Fedora :: Run Graphical Apps As Su Without Launching From The Terminal?
Jan 8, 2010
Is there a way to run graphical apps as su without launching from the terminal? For example is there a way to open File Browser as su? And if the only way is via the terminal, then how can I find out the names of apps like the File Browser so I can launch them?
Problem with use of -hold|+hold on rxvt-unicode (urxvt) v9.09 on ubuntu server. On startup, I'm trying to launch terminal apps in urxvt automatically. E.g: Code: "urxvt -e /usr/bin/weechat-curses +hold" or Code: "urxvt -hold -e mutt"
However, -|+hold does not seem to hold the terminal open. There is a flicker of a new window opening & then it's gone. I'm trying to invoke this from .xinitrc (startx-->.xinitrc) and also tried commands from inside awesome wm rc.lua (awful.util.spawn_with_shell("urxvt -hold -e mutt") seem to get same flicker result but closes immediately. I see this error in .xsession-errors, which might be relevant (do I perhaps need to specify the display??).
Code: [1461:1634:41805904:ERROR:all_status.cc(117)] Unrecognized Syncer Event: 7 E: awesome: a_xcb_io_cb:230: X server connection broke urxvt: X connection to ':0' broken, unable to recover, exiting.
Having logged in (to Fedora 11) with a terminal session, what command do I give to spawn the Gnome GUI desktop environment? Background: I'm running two Fedora boxes: one local, and one at the other end of my building (on fast LAN). I have full control/ownership of both boxes.
On the local box, I log-in to my vanilla F11 build, and I get the Gnome GUI automatically. Then I can open a terminal window, 'ssh -X -l myself remotebox; cinelerra' to run Cinelerra nicely in local desktop windows.
But sometimes I want to see my typical user desktop for the remote box. Now, IF the remote box is ALREADY running Gnome, I can VNC to it, etc. But, once having logged-out of the remote box, VNC closes and won't show me a GUI login page. (BTW: The remote box usually has no monitor, as well as being out of reach. So schlepping over to logon to it is a real pain.) So, here's the thing: I can login (to terminal session) and can bring up programs in local windows. But WHAT program do I launch in order to bring up Gnome??
When I open a gtk app from the command line this error pops up:
Gtk: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "clearlooks", and I can not find clearlooks theme engine anywhere as it is supposed to be part of gtk by default?
When I run graphical applications as root (on KDE4), they inherit my window decorations setting, and use the default widget style. I know that, obviously, I can configure root's widget style to match mine, but I do like the visual distinction. I just don't like it using my window decorations, because I have that nicely configured to match my widget style (and therefore clash with anything else). Is there any way to tell KWin to decorate root windows differently, or even run a separate window manager for root windows?
In programming sense what is Desktop ?I can run any gnome apps using terminal or "Run Application" ?Such as , to open terminal i can type gnome-terminal and it invokes. What is Xwindow , xserver and Why do we need Gnome , KDE etc ?Why i cannot launch any graphical application [ firefox as example ] without loading xserver ?? I donot need wallpaper , start menu bla bla .. I only want to run any graphical applictaion using default black terminal.
This is my first post here. I hope someone can help because I'm quite frustrated by now. I'm trying to write a bash script which will start a graphical app on our Ubuntu compute servers via X. I'm using a loop like:
for machine in 1 2 3 4 5 6 do ssh -X computer-$machine "xeyes" &
I'm a little confuse regarding how one launches tmux. When I launch my terminal (current gnome-terminal), I would like to have tmux up and running. I'm currently doing this by calling "tmux" in my .zshenv (kind of like .bashrc in bash). This does in fact launch tmux, but has some annoying side effects. First, hitting Ctrl-D to exit the shell, only kills tmux, and leaves the tmux-less gnome-terminal still running. An additional Ctrl-D will kill that as well. Second, when ssh into a box with this setup, I get a second, nested instance of tmux. I don't want tmux to launch again when I ssh. Is this the right approach, how should tmux be launched usually?
I've created a QT interface with some buttons and labels, and i want to launch a terminal command with one of these buttons,but the command maust starts with "sudo",unfortunately it didn't work because it wants root password and i can't enter it even in the Button cammand....
How do I stop a user, from gaining access to the internet(port) via a restricted browser? In other words, I want a general user to only to have access to Firefox and no other browsers.
My first approach so far, has been to write a bash shell script. It terminates a program based on keywords from known browsers (opera, asus, ect).
I just added 8 additional vncserver sessions(Xvnc) (using a well-documented procedure my predecessor used) to my RH Enterprise 2.4.21-4 (OK it went by fast) server. This brings the number of session listed in my /etc/sysconfig/vncservers file to ~32. Applications and terminals now seem to choose if they will open or not in the Xvnc session and not all sessions start at boot. I can start them manually, and they will work, but then they stop working properly. You can open a session, view the active desktop, click on menus and associated drop-down items to try and open apps, but the apps/terminals just won't open. Is there a limit to the number Xvnc Sessions that can be managed? If so, what is it? This happens whether I try to connect from a Winddows box or another Linux box.
Anyone know how to launch a program from CLI (command line) to a specific viewport? I start programs all the time from the CLI and there are times when I'm in "typing demon" mode and don't want to touch the mouse. Being able to launch a program to a certain viewport (Compiz, w. effects) would be really helpful at times.
I'm familiar with wmctrl and i can use the -a and -c options to switch to and close windows fine. I only have 1 desktop (9 viewports, though), and wmctrl's support for viewport seems limited at best. Ideally, I'd like to launch a program to a specific viewport, but just being able to move an existing one to a specific viewport would work, too.
Please note: I'm talking about moving apps to viewports AD HOC or DYNAMICALLY, not in a fixed way like I believe devilspie and such (and Compiz' Place plugin). Depending on my task, I need to quickly launch several apps to different viewports, and this VARIES for me a lot. ubuntu 10.04 lts / gnome / compiz w. full effects
I want to have a script (tcsh/bash/python) that launches a bunch of gnome-terminals (or 1 with multiple tabs). And I want it to execute a command, but keep the shell interactive. Currently, if you type gnome-terminal then it launches a new interactive shell, but if you give it the execute flag, then it executes the command and quits (or stays open, but non-interactive depending on the users gnome-terminal settings).
I have this command which I want to run automatically before I start working. What the command does is dynamic and different for each shell. It takes arguments. So it's not something I can take care of in a .cshrc type file.
How do you launch a task from a terminal command line interface and it not be kill'ed if you close the terminal window. Like if I run jedit I type jedit & which launches jedit as a backgorund task. But, if I close terminal window, jedit dies to. How do I laucnch jedit and completely divorce it from the terminal task?
I'm using a pppoe internet connection, when enter connection manually everything works fine but when connect automatically on startup (put script in ect/init.d/) the connection is ok and works, but applications can't join internet like firefox, chrome, only terminal and lynx browser can use internet! ping responds are OK
is it possible to use a terminal to install/run currently installed WINE apps...? if so, please let me know how to do so, i'm trying to run my guild wars game client, and its saying that the program doesn't have sufficient priveleges to run...
EDIT: i think i figured it out, but it gives me this code:
One of the first things I do when starting Ubuntu (Netbook Edition) is to open a Terminal (ctrl-alt-T) with three tabs in it (ctrl-shift-T, ctrl-shift-T), one with irssi, one with ipython and one extra with just the commandline. Then I set the titles (F2) of the first two respectively to "irssi" and "ipython".Is there some way to write a script that automatically does all this? Or maybe save this configuration in a profile setting or something?
I did an automatic update and rebooted this morning and I now have a bit of a nightmare situation where I can't open the majority of applications, including the terminal. When I rebooted, my desktop loaded as normal, but then when I try to open the terminal (from Applications -> Accessories or from my quick launch panel), nothing happens other than the quick launch panel disappears for a second then reappears. This is the case for most other apps, but not for Chrome (obviously).
EDIT: Used Alt+F2 to open the terminal, ran safe upgrade and then rebooted, but still having the same issue. As Ubuntu was booting, there was a "Broken pipe" message, which didn't stop the boot process but is still a bit worrying. I've run a file system check but this hasn't resolved the problem either.
I did an automatic update and rebooted this morning and I now have a bit of a nightmare situation where I can't open the majority of applications, including the terminal. When I rebooted, my desktop loaded as normal, but then when I try to open the terminal (from Applications -> Accessories or from my quick launch panel), nothing happens other than the quick launch panel disappears for a second then reappears. This is the case for most other apps, but not for Chrome (obviously).
Used Alt+F2 to open the terminal, ran safe upgrade and then rebooted, but still having the same issue. As Ubuntu was booting, there was a "Broken pipe" message, which didn't stop the boot process but is still a bit worrying. I've run a file system check but this hasn't resolved the problem either.
If I run a graphical(or any process) process like music player "exaile" from terminal ,Is there a way without using "nohup" or "screen"(terminal multiplexer) to detach "exaile " from the terminal when ran without appending "&" on to exaile(like "exaile &"). If I press CTRL-Z to stop ,some programs errs out , "watch dog time out" and "aborts" the process.
The problem is bg,disown or jobs etc does not list the process if I ran from another terminal. I want to know ways by Which I can detach a graphical/non-graphical process from a terminal as well as to re-attach to the terminal.
since ive started using fedora about a month ago i am still finding it difficult to launch newly installed programs. in most cases i just travel to the installation directory and look for a tell-tale file name to try an launch and if it works write up a script for it. however, there are a few hundred folders and a few thousand files in this Xilinx installation and a fairly thorough search came up empty. does anyone know how to launch it, and better yet, is there a better way for future installations rather than trial by fire?
On FC14, launching xterm gives log:[b16394@udp158975uds ~]$ xterm Warning: Cannot convert string "nil2" to type FontStructxterm: cannot load font -misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-120-75-75-c-60-iso10646-1
why my fedora 11 computer shows an application that launches every couple of minutes called launching HTTPcache cleaner? i searched installed programs and i cant find that in annything ive installed