Fedora :: Computer Freezes After Enter User And Pass When Login To Gnome?

Mar 23, 2010

I am running FC12 64bit on my desktop and the problem is that after I enter my credentials at graphicall login screen (Gnome) the computer hungs i cannot moove the mouse, CTRL+ALT+DEL won't work the Caps and Scroll lock on my keboard are blinking. Nothing responds. I am absolutelly cluless. Untill yesterday i was using FC12 i686 and never had this problem, but i got 4GB ram so in order to get those fully i installed the 64bit version. On clean install of the 64bit ver everything went fine, but i updated the system and followed theese instroctions [LINK]http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-fedora-12-i686-gnome[/LINK] and that's all

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Fedora :: Computer Freezes After Enter User And Pass When Login To Gnome

Mar 23, 2010

I am running FC12 64bit on my desktop and the problem is that after I enter my credentials at graphicall login screen (Gnome) the computer hungs i cannot moove the mouse, CTRL+ALT+DEL won't work the Caps and Scroll lock on my keboard are blinking. Nothing responds. I am absolutelly cluless. Untill yesterday i was using FC12 i686 and never had this problem, but i got 4GB ram so in order to get those fully i installed the 64bit version. On clean install of the 64bit ver everything went fine, but i updated the system and followed theese instroctions [URL] and that's all.

Before i atempt to login i can ssh to the machine.

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Fedora :: 13 X64 Froze At Enter Pass Phrase - How To Login

Sep 8, 2010

Some of your private key files are encrypted for security reasons. In order to read them you have to provide us with the pass phrases. Server your.server.com:55 (RSA)

Enter pass phrase:

Server www.blahblahblah.com:55(RSA)

Enter pass phrase:

How to login ?

The cursor is blinking but I am unable to enter the pass phrase; the only thing I can do is press the power button to shutdown. Even if I leave the PC running for a hour I can't type anything.

I know how to resolve the problem if I am able to login.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enter The Desktop And Pass The Login Screen

Mar 22, 2011

my ubuntu 10.10 64bit (in Dell Latitude machine) login screen is not working. the blank bar to type username and password is not appearing at all. In a quick appeareance there also a sentence: "permission denied". I've tried to browse this forum and seems no answer. I still can access the terminal though using alt+ctrl+F2 but i don't know how to access the desktop because when i hit alt+F7 it come back to login screen. how can i fix it? I have several files in the laptop that need to be saved, if not I probably just clean install it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Pass Gnome Login

May 10, 2010

I'm having some trouble with Gnome's Login screen. What happens is that I type my username and password correctly, the login screen fades out and everything seems normal until the login screen appears again, I enter my username and password again and the login fades out only to appear again and again and again and so on.

Only the root user works with the login, and also if I use failsafe mode, then login in textmode and then use "startx" it works fine.

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Ubuntu :: Start Up Computer Without Always Having To Enter Login Keyring Password?

Jul 22, 2010

Every time I start up my PC, I am always prompted to enter my login keyring password. Is there a way to start up my computer without always having to enter my login keyring password?

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Fedora :: F13 - Cannot Login As NIS User By Using Gnome Or GUI

Sep 24, 2010

I have a problem concerning about NIS. I have set-up a NIS client, but I am not able to login as NIS-user by using GNOME or KDE login GUI. However, I was able to login as NIS-user by using a terminal that's open from a local account or root. Also the NFS seems working as well. This problem only occur on my new FC13 pc, and I don't have this problem on my FC10 pc. Both of my FC13 and FC10 PC have the same NFS and NIS setting.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Login As Postgres User And Enter Commands?

Sep 10, 2010

I've had a server setup working perfectly for the last 2 years. Today we installed a newer version of postgresql and recompiled apache/php.

Postgresql will not start now.

"service postgresql start" = /var/lib/pgsql/data is missing. Use "service postgresql initdb" to initialize the cluster first. To initdb we need to be as user postgres.

"su - postgres" = "no file or directory"

In /etc/passwd = postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash

how i can login as postgres user and enter these commands?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Login - Error "no Profile For The User Can Be Found And It Couldnt Create Per-user Gnome Configuration Directory"

Aug 8, 2010

I have a network set up that has been working for around a year with no problems but has now developed a login problem. The system was set up with a main server with all users on it and another PC located elsewhere that people could log onto using there personal login and password that then gained access to the account on the main server. This remote PC has now got the problem. When you try to log onto an account it comes up with the message "your session has lasted less than 10 seconds. If you have not logged out yourself this could mean there is a installation problem or that you are out of disk space."

Error message says that no profile for the user can be found and it couldnt create per-user gnome configuration directory. I can log on as root onto the remote PC as it is obviously a local account but all the account on the main server are not accessible. From the root account I can see that the connection to the server is OK and I can actually log into the accounts on the server using the failsafe session so the physical network is OK.

I never built or designed this set up and to be honest I normally work with windows so its all a bit strange to me. Both PC's run Centos 5. I have checked the messages log and there doesnt seem to be any indication of a problem. Just that it stopped connecting from the remote PC. The accounts are all active on the main server itself and have no problems being accessed.

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Fedora :: Start A Service On User Login To Gnome

Oct 15, 2009

Does anyone know a secure method for starting a service after a user logs in to the desktop environment? There are a couple of issues that I'm trying to work around / troubleshoot and this would assist with doing that.

I'm running Fedora 11, not sure if that matters for this question.

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Fedora :: Set User Not To Show On Gnome Login Screen?

Jan 16, 2010

I'm wondering if there is an option to not show specyfic user on login screen in my gnome desktop - so f.e. I've got 3 users: "a", "b" and "c" and I want only "a" and "b" to be shown in login window.

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OpenSUSE Install :: When Type In Password At Login Screen And Hit Enter / Gnome Do Not Start

Feb 5, 2010

It happens like 50% of my Suse 11.2 startups, when I type in my password at login screen and hit enter, Gnome do not start, i can only see the green blank screen,or sometimes it start to show only my custom wallpaper and nothing more, when i try ctrl+alt+backspacex2 and login again everything seems to work fine, but what could be wrong ? is it a hardware issue ? Moreover, sometimes when I want to shutdown my laptop and click the shutdown button, suse do logout, but instead of turning off the laptop , it brings me to login screen, clicking the shutdown button at login screen makes my hdd lamp blink and thats all.

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Fedora Networking :: Pam_mount Not Mapping Network Drives On Gnome User Login?

Nov 18, 2010

Have been configuring fedora 14 to connect to a windows domain server and have been successful so far....am now on mapping network drives when the user logs in via the gnome gui.

If there is a better method of mapping network drives on login

After reading up on PAM_MOUNT and using that for mapping drives on login I have been able to successfully map them, but it doesn't do this automatically on gnome login.

Problem is as follows: It works when i connect / login using the terminal but requires me to enter the password once (even when i logged into the user account on gnome).

How I want it to work:I would like the mapping to occur when i login via gnome so that i dont have to open a terminal once logged in to gnome to map the network drives. I would like it to login without having to type the password again as the user is already logged in

Config Files:

#--- ~/.pam_mount.conf.xml ---#
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<volume fstype="cifs" server="GRA.GI" path="apps" mountpoint="/mnt/GRA.GI/apps"/>


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 With GNOME 3 Freezes After Login?

Jul 3, 2011

I've both tried installing GNOME 3 on Ubuntu 11.04 (via ppa) and Fedora Core 15, but I can't use GNOME shell up to 10 minutes continuously. It freezes every time. Sometimes I see "Panic occurred". My chipset is Intel 915.

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Ubuntu Security :: Bad Login Protocols - Graphical Login For Gnome Sizes Itself To Accommodate A User's Exact Password Length

Dec 14, 2010

I'm seeing really bad user login format under a standard installation and am wondering why ubuntu does this as default. I have noticed that the graphical login for gnome sizes itself to accommodate a user's exact password length. This indicates to me that somewhere on the unencrypted part of a standard installation with user encryption contains at least some indication of the content of the password length which seems a security flaw even if not a complete hole, it majorly reduces the number of attempts a cracker would have to cycle through.

And that's assuming that *only* the length is contained. Furthermore it seems that it would be MUCH better to simply display the number of characters entered into the pw field and allowing the gui to expand itself from an fixed size as the field is filled out so the the user still receives visual feedback for entering characters. Either a simple character count display should be entered into the field or a 10 dot to new line so that one can visually quickly count the number enter by multiplying from a 10base graphical observation.

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General :: Ubuntu And Knoppix Freezes After GNOME Login?

Jun 23, 2010

i had tried to install ubuntu karmic koala and recently unbuntu TLS 10.04 along with windows 7 but every time i login the screen freezes. i dont know the details, my PC consists of a 160gb HDD, 1gb RAM with pentium dual core processor. i even tried knoppix live cd version. is this because ubuntu is installed along with windows?

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Ubuntu :: Make Traffic Pass Through Computer To Another Computer?

Mar 17, 2011

I am wanting to make traffic pass through my computer to another computer.

Here is my current network setup:

[WAN] > [MODEM] > [] > []

How can I make my computer ([]) forward incoming traffic on port 25 to []?

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Software :: Creating User Account Which On Login Shuts Down The Computer?

Aug 12, 2009

I want to create an unprivileged user account, say 'shutdown', which can be used only to shutdown the system. I followed the instructions in ut when I login into the system, I get this error 'Cannot execute /usr/bin/sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now: No such file or directory'.These are the configurations that I did

shutdown localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now


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Ubuntu :: 11.04 With GNOME 3 Won't Login The User?

May 2, 2011

I was eager to try GNOME 3 in Ubuntu 11.04 (because I wasn't very satisfied with Unity, like almost everybody around) so I installed it using this guide:http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-t...4-194085.shtmlAfter rebooting the system (to finish the installation), I've got an error message while trying to login:Quote:Could not update ICEauthority file /home/<username>/.ICEauthorityI've googled for some time and found different 'solutions', however none of them seems to be working.What can be done with a system like this? I'm not able to login, how can I downgrade the system?

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Debian :: Using Gnome-desktop - Now Can't Login To User?

Jun 17, 2011

I am using gnome-desktop , now I can't login to my user, which log I have to view ?

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General :: Gnome Goes Blank After Login For A Particular User?

Apr 10, 2010

My gnome screen goes blank for a particular user,for the rest of the user i'm able to login in the gnome GUI,it's was working fine till now.

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Debian Multimedia :: GNOME Refused To Let User Login

Oct 3, 2015

I've got to purge GNOME from Jessie old netbook of my mom at least think so. It just run out of free space on 8Gb SSD. After upgrade GNOME is not accessible. System is stuck on logon 'GDM' screen without possibility to login for any user including 'root'. Here [URL] .... are given instructions on how to purge GNOME from installed system and install 'xfce' instead. Is this the right way to do it? And do I have to reboot netbook into 'Recovery mode' for it? URL warns about possible system crash during changeover. That is highly unwanted!here [URL] ....

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Login - Enter Password - Login Sound Plays And Stuck Looking At The Wallpaper

Oct 10, 2010

I just finished installing 10.10 on my pc. the problem is that i cant login to the desktop i enter the password, the login sound plays and im stuck looking at the wallpaper. nothing else. i tried logging in safe mode and it worked. how can i get it to work normally?

pc specs:
Pentium 4 2.6 ghz
512mb ram
ati radeon 9600 graphics card

And i installed it using wubi.

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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Login Gnome With User After Install Xfce

Feb 1, 2016

I have installed xfce with synaptic and when i rebooting, i can't log in with my normal user on gnome and xfce, but i can it with terminal (ctrl + alt + fX), but i can login in gnome with a new user.

I have uninstall xfce and remove gnome and reinstall it but i still cant...

dpkg-reconfigure gnome-shell i think didnt change nothing...

I haven't /etc/X11/ directory...

On terminal, if i do startx, works, but i cant login gnome anyway...

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CentOS 5 :: Gnome-login Configuration - Restore User Profile?

Nov 20, 2009

Last night I started my computer and loaded my CentOS 5.2 partition (Windows 7 on the other partition). I was able to login to my account, but was given a gnome error that the panel buttons (i.e. weather, cpu monitor etc) could not be loaded. I then went to restart the computer (probably not the smartest thing to do) and was given some file errors upon shutdown that were related to /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00. After restart I was taken to a shell and ran fsck manually. It seemed to find a lot of bad blocks, so I repaired the /dev/VolGroup00 system and restarted. At this point CentOS seemed to boot normally, but upon loading of the login screen I get the error: Configuration not correct The configuration file contains an invalid command line for the login dialog, so running the default command. Please fix your configuration.

I cannot even log in as root. I get the error /usr/bin/gnome-session: error while loading shared libraries: libgnome-desktop-2.so.2: cannot open shared objects file: no such file or directory. I then went to a shell and ran: sudo yum install libgnome-desktop-2.so.2, but the package was already installed and up to date, so there was nothing to do. I am therefore stuck at this login screen with pull-down menus and tabs where I can change the configuration, add/remove users etc. So, my question is this: How do I restore my user profile so I can login....and if anyone has some insight, what caused this to happen in the first place? I should also mention, this all happened after plugging the computer into a new internet connection. No clue if that's even relevant.

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Ubuntu :: Login - Enter My Password To Login The Screen Becomes Black And Return Me Again

Apr 15, 2011

I just bought this desktop from my friend and it runs win 7 and ubuntu 10.04. it worked very well the first two days until I changed the hostname of the system.

I did like: hostname myNewName

And everything worked fine. The problem now is when I start ubuntu and and reach username and password screen , I enter my password to login the screen becomes black and return me again to the screen where I put my password again. If I entered wrong password , the system message stating wrong password. On the other hand, when I try to run ubuntu from live-cd I can login easily and access my account.

My friend told me he removed Naultius package and reinstall it for some reason before he gave it to me. Note windows 7 is working properly.

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General :: Login - Doesn't Give Me Any Option To Enter My Login Name And Password

Jan 1, 2011

I have no idea what happened to my OS(ubuntu10.04).it doesn't give me any option to enter my login name & passwd.i just get a blank(default) login screen.last time when it worked,i was trying to install GTK+2.8,but due to my mistake i deleted glib using cmd (sudo apt-get purge glib)and after that i even tried to launch terminal but it failed to launch.also tried to play media files using vlc but it didn't work.so i tried to restart my os and finally got stuck in the problem.i have no idea what to do,please help.Is there any cmd to see what problem occurred or which package is missing.

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Debian Configuration :: Allow Gnome Login By Root User On A Test Machine?

May 2, 2011

Just for some testing on a test non-productive machine, how to allow Gnome login by root user on squeeze?

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Ubuntu :: Prevent System / Gnome To Show User Name(s) At Login Screen?

May 22, 2010

Is there a way to prevent ubuntu/gnome to show the user name(s) at the login screen?

Only asking "username" and not "login as"?

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Ubuntu :: Mouse Freezes, Pressing Enter Restores It?

May 1, 2011

Since upgrading to the final version of 64Bit Natty, I have a problem with the mouse randomly freezing, I cannot do anything with it. So far the cure is to press enter, which also sometimes starts a program or logs out, but not all the time. In fact generally it just unfreezes the mouse and I carry on!It is though rather annoying so if there is a solution to this I would appreciate it.It never happened with the Beta versions just the final one!

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