Fedora :: Broke Xorg - How To Fix / Cannot Use Ctrl+alt+function1-6

Jan 24, 2010

It's been months since I've used a Linux based OS. I'm a long time Fedora user so I'm not new to how Linux works. However, I was shocked to see that xorg.conf, as well as ctrl+alt_bs and ctrl+alt+f1-7 are no longer keybinds.

I installed the proprietary nvidia driver from the nonfree repos. This is where I messed up: I should have checked to note that my mothers GF6 onboard video controller isn't supported. Now, I boot into a black screen with a flashing prompt in the upper left hand corner. Normally, I would jump to the console using ctrl+alt+F1 to fix the problem manually. But, since It wont let me, I'm left in the dark.

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Fedora Installation :: Xorg Failure On Bootup \ Can't Use Ctrl-Alt -backspace To Killl X?

Nov 6, 2010

After loading all the apps I use last night with a working FC14 x86_64, I powered up this morning and nothing happened after starting atd.1 try an alternat kernel same effectstart in init 1, OK go to init 3 OKran startx .. failedlook for xorg.conf.. no fileNow if Iwas still running mandriva , I would have typed mcc and bought up the control panel so I could have sorted out the Xorg problem, or tried. There really needs to be something like this.I found that gdm was not installed so installed it.It will now boot up to the login screnn, but wont accept my passwd.restart in init 3, login as root and add another user and set the password for that user.I also rest my passwd as welll.boot up again and get authentication failure on both users, and I cant login as root as someone removed that feature.

Also I can't use Ctrl-Alt -backspace to killl X so I have access to CLI so I can login there and run startx.I suspect several gnome packages have been removed/lost as I use lefthand mouse settings and the mostsetting are back to default.All I have is a live CD to gain access to the forum, and I only have one computer.There really needs to be a fallback to one of the smalll DMs on fedora so in situations like this you are nt forced to use CLI, thats if a new user would know how to access it. As there is no bootsplash, you have to already know to hit return and wait for the bootsplash.

IMO this a is a seriouss flaw, in what otherwise is a good OS.In the meantime I'll try and install XFCE to get X running, but I will need some help getting gnome back.I'll load gnome-panel and see if yum will pick up the rest as depemdencies.I hope this isn't a bug, as to lost the DM after the first machine power cycle is fairly drastic---------- Post added at 08:52 AM GMT ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 AM GMT ----------I resorted to yum install gnome-*which loaded 255 packages, including gnome-desktop, gnome-common, all the gnome applettsThis wasn't just one or two packages corupted, it was removal of the DM altogetherSimilar effect to running "rm -rf gnome-* "

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Ubuntu :: Map Ctrl+W In Hebrew Layout(which Is Actually A Ctrl+') To Be A Ctrl+w?

Jan 5, 2010

I have 3 layouts: USA, Russian and Hebrew. In Hebrew the W key is mapped to apostrophe, so Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout doesn't close tabs in Firefox. There is no workaround for it as I see by now, so I am trying to get it work this way:I want to map Ctrl+W in Hebrew layout(which is actually a Ctrl+') to be a Ctrl+w. Here is what I got from xmodmap:Code:$ xmodmap -pke | grep 25keycode 25 = w W Cyrillic_tse Cyrillic_TSE apostrophe WAs you can see, there are pairs for each layout, each pair tells what happens without and with the Shift key pressed.

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General :: Disable Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+X In Rdesktop?

Dec 27, 2010

I am doing a project on rdesktop. My aim is to setup a write/copy protected session. I have made rdesktop connection between two Linux machines using Xrdp.Next I want to disable the ctrl+x,ctrl+v keys and the cut and copy option in mouse right click at client side

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Programming :: Recognizing Ctrl+c,ctrl+l,ctrl+d In C Programs?

Aug 19, 2009

i am using gcc 4.3i need to recognize ctrl+c,ctrl+l,ctrl+d in my C program without terminating the program when i get a ctrl+c...

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General :: Vim:ctrl+v Command To Select Some Data.But When Push Ctrl+v.It Doesn't Work?

Nov 28, 2010

" Mark the start of the text with "v", "V" or CTRL-V. The character under the cursor will be used as the start.""With CTRL-V (blockwise Visual mode) the highlighted text will be a rectanglebetween start position and the cursor."I can mark the start with "v" or "V".But it doesn't work when I push ctrl+V.

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Ubuntu :: Keyboard - Can Not Copy/paste Ctrl+C Or Ctrl+p From One Folder To Another With Mouse

Sep 5, 2010

I can not copy/paste ctrl+C or ctrl+p from one folder to another with the mouse. i was trying to move an item to another folder.

I looked in the keyboard short cut and it was not there. i tried to add it and it put it in custom as disabled and I could not enable it.

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CentOS 5 :: Why 'ctrl+a, K' Nor 'ctrl+a Kill' Doesn't Work For Screen Windows?

Oct 3, 2010

anyone has a clue why 'ctrl+a, k' nor 'ctrl+a, :kill' doesn't work for killing one of screen windows? Other screen's commands invoked with 'ctrl+a'seem to work.

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Ubuntu :: Freezes Mouse After Changing A Tab (with Ctrl+tab, Alt+#) Or Closing It (ctrl+w)?

Nov 11, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 x64 and already am really annoyed by Firefox, which freezes my mouse after changing a tab (with ctrl+tab, alt+#) or closing it (ctrl+w). After about one second, i can continue working as usual. Changing Tabs by just clicking on one does not freeze anything...Maybe some of you would think now if I am crazy because of complaining about such a little thing, but it is really annoying if you are used to work fluently with ff.Edit:I today noticed, that not only shortcuts in firefox, but all Hotkeys freeze my mouse for a second. For examle ctrl+c, ctrl+v, super+e or anything else.Do you have any Idea what causes this behaviour? Reinstalling ubuntu didn't change anything

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OpenSUSE :: Ctrl+z And Ctrl+c Do Not Work Without A Third Keystroke

Feb 3, 2010

I just spent a few days ripping out all the broken/buggy apps that are in the opensuse 11.2 official repos so I can finally get working software(openoffice, thunderbird, wine, eclipse, rubygems, rails, and a few others required getting the "official" versions from their respective websites to avoid strange behavior and outright broken functionality).

All of which makes updating more annoying and time-consuming. Why are opensuse packages so different anyway? Anyway, the last thing that I have noticed to fix is Konsole. For some really bizarre reason ctrl+z and ctrl+c do not work without a third keystroke: enter.Maybe this is something new with the KDE team, since they seem bent on making simple things that already work more complex, but given my experience with crappy packages in the suse repos, I am thinking this is the problem. I have looked over all the config settings that I can find and nothing fixes this affront to productivity.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror Can't Cut'n'paste With Ctrl C, Ctrl V?

Mar 7, 2010

I've been using Kaggregator in KDE-PIM, which uses Konqueror as the browserto go to links from Kaggregator.Unfortunately, Konqueror no longer seems tobe able to Copy highlighted material with Ctrl C, the way we've done it forever.Is this a setting I've missed? Or is this a new "feature" in Konqueror?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Writing Init Script - Signals To Kill The Process (Ctrl-C) From A Bash Script And Exit Dtach (Ctrl-`)

Dec 5, 2010

I'm trying to write a init.d script to daemonise a sagemath notebook server. Here's what I've done so far, I've copied /etc/init.d/single for the structure, and tried to use dtach to provide a handle to access the process. However, my main problem is issuing the signals to kill the process (Ctrl-C) from a bash script and exit dtach (Ctrl-`)


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Fedora Installation :: Wine Installation Produces Error "xorg-x11-drv-nvidia Conflicts With Xorg-x11-drv-catalyst" On 11 64bit

Oct 8, 2009

Error: xorg-x11-drv-nvidia conflicts with xorg-x11-drv-catalyst
Error: xorg-x11-drv-catalyst conflicts with xorg-x11-drv-nvidia

I have followed the guide to install ATI proprietary drivers using RPM Fusion.

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Fedora :: Kernel Upgrade Broke Sound Fedora 13 / Workaround This?

Sep 23, 2010

I just updated my kernel to last night and now I have no system sounds. Audacious plays my mp3's just fine, just as all my multimedia works in my web browser, vlc, etc... The only thing being affected is system sounds. I tried playing a sample with aplay and I got loud, crackling nonsense and this output code...

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Fedora :: Upgrade From F14 To F15 Broke YUM

Jun 4, 2011

I just upgraded from Fedora 14 to 15. First thing that I want to say is, "Wow, this looks great." It's such an innovative, slick, modern interface. I'm very impressed. The Gnome developers did a very good job on Gnome 3 and Fedora folks did a great job with the integration into the latest Fedora distribution. I did run into a problem, though. I'm still a little bit green in the Linux world, so please bear with me. When I upgraded with preupgrade, yum came back with repository errors. I think that the problem stems from the fact that I installed firefox4 in Fedora 14 according to the instructions on the fedoraproject.org wiki [URL]. Now I have two copies of Firefox 4 installed (after the upgrade) and I'm unable to remove the extra one (yum remove firefox4 gives bupkis ). What's worse, yum doesn't work for anything else, either . I tried a "yum clean all" but that didn't fix it. I think that I need to remove the firefox4 instance of Firefox, and then remove the repository from my repo list (I think), but I'm not sure how to do that.

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Fedora :: KDE 4.3.4 Broke Startup While Using Plymouth?

Jan 2, 2010

I have Fedora 12 x86_64 running the nvidia drivers from rpmfusion. I set them up using the howto's from rpmfusion and the good people here. I also run KDE as my desktop and try to keep gnome stuff to a minimum. Everything has been running fine, including the opening splash graphics.

I run updates today, and installed the update for KDE 4.3.4. The next time I booted, the startup animation ran, but hung once it finished. I know the system didn't totally crash because I was able to give it a three-finger salute and it rebooted. The next boot I set my startup parameters to disable the plymouth splash screen, and everything started up fine.

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Fedora :: NTFS Filesystem Is Broke?

Aug 7, 2010

I installed Fedora 13 just a few days ago, and it was all working well, until i tried to boot into my windows system. The windows boot loader said that it couldn't load a system file, and suggested i repair the windows system. it did not work, and i dont want to completely reinstall windows because i have some very important VB6 source code, that i do not want to lose. (For all you VB haters, i only use it bcus its really easy to learn. Don't bring the subject up, because i dont want this thread deleted because some jerk decides to start a flame war about it.) I worked really hard on the project, and i dont want to delete it. Fedora still works fine, but come up with this error message when i attempt to mount the NTFS filesystem:

[root@DaGeek247 ~]# mount /dev/sda1
Failed to read last sector (160071596): Invalid argument
HINTS: Either the volume is a RAID/LDM but it wasn't setup yet,


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Fedora :: Disable Ctrl + Alt + F10 In F13 ?

Aug 31, 2010

I often use the key combination ctrl + shift + F10 in my editor, and sometimes I mistakenly hit ctrl + alt + F10 which instantly transports me to a black screen with nothing but a cursor resulting in my having to reboot. I have no idea what the purpose of this key binding is but I want to get rid of it. I have looked in 'keyboard shortcuts' but there is none listed for ctrl + alt + F10. How do I disable this once and for all?

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Fedora :: Ctrl-Alt-F1 Or F7 To Go Back To GUI?

Oct 4, 2010

When I open a tty (Ctrl-Alt-F2) then go back to my GUI sometimes I need to use Ctrl-Alt-F1 and sometimes I need Ctrl-Alt-F7. Why? The lack of consistency is a bit annoying.

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Fedora :: Ctrl+V And Del Not Works?

Aug 26, 2011

Today I've installed Fedora 15 and I don't know what to do. I always use ctrl+c/ctrl+v/del shortcuts and now only ctrl+c works perfectly. The ctrl+v and del not works. So what am I doing wrong?

UPD Ok I reasigned shortcut from Ctrl+Del to Del key. But problem with Ctrl+V is persist.

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Fedora Servers :: Sendmail Broke (tcpwrappers) / What To Do?

Aug 28, 2009

I updated sendmail during a routine set of updates. I found it replaced my old sendmail with sendmail+tcpwrappers. I had to create an entry in hosts.allow as my hosts.deny was set to deny all. Never had to do this before, but I had not updated sendmail in a while. Just a heads up in case anyone else is about to perform updates.

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Fedora :: YUM Update Broke Wordpress And Gallery

Dec 17, 2009

I ran a yum update a couple days ago, and it completed without error. Today I tried logging into Wordpress, and was unable to do so. I get a 403 error. Further investigation shows that I can no longer run any php scripts for Wordpress or Gallery. A look through yum log shows the following packages were installed:

Dec 13 11:22:52 Updated: mysql-libs.i386 5.0.88-1.fc10
Dec 13 11:23:57 Updated: qt-mysql.i386 1:4.5.3-9.fc10
Dec 13 11:37:40 Updated: mysql.i386 5.0.88-1.fc10
Dec 13 11:37:47 Updated: mysql-server.i386 5.0.88-1.fc10

There were no updates to apache, php, or SElinux, so I am at a loss to explain why apache is no longer able to run php scripts.

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Fedora :: Latest Upgrade Broke Flash?

Nov 30, 2010

I*had an update today and, since, Flash full screen is jerky and the sound comes as through a PVC*pipe.nybody has this problem?How do I find the updates that arrived today?*Is it possible to revert to a precedent version?

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Fedora :: F13 Update Broke Boot Loader

Jan 3, 2011

I just ran yum update, which installed about 47 packages. When I try to restart, the Linux boot loader is not being read. Apparently, the old Windows 7 boot loader that came installed on this machine is still somewhat intact on the hard drive, because when it boots, it tries to start Windows. I put in a Red Hat 5 rescue disk...but the rescue disk can't find a Linux file system on my hard drive.

Fedora 13
Dell Latitude E6500
Also...the disk is encrypted.
(Not the swap or /boot)

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Fedora :: Pidgin Repository Broke Yum Utility

Feb 16, 2011

After I install Pidgin my YUM function junst stop to work... I'm now trying to install "QEMU" and when trying to install it thru YUM I got that message below:

[root@Guga-NB Guga]# yum install qemu
Loaded plugins: langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit
Adding en_US to language list
http://rpm.pidgin.im/fedora/14/x86_6...ta/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 : http://rpm.pidgin.im/fedora/14/x86_6...ata/repomd.xml
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: pidgin. Please verify its path and try again
[root@Guga-NB Guga]#

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Fedora :: Enable Ctrl-alt-backspace In F10?

Mar 5, 2009

The default is forbidden in F10.

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Fedora :: Ctrl+alt+backspace Not Working In 11?

Aug 1, 2009

On fedora 10 and backwards you could use Ctrl+ALT+Backspace to restart X, this was massively useful in resolving any issues with hanging x processes and so forth... without losing session data.... it seems to not work in fedora 11...

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Fedora :: Cannot Switch To Console Via CTRL+ALT+Fn

Nov 19, 2009

Edit: I upgraded system form fedora using yum...

Edit: Very strange, After I installed the NVIDIA drivers, It is OK...

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Take Screenshots For Linux Cli? Ctrl+alt+f2?

May 5, 2010

how can i take screenshot of screens of linux cli .....run level 3...<ctrl>+<alt>+F1me in detail

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Fedora :: Kernel Update Broke Psb Driver / Revert It?

Dec 26, 2009

My GMA500 (poulsbo) driver is not working any more because of the latest update I made using Software Update.

The update was a new kernel:

[omass@omass ~]$ uname -a
Linux omass #1 SMP Thu Dec 24 16:26:26 UTC 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

Now, after this update, when I reboot I get the following error code...

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