Debian :: Install Iso File On Vmware?

Jan 28, 2011

When I install debian iso file on vmware, it have a error message. (about can't find disc)

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Software :: Importing A Vmware Virtual Machine File Vi Vmware Server 2.0.2?

Jul 27, 2011

I completed the installation of VMWare Server 2.0.2 onto a CentOS 5.4 64-bit distribution. There is a VMware virtual machine file on the server in question, and I want to activate it through the application console.

I did not see anything readily apparent that would facilitate the importing of the virtual machine file. Does anyone have a procedure that can accomplish this task?

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Debian Installation :: Successfully Install Debian 5.0.3 On VMware 7.0.1?

Jun 20, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 Ultimate 7600 on my HP500 Laptop, but I want to try other linux distro such as Debian. I have installed Debian 5.0.3 with VMware Workstation 7.0.1 on my machine instead of really installed it. Details is as follows: 1.Download vmware 7.0.1 and Debian Lenny 5.0.3 seperately.

2.Host Win 7 Ultimate 7600:
configure the local connection to "internet connection share",choose "VMware Network Adapter VMnet1"
Guest Debian 5.0.3: NAT + DHCP
3. Configurate /etc/apt/source.lists
Add these lines on /etc/apt/sources.list:


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Debian Installation :: Vmware Workstation 7.1.4 - Can't Complete Compile Modules Of Vmware

Jun 6, 2011

I want to install debian on vmware workstation 7.1.4 but there's a problem! when I try to install vmware tools or open-vm, it can't complete compile modules of vmware. It is a big problem... It seem problem of kernel version after 2.6.37... But I can't find solution. logs.... Before you can compile modules, you need to have the following installed...


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Fedora :: Chmod Command To Install VMware Bundle File?

May 9, 2011

I was trying to install vmware.bundle file, and found a terminal command that helped me install the program.

chmod +x VM*.bundle

I was just curious what the command chmod was for? Just trying to understand the terminal a little better.

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OpenSUSE :: Install Snow Leopard 10.6.6 VMware AMD Edition (which Downloaded) On VMware System?

Mar 17, 2011

Is it possible to install Snow Leopard 10.6.6 VMware AMD edition (which I downloaded) on VMware linux? It is under Windows 7 so I just need to know if everything of VMware linux (like Hardware Virtualization) is the same under linux as for Windows.

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General :: Install Vmware Player 3.0 - Unable To Locate Kernel File Location In Fedora 14

Feb 1, 2011

I was trying to install vmware player 3.0 and it prompt that it require the kernel kernel- to be compile before it start.


Kernel headers for version were not found. If you

I try following but unable to find.


Nothing to do



Then I try to map to the file, but not working.

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Debian :: /dev/vmmon Missing From Lenny - VMware Could Not Install VM Guest

Nov 5, 2010

Trying to install an XP Pro virtual machine as a guest in VMware Workstation 7.1.2, fails with the error: "Could not open /dev/vmmon. No such file or directory. Please make sure that the kernel module 'vmmon' is loaded".Host OS is Debian-Lenny. Was able to specify the new virtual machine configuration, but VMware failed to create the new image (because of the error specified in previous paragraph).

Is the problem that Debian is not loading/executing a needed process? Should I be directing this problem to either Debian or VMware? I searched the VMware documentation, and it mentioned something about chkconfig (Redhat), or the rcconf/ksysv utilities to change SUSE configuration levels. I am unfamiliar with the syntax, don't know why this is necessary.

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Debian :: Install A File That Username Is Not In Sudoers File?

Jun 3, 2010

Is it possible to disable all passwords in debian. I do not need any security usernames and passwords. I don't want type sudo all the times and i want free acces all the time. With debian i allways have some premission problems and why i need a password for my home computer?

1. For example today when i tried to install a file debian told me that my username is not in sudoers file. How can i fix this? 2. Is it possible to disable all passwords and asking admin premission, i dont need that kind of ??? for my home computer. (including the login screen user/password asking) And i am sorry for my grammar errors, i hope you can still understand what i have tried to say.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Red Hat-VMware File Missing

Jul 28, 2010

i have installed Red Hat-VMware Workshop v 6.0.1 successfully. Now i am trying to run virtual machine but i am getting an error that is "File not found: M41804.lck.This file is required to power on this virtual machine."Can any one provide me this file so that i can start redhat linux and do my assignment.

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Ubuntu :: Open VMware Tools Aren't Detected By VMware Workstation

Jul 17, 2011

I have installed the latest version of Ubuntu Linux (11.04) into latest VMware workstation (7.1.4 build-385536). I have tried to install the VMware tools ISO that came with VMware workstation but It didn't work and the installation seemed real sloppy anyways.

I installed the open VMware tools from synaptic within the guest linux and restarted, everything seemed to have been installed just fine but VMware Workstation doesn't detect it. I'm not sure if the tools are outdated, silent errors happened, or if any manual post installation steps need to be taken.

getting any form of VMware tools to run in Linux and detected by VMware Workstation.

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General :: Manually Install A Debian File For Debian?

Sep 17, 2009

I cant install programs that end with .deb automatically... how to install them manually on konsole?

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General :: VMware Snapshot With VMware Tools Loses Network On Restart - Host XP - Guest Fedora

Oct 3, 2010

I have been using VMware Player for some time to host Fedora VMware images on Windows XP. I have been using Fedora 11 and 12 (both 32 and 64 bit) and recently started to use Fedora 13.

I use as a base the images provided by thoughtpolice.

I usually install VMware tools and also keep the images updated (yum update) which sometimes changes the kernel.

I have recently had problems with the snapshots not having a network when I restore them. So far I don't have the problem with Fedora 11 and do have it with Fedora 12 (but used not to). I do have it with Fedora 13.

In each case the problem goes away when I uninstall the VMware tools and comes back when I install them again.

One of the symptoms is that SElinux complains about not being able to do something with /var/run/vmware-active-nics.

It looks to me that something is incorrect in the actions being taken when the snapshot is being restored. It does not happen every time and sometimes the network restores itself.

The network can be restored by rebooting the image.

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General :: Access The VMWare Console From Firefox Using The VMWare Plugin

Aug 5, 2010

I'm trying to access the VMWare console from firefox using the VMWare plugin. The problem is that it doesn't work on Firefox version 3.6.8. So how can I access the console?

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Software :: Gnome - Vmware - When Trying To Browse - Open Vmware Images

Mar 28, 2009

I am running an up to date Debian Lenny system with vmware 1.08 server installed.

When I run vmware, it appears to start normally. However, when I try to open a previously created image (from a different machine), everything is fine until I hit browse, which causes a screen to pop up that syas "The folder contents could not be displayed VFS error: Invlalid paramteres." and the following shows up on the command line:


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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 64-bit Server With Vmware And SSD - Setup The File System On Each Partition?

Apr 24, 2010

I have just bought two SSD, Intel X25-M 80GB, to install Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit server with vmware on a computer with 8GB RAM. I have tried to find out how to set up the system, but is somewhat confused on the setup. The idea is to use software raid to aviod data loss if one SSD is giving up in the future. When installing I have thought about using tree partitions.Swap Root Vmware vhd When reading about how to optimize vwware I found this:

Quote: Disks, Disks, Disks: I always attempt to put my guest OSs on their own partition and I format that partition thusly because VMWare server reads guests in huge blocks (/dev/sdb1 is the partition my guests reside on): mke2fs -b 4096 -R stride=8 /dev/sdb1

Then I set the block readahead value to somewhere around 16384, but you can go as high as twice that value (in my case this is an entire disk array, so I dropped the partition indicator): blockdev �setra 16384 /dev/sdb

How should I setup the file system on each partition? When using an SSD, each partition should be aligned. How do I do that? Let say I would like to have 4GB swap, 60GB root and the rest for vmware. At last, I have fount out that full support for TRIM is supported by kernel v2.6.33. Ubuntu 10.04 is using v2.6.32? If so, for full TRIM support I must upgrade kernel to v2.6.33.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Install Vmware Tools 11.2

Dec 17, 2009

How do i install vmware tools on 11.2? I uninstalled the open-vmtools non-sense removed the remaining modules from it (no clean work from suse here) installed gcc, make, kernel-source and kernel-headers installed the vmware-tools rpm i started vmware-configure-tools and it says that my kernel was built with gcc 4.4.1 while i try to use version 4.4 now.(if i do a 'gcc -v' it clearly says version 4.4.1) so what ?! I said "yes" here, it tries to build the memory moudle and fails......

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Debian Installation :: VMWare NAT No Networking

Feb 21, 2015

I am attempting to install Debian via the netinstall as a VMWare workstation Guest. I cannot get the Network portion to work. I am using NAT and assigning a static IP address. This works on all my Windows Virtual Machines and I have gotten it to work to Install Fedora as well as CentOS. Here is the information from other installs.

IP: 192.168.28.XX
Subnet Mask:

If I use this information during installation of Debian it does not work. It always gives an error that it cannot connect to the download repositories. I am wanting to setup a machine to use in product for Git/SVN & Redmine and want to evaluate Debian vs CentOS vs Fedora for this purpose.

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Debian :: VMware Player Installation

Oct 31, 2015

I tried to get vmware player 7.6 to work after upgrading from Wheezy to Jessie. I downloaded kernal headers 3.16.0-4-amd 64 as the dialog box said to do. After doing that and attempting to install I got this message “C header files matching your running kernel were not found. Refer to your distribution's documentation for installation instructions.” At this point I wondered if it would be better to try a more recent version of Vmware player. So I downloaded Vmware Player 12.01. I could not get it to open.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Ifcfg-eth0.bak File Created By Kudzu In VMware Clone Of 5.3

Jul 12, 2010

I run a VMware clone of CentOS 5.3, I observe that kudzu [i.e. /etc/init.d/kudzu, from /etc/rc3.d/S05kudzu or /etc/rc5.d/S05kudzu] detects a MAC address change on eth0 and then creates a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.bak file. This .bak file is identical to the original ifcfg-eth0 file except for the value of the HWADDR [i.e. MAC address] parameter. I would be unconcerned but for the fact that /usr/bin/neat indicates that both ifcfg-eth0 AND ifcfg-eth0.bak are 'Active'. The following solution may help others with the same (or similar) problem:


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Debian Multimedia :: Can't Run VMware Workstation Player

Nov 8, 2015

I keep installing Debian Workstation Player on Debian, but it just doesn't open. I think it might have something to do with the VMware kernel modules not being built or something. How can I start troubleshooting this? Also, why isn't VMware packaged? Has no one tried packaging it yet, or is there a more complex reason?

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Fedora :: VMware Won't Install On 13?

Aug 18, 2010

I seem to be having a problem getting VMware 2.0.2-203138 installed on Fedora 13.I've downloaded the rpm from VWware's site, and ran rpm -iv VMware-server-2.0.2-203138.i386.rpmAfter I ran vmware-config.plIt came back saying it will use complier /usr/bin/gcc and asks me for the location of the C header files.I tell it /usr/src/kernels/ but it comes back with the following error message

The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match
your running kernel (version Even if the module were to


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Debian :: 8.2 Cannot Boot Into CLI (VMware 12 With Gnome Desktop As Guest OS)

Oct 14, 2015

I have debian8.2 installed in VMware 12 with gnome desktop as guest os.

It boot into gnome successfully. But it will not boot into CLI mode and recovery mode. While boot into CLI, It is stucked in a blank screen, no cursor, after long long boot log splash in the screen.

To boot into CLI rather than gnome, I just set into for systemd. I checked the syslog for boot into CLI, found that systemd execute getty 1~6, but it seemed to no success log and it seem to no other log for systemd. Is it failed to getty?

I check the and in systemd, find is the only one target required by can be execute successfully during boot into graphical mode, while it will not be successfully execute during boot into CLI mode. That's is so unpredicted. Is there something else I missed?

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Debian :: 6 32-bit (i386) And VMWare Unity - Mouse Won't Work?

Feb 23, 2011

Installed Debian 6 (latest stable, downloaded today) i386 under VMWare 7.1. Installed VMWare tools. However, when i activate Unity my mouse won't work at all in guest OS windows, it will only work as if i was pointing to guest desktop. It is all ok in Workstation window.

Unfortunately, there is no xorg.conf, and when i attempt to re-create it using Xorg -configure, the resulting file is unusable, i.e. system freezes when i test it (using X -config /root/ and if i just cp into /etc/X11/ GDM fails to load, and manually typing startX in command prompt i get "fatal error no screens detected".

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Debian :: Woody - Unable To Startx For Vmware Drivers

Jun 13, 2010

As some people may have seen in my previous thread, I was trying to get X (or XFree86) working in VMware. Right now, I'm in Debian Woody, with startx failing on me yet again. I thought I had everything setup ok, but alas, it seems like I do not.

When I try to mount the cdrom drive and install vmware tools, it get errors listed in picture 1. (Also attached is my boot log, hopefully that can help. Please see boot.txt)

Now, back on topic, I have attached XF86's log. As usual, the error is near the end of the file. I think the root cause of x not starting is this symbol issue, although I really don't know for sure. It seems like startx sort of works, since when I try it, vmware resizes the window as if the proper resolution had been entered, and it was about to start drawing the desktop, but then it goes back to the normal terminal resolution, at the command line.

I recommend that you view these files with any text viewer but windows Notepad, since it can't seem to understand return characters.

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Debian :: Server On Vmware Can't Be Found After Being Online Several Hours

Aug 27, 2010

Recently I set up a Debian server following this guide:

However I wasn't able to connect to the internet after the clean install of debian.

I found a fix:

Where x is a number not in use by any machine

Where y is the number on the gateway

These commands are appended to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and works fine.

The server is virtual and running on a vmware installation.

The problem, I have, appears randomly after the server has been startet. Sometimes after 20 hours and sometimes after 9 hours only.

I can't connect to the server through the web ( However I can reach my computer running vmware at ( In vmwares terminal window I can access the debian installation which is running all fine. No errors or so. I can even ping remote ip-adresses from the debian server without problems. Restarting the server fixes the problem. But it then re-appears after some time.

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Server :: Debian 5.0.6 Iptables Modules Installation - VMware

Mar 2, 2011

I use Debian 5.0.6 32-bit through VMware workstation installed on my Windows Server 2003. I just simply installed it from CD-1 and I use Directadmin on that.

I need a lot of iptables commands for blocking but I keep getting missing module errors on that one, I did lsmod | grep -i iptables to see there are no modules. It should have been installed by the disc image but I don't know why it didn't. So I now want to know how to get those modules required by iptables.

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Fedora :: Install Vmware Server On 11?

Jul 3, 2009

I want to install vmware server on fedora 11. I have tried to and have had issues. how to install.

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OpenSUSE :: Possible To To Install Vmware Server?

Mar 6, 2010

Is it possible sitn opensuse 11.2 to install vmware server or another free vmware?

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OpenSUSE :: Vmware 7 Doesn't Install On 11.3?

Jul 16, 2010

I can't get Vmware Workstation 7.1 to install on 11.3.

Nothing to be found in VMware logfiles, the installer just rolls back the installation.

Is there anyone who has any idea on how to make it work?

(I install all the required modules by the way)

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