Debian :: SSH Password Prompt Delay In Lenny

Feb 22, 2010

Before upgrading to Lenny there was no noticeable delay between entering a username & the prompt for a password when logging in via ssh. Now there is about a 5-second delay which is rather annoying. There is no delay when logging in through the Gnome UI. Anyone know why the delay is there? Is it something about ssh under Lenny? Is there a setting that can be changed?

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Slackware :: Delay SSH Prompt After Bad Password?

May 14, 2010

delay the retry response from SSH (for, say, 10, 20 or 30 seconds) when a bad password is tried by a whacker? I mean, when I'm getting hit by 10 or more break-in attempts, is there some way to make SSH delay the next try from the site that's trying?I seem to remember something about this but haven't been able to find it and, so far, reading the SSH documentation hasn't been

I have DenyHosts running (that puts entries in /etc/hosts.deny after a few tries to break in) and I completely block China, Korea and a few others that are a constant annoyance with IPTABLES but I do get hit pretty much every day and would like to discourage the bastards as much as possible (the hits are a second or so apart which tells me they're automated and I figure delaying the response will discourage 'em).For example, here's the overnight entries from /var/log/messages (the "refused connect" are from /etc/hosts.deny entries generated by DenyHosts):

May 13 03:49:50 fubar sshd[30255]: refused connect from (
May 13 03:51:27 fubar sshd[30256]: refused connect from (


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Debian Configuration :: OpenSSH - Sshd Returns Login Prompt With Delay

Jul 11, 2011

On a Debian 5.0.8 I have a problem with OpenSSH server (sshd): when connecting to it from another host there is always a 10 seconds delay before sshd gives login prompt to the client. After the connection is established the communication goes on without any interruption. This long delay started to happen a few months ago and sshd_config was not changed at that time.

Here is a short description of the conversation between the putty client (on MS Windows) and sshd:
- putty client starts connection to sshd
- 10 s delay
- sshd returns "login as:"
- user types username in putty window
- sshd returns "password:"
- user types password in putty window
- sshd returns MotD and shell prompt

Here is a short description of the conversation between the OpenSSH client (on a Debian 6) and sshd:
- client does "ssh"
- 10 s delay
- sshd returns "Password:"
- user types password
- sshd returns MotD and shell prompt

I tried connecting from:
- local host - NO DELAY
- a host on the same subnet - delay exists
- a host on another subnet - delay exists

I've found the following suggestions but to no avail (of course I restarted sshd after changing its configuration):
- on server put "UseDNS no" at the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- in /etc/hosts on the server define mappings between IP addresses and host names for the ssh clients
- on client use "GSSAPIAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Here are some logs and configurations:

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Debian Installation :: 6 - Testing Hangs At Password Prompt ?

Apr 17, 2011

I have made several attempts to install Testing. Down-loaded Apr 11 iso and verified the DVD. Everything went ok with install. It was when I booted up after removing install disk. I have Debian dual booted. Both Linux 10 and Debian Testing show up on the Grub screen. When I select Debian everything loads but when I get to the Debian screen I am asked for my password. However, the screen is lock up and no choice can be made. Three of my previous attempts (different install disks) have left me at the same place....locked password prompt. (4 year old HP Paviiion DV5000 laptop, 2 GB memory, 120 GB HD) I have successfully installed Debian 6 Squeeze with no issues.

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Debian Multimedia :: KDE 3.5 On Lenny Root Password Or Sudo?

Aug 14, 2010

I have just installed Lenny on a Thinkpad R50p. During the install I opted for no root password, using the sudo option instead (I've been used to this on Kubuntu for a long time). After installing, I added KDE 3.5 with apt-get install kde-desktop - all seems to be OK, except that I am unable to add packages or perform tasks for which a root / admin password is needed. It seems that the install-time choice of sudo (shared password) does not propagate to the KDE install, which is still expecting a root password.

how to either enable the KDE desktop to work with this shared password setup, or whether there is a better route to a KDE 3.5 desktop than just installing as I did (I am aware of Trinity KDE 3.5 but the Pearson Computing source is still not up, are those packages available for Lenny anywhere else, and are they recommended?). I can of course rerun the whole install and choose root & user passwords but if there is a smarter solution it would be less of a 'reinstall Windows' type of fix

I've had a very frustrating time the last few months trying to find a KDE4 based desktop that is stable enough and not lacking some basic functions (print manager, for goodness sake), so I have temporarily thrown in the towel and will try a Stable installation that is not changing (breaking) all the time, until KDE4 series gets past this adolescent stage of development and settles down.

I do need to get back to a system I can work on rather than keep on trying different installations!

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Debian Multimedia :: Password Prompt Locks All App-switching In Gnome

May 5, 2015

I often need to login into various accounts. In Debian 7 I always was able to copy and paste passwords from text files if I was asked for an input, but now the textfield for password input locks the whole system and I can't do anything else before I have supplied the password. Is there any way of restoring the old behaviour to make password input forms (like the request for GPG key passwords in Evolution) just being an addintional app-window instead of an input request, that locks everything else? I want to be able to open the proper file with the login data when prompted for it.

I know I could theoretically solve this issue by using a general system wide main key which would supply all individual login data, but I want to memorize some often needed phrases by actually typing them when I need them. I just want the possibility to open text files for copy and paste when I'm prompted for a password if this is something I don't even want to remember.

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Ubuntu :: No Administrator Password - VLC Install Blocked By Password Prompt

Feb 23, 2011

I am new to using Ubuntu 10.10 that was installed by a friend of mine, but he didn't give me a password for administrator and now when I try to install VLC I am blocked by a password prompt. To make things worse I can't use F1 key, esc key, tab key, 1key (I copy and paste 1 from other pages when I need it). I am at a loss here and all I want is to change the administrator password without validating the current password first.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: SSH Delay Prompting Password?

Oct 26, 2010

I have been connecting to ssh but now it takes longer time to prompt for username and also password.Can any one tell what is the reason why it takes time

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Fedora Security :: Encrypted HDD Password Entry Delay?

Apr 12, 2009

I have F10 installed on my laptop with disk encryption enabled. When I boot the machine I get a "Password:" request on screen but can't start typing for 30 seconds or more.Presumably the OS is not ready. This means I have to wait at the keyboard tapping a key until I see asterix. It's a waste of time and frankly a bit clunky for a modern OS. How can I change the behaviour so that the "Password:" request only appears when I can actually type?

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General :: Debian Lenny : How To Install Xfce 4.6 Instead Of Lenny's 4.4

Dec 14, 2009

i was trying to use gnome and kde but i don't like them. I tried xfce and it seem to fit my needs but.My computer is used to be powered on for a weeks. While time passes, a process xfdesktop begin to use more and more memory and to free RAM i need to log out and log in again.

I tried squeeze yesterday on my virtual machine and it has 4.6 and seem not to have that bug, RAM usage is static(yes it still works when i write this and have memory usage 34492k, which is not changing for an hours of usage already), also 4.6 is MUCH better than 4.4.

i already tried adding squeeze to "sources.list" but i can see too many dependencies which should be upgraded if i install 4.6, i'm beginning to afraid it can crash entire GUI(or entire system, i can see there is libc6 required to be updated).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Post-GRUB 2 Delay - Troubleshoot This And Determine What Is Causing The Delay

May 11, 2011

After GRUB 2 comes up (I'm running Ubuntu 10.10) and I choose the OS to boot, there is about a 5 second delay where nothing appears to happen after I make the selection -- no disk activity. It happens consistently every time I boot. Again, this is after I choose the OS to boot, so it shouldn't have anything to do with the standard delay to allow me to choose the appropriate OS.Is there a good way to troubleshoot this and determine what is causing the delay?

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Programming :: SSH With No Password Prompt?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm writing a script which will log into a list of servers if they have public/private keypairs set up. If a server doesn't, I want the script to move on to the next server rather than wait at a password prompt.I'm using OpenSSH version 5.1p1 Debian-5, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 on both client and server.I'm using this command: Code: ssh root "at" "IP" -o PasswordAuthentication=no KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no I had to write "at" instead of the symbol, as I'm not allowed to "post URLs to other sites after you have made 15 posts or more."This works for most servers, but not all (on some of them the script halts at a password prompt). I suspect those servers may run an older version of SSH which doesn't support the options I'm providing

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Ubuntu :: Remove Password Prompt With 11.04?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there a way to getting around not having to put in the user password everytime my Wireless connects, or Install software, etc? I changed the user role to Administrator under users from the control panel (x Windows user )

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Fedora :: Automatic Login Without Password Prompt ?

Jun 19, 2010

I made my Fedora 13 box boot up automatically by adding the following to /etc/gdm/custom.conf


However, when it boots up it prompts me for my password so it can connect to my wireless network (I think it said something about not getting my user password at login). Is there anyway I can get it to remember this?

I would like to make this automatic because this will be a remote box that I will use as a file server, but it wont be turned on all the time. So I'll turn it on when I need it, but I'll need to connect to it remotely, so obviously it needs to be on the network.

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Fedora Networking :: Hidden WPA Password Prompt ?

Nov 8, 2010

Has anyone else encountered the really irritating issue of a hidden WPA network not auto connecting, and prompting for the root password when you manually select 'Connect to hidden wireless network'?

It works fine if I enable broadcasting of SSID but a proviso of my broadband is to keep this disabled. Ubuntu does it without any issue, can't figure out why it won't work on FC14.

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General :: Sudo Su Runs Without Password Prompt?

May 25, 2011

So here's the problem. We've got the /etc/sudoers file set up so that users can run commands from /bin like "cat" or "mkdir" without entering a password. The problem is that the "su" command is also in /bin, so if they enter "sudo su", it gives them root access without a password. Here's the /etc/sudoers file:

Defaults targetpw
%users ALL=(ALL) ALL
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
support ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/, /bin/, /opt/, /etc/init.d/, /elo/
support ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/mysql

Is there a way I can deny /bin/su while still allowing the rest of the /bin commands?

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Password Prompt On Login

Nov 12, 2010

I click on the corresponding checkbox in users and groups but but it doesn't do anything. I also want to disable password prompts in general. Also when I try using Computer Janitor it says it could not complete and to check if other package managers are open, but none are.

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Log In After Crash (no Prompt To Enter Password)

May 11, 2011

My Ubuntu desktop crashed last night after I accidentally bumped into the CPU box. Right after I bumped into it, it restarted automatically ... then it ran disk integrity check, also automatically ...

The issue is that I can NOT log into it. There is no way that I could enter my password. Though I could telnet into it using my laptop (I have set up telnetd into this desktop before).

I am trying to search for similar issues in this forum but I could not find one that is really like this.I have all 5 years of work in the hard drive.

The two images below shows the issue it had done.

This is my login screen (note: whenever I click "nd-desktop", it doesn't give me prompt for password.

Uploaded with

This is just the screen it gives me when I click "nd-desktop" above. Also, take note there are no usual options below that could change my preferred desktop etc.

Uploaded with

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Ubuntu :: Disable Password Prompt After Suspend 11.04

Aug 23, 2011

Can I disable the password prompt after I come out of suspend. I remember a setting in the last release but I can't find it in 11.04. Is this setting still there? Where can I find it?

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General :: Run One Command As Different User Without A Password Prompt?

Aug 4, 2010

I need to run one command as different user with out a password prompt.

I did this

one localhost= (two) /usr/bin/whoami

This work but it prompts for password. Is there a way that can be done with NOPASSWD option ?

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Security :: Su Authentication Failure Without Password Prompt?

Jan 11, 2011

I have a strange behaviour on a Slackware 13.1 box:

user@host$ su
su: Authentication failure


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Server :: Tar To Remote Tape Without Password Prompt ?

Jun 13, 2011

I need backup files to a tape drive on a remote server without being prompted for password.

I got the part working to tar files to the remote tape drive like this:


currently I got rsync to work with out being prompted for password like this:


How can I get the above tar command to work like the rsync command so it does not prompt me for a password.

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Fedora :: Sudo Hanging Waiting For Password But No Prompt

Jul 22, 2011

A little while ago I moved to F14 from Ubuntu; I've been ok, but recently sudo has been causing me trouble :/It seems to hang, but eventually produces some output indicating that it has been waiting for me to input a password; but it hasn't prompted me for one.

$ sudo ls
Sorry, try again.
Sorry, try again.
Sorry, try again.
sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts

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OpenSUSE :: Bizarre In KRDC - Can't Type Anything Into The Password Prompt

Nov 19, 2009

When I try and connect to a VNC session from KRDC; and I am prompted for a password, the keyboard just decides to stop working. I can't type anything into the password prompt... Then the keyboard stops working for all other open applications (Firefox etc.). If I close KRDC, it starts working again... Is this a bug? Has anyone else seen this?

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Ubuntu :: Password Prompt Invisible When Screensaver Active

Jan 4, 2010

presently my laptop requires a password when the screensaver has been activated(equivalent to the lock screen function). However, when I move the mouse to activate the password prompt, the screensaver freezes (all movement stops) and the password prompt is not visible. It's definitely there - if I type my password, then it brings me back to my desktop. However, if I mistype the password, or accidentally hit the mouse button so that somewhere other than the invisible password field is brought to focus, then entering the password becomes impossible, and I have to do a hard restart (ugh). I'm running an HP Pavilion dv5 laptop, with Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu One :: Keyring Password Prompt Upon Starting Firefox?

Jul 12, 2010

A while ago, I removed the Ubuntu One entry from my Startup Applications because it was annoying having to activate the keyring every time I booted up/logged on. Now, I am prompted for a password once I start Firefox (mind that it's only the first time I run Firefox after boot/login). I'm assuming it's Ubuntu One because of the sequence of events, but feel free to correct me if you think otherwise. How can I stop this?

Running standard Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail / When Activate, No Prompt For Password Comes Up?

Oct 15, 2010

I have set up my account twice in Evolution mail. Both times when I activate, no prompt for password comes up, as a result, no connection to my gmail. Supposed to prompt the first time, right?

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Ubuntu :: Configure To Prompt For A Password After The Screen Is Locked

Oct 27, 2010

i need to knw is the a way to configure the ubuntu desktop to prompt for a password when relogin after the screen is locked?

it asks for a username and password a at the login prompt if i relogin after logging out out but when i lock the scree by pressing ctrl +alt + l and try to relogin it will not ask for a password , it just let me log in automatically to the pc , i think this is a security issue cos anyone else can login to my pc without prowiding credentials

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Ubuntu :: Mounting Network Share To Prompt For Password

Apr 30, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to mount a network CIFS share manually to allow it to prompt for password. I've been Googling around and found a couple options. One was to store your credentials in a file and then add the fstab entry to look at the file. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of storing my credentials in a plain text file though, even if I put file permissions on it.Is there a way to mount the share so that it prompts for credentials. The share isn't always online so I want to mount it manually.

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General :: F1-F6 Console Doesn't Prompt For User/password?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm running Debian Wheezy and I don't know why, but whenI switch to console F1(Ctrl+Alt+f1) I can't enter login information. It's like Debian didn't have completely starting and wait always.The F1 console looks like this:

[screen content]
Starting enhance syslogd: rsyslogd.
Starting system message bus: dbus.


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