On FC14, launching xterm gives log:[b16394@udp158975uds ~]$ xterm Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStructxterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
I've search around and looked at the man page but can't seem to figure this out.. using fluxbox one can click an application in the menu and it opens without a supporting terminal. However, if I open xpdf in the terminal, xpdf launches and the terminal waits for it to exit... my question is, what is the command to hide the terminal and just launch the application?
xterm -e sqlite3 /path/to/database "SELECT * FROM TABLE;" &
The xterm window flashes for a moment and then terminates. Exactly the same result is encountered with:
a) xterm -e /bin/bash -l -c "sqlite3 /path/to/database "SELECT * FROM TABLE;"" (as suggested in man xterm)
b)giving an alias in .bashrc to: sqlite3 /path/to/database "SELECT * FROM TABLE;" and running: xterm -e alias
c)giving: xterm -e echo "something"
d)using: konsole -e sqlite3 /path/to/database "SELECT * FROM TABLE;" &
If a launch sqlite3 with:
xterm -e sqlite3 /path/to/database &
The xterm window launches with no problem and sqlite3 opens the database as expected. If I enter "SELECT * FROM TABLE;" every thing works as expected and I get the correct result.
The same applies if I launch xterm with: xterm & and then: sqlite3 /path/to/database "SELECT *FROM TABLE;" to the command line.I sometimes use xterm -e to launch applications to a separate window and never had the slightest problem. I suspect it might be a bash thing (konsole and echo not working as well as above stated) and not an xterm thing. I made a search in man bash for quoting and backslashing but it didn't bright up things.
I've just installed xterm, ant trying to run it from my windows machine using ssh. I have X11Forwarding yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config when I use, MobaXterm, np, I can use xterm after I log ssh -X xxx
but when I use Cygwin, and do ssh -X xxx, and then xterm, I have: xterm XT error : Can't open display: xterm: Display is not set
Start xpdf or gv. Click an xterm to be active and slide it over xpdf/gv. Vertical lines from xpdf/gv under the xterm stick to the xterm window above and make it unreadable.
The problem does NOT show with KDE default settings with display effects on but does show in fvwm, xfce etc, and in KDE without effects.
On a system with a Sandy Bridge integrated graphics (i5-2400) the problem went away by downgrading to xf86-video-intel-2.13.0. But it was not enough for another system with 945G which needed downgrading to xf86-video-intel-2.12.0.
(I tried to change the folder permissions to read and write, cause if I didn't, then the file, when not in nautilus, had an x in the top right of the icon. Before this it didn't work anyway)
I have just installed Apache2 v. 2.2.17 on Ubuntu,and I am trying to get it to work with Ruby (v 1.8.7). I have followed the instructions on the Ubuntu site and ended up installing Phusion Passenger v 3.0.7, making the suggested changes to the httpd.conf file.
When I launch Apache2 I now get the message:
Cannot load /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.7/ext/apache2/mod_passenger.so into server: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-3.0.7/ext/apache2/mod_passenger.so: undefined symbol: ap_get_server_banner
I have found a bug report (url) that suggests "adding a dependency" but am not sure how to do that. Any kind soul out there can take pity of this eager Linux neophyte?
I've been burning a few linux ISOs lately to play around on a desktop I have (archlinux, Fedora, etc) and a few days ago Brasero stopped launching. I tried to uninstall/reinstall Brasero, but it still didn't work. There we no error messages, it would just try to start up, and quit.
I got frustrated and tried to run Brasero from the command line and got this: Code: user@computer:~$ brasero Bus Error user@computer:~$
Ubuntu 11.04 was working fine and then when I went to open Synaptic, I got the following error: An error occurred
The following details are provided: E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/viewizard.com_linux_debian_en E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.
I get this error when I try to load Synaptic. In addition to that, the Ubuntu Software Center does not work when I try to search for and/or look at applications.
When I open a gtk app from the command line this error pops up:
Gtk: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "clearlooks", and I can not find clearlooks theme engine anywhere as it is supposed to be part of gtk by default?
I tried to connect to remote server ,which is installed Centos 5.4 x86, through Xmanager on windows 7, and got this error.
/usr/bin/xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s
At the remote server, I turned on firewall and after this I got the above-mentioned error message. I do this accrding to instruction on remote server.
2. Firewall (TCP/UDP Ports) Configuration Open UDP port 177 from the PC to the remote host direction. Open incoming TCP ports 6000~6010 from the remote host to your PC. After adding these ports "/etc/sysconfig/iptable" as the enoder mentioned, /etc/init.d/iptables restart
3. Reboot the remote host and start Xmanager <- I could not restart remote server.
I am new in Linux,i build nano editor on Linux,it compile successfully but when i open in terminal then error displays "Error opening terminal : Xterm" while nano help is running successfully.
I am running hummingbird exceed on Workstation with an ip address of a.b.c.d, and connecting to a sun machine with IP address x.y.z.w running Solaris with XDMCP. From the sun machine, we commonly telnet to other sun and linux machines and run X applications.
We have just installed ubuntu 10.04, and I can telnet into that machine no problem.
However, running xterm on the ubuntu machine fails:
since ive started using fedora about a month ago i am still finding it difficult to launch newly installed programs. in most cases i just travel to the installation directory and look for a tell-tale file name to try an launch and if it works write up a script for it. however, there are a few hundred folders and a few thousand files in this Xilinx installation and a fairly thorough search came up empty. does anyone know how to launch it, and better yet, is there a better way for future installations rather than trial by fire?
Is there a way to run graphical apps as su without launching from the terminal? For example is there a way to open File Browser as su? And if the only way is via the terminal, then how can I find out the names of apps like the File Browser so I can launch them?
why my fedora 11 computer shows an application that launches every couple of minutes called launching HTTPcache cleaner? i searched installed programs and i cant find that in annything ive installed
I have a normal computer installed (F14, 32 bits) with a sound card correctly installed. In a normal configuration into runlevel 5, I can play sound and the sound card is visible from the gnome-volume-control window. I should modify the computer running a naked X server (without window manager and other stuff) and two applications (an xterm and a special application managing sounds). The last application is a text based application and could run on a text console. I have the X server running because I display picture sent from another computer. Currently the computer boots on runlevel 3 and logs in automatically. If I start manually my special application, it runs fine. I create a .xinitrc script with the xterm command and I change the .bashrc calling xinit. Each application runs well independently. My problem is when I try running my special sound application from the xterm window. I have no sound. If a run the gnome-volume-control command, the program shows that no sound card is available.
I suppose the X server removes the original sound configuration of the text mode during its initialization and could not initialize correctly after that the sound card.
how it is possible to initialize the sound card manually into the X server? Do I need running some gnome command before I can call my application?
I am running Fedora 14 and have run into a new problem. If I do either "su -" and enter password, or, "sudo su -" the terminal stops. I put a set -x in roots .bashrc and nothing. Login from a vt works and loging in as root from gdm produces nothing.
The usual operations in starting the xterm app don't seem to apply in Fedora 12. I usually prefer to put my own title and other attributes when starting an xterm. But the operation: xterm -T 'Some Title' does not do anything. Instead, the current directory is always displayed in the title bar of the window (on kde). Where is the resource file to disable this default behavior?
The following line is in the /etc/bashrc file. I was trying to decipher it but no google results explain it in detail.PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne 33]0;${USER}${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}07"'I understand that 33 is the ASCII character for ESC but not sure what ]0 does or anything after the HOSTNAME variable.
when I start my redhat 4, there are always two xterm prompts. i just want to see a clean desktop when I start up. I checked my rc.local and .cshrc file. there is no clue on it. remove these two xterm?
Having logged in (to Fedora 11) with a terminal session, what command do I give to spawn the Gnome GUI desktop environment? Background: I'm running two Fedora boxes: one local, and one at the other end of my building (on fast LAN). I have full control/ownership of both boxes.
On the local box, I log-in to my vanilla F11 build, and I get the Gnome GUI automatically. Then I can open a terminal window, 'ssh -X -l myself remotebox; cinelerra' to run Cinelerra nicely in local desktop windows.
But sometimes I want to see my typical user desktop for the remote box. Now, IF the remote box is ALREADY running Gnome, I can VNC to it, etc. But, once having logged-out of the remote box, VNC closes and won't show me a GUI login page. (BTW: The remote box usually has no monitor, as well as being out of reach. So schlepping over to logon to it is a real pain.) So, here's the thing: I can login (to terminal session) and can bring up programs in local windows. But WHAT program do I launch in order to bring up Gnome??
how to quickly create Launcher Links that will edit the Applications or Activities panels in Gnome3. I installed Tweak Tool, but it only adds to the desktop which seems a little tacky. I read where you can edit the desktop file to create new ones, but I want to add Application Links to the Application Panel, and then possibly drop and drag to the Activities Sidebar.
I might be overlooking something in Tweak Tool, so will play with that some more, I don't mind editing a file to include, but would rather use GUI.
When I run xterm from the command line, there seems to be some errors:
Code: $ xterm & $ Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStruct xterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1 Then I press both the Ctrl and right mouse key, options are popup with font sizes of 'Default',
Recently,i'm studying around X server and client. when i was logining on and typing "init 3" on gnome-terminal in order to terminate x server.my purpose is x server starting through the command "xinit" only.and xterm to be first client for x server may be terminal.i'try typing "a bunch of commands" on tty1 (Ctrl + ALT + F1) to get through my testing .when a short command "xinit" of those without any agruments was executing, xterm was just staying instantly and disappearing soon. others i try commands,alway coming up with errors:Xterm Xt error: can't open display :%sXterm: Display is not set