Debian :: Setup Dnsmasq On A Network That Already Has A Router?

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to get more control of my small office network. It consists of several windows workstations, a debian box, and a ZyXEL P-660HW-D1 router, Right now, the only way to reach the debian box from other computers is to type in its ip address.

The goal is to be able to reach the box by just typing ://debianBox into my browser, though ideally I want to set it up to be something like ://debianBox.officenet, and to also reach other people's computers by typing ://mattBox.officenet and ://fredBox.officenet

The Zyxel router has a LAN page with a DHCP Setup tab with fields setup like so In the past I was able to mange this using an Orange router, but now I have to use the ZyXel.

So I installed dnsmasq on the debianBox, but I do not know how to configure it to get the results. I want and still get internet fromthe Zyxel router.

In the etc/hosts file of the debian box I added debianBox, and for testing on my windows machine I set the primary dns entry of the Ip4 connection to as well, but typing ://debianBox in my browser still gives me not found.

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Debian :: Running Dnsmasq In Lenny - Wvdial Connecting But Dnsmasq Doesn't Work

Dec 30, 2010

I am running dnsmasq in debian lenny, wvdial connecting but dnsmasq doesn't work, the /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf file is empty this is /var/log/syslog:

The /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf is ok:

This is my /etc/dnsmasq.conf:


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Networking :: Network Setup - Router - Wireless Router Card ?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm having trouble getting my network set up the way that I want it/had it. You see, when I first set up my network, I just had my cable modem going directly to my standard wired router (A D-Link DI-604), which had DHCP,and was connected to all of the computers on my network. I had one switch hooked up to one of the ports of the router, but this was a regular switch, and it would not try to assign IP addresses, it would just pass through the DHCP info as I wanted.

Now however, my network setup has changed. My room mate and I both got laptops, and we decided that we wanted to have wireless access so we didn't have to constantly plug in to the router.

Now my network is set up like this: The modem is hooked up to the router(DI-604), which is hooked up on the LAN side to our computers, our switch (which is hooked up to 3 more computers), and to a wireless router card (A Gigabyte GN-BC01).

The wireless router card has two jacks for ethernet. One for WAN, and one for LAN. The LAN side we have plugged only into the computer in which the card is installed.

Now the problem is this: The wireless router card comes with DHCP by default, and it's assigning addresses to the laptops and to the computer hat it's in, and worse, the IP addresses are on a different subnet than that of the main dlink router. The Main (dlink) router assigns addresses from (itself) to, while the wireless router card assigns addresses from to (itself).

Because of this, I cannot access services on the wireless network from my wired network or vice versa. The first thing I tried was setting the card to assign addresses from to, however it just said "internal error" when I tried to do this. I decided that this may be because it sees that it was being assigned an address on it's WAN side on the same subnet. So the next thing I tried was disabling DHCP and setting the "LAN IP Address" to, hoping that the DHCP would just go through the card, like a switch. I would have set the LAN IP address to be assigned by DHCP, but this was not an option, so I decided that'd be the best thing to set it to.

Once again however, setting the LAN ip address to an address on the same subnet as that of the IP assigned to it's WAN side caused it to report an "internal error". I verified that this was the issue by setting the LAN address to several other private IP addresses to test (I.E.,,

My question then really is: How do I set up both routers so that I can access services and computers from each network from the other network. Should I set them with different subnets and set the gateway on the wireless network to the main router? To the wireless router card? Should I put them on the same subnet? Will it know how to communicate?

Here is a link to (picture) my network diagram. Network Diagram

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Software :: Is It Possible To Setup DNSMASQ

Apr 19, 2010

Is it possible to setup DNSMASQ so that it respects the TTL it is given by the upstream DNS server, but it sends out a fixed TTL to its clients?My DNSMASQ server is running on the same local network as all its clients. I want all my clients to be served with a 5 minute TTL, regardless of what the actual domain uses. So for instance if has a ttl of 60 minutes, then I want DNSMASQ to cache it for 60 minutes, but I want my clients to receive a TTL of 5 minutes so that they query my DNSMASQ server again every 5 minutes. I basically want to avoid having each client's OS doing any caching.

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Fedora :: Dnsmasq For Dhcp To Setup Dns

Sep 2, 2011

Is dnsmasq important for dhcp to setup dns?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Adsl Modem Acting As A Bridge To My Router Setup - Connection - Internet Went Slow ?

Jun 19, 2011

I have an adsl modem acting as a bridge to my router my setup was working well for more than year now , but then the internet went slow . I set the modem back to PPPoE the problem was with the DNS server of the ISP so using ifup i set the dns t (google) the connection is back , but when i set the modem back as a bridge slow internet does the router know that my dns is or i should set the dns on the router ? I can't see an option to set the dns on the router ( i just enter my username and password from the isp to use PPPoE mode ) by the way i called the isp support they kept telling me to restart , i told them i did but i never restarted my pc . I'm sure if i tell them i'm running linux they will blame the os !

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Ubuntu :: Dnsmasq Will Not Apply Changes In /etc/dnsmasq.conf?

Dec 27, 2010

ubuntu: 10.04dnsmasq: 2.52-1ubuntu0.1I've installed dnsmasq and it is performing DNS duties correctly. I'd like to limit access to the dnsmasq service to a specific address or interface. I've tried adding variations and combinations of the following to /etc/dnsmasq.conf:



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Debian :: Setup Debian As A Router?

Jul 29, 2009

I'd like to setup my Debian Lenny as a router. Should I add in /etc/sysctl.conf


net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1




my kernel:


# uname -a

Linux debian 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Sun Jul 27 22:26:44 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

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OpenSUSE Network :: No DNS Caching Until Manually Restart Dnsmasq?

May 29, 2010

My upstream DNS server is a bit slow, so I've installed the dnsmasq cacher locally. I have the service starting on runlevels 2, 3, and 5. But I can tell by Firefox's behavior that dnsmasq does not work upon boot. Firefox lets its own DNS cache expire after 60 seconds. When I do my second Google search five minutes after my first, the second DNS lookup for is just as slow as the first.If I manually restart the dnsmasq service, I get the fast name resolutions I expect.

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Networking :: Installed Dnsmasq To Speed Up Dns Querry For My Network

Dec 20, 2010

I installed dnsmasq to speed up dns querry for my network. i didn't really change any thing in my dnsmasq.conf file. i only just put my upstream dns addresses in resolv.conf. i have dchp running and configured to issue the ip address of the system running dnsmasq as dns ip to the dhcp clients. But i have noticed that if i do ipconfig /all on my windows clients, instead of the dnsmasq server ip showing, i still see the dns ip of my upstream provider. by this, iam assuming that the client are not using the cache even though the service is running on the server.

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Networking :: Network Sharing Work After Disable Dnsmasq?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm sharing the wireless signal (wlan0) on my fedora 12 machine.However, when the computer starts up I have to execute:> service dnsmasq stopOnly after this, will the computer share the internet signal (through eth0).Why is that? Should I uninstall dnsmasq?I've already removed it from chkconfig:> chkconfig --del dnsmasq

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup A Wireless With Linksys Wireless Router And HP Laptop Dual Booting Vista & Suse 11.2

Jun 20, 2010

I'm try to setup a wireless network with my linksys wireless router and my HP laptop dual booting Vista & Suse 11.2. I have the vista networked, just fine. Where I can share files and the printer connected to my desktop. But I want to be able to use Suse in the same way, full time and to stray away from Vista. My wife and kids like easy. So I'm trying to transform them and show them something new.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Name Resolution On Multi-homed Networks Using Dnsmasq?

May 11, 2011

I have a DNS server (dnsmasq v2.55) at the center of three subnets: x.y.1.0/24, x.y.2.0/24 & x.y.3.0/24. dnsmasq does a grand job of issuing a suitable DNS server address with the DHCP option 6. So, machines on subnet x.y.3.0/24 are told that the DNS server is x.y.3.2, machines on subnet x.y.2.0/24 are told that the DNS server is x.y.2.2 and machines on subnet x.y.1.0/24 are told that the DNS server is at x.y.1.2. Even though the DNS server is the same box (although with three nics).

Now the question is:
How do I make dnsmasq respond similarly to name resolution requests? So that when:
Machines from x.y.3.0/24, ping <name of DNS server> dnsmasq returns x.y.3.2,
Machines from x.y.2.0/24, ping <name of DNS server> dnsmasq returns x.y.2.2, and
Machines from x.y.1.0/24, ping <name of DNS server> dnsmasq returns x.y.1.2.

Currently, the DNS server returns the IP address that is assigned in /etc/host. Which, of course can be changed, but via that mechanism, will always be wrong two out of three cases.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connection Sharing With Network Manager And Dnsmasq?

Jan 1, 2010

how to change the IP range provided by default by Network Manager / dnsmasq from 10.42.43.-- to something else?

I have setup a working network using a Bell wireless modem (Canada) and Network Manager in 8.10, 9.04, and do Internet connection sharing. In 8.10 the only way I could get it to work was with WICD and KPPP, many hours spent on this one. I got it to work in 9.04 and 9.10 using network manager, but certainly not out-of-the-box. If someone would like some tips on how I did it, in each case, let me know.

My current challenge is trying to set the dhcp range of dnsmasq (which I am 99% sure is what is handing out addresses) from th 10.42.43.-- address range to a 192.168.0.-- range.

I HAVE edited /etc/dnsmasq.conf and can get the edits to this file to break the setup (dnsmasq will not start) but have not been able to get it to change the IP address range.

It seems that either this file is ignored, or overridden by some other process. I have looked at the very good post at [URL] about dnsmasq but this does not do the trick.

By the way, the way I can get this to work is to start NM, establish my cellular internet connection, then kill dnsmasq then establish my ICS network (on eth0). If I don't kill dnsmasq, then it does bring up the connection, but it then shuts down in a matter of seconds. It is all very manageable using a launcher (kdesudo pkill dnsmasq) on the task bar, but not all that elegant.

the IP range and where this is provided to Network Manager or the network itself is my real question now.

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Server :: Setup A Net With A Dhcp + Dns Server Using Dnsmasq

May 18, 2010

I've set up a very simple net with a dhcp + dns server using dnsmasq. It works but the server itself cant resolv clients names. Clients do resolv without any problem my /etc/dnsmasq.conf


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Debian :: Cannot Browse Internet With DNSMasq In Lenny?

Dec 29, 2010

In debian lenny I use the dnsmasq as dns resolver, and wvdial to connect to isp, the wvdial connect to the isp but cannot browse the internet with firefox, these are what is done:

Dec 28 21:19:53 jan pppd[8398]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
Dec 28 21:19:53 jan pppd[8398]: Using interface ppp0
Dec 28 21:19:53 jan pppd[8398]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttySHSF0
Dec 28 21:19:54 jan pppd[8398]: PAP authentication succeeded
Dec 28 21:19:54 jan kernel: [ 2655.428889] PPP BSD Compression module registered
Dec 28 21:19:54 jan kernel: [ 2655.500676] PPP Deflate Compression module registered
Dec 28 21:19:54 jan pppd[8398]: local IP address
Dec 28 21:19:54 jan pppd[8398]: remote IP address
Dec 28 21:19:54 jan pppd[8398]: primary DNS address ....

cat /etc/resolv.conf:# Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
# Do not edit this file by hand -- Your changes will be overwritten
nameserver ....

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=190 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=249 ms

# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable

this is my /etc/dnsmasq.conf:

this is the epipheny browser error:
"[URL]" could not be found.

Check that you are connected to the internet, and that the address is correct. If this page used to exist, you may find an archived version: in the Google Cache.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Setup The Network

Sep 14, 2010

I've illustrated it on this picture, and hope to get the help i need to set it up... [URL]Thow it has to be furture secured, in that meaning it has to be abel to attach a eth2 on the main server, so i have 3 NIC's.Also, i want to have fully controll over ports, IP/MAC's and data overview (Such as a view of the files beeing downloadet/uploadet).

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Debian Installation :: Lose Setup In Network Installer

Aug 12, 2014

I am using mini.iso to install Jessie from network and I need lose setup command that is required by cryptsetup for mounting the detached header of an encrypted volume. Is there a way to get losetup from network during installation? For example by means of anna-install? Does any package from udeb.list contain losetup?

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Debian Configuration :: Setup A Bind9 Server For Home Network?

Mar 4, 2011

I'm trying to set up a bind9 server for my home network, I have all my IPs set to 10.0.0.X. I would like the forward and reverse to be simply "machinename", not "", as I don't want to type a domain everytime.

In my named.conf
zone "net.local" in {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/net.local.ns";
allow-update { none; };


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Debian Configuration :: Complex Network Setup - RPI To Automatically Route Internet

Jan 26, 2016

I would like to update my network setup.

Today, I have an ADSL box which is my gateway to internet (

I have a Raspberry pi (RPI) which I use as a dhcp & dns server (

Recently my mobile phone operator installed a 4G antenna beside my home, and the bandwidth and latency are much better with my mobile phone than with my internet provider (ADSL).

I would like to install a wifi dongle on my RPI (I would get wlan0 & eth0 interfaces)

When RPI detect my shared phone connection (tethering) I would like RPI to automatically route internet:

- from authorized devices on my network to my mobile connexion (wlan0 -> mobile phone).
- from other devices to the standard ADSL internet (eth0 -> ADSL box).

I don't want any device to use the shared 4G connexion, best would be authorized devices to be selected by MAC address. How I should properly setup such a network ?

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Debian Configuration :: Setup A NFS4 Server (no Security, Local Home Network Behind FW)?

May 30, 2010

I'm trying to setup a NFS4 server (no security, local home network behind FW). It seems that I'm missing something because 'rpcinfo -p' does not list v4 for NFS: petit-pois:/home/eric# rpcinfo -p


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A VPN Without A Router?

Apr 10, 2011

Is it possible to set up a (Open)VPN server without havning the server behind a router (NAT)?

My ISP allows me to have multiple IP addresses (assigned by DHCP).

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Networking :: Setup Mutil ISP Router

Sep 8, 2010

I would like to setup a Linux Router with Fedora. Here is what I have and would like to do...

Email filter device is on the LAN at 192.168.x.3. I need to provide SNAT to that device from both T1 interfaces...

All outgoing traffic will route through DSL except for traffic destined for addresses on either eth0 or eth1 (web sites).

I assume I would need the following:

I also assume I would need to setup iptables with FORWARDs for the 192.x.x.x networks to eth3.

What I am not sure how to do, is properly setup the incoming redirections so that the email filter can be access from both eth0 and eth1 by different IP addresses.

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Networking :: Setup Ubuntu As Router?

Apr 5, 2010

how to setup ubuntu as router. i already try to setup but it doesn't work.

my situation is to create ubuntu as router. i have two network card etho and eth1. i want to create eth0 in DMZ and eth1 only can only access in internal.

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Networking :: Trying To Setup Ubuntu Box As Router

Apr 3, 2011

I have multiple devices in my garage that need internet connectivity. I have my main Netgear router inside the house. I have a computer running Ubuntu in the garage with dual NICs.

Here's a map of how I have it setup now: [URL]
Here's my /etc/network/interfaces:
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

I was trying to keep everything on the same subnet. Eth0 is the external NIC, connected to the router in the house. eth1 is the internet NIC, which would go out to the devices in the garage. Now, I know it would be easiest to just connect a switch up and run all the devices in the garage off that switch. But the switch I have is a 10/100, and my network in the house is gigabit, and I want the PC in the garage to have gigabit access... which is why I'm doing this dual NIC setup and using the PC as a router, then the other devices in the garage will be 10/100.

In addition, I used the shell script as described in this article: [URL] to setup iptables. I also uncommented the net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 line in /etc/sysctl.conf. What am I doing wrong here? None of the devices in the garage that I connect up to the Ubuntu PC are getting connectivity. None are getting a DHCP lease from the main router in the house. The Ubuntu PC itself has internet access just fine though.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Hostname Not Saved In Router Table / Broadcast It To Entire Network?

Jun 13, 2010

I setup the hostname for my linux machine to Linux. If I try ping Linux from the same computer it works. If I try from another computer inside my network the host can not be resolved. If I ping the IP from another computer it works.

I take a look in my router at DHCP client list and my linux machine doesn't have the Hostname set up.

How to broadcast the hostname to the entire network?

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Networking :: Install Mrtg On A Client Computer In Network And Measure The Network's Router Traffic

Sep 4, 2009

I wanted to know if i can install mrtg on a client computer in network and measure the network's router traffic.i know that it can be installed on the server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Router With Firewall?

Feb 9, 2010

I want to setup a router with firewall on ubuntu box that will connect windows pcs one serving as outside source and one serving as inside target.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Setup The Server As A DSL Router

Nov 17, 2010

I am planning to setup a home network with Ubuntu.the home network consists of ~3/4 computers; a mediaserver (reelbox) and 2 more PCs.Can I setup the server as a DSL router and get rid of my modem/router I have right now?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Static IP If Have No Router?

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to set up SSH so that I can edit files on a home server (linux). I know this question has been asked many times before, but none of the answers seem to apply to me.

Here's my setup. I have the modem connected to a switch (wired) that connects 2 PCs to the internet (one desktop, one server, both wired).

All of the threads I see that discuss static IPs seem to require that I set up a router. Is this necessary? Can I still transfer files through a switch?

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