Fedora :: Battle Over System Time Win 7 Vs FC 13--FIGHT?
Sep 23, 2010
I have dual boot Windows 7 Pro and Fedora Core 13 (Round 1)If I change the time on Windows it bumps my Fedora time backwards 6 hours (Round 2)if i change the time on Fedora it knocks my Windows time forward 6 hours
This is only a two round bout, the judges are picking the winner. What do you all think? The obvious solution is just change the time zone in one of the systems to compensate. I was just looking for other ideas.
When booting Fedora 11, my system hangs for a very long time on starting udev. Sometimes I get an I/O error. However, my hardware is fine. I do eventually get in to the system.
I am trying to resolve an ongoing fight involving /dev/video node assignment between 2 TV Tuner cards and a USB video camera.
Each time I reboot the three devices seem to shuffle their /dev/video assignment. i.e. what was /dev/video0 (USB camera) after a reboot magically becomes /dev/video1.
This causes all kinds of grief between my MythBackend and ZoneMinder who expect the devices to have static assignments.
how to best solve this? I did a brief search and one solution appears to be to statically assign the devices.
I am new to Slackware and sendmail. 1) I want to make sendmail more resist from spammers. Can You suggest some lines in sendmail.mc (My server is iauto.lv) Can I do, that my server recieves mails, but users cannot send mails with SMTP through my server?
2) Many mailservers returned mails, because I have no reverse DNS. What I must to do?
Can someone tell my why every time I try to use 7z it freezes my system? I can't move my mouse, I can't type, I can't kill my xsession. I then restart my system and everything returns to normal. When I try to use 7z my system again freezes.
I have a desktop PC with Fedora, Ubuntu and Windows installed and grub used for multibooting. But time in Fedora is always 5 hours behind. If I change the time in Fedora, then Windows and Ubuntu will be 5 hours ahead of the current time. I don't understand how to fix it.
I am running my Ubuntu 32 bit server on top of Windows 7 64 bit with VirualBox. It's a 2 core Atom. It's been working good for about half a year. But the last about 6 weeks the system time only in Ubuntu is going slow. About -8 per 24 hours! I can only guess because I have more things running in my Windows 7 and Ubuntu.
I can set it right by coping the hareware time to system time with this command:
Code: hwclock --hctosys
I want to run a crontab to have that command run every minute. But it don't seem to run.
I'm just wondering what the limits for time are. I have a program that always takes exactly 20 ms, so I assume this is the lowest it can measure, but I want to see if there's some sort of documentation of this.
get the values for the user time and system time for a process.i have tried getrusage to get values of ru_utime and ru_stimebut these don't seem to be correct
why, after booting to windows for any length of time that upon rebooting to Fedora the system time is 3 or 4 or 6 hours off? Sure, it is easily fixed with ntpdate but is there a more permanent fix?
I run a mostly untouched CentOS server, nothing is installed except a server app to store data. The server has been crashing lately - after a year of no problems, so I looked into the logs of it and noticed weird discrepancies in the time around the time it crashs. So I started "watch date >> datefile" and this is what happens:
Code: Sun Oct 17 09:52:45 CEST 2010 Sun Oct 17 09:52:47 CEST 2010 Sun Oct 17 09:52:49 CEST 2010
I have adjust the clock to my country current time but after a reboot,all the setting is gone. How to permanently setting the correct time?I have select my country region.
I want to install my system on my U-Disk.So I need to delay the time when system starting before the system recognized the U-Disk. How to change it in the grub? If I change it ,how can I save it in order not to change it every time I start the computer? Is it in the /boot/grub/menu.lst?
My server is keep on hanging So I have rebooted several times in the last couple of weeks, the system is eating more memory and the usage is keep on increasing and at particular time it became saturated and my server hungs. I could not find which process is eating more memory. I have used the below commands to check if any process is eating more memory but no luck. No such process are using high memory.
I am a player of Battle for Wesnoth, one of the best Ubuntu games. I have been running Wesnoth 1.6.5 (stable) on Ubuntu 9.10. But many a times, sound stops, and Wesnoth needs to be closed from System Monitor by killing processes, or using "killall -ser username" Command from Console. So, in Wesnoth Channel, they told that it is a problem of ALSA.
I've downloaded Diablo II and LOD expansion from Battle Net to install it and I did it, I installed it, and it starts the presentation, it goes like "Blizzard"... "Blizzard North"... and them it jams! If I press the space button a lot of times (lol) or click a lot (lol), I can get to the Diablo's menu, but I can't click in anything at all, it's just there, jammed.
I am using the default CVS available in Fedora 9. I initiated the CVS server by cvs -d /usr/local/cvsproj init To check-in and check-out the following exports commands are used export CVS_RSH=ssh export CVSROOT=:ext:swathi@SERVER:/usr/local/cvsproj
I shall explain problem by taking an example. A project was checked in long before (for example the checkin date is 25 Feb 2010). And today (i.e. 21 June 2011) I checked out the project from the repository. After checkout, the date of the project in the repository is changed from 25 Feb 2010 to 21 June 2011. This date is set to all the subfolders in that project. But the files in the project retains the checking date i.e. 25 Feb 2010. Why the check-in dates are getting updated/changed to the system time after doing check-out.
I installed Ubuntu inside windows(Win 7).Both works good.I found that system time is wrong in both OS.Every time i Change it manually but it changes again on reboot!
openSuSE gurus, after several weeks I've finally managed to get aMule to listen external calls from Mozilla browsers. To make it quick: In Seamonkey or FF do about:config and add
I have both ubuntu and kde-desktop installed, and after trying KDM, switched back to GDM which worked fine for a while (although KDE changed my other gnome settings like usplash and cursors which took a while to change back). A day later, though, when I start up my system, the screen flickers a few times then shows me a message that an x-server is already running, so hit no to try loading it on '0' again or yes to try another number.
If I hit no, it will briefly show me the KDE login screen refresh a few times and go back to the menu. If I hit yes, it refreshes about 7 times and finally shows the gnome login screen. This process takes a long time and I'm not sure is great for my screen.
I spent most of the day yesterday trying to make this work and haven't gotten really anywhere with it. Building from source quietly failed although it built without error and I got checkinstall to pack it up it didn't actually work.So I rolled back to the repository version of rtorrent.As I understand it, the things I need to do are (I am thwarted at every step):create user with --disabled-password optioncreating the user is no problem except they seem to have no shell, and running any command while su'd as that user throws an error like Code: Cannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/1' - please check.
I found somewhere that changing the permissions on /dev/pts/N solves this problem however N can change after a reboot, or probably following other events so that's likely not the right fix.create init script to run rtorrent as user in previous stepI found an example that seems like it works but I wont know for sure until I get the prior step worked out fully.
So, my disc was out dated, so my friend let me use his, because it has TBC on it, and he also let me borrow lich king. I can't install The Burning Crusades, or even the original WoW from the battle chest disc. I get the error in the image.
logging in a server through putty in the same network when i executed last command its showing system ip logged in time and logged out time the output as followsthis is my system oot pts1 xx.xx.xx day month date time in time out timeand similarly am geeting other than this likeroot :0day month date time still logged in this is from more than 3 days its logged in
We have 2 applications set as S96 and S98 at rc3.d and rc5.d simultaneously. Both applications create a system V shared memory segment by calling shmget.If the system boot at runlevel 5, both applications can obtain their shared memory segment id correctly, i.e. 98305 and 131074 individually. While there is a root owned segment id 32768 takes first seat on the list. This is the id list:
My fedora 11 (2.6.30-102) spends a long time while initializing services on
"Starting system message bus:"
---------- Post added at 08:47 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM CST ----------
Auth is LDAP.
There's a 3.5 years old bug in redhat bugs database, that's still not resolved,regarding dbus trying to use ldap auth, before ldap service is started.Workaround is to change ldap config to soft binding.
3.5 years for a bug that affect enterprise users - are you there redhat?
I am having dual boot system(windows 7 and Fedora 12).When i switch on my system.It show the the timer 3 sec in order to get boot selection window(means window which asks that what to start fedora 12 or windows 7).I want to increase this time from 3 to 10 sec.
I've got fedora 11 set up to use network time protocol to sync my laptop's date & time when I'm on-line. The question is simple really, I've added a local universality's time server (what is public) and it's live. but it's added to the end of the default time servers what come with fedora. How do I get fedora to just use the local time server, is it a case of removing the default time servers for fedora, but there is a box what says advanced options which are. sync system clock before starting service ???? & use Local time source (( is that the same as the local ntp server that I've got set up ))Hope some body can help me with the network time protocol part of Date/Time settings.