Fedora Hardware :: CPU Fan Keeps Running?
Jun 20, 2010
After the installation of Fedora 13 , my CPU fan keeps running without any breaks. When I switch to Windows XP Pro ,everything looks fine. CPU fan stops after some short time and then starts when my CPU needs it. why Fedora 13 keeps the CPU fan cooler running?
Memory : 4 Gib
Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2.8
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Jul 19, 2009
After "yum install emacs" & "yum install emacs-ess", I was able to install emacs on my X86_64 running Fedora 10.
If I run one session of emacs everything works fine.
Once I start a second session and try to resize or move the emacs window, the system stops responding.
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Jun 8, 2010
I am noticing problems accessing the firewall gui and mounting the second hard drive in my PC running Fedora 13. This is only when I am accessing the machine with VNC. If I am sitting in front of the physical machine, I have no problems at all. I would like VNC to behave more like I am sitting in front of the computer. Is there a way to do this? Thank you in advance for your feedback.
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Aug 3, 2009
Background is this: Laptop has an internal h/d (obviously) so I removed it from laptop. Then set Bios to boot from external h/d. Installed Fedora 11 on ext. h/d no swap partition as drive already has 4 partitions. Fedora ran lovely!! I then replaced internal hard drive but left bios to boot from external hard drive. Boot screen for fedora came up, hit enter and fedora started loading. The little balloon started filling up, got to a quarter full and then screen went black. Had to reboot to get going again,same thing happened. Can anybody tell me what may be causing it,i.e. black screen. Fedora boots up and runs lovely with internal h/d removed. Any help very gratefully received. M/c has intel dual core processor, 3 gig of ram.
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm happily running Fedora 13 as a guest OS in VMWare 3.0.1, except that it has one little issue.Sometimes the mouse would get terribly confused. It generally happens when I hit the mouse scroll wheel or when I move a window around very quickly. After that the left mouse button would stop working...
Anyway I found an easy workaround which I thought I'd share.Just hit 'enter unity' on the VMWare player menu. Then you can immediately exit unity again. This somehow resets the mouse into its normal state...
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Apr 22, 2010
First off, I want to say that I'm loving Fedora 13. The problem is, I have run Windows 7, Vista, OS X and Ubuntu on this custom set-up. They've all run very fast, without a hiccup, but for some reason Fedora 13 seems to be running very slow. Symptoms include, but are not limited to apps like 'System>Administration>Services' make my CPU run at 100%Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot why it's running slowly?I'm running 8GBs RAM, an E6600 Intel Processor, on a Gigabyte ga-ep45-ud3p, rev1.1
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Mar 6, 2010
The supplied version seems to be 1.0.5, which in addition to not having support for Blue Ray, etc, has this problem, which the later version does not. Ideally, a packaged version would be best. I tried compiling from source, but the cmake dies looking for SAMPLERATE_LIBRARIES, I have libsample installed, but have no idea how to tell cmake to use it, or even if that would work. Version 1,6 comes standard with Kubuntu, which I also have installed on the same machine as F11 and Windows 7. Interestingly, Windows 7 exhibits the same behavior as Fedora (trouble writing DVDs from files over a network) while Kubuntu with k3b 1.6 does not.
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Jan 16, 2011
I have installed VLC. but it is not running in fedora 13. Several other applications are also not running
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Dec 25, 2010
Hi. I have Ubuntu 10.04, nm-applet is running in the background, my battery icon and sound icon are showing but my network icon has been missing for the past 2 days. It was working fine before but now it's not. How can I fix this issue if I don't have an ethernet cord? Is there a way to roll back the recent updates or do I need to reinstall my network manager?
I've tried restarting the system and I've tried killing nm-applet and reloading it using Alt F2. I get some Debug error.
When I try to run nm-applet --sm-disable
It says an instance is already running and then gives me a warning.
I tried removing "iface eth0 inet dhcp" from /etc/network/interfaces and then tried restarting by "sudo /etc/initi.d/networking restart"
It says:
What can I do to connect to the internet? I have a flash stick if its possible to download a .deb package on this mac and transfer it over to my other laptop to fix the problem. If its possible.
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Jul 26, 2010
I presume there is something in the JWM window manager - or Puppy Linux Lupu 5.01 itself that is conflicting with the normal loading of GMPLAYER....
I would like to know how to troubleshoot, and fix this problem if possible (even a workaround would be great).
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Aug 6, 2010
Sometimes I connect to my Debian box from another computer (using SSH on Cygwin or Linux), and once ina while I want to run some console apps. And sometimes some of these apps might complain about "another intance, Error: an instance of newsbeuter is already running (PID: 2496)". Is there a work around for this issue at all(without killing the original instance") ? The reason I do not want to kill the app because there might be 2 users connected to the same machine that might be using the same app.
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Jul 8, 2009
My hard drives in my Fedora 11 are clicking and clacking away when the only application I have started since turning this machine on is this browser. The CPU loads, with everything at rest (except for a web-browser and the system monitor) are flickering between 2% and 40%
I looked at the System Monitor to see what was causing all this fuss, and all the processes except for Java and the system monitor are reporting " poll_schedule_timeout " Java reports " futex_wait " as does gvfs-fuse-daemon.I'm not running any new hardware, though did install a new craphics card about 10 days ago but there has been a few re-boots in that time without these symptoms being evidentI have kernel PAE installed and have been using this for a while as well.
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Dec 29, 2009
I've been trying to get a converted virtual disk running in VirtualBox for the past several days. The VM begins to boot in a window but never gets past a black field. Until today the title bar would always change from "running" to "suspended" and just hang there. Now it just keeps saying "running" but never boots so I'm thinking the virtual disk may have become corrupted from repeated shutdowns without ever booting.
The User Manual at VirtualBox.org is of little help since it appears to assume you're using their packages. They also make references to utilities or scripts like "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv" that aren't even in the latest version so I think it hasn't been updated in a while.
There doesn't appear to be many hints in the Vbox.log either - couldn't find a way to get more verbose logging. Until now I'd get to this point and it wouldn't change until I shut it down:
I'm guessing the reason for the suspension was the message immediately above the notice. Now I just see the "unmapped device" message and the guest window says "running" indefinitely. I've attached copies of logs from a couple of sessions, one where it suspends itself (a vnc session) and another where it just stays running (a console session). Some googling suggested that the "unmapped device" message implies it can't find the boot drive or the boot sector on the virtual disk.
The host is normally accessed through a VNC session to a virtual console but VBox log messages indicate that it cannot determine the keyboard type when accessed this way so I now have to physically sit at the native console. If anyone knows of a way to overcome this limitation I'm all ears.
People don't usually respond to my threads so I'm basically talking to myself outloud here. I'll read it again later an maybe come up with something else to try. For now I'm going to remove all the VBox packages and re-install them, starting from scratch. If that doesn't get it working I'll delete the converted virtual disk and re-convert it from the original. If I still can't get VBox working after that I'll be forced to install VMware Server (resource hog). I'm getting desperate now...
[Background] Until a few weeks ago we were happily using qemu-kvm but encountered a bug when using the "-smb" argument after updating the host from Fedora 9 to 12. (re: F12: qemu-kvm with -smb hangs then dies) In an attempt to get our virtualized MS Windows Server 2003 back up and running I installed VirtualBox-OSE-3.0.10-1.fc12.x86_64 and friends over the Christmas break. I converted the qemu qcow2 image to raw then to vdi format using qemu-img and VBoxManage tools. There were no errors during the install of VirtualBox. In the beginning Bug Buddy notified of a crash whenever we started up VBox but after some digging and experimenting I believe the crashes were caused by running VBox in a VNC session instead of at the console. I haven't seen a crash when starting it in a native console session. Unfortunately, this means I can do very little remotely.
[Host Hardware]
[Host Software]
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Dec 30, 2009
I am having trouble running yum on my fedora 10 machine. Running yum to install any package gives following error :- [Errno 4] IOError: <urlopen error html><body><center><br><script>> Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path and try again
I have been searching a solution for this for quite some time , but unable to find one which can solve the error I am getting.
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Jan 9, 2010
I have installed VMplayer 3.0.0 on a Fedora 12 64 bit system. It seems to have installed ok with no error messages. However when I start the VMplayer it flashes up on the screen and goes again and will not run. has any one had a similar experience and if so what was the fix? I installed the package because i understand it will run Windows 98SE ok. O need it to run two pieces of Windows software. All I need is networking and access to a floppy drive once so I do not need sound and all the other bells and whistles.
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Mar 24, 2010
Is there a benefit to using KDE applications while running KDE?I've switched from Gnome recently.
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Aug 18, 2010
I'm running my Fedora 11 in Run Level 3. When the login is displayed (Non GUI)....is there a way to have the program TOP displayed either above or below the login?I wanted to be able to monitor the machine's resources without actually being logged in.
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Feb 13, 2011
I've got some weird stuff going on with my F14 setup, I seem to be getting loads of CPU activity with nothing happening! Both CPUs are running about 60% as soon as I log in to my normal account. If I log into another account it drops to about 15%. Sometimes when I log out I get a message saying that 'an unknown process' is still running. Looking at processes it is not apparent what is causing this as nothing is using that much CPU. It does show some processes with no name, which seem to come and go and change ID. The only things I've installed recently are dropbox and myth tv. I've removed dropbox but no change. how I can find out where my CPU time is going!
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Mar 23, 2011
I'm running Fedora 14 and I've just updated from Firefox 3.6.15 to Firefox 4 (rpm from remi repo). Overall, it's faster, sleek and running great on KDE . However, I've detected a minor issue. In order to run Firefox with a plugin installation free from nspluginwrapper (which seems to break partially when there is a major flash update), I switched from Firefox 3.6.15 64 bit to 32 bit and got the 32 bit versions of all the plugins. All was running mostly fine. When I upgraded to Firefox 4 32 bit, the two versions (32 and 64 bit) of xulrunner2 got installed somehow simultaneously. With the previous version, that didn't pose a problem. However, seeing as Firefox 4 is launched by xulrunner2, the 64 bit version takes precedence over the 32 bit one and consequently Firefox 4 32 bit is run as 64 bit app (?!) and no 32 bit plugins are loaded. By removing the 64 bit xulrunner2, everything is running as intended. Nevertheless, in the future, if xulrunner2 is used to run other XUL-based apps, as long as the 64 bit one is installed, it'll take precedence (in a 64 bit environment), which is fine, and anyone facing my situation will need to have a way to have both versions installed at the same time and specify that the 32 bit version should be used by firefox.
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May 28, 2011
I am currently running Ubuntu 11.04 on my Inspiron 910 Netbook and I want to switch to Fedora because I am not a fan of Unity. So I downloaded the Fedora ISO from the site and booted on the Netbook to see if everything worked. My problem is when I launched the Evolution set-up the window was too big for the screen and I could not resize it. Is there a way I can fix the windows so they fit on the screen
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Jun 19, 2011
I'm building a system, and now have kdm as the default greeter, etc, but the session defaults to gde. How do I make the default kde? (I have to remember to go into "session type" and select KDE)
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Aug 4, 2011
Can we create an ISO of installed/running fedora system?
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Jul 7, 2011
when i put in the command
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd
httpd.service - LSB: start and stop Apache HTTP Server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd)
Active: inactive (dead)
what should i do to get it up and running.?
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm running Fedora 13 on an ESX 4.1 server.I've changed /etc/inittab to runlevel 3.I then installed vncserver. When I try to start vncserver (service vncserver start) I get the following error:
Starting VNC server: no displays configured
If I try to start Xvnc (/usr/bin/.Xvnc) I get this error:
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Mar 3, 2010
Now whenever I turn on the computer, there would be a Fedora "circle" non-stopping. How can I stop it?
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Apr 21, 2011
I am trying to run nam 1.13 in ns in Fedora 11. But I am facing the problem
[root@localhost Download]# nam
[code omitted because of length]:
no event type or button # or keysym while executing
"bind Listbox <MouseWheel> {
%W yview scroll [expr {- (%D / 120) * 4}] units
invoked from within
"if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "classic" || [tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
bind Listbox <MouseWheel> {
%W yview scroll [expr {- (%D)}] units
bind Li..."
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Sep 4, 2009
Is suid disabled from running all home made bash scripts or just from running them as root or:
Who would know for sure.
I googled several combinations of Mandriva Linux how-to suid disabled setUID etc... so far all I found was "many distributions are disabling suid for security reasons" nothing specific.
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Mar 19, 2010
We are running IPmonitor to monitor the disk usage on our Linux servers. It does not seem to coincide with what is reported when running df -h. For example on a Red Hat 5.3 server - our IPmonitor shows that 85% is used on the /usr partition, however when I do a df -h on the server it shows that 91% is used. Why there would be a discrepancy? IPmonitor uses SNMP.
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Feb 7, 2010
I was wondering if it's possible to get 32 bit wine running on fedora 64 bit ? If yes, could you please advise how to get it working?
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Sep 5, 2011
Been running Fedora 15 64 for almost three months now, without a single glitch. Boots up fine, runs great, just gets a little slow after running for a number of hours. Rebooting fixes that. Best 64 bit disto around!
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