-7728IN), but when I try to connect to my wireless networks (WEP & WPA) it hangs and asks again for the password. I know the problem isn't from my routers,since I'm right now connected via Fedora 13 in my laptop.

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Fedora Networking :: Two Identical Laptops With BCM4312 But Only One Detects ESSIDs

Jul 4, 2010

I've installed F13 on two Dell E6400 laptops, both with Broadcom BCM4312 wireless cards. After updating them both, I enabled the RPMFusion repos and installed the akmod-ed wireless driver on each (following these instructions: [URL] Wireless works perfectly on one laptop, but doesn't seem to be working on the other. The wl module is activated (shows up in lsmod) and the wireless card is enabled (wlan0 shows up in ifconfig), but Network Manager isn't showing any available networks. For the record, wireless works on both laptops with Ubuntu 9.10 I am going to try cloning the entire drive on the working laptop and sticking it on the dud one.

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OpenSUSE :: What Exactly Is The Extra Repository /repositories/KDE:/Extra

Jul 18, 2010

there are 2 related to 11.3: openSUSE_11.3/ and openSUSE_11.3_KDE_Distro_Factory/ Index of /repositories/KDE:/Extra they are not listed as official kde4 repos here KDE repositories - openSUSE, but they are in the same directory structure on the build service so it would assume they are official (what ever official means) They have rpm's I didn't see in community and playground (at least for 11.3) such as audex and clementine I would guess that they are for the stable and factory versions of KDE4 but then shouldn't there be a 3rd for unstable if this was the case? Or do they refer to the distro, 11.3 stable and 11.3 factory

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Fedora Installation :: Automatically Download And Install A PAE Enabled Kernel When Detects More Than 4GB Of RAM

Jan 5, 2011

I have 6GB of RAM and I'm planning to install Fedora 14 32-bit to achieve a higher degree of compatibility. Does fedora automatically download and install a PAE enabled kernel when it detects more than 4GB of RAM (Just like Ubuntu)?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Monitor / Graphics - Only Allowed 60 Hz But Fedora Auto Detects Refresh Rate At 85 Hz

Jan 11, 2011

I recently switched my desktop from Fedora to CentOS. On Fedora it auto detects my refresh rate at 85 Hz. On CentOS by default it only allowed 60 Hz. I looked at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and the display settings were:


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Fedora :: Get A Messages Which Says "Thermal Shutdown Occurred"

Aug 18, 2011

I had Fedora 15 installed on my laptop and I have a problem which had bothered me for a long time. Every time I turn on my laptop, I would get a messages which says "Thermal Shutdown Occurred". I tried other Linux distributions but the same problem. It operates normally with Windows 7.

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Fedora :: Fc14 Bug With Gmixer?

Aug 23, 2011

I think there is a bug with gmixer on fc14 using lxde. Every time I log out and log back on gmixer spawns another process. So if I log out and log back on 6 times I will have 6 gmixer processes running concurrently.

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Fedora Hardware :: How To Get Fglrx In Fc14

Dec 23, 2010

ati proprietry fglrx driver in fedora 14, anyone know if this exists or where to get it? or is there some other way to get some 3d acceleration on fedora 14 with out it?

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Fedora :: Need Administrative Privileges FC14

Jun 18, 2011

I am new to this O/S. I have tried Mint and Ubuntu. There are some problems I would like to work out by myself before I take short-cuts, as if.I have tried to install codecs for my o/s media player and get a reply from computer "xxxx does not have sudoer rights, you will be reported."I tried to get sudoer rights and was told I had to have administrator rights first. To get administrator rights I needed sudoer rights. I decided to come to forums to ask and this is my first post.

Is there a danger in getting administrative rights? If so, I would still rather like to face the danger than not be able to play music. And how do I get real superuser rights? My root account is localhost.localdomain and my login account is XXXX. I would have access to everything rather than have a warning that the administration is receiving reports of my activity. Might anyone have help?

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Fedora :: Any Way To Use Packages To Install On Fc14?

Jul 30, 2011

I'd like to update my version of gsl to 1.15 (it has improved integration routines) Downloading & compiling worked, but I'm hesitant to overwrite the default packages with ones I compiled myself since there's a lot of compilation flags etc I may be getting wrong. On top of that, I need the header files from gsl-devel too to link against, and I'm not sure how that works. (Where to place them etc)Is there any way to use these packages to install on fc14?Should I just compile it myself?And what about the devel headers?

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Fedora :: Dvds Won't Play FC14

Aug 18, 2011

I have some problems reading dvds using either xine or totem

Here's the output from running xine dvd://

This is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.6.
(c) 2000-2007 The xine Team.
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.10 for DVD access
libdvdread: Attempting to use device /dev/mapper/vg_inga-lv_root mounted on / for CSS authentication


I know that this issue has been addressed on the forum before, but I haven't found any threads that solves my problem.

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Fedora :: Compiling Stlplus (02-08) FC14

Mar 14, 2011

when compiling stlplus (02-08), FC14, i am getting these errors:


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Fedora :: Unable To Mount USB Drive In FC14

Nov 4, 2010

Whenever I insert a USB drive (or plug in my Motorola Droid to copy files to it), a window pops up that says 'Unable to Mount File System'. Not Authorized. The drive shows up under the Places menu, but if I click on it I just keep getting the same error.

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Fedora :: FC14 Live Upgrade - Can't Import Gpg Key

Nov 4, 2010

Just trying my first live upgrade but hit an issue with not being able to import the GPG key for FC14:

[root@jahama ~]# rpm --import https://fedoraproject.org/static/97A1071F.txt error: https://fedoraproject.org/static/97A1071F.txt: import failed. I downloaded the key to a file and had the same error so I know I haven't mistyped anything. What have I missed and what can I do to resolve it?

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Fedora :: Cannot Start VMWare-player In FC14

Nov 15, 2010

I tried installing VMWare-player using

It got installed successfully, but while running it said gcc not found. so i installed gcc by
#yum install gcc


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Fedora :: Unable To Get Sdlmame Performance In FC14?

Nov 24, 2010

I've got the Gnome front end installed and everything runs terribly slow. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if its a problem with sdlmame or the Gnome front end.Is anyone successfully running MAME under FC14? If so, what did you have to do? Did you have a similar experience to mine? How did you correct it?

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Fedora :: Emcas Error After Upgrade To FC14

Nov 25, 2010

after upgrading to FC14, i'm getting this when I run emacs file.sh:

GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2270:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

Fatal error (6)Aborted (core dumped) This only happen when i'm logged in as root, on the Terminal session. As a regular user, or launching emacs from task bar icon don't happen.

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Fedora Servers :: Which Is Based On FC5 Still Applicable To FC14?

Dec 3, 2010

Is this howto which is based on FC5 still applicable to FC14?[URL]...

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Fedora :: No Audio After Sleep/resume On FC14?

Dec 4, 2010

Whenever I resume my laptop, there is no audio... the only way to make it work is to restart my comp ...I am using fedora 14 on Thinkpad x201 .

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Fedora :: Coriander Doesnt Work With Fc14

Jan 6, 2011

I have coriander-2.0.0-1.fc14.i686 installed and it does n t work anymore as it used to with my IIDC compliant ieee1394 camera.

I understood that raw1394 and video1394 modules are now deprecated. So firewire_ohci and firewire_core are loaded when I plug in the camera. There is no more /dev/raw1394 and /dev/video-0 streams, but now there are /dev/fw0 and /dev/fw1.

When I run Coriander, I receive: Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

If I create the following link: ln -s /dev/fw1 /dev/raw1394


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Fedora :: Yum Is Only Offering Kernel-headers For

Feb 13, 2011

where you only get offered the kernel-headers for by yum but not the kernel or the kernel-devel? I tried yum clean all and both pointing to the baseurl and mirrorlist and it does the same thing for both. Oddly my other laptop with F14 in the wireless cafe showed all three packages were available.

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Fedora :: KDE4.5 Aborts During Login On Fc14?

Feb 16, 2011

Ever since I have upgraded form fc 11 to 14, I cannot login using the KDE desktop, I am forced to use gnome. The problem with that is that KDE apps are not running well, slow and often crashing, when I try to use them under gnome.


1. Attempting to log in as any user with either KDE or KDE failsafe selected brings up the KDE splash screen, the hard drive icon, and occasionally the wrench icon.. a long pause and then back to the login screen.

2. I have these problem described in other Linux forums and have attempted to implement their recommendations

2.1 Deleted the .kde and other directories associated with KDE, reinstalled KDE.
2.2 Checked the permissions on all the requisite files and directories to ensure that they were good.
2.4 Looked through endless log files for ANY clues.. none

3. KDE applications, like ocular, take about a minute to start up, respond very slowly and eventually stop responding. Gnome applications work normally.

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Fedora Hardware :: No Floppy Drive On FC14?

Feb 20, 2011

I have an old Compaq Evo P IV, with FC 14 installed. The light on the floppy drive is on all the time and there is no object for it. It has been this way since I installed, but I don't use floppies much (who does anymore), but now I have a need to edit a file on a floppy, for of all things, a Windows system (boot issue

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Fedora :: FC14 - System Suspends When Running VLC

Apr 6, 2011

I am using FC 14 on my laptop (Dell insprion 1525). When I installed vlc it worked nice, but about 2 weeks ago after updates, each time when I run vlc, after short time running (about 10 - 20 seconds). All system suspends (actually computer responds very lately).

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Fedora Hardware :: Cannot Run Radeon Tool On FC14

Apr 19, 2011

I just changed the mobo and moved from Nvidia to ATI

VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 [Radeon HD 4250] (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])
Subsystem: Giga-byte Technology Device d000
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 18
Memory at d0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=256M]
I/O ports at ee00 [size=256]
Memory at fdfe0000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
Memory at fde00000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=1M]
Expansion ROM at <unassigned> [disabled]
Capabilities: [50] Power Management version 3
Capabilities: [a0] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
Kernel driver in use: fglrx_pci
Kernel modules: fglrx, radeon

If I try to run the livna tool, it asks for the root password, then nothing.
Running radeon-tool --debug
reading RADEON_DAC_CNTL (58) is internal error

I'd like to be able to change the display resolution.

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