Fedora :: Firepro 2660 Won't Work With Dual Monitors

Dec 15, 2010

I'm using F14 with the above video card. I've tried installing proprietary drivers from ati's website but am getting message that suggests that it's not compatible with my kernel version. I've tried using gnome's configuration util which does detect second monitor and configures it. But when I click apply the second screen goes blank even though I'm able to move mouse to and from it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get ATI X16XX To Work With Dual Monitors?

Sep 26, 2010

Anyone want to take the time to help me get my ATI x16XX to work with dual monitors?I'm really tired and frustrated after upgrading to lucid and having the "vendor" drivers stop working.I can get a screen up, but cannot get the free driver to recognize the fact that I have two monitors.I tried renaming my xorg.conf and rebooting, but that caused my system to stop at startup.

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Fedora :: Setup Dual Monitors In F11?

Feb 26, 2010

i have just installed fedora 11. i have two monitors. how to set up dual monitors in fedora 11 ? i tried a lot to search for a way out, however no joy.

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Fedora :: Cannot Get Dual Monitors Working

Nov 19, 2009

My Dual G5's psu blew up this weekend, and i refuse to go back to windows, so until i can come up with the $$$ for a new PSU i installed Fedora 10 on an old Dell GX270.

Now, ive got 3 video cards to play with. An Nvidia Geforce4MX, an ancient matrox PCI, and the onboard intel VGA out.

Mind you, ALL of these cards work just fine on their own. All of these will work dual and even tripple monitors in XP. But i hate XP.

Now when following th xinerama tutorial, i took bits and peices from the XORG.conf files of each card to make my own..and ALL I GET on boot is "No Screens Found" so i have to remove matrox card (If plugged in) and reconfigure the X server. otherwise if i dont remove the card i get a blank screen.

Now heres the config Fedora gave me for the working NVidia card (singlehead mind you)


Now heres the one i came up with for the AGP and Matrox PCI Card:


Whats interesting is, is when i run the grep command to get the PCI id, it only shows the one card. Same when i run system-config-display, it will only detect one card/one monitor. So that leads me to beleive i have to force Fedora SOMEWHERE before it reads Xorg to detect more than one VGA card.

So right now as i type, i'm running the Nvidia, and the Intel...but the intel is just blank. i checked the log file on Xorg, but see NO intel/Matrox anywhere in the file, which makes me wonder if the system is even seeing it.

I do NOT want to go back to windows...and actually when i get my mac back, i think i'll keep this linux machien chugging on the 2nd LCD channels, just because its been so pleasant to deal with.

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Fedora :: Unable To Setup 11 Dual Monitors KDE?

Jun 13, 2009

I have a dual-monitor setup with a 1920x1200 lcd on the left and a 1280x1024 lcd on the right. In Fedora 11 on GNOME, using display settings, I can configure them properly.

KDE, however, is refusing to let me configure them as separate monitors. They are stuck permanently in mirrored mode, and I can't adjust positioning or anything. Here is a screenshot of the desktop with krandr running.


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Fedora Hardware :: Get Dual Monitors Setup?

Feb 6, 2010

I am trying to get dual monitors setup but can not seem to get it working, I would like to have it extend the desktop rather than showing the same thing on both screens.

I have a pci video card with a VGA Monitor Y splitter going to 2 monitors.

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Ubuntu :: Ubuntu Nvidia Driver And Dual Monitors And Forum Don't Work

Jan 17, 2009

I've had so many problems with Ubuntu. it runs fine version 8.10 64 bit, but I can't install nividia drivers to run both my monitors. and of course steam games don't work... So I thought I'd join the Ubuntu forums to ask questions on has to fix it... NOT EASY. I tried to join there forum, but I could not even find a page to make an account? dose anyone know how? They expected me to all ready have one... and after an hour looking at the Ubuntu web site I could not find anywhere to make an account and join there forum. So here I am, hoping someone here can help.I just want to install the Nvidia driver for both monitors work and I might be able to install a 3rd party softare to let me play steam games. but Ubuntu keeps asking for some codes... I'm not sure what they are and when I try and update Ubuntu, if askes me for a password. I never set any passwords as I'm still learning the OS, so I tried "Root" and "Guest" both in lower and upercase, and both don't work. What is the bloody password, I never set one, so why is it doing this to me? I can't update Ubuntu. And it keeps asking me for some bloody code to install the Nvidia drive I downloaded? why? what is this code and where do I get it? And then other searches I've done tell me to get a "command line" and enter a command that deletes and/or fixes the problem... problem is that I have no idea how to find this command line in Ubuntu and know one what's to tell me, like it's a bit secerate, and I can't even join there forum to ask.

I'm a windows expert and work in IT with windows, but I thought it's time I learn more about other OS's, but Ubuntu is makeing it very hard as I can't even join there forum or install a Nvidia driver to run both my monitors, I'm just about to give up on Ubuntu as the surport form I can not access and there is no info on there web site on how to install and run dual monitors, and I can't sign up for there forums anywhere.

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Fedora Hardware :: Unable To Use Dual Monitors On F12 Live

Feb 8, 2010

Using the Live F12 disc it runs fine, but my dual monitors are backwards, in other words I have to go off screen to the right to get to the left monitor. I couldn't find anywhere to switch them, only identify them, and change res, and such. Before I commit to installing on a HDD I need to get all the kinks worked out first.

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Fedora :: F13: Nvidia Wallpaper Spanning With Dual Monitors?

Sep 23, 2010

Ever since upgrading from F11 to F13, wallpaper spanning has been driving me nuts. No matter what the size of the wallpaper, I cannot get it to span two desktops correctly anymore. Most styles (zoom, scale, etc...) cause the image to be duplicated on both screens and the "span" style centers the image between the screens and appears to scale down the image leaving large gaps on either side. It's like the background program doesn't recognize the "virtual resolution".

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Fedora Hardware :: Dual Monitors With Open Radeon And F15?

May 31, 2011

The default install of F15 is not detecting my multiple monitor setup properly.I have two dell 17" monitors running on an ATI hd4650. In system settings the display tool does not detect the second monitor. The monitor is working and on but just shows a mirror of the main display.I didn't see an xorg.conf anywhere to try to fiddle with that... so I don't know what to do. Hitting the Detect Displays button does nothing but cause the 2nd display to flicker for a minute.

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Fedora Hardware :: F12 Upgrade - NVidia Card - Dual Monitors - Only One Monitor

Nov 26, 2009

I used preupgrade to upgrade from F11 to F12. In F11, I used the proprietary nVidia drivers from rpmfusion, and they worked well. I have refrained from installing the nVidia drivers in F12, because of the problems reported for users of KDE. I removed my old xorg.conf, which has references to the nVidia driver and to "TwinView," the proprietary method of managing two screens, so as to let X discover both monitors.

Now, however, my second monitor stays black, even though xrandr and KDE RandR show both monitors correctly. Xorg.0.log shows the nouveau driver is loaded. (I also tried to create a new xorg.conf following guidelines from the web, but many of the guidelines are from before xrandr, and I'm not confident I have it right yet.) It seems that X believes I have two monitors, because I can drag a window off into the blackness (and it's never heard from again!) I know that the hardware is working, because I just booted into Windows 7, and I could see the desktop on both windows.

How do I convince X and KDE to display on both monitors?

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Ubuntu :: Dual Login On Dual Monitors?

Jul 1, 2011

I want to be able to login on different users on my two screens. Is that possible? It would be nice if I could have the left screen and my gf could have the right. I'm using ubuntu 10.04 with gnome, and I have a Nvidia graphics card.

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Fedora Hardware :: Way To Get Both Monitors To Work With Nouveau Driver?

Nov 4, 2010

I have two monitors - one connected to the VGA port and the other to the DVI port. Fedora seems to be detecting both monitors (figured this out because when I rotate the desktop cube, the second screen is also seen.). However, the monitor on the DVI port is blank. This happens even if I use just one monitor with the DVI port. I cannot install the proprietary nvidia drivers because my computer hangs (has been happening since fedora 11 or 10), Is there a way to get both monitors to work with the nouveau driver?

I faced this problem in Fedora 13 as well and was hoping both screens would work out of the box in F14. Is there any way I can do this to make it work like nvidia's TwinView?

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Fedora :: Dual Monitors - Screen Does Fill The Lcd Screen All The Way

Mar 25, 2010

setting up my dual monitors. I can get a continuous screen but the screen does fill the lcd screen all the way. I have dove in to xorg. I'm on fedora 12 .


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Debian :: Trying To Get Dual Monitors Set Up

Apr 3, 2010

So I'm using Lenny, trying to get dual monitors set up. I'm not sure on the correct steps, but have done some googlin' and wasn't finding what i was looking for. (could be that i just missed it)


01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300/X1550 Series]
01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300 Pro] (Secondary)

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Ubuntu :: Set Up Dual Monitors?

May 28, 2010

I have a Dell inspiron 1525 laptop with a 1280x800 display and an external 1280x1024 monitor. I'm using 9.04 with openbox. I've done a loooot of online reading about how to get a dual monitor setup using xrandr, and I really don't know what I'm missing here. So here's the deal: I want to have my external monitor on the left of the laptop's display, and of course I want each of them to display different parts of the desktop.

First I set up the right resolution to each one of them (I do it using lxrandr). Typing xrandr -q in a terminal, I get the following:


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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Dual Monitors

Apr 21, 2011

I have an asus p5kpl-cm MB. I plugged in a radeon 9200 pci card. In the bios, I can set up:



This determines which of the 2 displays (pci card or internal graphics on the MB) is the boot display. That determines which comes up with the bios screen and then once booted into ubuntu (10.04), this is the only adapter/monitor seen. The button detect monitors doesn't do anything.

lspci sees both my internal and pci card graphics. So, I can get either to work just fine (auto detected etc.) just not both at the same time.

I've tried all of the 3 above settings, and even when I set it to just igd, lspci still sees both my adapters. It identifies them correctly, and it works perfectly, detecting the monitor and knows the resolutions for each - just not both at the same time.

Does ubuntu know how to automatically configure more than one display w/o doing something else, or must I do something else to get both going together?

$ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31/P35/P31 Express DRAM Controller (rev 10)
00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)


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General :: How To Install ATI Firepro Driver Into Opensuse Box?

Jul 26, 2010

I installed ATI firepro driver into my Opensuse box, but the X can't start. IMay I ask what is a solution please and how to check the X server log?

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General :: How To Set Up Dual Monitors On Kubuntu 10.04

May 20, 2010

I installed the latest nVidia drivers on my laptop using the 9800M card. The laptop is a Gateway P-7805u and I'm connected to the second monitor using VGA.Also, before installing the nVidia drivers (and just using the basic drivers included with Kubuntu 10.04), basic dual monitor support worked, except I could not enable compositing features for some reason. So I thought the proprietary drivers would fix this.Several issues have arisen since installation:

1) I've clicked through all of the display settings to activate the second screen with absolutely no change.
2) When I try to apply settings and Save Configuration as the nVidia help suggests, I am told that I cannot save to the X.conf file. I assume this is due to innate permissions on my user settings, which I have no idea how to properly configure.
3) I have no idea where to go from here, as most of the fixes I found online involve Linux syntax and verbiage, to which I'm totally clueless after spending over half my life with Windows.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Use A Dual-monitors Correctly

Mar 1, 2010

I'm having trouble setting up dual monitors on my HP Pavilion dv7-1020us laptop, with an Nvidia 9600M GT graphics card, and Ubuntu 9.10. I installed Ubuntu via Wubi, on top of Windows 7. I tried this before on the same laptop when I was using Vista and Wubi, and Ubuntu was able to recognize my Graphics card, and install a proprietary driver. I wasn't able to test dual monitors, though. However, now that I'm using W7 and Ubuntu, it cannot use a dual-monitors correctly. It recognizes the monitor, but it only displays a mirror display of my Laptop monitor, not acting as a separate monitor, like I want it to. I tried messing around with the settings in the display menu, but nothing works. I tried downloading linux drivers for my card from Nvidia's site, but the file is in a .run extension, which I don't know how to install. What should I do to get this working?

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Ubuntu :: Ati Dual Monitors On 10.04 Gnome?

May 4, 2010

I have a ATI VisionTek 9250 128mb DMS59 PCI video card that I would like to use for dual monitors on Ubuntu 10.04 Gnome. I installed the card and booted the live cd. Both monitors are recognized when I go to the display settings, but when I un-check the mirror box, nothing changes. I am still only getting one monitor. I was previously using 9.10 and it sometimes worked, but not always.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Support Dual Monitors?

Oct 23, 2010

I just downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 and installed it today. I was just wondering, does Ubuntu support dual monitors? I tried looking through the settings in Ubuntu but I couldnt figure it out.

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Ubuntu :: X11 Configuration For Dual Monitors?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a brand new installation of Ubuntu 10.10. I'm using a GeForce 8600GT graphics chipset. I have two monitors, and my goal here is to have them both working under Ubuntu in their full resolutions, and I've not had any luck with this yet. I've got a Viewsonic VE155s with a native resolution of 1024x768, and a Chimei CMV 221D with a native resolution of 1680x1050. When I first installed Ubuntu, both monitors were working, and the VE155s was working in its native resolution of 1024x768, but the CMV221D was stuck in 640x480.

The Nvidia video configuration utility was not identifying the latter monitor - it only reported it as DFP-0, and doesn't allow any resolution above 640x480 to be set. The mechanism (which has a name which I don't recall) which allows the OS to interrogate the monitor's firmware to find out the monitor manufacturer, model and accepted resolutions and frequencies to use does not seem to have worked. (I previously had the Nvidia driver installed, but I've since switched back to the default open source vesa driver. I won't use the closed Nvidia driver if I don't need to, but if I need to use it to get acceptable performance from this hardware than I will.)

So I did a little bit of reading and I did some hacking of xorg.conf. Previously I had the 15" monitor working in 1024x768 and the 22"
monitor working in 640x480. Now I've got the 22" monitor working in 1680x1050 as desired, and the 15" monitor not working at all. Here's a copy of my xorg.conf. For the sake of brevity I have not included the unnecessary bits such as input devices.


Section "Device"
Identifier "NVidia"
#Driver "nvidia"


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Ubuntu :: Trying To Set Up Dual Monitors With Nvidia

Jan 24, 2011

I'm trying to set up my monitor and tv for dual display but I'm having some problems. I want them to display the same thing so I've enabled twinview and I figured the second display position should be set as clone but when I save xorg and restart the x server the position reverts to absolute. Anyway, the monitor is set as the primary display and it's the one I'm having problems with. The tv is fine but the monitor's display is stretched off the screen so I can't see the far right or bottom of the screen. I'm very new to linux and I'm just finding my feet so if there's any other info needed you'll probably have to be very specific.

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Ubuntu :: How To Setup Dual Monitors

Mar 23, 2011

The problem is that I don't have NVIDIA graphics card These are my HP ProBook 4510s Laptop's specification: [URL] And I think my built-in graphics card is Mobile Intel� 4500MHD Did anyone Dual Monitor with this Laptop or knows how to Dual Monitor with it?

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SUSE :: Configure Dual Monitors In 11.3?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm trying to get dual monitor support enabled in Suse 11.3 Previously I had this in Suse 11.2 using a dedicated NVIDIA graphics card with VGA and DVI output and this was done in a GUI. I now have 11.3 and a built in ATI card with VGA and DVI output When I run xrandr I get the following Code: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1440 x 900, maximum 8192 x 8192 VGA-0 connected 1440x900+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 408mm x 255mm

1440x900 59.9*+ 75.0
1280x1024 75.0 60.0
1280x960 60.0
1152x864 75.0


I tried using xrandr --screen 1 but it says Code: Invalid screen number 1 (display has 1) I'm looking to expand the desktop onto the second screen so I can photo edit on one screen and web browse and instant message in the other screen Currently using the Radeon R600 classic driver from ATI

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Software :: XFCE With Dual Monitors?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a computer with a dual monitor setup, configured thanks to the nvidia-settings utility that comes with the proprietary NVIDIA drivers. Everything seems to work fine, except that I am unable to move windows between the two desktops. I can move the mouse between the desktops, but I am restricted to moving the window between the virtual desktops associated with that particular monitor's desktop switcher (virtual desktops).

How can I configure XFCE and/or xorg such that I will be able to move windows between the monitors? It is really cumbersome to use two monitors without being able to move the windows across the monitors so it would be great to find a solution for this.

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Ubuntu :: HP Deskjet D-2660 - Can Print To File But Not The Printer

Aug 5, 2010

My HP Deskjet D-2660 will not print. I can print to file but not the printer. I am running Ubuntu 10.04 and have no other problems. I have installed hpip and hpijs form HP and cups was made available via and upgrade. I have a lot of data from var/log/cups/error_log but don't know what it is supposed to say.

I can print to file and everything else I check seems to say that all is right. Is there any glaring faults that I should look for?? As I stated on the other post I get a message that the print job has been sent to the printer and then another message stating that the print job has completed. In system/administration/printing, the printer shows up properly and has a green check mark on it. Connected to localhost shows at the bottom of the little window. Under /printer it shows shared and enabled Then under printer/properties, it shows as the HP Deskjet D2600 series the location is given as john-desktop It defines the Device URI: hp:/usb/Deskjet_D2600_series?serial=CN9ANDF0ZT05C9 shows the Make and Model HP Deskjet d2600 Series hpijs,.. printer state: idle

Across the bottom it theoretically allows you to print a test page or clean the print heads. (won't print) On the printing-local host small page that opens under system/administration/printing there is no group under that heading only new group or new group from selection. I never named a group since I am the only user.

I have shut the printer down and disconnected the USB and rebooted. Then connect the power and plug in the USB cable I get all the same answers nothing appears to change. Here is some of the var/log/cups/error_log file. It does this over and over every minute same thing. The print que is empty from both administration and applications.


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OpenSUSE :: Configure Dual Monitors Of Different Resolutions On 11.4?

May 4, 2011

I have been trying to configure dual monitors of different resolutions on 11.4 the Nvidia configuration utility does not know where or what to save anything anymore and goes wonky. Trying to use it is a dead end for me. X11 is a mess. What happened to SAX and things like this that were part of openSUSE and just worked? Supposedly we X11 got better. I think it's got over complicated and much worse. This stuff just worked in 11.1 and KDE 3.

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Ubuntu :: Extended Desjtop With Dual Monitors?

Apr 18, 2010

I have a thinkpad T43 with a dock and a 19" Dell monitor attached. Im trying to get an extended desktop.Using the default display program (using ubuntu 9.10) I can mirror the screens just fine. But, when I click the radio button to enable the extended desktop, the monitors (both of them) go black. Some times it doesn't come out of this. (yes, I'm waiting more than 25 seconds) What can I do to make the extended desktop work? here is my display info from the command lshw:

description: VGA compatible controller
product: Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 2


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