Debian :: Grep Stops At /proc/kcore?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to know what's going on here. I'm used to find files in my Debian box usingfind / -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -l "foo"but it's been a while since this type of search simply stops at the /proc/kcore directory. I know it has something to do with memory. Is this normal?

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Fedora Installation :: An Error Occurred Mounting Device Proc As /proc: Mount Failed

Jul 6, 2010

I've got the F13 LiveCD that I was able to boot and use using the "nomodeset" boot option. From the desktop I'm trying to perform an Install to Hard Drive. I've read the Install from LiveCD post regarding the creation of a /boot partition and a / root partition. I've tried creating them without the LVM group and with. But every time I appempt to install I get...

An error occurred mounting device proc as /proc: mount failed: (9, None). This is a fatal error and the install cannot continue.

Hardware is a Sager 8887 (P4, 3.06HT, 60GB HDD, Radeon 9000 graphics adapter)

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Debian :: Procbususb Is Already Mounted On / Proc / Bus / Usb

Sep 25, 2010

I'm getting these Message during Lenny startup:
mount : according to mtab, procbususb is already mounted on /proc/bus/usb failed.What's wrong and howto solve this problem?

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Debian :: Edit The File Shmmax In Proc/sys/kernel?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to edit the file shmmax in proc/sys/kernel/. I want to increase the value. I am using vim to edit it. But when I try to write and close the file I get the following error: "shmmax" E667: Fsync failed Press ENTER or type command to continue

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Debian Configuration :: How To Service /var, /proc, /opt To Stay Out Of Troubles

Jan 26, 2010

HDD partitioned for novice - everything in one partition, in one folder /.

/dev/sda3117290636  38456100  72876432  35% /
tmpfs 1037460 10374600% /lib/init/rw
udev 10240 852 93889% /dev


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Debian :: E667: Fsync Failed - Edit The File Shmmax In Proc/sys/kernel/?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to edit the file shmmax in proc/sys/kernel/. I want to increase the value. I am using vim to edit it. But when I try to write and close the file I get the following error:

"shmmax" E667: Fsync failed
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I have read that this can be cause by a full disk. I checked with df and have plenty of space available.

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Programming :: Input File - Grep Within Grep

Nov 22, 2010

I need to kind of grep within grep. My input file would be something like:


and I need to find the first occurrence of hello before MY PATTERN (hello 9008 in this case), so the output should be:


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Debian :: 'ii' And 'ic' , With Dpkg -l | Grep <packagename>?

Jun 18, 2010

ii  gtk2-engines1:2.20.1-1theme engines for GTK+ 2.x
ii  hicolor-icon-theme0.11-1 default fallback theme for icon themes
ii  libobrender21 rendering library for openbox themes


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Debian Configuration :: Fstab Configuration - Failed To Open /proc/filesystems: No Such File Or Directory

Aug 23, 2011

I have some errors when run the mount -all command: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so Failed to open /proc/filesystems: No such file or directory


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Debian :: Netstat -s Returning "error Parsing /proc/net/snmp" Success

Nov 23, 2010

I have two machine, host1 and host2, that are running Debian 3.1 in an HA setup. AFAIK, they are exactly the same. In the course of tracking down some monitoring bugs, I discovered that on host2 "netstat -s" gives


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Debian :: Debian Stops Seeing Network Card?

Aug 10, 2009

My debian boot suddenly stopped detecting my network card. I haven't toyedwith any packages lately, nor has the hardware stopped working, as thenetwork works fine in Windows. What can I do to fix this?

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Debian :: SQUEEZE - Cat - /proc/scsi/scsi - No Such File Or Directory?

May 4, 2010

When I enter "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" I'm returned with "cat: /proc/scsi/scsi: No such file or directory". I've tried this on two different installs on two different machines.

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Debian :: NIC Stops Working Every Now And Then?

Jul 18, 2011

I use my debian machine for masquerading, packet filtering anilar for a tiny network.It runs the latest debian testing.Every now and then (i am talking about weeks) the connection to my internet stops working.ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 brings it back.The other interface (eth1) is never effected.The odd thing is, there are no warnings, no messages .. nothing.I cant find any entry. Nothing in the logs, nothing in dmsg and no kernel panic.The only way to find out when it might have been happened is to search in several daemons log files,to find out when their first error connecting to the internet occurred.I ran memtest without any results.The nic is e1000 compatible.

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Debian :: Jessie 8.8.1 - USB Stops After X Time

Jul 9, 2015

I have debian jessie 8.8.1 Oscam and a phoenix card reader running on a tower pc. Everything works on reboot but when i leave it running then when i wake up in the morning the card reader has stopped working and does not show up in lsusb. The only way to get it working again is to reboot then it stops after x amount of time and the same problem.

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Debian :: DNS Resolution Stops Working Sporadically

Jan 31, 2016

I have a Lenovo Thinkpad R500, and recently I recently upgraded it with a Crucial SSD as well as 8 GB of DDR3, as I had a blank SSD installed, I decided to switch from Mint to Debian and see how I like it. I'm using Debian 8 with the MATE desktop and so far it's been quite a pleasure to use, besides one small thing.

Every 5 to 10 minutes, DNS resolution stops working completely. I can ping IP addresses as well as connect to websites by IP address just fine, however I cannot resolve hostnames. The problem exists regardless of whether I'm connected to my router via a wired or wireless connection. It is not occurring on any other computer in my house and didn't exist on my old Mint installation. If I disconnect from my home network by either unplugging the Ethernet cable or flicking the WIFI switch on my laptop, and then reconnecting, I can resolve hostnames again, albeit only for another 5-10 minutes, when DNS stops working again.

I was originally using DHCP and my ISP's DNS servers, but switched to my laptop using a static IP address and Google's DNS Servers at and, the problem persisted after this change.

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Debian :: Dns Resolving Stops To Work On My Machine ?

Oct 18, 2010

I have some strange problem with dns resolving. I am working on computer and suddenly, out of nowhere dns resolving stops to work on my machine. Sometimes networking restart solves problem, sometimes not. It happens randomly two-three times in a week, and at random time. Network in virtual machine on same computer works perfectly even if dns resolving stops on host.

I have tried everything but I can't find what causes it. How can I troubleshoot to find out what causes problem? Ten minutes ago it happened again and I have solved problem with networking restart.

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Debian Installation :: Stops At 'Retrieving File 811 0f 811'?

Feb 11, 2010

I had Lenny installed on my Acer Aspire laptop however I've had to try to reinstall it.The installation stops at 'Retrieving file 811 of 811' from the ftp server and thats it.I've tried a few times with the same result and I have done many installs without any issue except for this time.

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Debian Configuration :: WiFi Stops Working

Jun 28, 2015

In a hp pavilion 15 Notebook PC with Debian 8.1.After two hours or so wifi stops working. Network-manager does not give any indication of failure but some times a yellow question mark.

rfkill list wifi gives:
0: phy0: Wireless LAN
Soft blocked: no
Hard blocked: no
ifconfig gives:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 8c:dc:d4:7b:c2:0e
RX packets:3994 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3661 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Debian Configuration :: Ice Weasel Stops Functioning

Mar 28, 2011

I found that in many occasions ice weasel browser stops functioning (not responding) and the only way out is by killing the process.secondly, the process ID is actually firefox!! and no ice weasel process, cause ice weasel is just another name to firefox; and this stopped me from installing firefox.Unfortunately, when I used Konqueror which comes with every linux distro, it gave the same problem.

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Debian Hardware :: USB Mouse Stops Randomly

Jun 13, 2013

I have a USB mouse which randomly stop in Debian Jessie. It starts again if I disconnect and connect it again.

It can take a couple of hours or just a couple of minutes. The only thing I've been able to find is that it stops more often when I'm scrolling.

I have tried different mice with the same result. I recently migrated from Ubuntu where I did not have this problem so I doubt there is a hardware error.

I can see the syslog updating every time I connect the mouse but I can't see anything when it stops

--- SYSLOG ---

Code: Select allJun 13 13:22:56 kernel: [12811.941878] usb 2-1.2: USB disconnect, device number 6
Jun 13 13:22:59 kernel: [12814.444360] usb 2-1.2: new low-speed USB device number 7 using ehci_hcd
Jun 13 13:22:59 kernel: [12814.543155] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=045e, idProduct=0040
Jun 13 13:22:59 kernel: [12814.543158] usb 2-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=3, SerialNumber=0
Jun 13 13:22:59 kernel: [12814.543160] usb 2-1.2: Product: Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)
Jun 13 13:22:59 kernel: [12814.543161] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: Microsoft

[Code] ....

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Debian Hardware :: USB Stops Working When On Battery

Sep 9, 2011

when running on AC-power, only on battery.When I have my laptop on battery, and I plug the mouse in, then the USB mouse is working if I keep moving it around. If I then lay it alone for 5 secs, or so. it stops working.I cannot get USB sticks to work as well.

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Debian :: Flash Plugin Stops Working

Jun 25, 2010

The browser has flashplugin installed previously.It has been working without problem before. For unknown reason it stops to work.Now I'm required to install Adobe Flash Player.I have"install_flash_player_10_ linux.deb" download on Adobe website. Whether I run dpkg to install the package?

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Debian :: Closing Laptop Lid Stops Computer

Dec 5, 2010

I have a Dell Latitude D505. I installed Squeeze on 12 November 2011 from the weekly DVD. I install updates every day, when available.
My kernel: 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Thu Nov 25 18:43:34 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Everything is working fine except the button that is pressed when I close my lid. Hibernate works, Suspend works, blank screen works. user is member of the group "powerdev". I really thought thread "closing-laptop-lid-renders-computer-unusable-786822" would bring me a solution. When I close my lid my screens turns black with my mouse cursor on it. Connections with ssh are broken. Keyboard is dead, mouse pad too. It looks like it never start any software it just hangs immediately. I cant find anything in my logs.

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Debian :: 8.0 - Icons Disappear And Terminal Stops Working

May 16, 2015

I am having a problem which I am having a hard time finding out about. To start I am running Debian 8.0 on a laptop through an external Seagate 2TB HDD that I connect via USB 3.0. My problem, basically, is when ever I use Linux for an extended period, for what ever reason, some of my icons disappear and my terminal breaks. More specifically, say I were to try to shut down the computer at the time of the problem the icons and text telling me which option is which, in xfce4, are gone. Then if I click on the would be shut down button it just goes to a black screen with a white underscore and hangs there. This symptom is probably due to the fact that commands in the linux terminal stop working. As in, if I were to type ls it tells me there is no command (something like that) and tells me some folder directory that I think is where bash is located. I wish I could be more specific with some of these details.

Anyway the only way for me to "fix" it is to just do a hard shut down, then upon reboot it clears the orphaned nodes. Also, before, when I installed linux several weeks before I never noticed this issue, if it was ever present. However, now that I have seen it, I have since tried re-installs of debian to no avail. I have a feeling it could be the external hard drive, but that notion is not based on any evidence.

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Debian :: Dual Boot Lenny With XP - XP Stops Booting ?

Oct 5, 2010

Have a little experience with backtrack 4, which is a Ubuntu distro. I'm changing to Lenny due to hardware limitations on my laptop, an older Dell inspiron 7000.

Here's the specs :
400 MHZ,
120 G HDD parted as C: = 20G (has bad sectors, left blank) and D: = 20G Windows part
128 Mb low density RAM
ATI Rage Mobility ( not sure of video RAM, I think 8 Mb)

Now I liked running BT and liked the linux work, so when the BT install went south I started to look for another linux distro I can run, the BT tools I use are linux after all. Here's where I hit my stump. I decided to go with the Lenny distro, it already has some of the tools I need, but the first time I installed I had the HDD like this 20G, 20G, 20G,20G, 17.??G. I had windows installed on C: (of course, no problems, yet)

After I installed lenny to D: via an iso I downloaded, the Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.6 "Lenny" - Official i386 xfce+lxde-CD Binary-1, BTW first install was from booting from the disk. After reparting, format, etc. of the install, GRUB boot loader detects my D: Windows, great. Reboot to GRUB boot menu, select ddebian, and it, until I realize I don't have synaptic, the tools, and apt isn't going to work unless I can load the linux driver from the cdrom...which I can't find., internet for answers I'm thinkin. GRUB loads fine, select windows and get the following error message "Windows can't start because of hardware configuration problems. Could not read from selected boot disk, check boot path and hardware. Check configuration manual for disk configuration."

It took three days to get Windows reinstalled, and a LL format (zerowrite the drive) but during the process I discovered a possible hdw issue...bad sectors on the C: hdd. Solution: C: 20G = unused, D: = Windows xp. Worked great. No more windows issues, so try it again. This time I used the disks installer from windows. Everything started great, boot menuselected debian, install-graphic, but this time I let the part manager create a drive, 20G from the free space an it appropriately made it's swapfile...when lenny booted it was good, but still no synaptic, cd/rom, couldn't browse the computer.

Reboot to windows to get instructions from someone that really knows what's going windows. exactly same message as before. I was able to boot into debian okay, but couldn't find any drives, utilities, wasn't very much, but I needed my windows and the internet to get lessons. I am familiar with the terminal console and KDE. Can use apt for updating, but prefer using the synaptic. Why does my windows keep disappearing? If I can solve the dual boot issue I can learn the system casually. Right now my config is: C: = 20G, nothing here, still haven't run a scandisk on todo list. D: = 20G Windows install...what I'm using now. I'm not going to attempt to reinstall debian until I receive a efinate answer to the dissappearing config, or boot capacity. Oh, yeah, Did try a fdisk/mbr and fix. this didn't bring it back either.

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Debian Multimedia :: Thunar Randomly Stops Responding

Jan 28, 2016

Running Debian 8, thunar 1.6.3. Randomly thunar stops redrawing and stops responding to mouse and keyboard input.

This is annoying because I usually have a handful of tabs open and I "lose my place."

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Debian Multimedia :: Sound/Music Stops After 10 Seconds?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a fresh debian install on my computer, and I have this weird problem. When I play a song from rhythmbox, it works for 10 to 50 seconds, and then it stops making sound. When I type

alsa force-reload

It reloads alsa, and I can listen to a song again for approx 50 seconds. It is not depended of rhythmbox, because the same problem occures for amarock and banshee. I already installed the package libesd-alsa0 and put esd on, but the problem still occures. What is happening? I wanted to add 1 thing. And that is that I ahve 2 sound devices installed, both supporting alsa. 1 onboard, 1 pci card.

The strange thing is that only from the pci card, I can hear sound out of the speakers (after replugging the jack in the back off course ). But if, after an alsa force-reload, only the onboard sound card is detected, it does play the whole song, but does not output any sound.

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Networking :: Debian Lenny 5.0.7 AMD 64 Connection Stops Running?

Feb 23, 2011

I have a Dell PowerEdge 2900 on which I just installed from scratch Debian Lenny 5.0.7 AMD 64bit. I am having issues where when I ifup a second nic card the server will maintain connectivity for a period then all connectivity is lost and I have to ifdown all eth interfaces and bring them back up to regain connectivity. Here's how the server is laid out: I have 12gb or ram with 2 Xeon 5450s in the server, as I mentioned it's a Dell Poweredge 2900. It has a build in Perc6i raid controller with 2 drives in Raid 1 for the OS and 4 drives in Raid 5 for storage. It also has a Perc 5e card in it connected to 3x6TB raid arrays. I mention this because they are all sharing the PCI bus if that matters.

The nic cards I started with were the two builtin Broadcoms and lspci reports them both as:

Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5708 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 12)

After I started experiencing the problem I added an inexpensive Trendnet based off the Realtek RTL-8169 chip rev(10). Debian sees this card without any need for additional drivers. The Broadcoms required the non-free network drivers provided by and built against the Debian kernel (no custom drivers). One nic card is configured with a public IP address and I use IP tables to reign in the traffic to http and https only. There is also an outbound openvpn tunnel from this machine back to our offices through this interface. The second nic card is hard wired to a mac mini directly and is assigned an 10.x.x.x address. I am able to see the mac mini from it.

The amount of time the network connection stays up doesn't seem to follow any set pattern. I have flood pinged the 10.x.x.x while running apt-get and one time it fails, the next time it doesn't. Sometimes the network connection degrades and I can do an nslookup one second and get nothing and the next I get a response. Finally though it fails and it requires me to ifdown the eth connections and ifup them to get them going again. I don't really see anything in the logs. I've looked in kern.log, messages, syslog and pretty much came up empty, but not 100% certain I'm looking for anything more subtle than obvious errors. The routes all look good too.

Naturally, as Murphy's Law would have it, this is a remote server at a colo so that doesn't make troubleshooting any easier. What I have done to temporarily prevent me from losing complete access to the server is setup a cron script that runs once a minute and pings something. If there is 100% packet loss, it restarts the nics and I'm going again for another arbitrary period of time. Lastly, this has no effect on the OS running. I don't have a hung system when this happens just a trashed network connection.

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Debian :: VirtualBox And Kernel Bigger Than 30 - Boot Process Stops

May 1, 2010

When I boot into kernels bigger than 2.6.30 the boot-process stops. I use the PUEL-version of VirtualBox:

$ apt-cache policy virtualbox-3.1
Installed: 3.1.4-57640_Debian_lenny

I am searching for iso's for Vbox which come with the guest-additions. They gotta be Debian-based (somehow). My goal is to have got a correct resolution. I tried to create one with live-helper, but that did fail. The purpose of the iso is troubleshooting (rsync, repairing grub, stuff like that).

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Debian Installation :: Wheezy USB Keyboard And Mouse Stops Working

Mar 24, 2015

After installing KDE USB keyboard and mouse won't work. They are added to /proc/bus/input/devices though.

I also tried to install Gnome; same thing.

I took #usb-devices and they were there also..

But #usbhid-dump did not generate anything to screen.

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