Debian Multimedia :: Panel Encountered A Problem While Loading "OAFIID : Glipper" - When Logging

Oct 30, 2010

When logging in I receive this message : panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID : Glipper" It does not happen everytime when logging in. Did a Google search, but no results so far.

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Debian Multimedia :: Command To Add Glipper To Gnome-panel?

Apr 30, 2010

Is there any command to add glipper to gnome-panel? I'm looking for a command to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Panel Encountered A While Loading?

Apr 14, 2010

when I want to add a new applet (e.g. the Brightness Applet) to my panel in Lucid (10.04) I get the following error:

The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_BrightnessApplet". This happens with all applets. This error also appears when after the login. It's quite annoying to not have a clock, tray area and a window list. I searched in different forums but didn't find a solution.


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Fedora :: GnoMenu On F14 X86_64 - Panel Encountered A While Loading?

Nov 9, 2010

I tried installing GnoMenu but whenever I try to add GnoMenu to the gnome panel I get the following error:

The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_GnoMenu".

Here's the bug report from the "Automatic Bug Report Tool"
Package: gnomenu-2.9-0.1
Latest Crash:Mon 08 Nov 2010 08:53:52 PM
Command: python /usr/lib/gnomenu/ --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:GNOME_GnoMenu_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=22
Reason:<module>:AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_filename'
Comment: None

Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Update - "the Panel Encountered A Problem While Loading, Firefox Is Already"

Apr 19, 2011

I'm running ubuntu 10.04 and I get several weird pop up windows when I first boot up. I have tried getting help from the community forums and have tried several of the recommendations but they haven't helped. In fact, I think some of the things that I have done have made my computer worse. The first window I started getting said "Could not update ICEauthority file/home/dpan/.ICEauthority" (dpan is my user name). If I would click on the close button it would close. Before that when I was saving a bunch of sound files to my home folder, I got a message that my root drive was almost full which was weird considering I wasn't saving anything to my root drive. When I check how much of my root partition is used with "GParted" (under system>administration) along with using the "df -H" command in the command line it shows that I have only used about 4.5GB and have about 7GB of unused space on my root partition. Although, when I use the "Disk Usage Analyzer" (under Applications>Accessories) it shows that my whole root partition is full.

When I searched for ways to fix the "could not update" window, some of the forums talked about removing some of the keyring codes. So I did that, but it seemed that that caused later problems. I stated to get two windows on top op each other that were identical that said "The panel encountered a problem while loading 'OAFIID:_IndicatorApplet' Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?". In the same window, there is a box that says "don't delete" and a box that says "delete". I should mention that I think there were two keyring codes that I deleted and there are two identical pop up windows. I have tried clicking both the delete and the don't delete boxes several times but I get the same thing every time.

Shortly thereafter, I also lost my ability to get on the internet with Firefox and Chromium. When I tried to get on with Chromium, it would start to load but then it would stop and nothing would happen. When I tried to get on with Firefox, a window would pop up that said "Close Firefox...... Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.". It also had a clickable box in the window that said "OK". I didn't have Firefox already running and Firefox wouldn't let me on the internet. For awhile, I was able to use the browser "Epiphany" to get on the internet but after a week, Epiphany wouldn't even let me on the internet and it did the exact same thing that Chromium did when I clicked on it (started to load but then stopped and did nothing). When Epiphany did allow me to use the internet it wouldn't let me view PDF's or save pictures that were attachments on my emails.

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Ubuntu :: OAFIID Gnone Panel Crashes?

Jan 16, 2011

OAFIID Gnone panel crashesSince I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10, my computer spends 5+ minutes starting up. Of that, 2 minutes or so are spent getting to log-in, which is longer than Ubuntu 10.04 took. After I log-in, it takes up to 5 minutes just to load up.I am not entirely sure what is causing this. Almost every time I start up, all the panel applets crash (e.g. "The panel encountered a problem while loadingOAFIID:GNOME_ShowDesktopApplet").

The panels that reliably fail to load are: the clock, indicator applet, indicator applet session, and fast_user_switch, though the latter is not an applet I have added to the panel.Deleting and reloading the applets, changing their location etc. does not change the problem.I know this problem has been much commented on in the forums. I have tried all the following solutions:

-- Resizing the panel
--sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-applets


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Ubuntu :: Gnomenu Reporting OAFIID:GNOME_GnoMenu When Adding To Panel?

May 2, 2011

I've done a quick google search and didn't really find anything that I understood. I DID find a reference to the bug on launchpad, but supposedly it was fixed as of version 2.1 and I'm running the latest version I could find which I believe is 2.9 so I'm a bit lost.

Any help would be great, if you need more info, just tell me how to get it and i shall do so as I really am missing gnomenu. If it makes any difference, I'm on ubuntu 11.04 64bit running in classic mode

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error Loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NetstatusApplet" - Freezes Windows In Lucid?

Apr 29, 2010

After a fresh install of Lucid I found this error on my screen "the panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_NetstatusApplet" do you want to delete it?" I kept pressing no and having a completely worthless system. The programs were all opening in the left corner with no controls to move or close them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: FastUserSwitchApplet Gnome Panel Error "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet Failed To Load"

Jan 10, 2010

I uninstalled Empathy, now I have error in gnome with OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet failed to load. Installing back empathy dont solve the problem. Pidgin is better by far, why ubuntu want me to use empathy? Anyway, how should I reinstall this applet? I google it, but I cant find out the way to install the session indicator applet. Sorry, noob here.

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Debian Multimedia :: Banshee Media Player Encountered Fatal Error

Sep 4, 2011

After some time I was trying to use banshee media player. I am given an error message:
Banshee Encountered a Fatal Error
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
The OS is Squeeze and the machine is a Netbook with Intel Atom inside.

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Debian Multimedia :: Evolution Not Logging Into Gmail?

Mar 19, 2015

I have been using Debian for about 2 years now, I have decided to use my email through Evolution (actually both my live and Gmail accounts). Right now my problem lies with Gmail so I will just mention that...

Evolution simply does not accept my gmail password when I log in. I have gone through the whole "Evolution Setup assistance" many times, and whenever the setup is done, and I proceed to open up the program and actually log in to my email> I enter my password and click "ok", and then the same login screen simply flashes and asks me to enter my password again! This is the entire problem. I cannot go beyond the login screen, and evolution simply asks me to enter my password again, and again, while never logging me in. And yes, the password is correct as I use the very same one to log into gmail's web interface several times a day. Imap is also enabled in my gmail account.

I have used Gmail's imap and smtp configuration information from [URL]..... and it simply does not work, even though I put all the information into Evolution Correctly.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Logging In With Password The Loading Desktop Stalls?

Jan 27, 2010

Since update yesterday to kde4.3.5 I notice this am - after logging in with password the loading desktop stalls. In cat /var/log/messages I grabbed part that seems possible.

Jan 28 03:17:39 SUSE11-2 SuSEfirewall2: Firewall rules successfully set
Jan 28 03:17:42 SUSE11-2 kernel: [ 70.264865] bootsplash: status on console 0 changed to on


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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-shell Does Not Start Logging In Via Gdm3 Greeter

Oct 8, 2015

Some days ago (2015-09-28) I installed Debian testing amd64. Log in as a user failed and instead of the Gnome UI there was a sad face with the text: „Oh no! Something has gone wrong. A problem occurred and the system can't recover.

All extensions have been disabled as a precaution. Log out“.

The relevant output of journalctl (run as root) said:

etc/gdm3/Xsession[5379]: cannot connect to brltty at :0
- /etc/gdm3/Xsession[5379]: Service 'org.kde.kaccessibleapp' does not exist.
- gnome-session[5379]: x-session-manager[5379]: WARNING: Application 'gnome-shell.desktop' killed by signal 5
- gnome-session[5379]: x-session-manager[5379]: WARNING: App 'gnome-shell.desktop' respawning too quickly
- x-session-manager[5379]: Unrecoverable failure in required component gnome-shell.desktop

[Code] ...

After some investigating, I found three work-arounds.

(1) Use gdm3-autologin: In /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf, remove the double crosses and insert own user name
AutomaticLoginEnable = true
AutomaticLogin = <own user name>
Disadvantage: Only one user can have access to the Gnome ui. If you log out, you enter the gdm3 greeter and … see above.

(2) Turn off gdm3 by running 'systemctl stop gdm3' as root, log in into a terminal as a user and run startx.

(3) Install package lightdm and make it to the standard display manager with 'dpkg-reconfigure lightdm'.
Disadvantage: Energy manager and screensaver settings of the Gnome control center are ignored.

The easiest way, however, especially if there are several users, is logging in via the gdm3 greeter.

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Ubuntu Installation :: "encountered An Unrecoverable Error" / Getting A 'Crash Report' Notification On Panel?

May 23, 2010

I was intending to do a clean install of 10.04.I have downloaded and burned desktop-i386.iso.After booting from CD and selecting install from the menu, I get the splash screen for a few minutes, then black screen, then purple ubuntu screen, then the error message "the installer has encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run etc.....".

I am thinking this may be related to ACPI, because when i 'Try Ubuntu without installing' it loads ok but I get a 'Crash Report' notification on the panel.

If again 'Try Ubuntu without installing' with F6 option "ACPI=Off" it loads up with no problem.

Another thing I noticed is that when I load with ACPI=OFF, my external drives automount, but if i dont turn ACPI off, and get the Crash report notification the external drives do not automount.

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Debian Multimedia :: Segfault In Loading Plasma5

Sep 6, 2015

I'm having some trouble after the day 31 upgrade. Using the lightdm, kdm or sddm I'm unable to start a plasma session. Through dmesg I'm seeing that something is wrong with libxcb:

Code: Select all[ 3036.768102] drkonqi[5137]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fe39dce1a74 sp 00007ffce440bbb0 error 4 in[7fe39dcd7000+21000]
[ 3036.866658] drkonqi[5140]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fb637258a74 sp 00007ffe73d9cdd0 error 4 in[7fb63724e000+21000]
[ 3038.292760] drkonqi[5146]: segfault at 0 ip 00007efe584c8a74 sp 00007fff76ee5d70 error 4 in[7efe584be000+21000]
[ 3038.395858] drkonqi[5149]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f0fbc309a74 sp 00007ffc45fc0e20 error 4 in[7f0fbc2ff000+21000]

And I'm getting this in xsession-errors:

Code: Select allXsession: X session started for cris at Dom Set  6 12:17:01 WEST 2015
localuser:cris being added to access control list
startkde: Starting up...
kdeinit5: preparing to launch 'libkdeinit5_klauncher'
kdeinit5: Launched KLauncher, pid = 5789, result = 0
Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL

[Code] .....

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Debian Multimedia :: Nautilus - Thumbnails Blocked On Loading State

May 11, 2013

I have a problem with nautilus thumbnails since a few days. I checked they are indeed generated in .thumbnails, but all I got in nautilus is the "loading.." icon instead of the thumbnail, for all kind of files (pdf, image, video..) + a high cpu load.

I really don't see what to look at here, didn't found any trace of error in several logs/debug tool like gdb (and btw does nautilus have log abilities?)

I don't know which change could have triggered this (it used to work fine), maybe adding the i386 compatibilty with "dpkg --add-architecture i386" ? (I did this a few days ago in order to install acrobat reader)

Also I've been copying all of the home folder files from my previous ubuntu account to the new debian one, maybe I broke something in the process ?

hint0: thumbnails are displayed fine under thunar

Solved due to this post: [URL] ....

I just did:

Code: Select allln -s ~/.thumbnails ~/.cache/thumbnails

and my thumbnails are back

Debian sid + XFCE4+compiz on a dell latitude e6530

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Fedora :: Gnome Panel Not Loading?

Jun 2, 2010

The main panels are not loading just after a preupdate. I have to start them manually and this is the complain it belches out:

** (gnome-panel:2963): WARNING **: panel-applet-frame.c:1288: failed to load applet OAFIID:GnoteApplet:
** (gnome-panel:2963): CRITICAL **: panel_applet_frame_change_background: assertion `PANEL_IS_WIDGET (GTK_WIDGET (frame)->parent)' failed

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Debian Multimedia :: Extremely Slow Loading Of Image Files In GIMP

Jun 16, 2010

I've had this odd, stubborn problem that seems to be related to the nouveau video driver and certain kernel builds: opening or saving full resolution jpeg image files using GIMP takes from 1-5 minutes and causes xorg CPU usage to reach almost 100%.This also occurs when using UFRaw to open Canon raw image files. The problem is not intermittent, it happens each time I open a file. Opening photos in the default image viewer works fine.This bug has vexed me on and off for the last couple of months, and seems to be triggered by a combination of kernel version and the Nouveau driver. I switched to Debian Squeeze from Ubuntu 10.04 because I was experiencing slow image open times in Ubuntu 10.04 (using the Nouveau driver).I did not experience the bug running Squeeze with the nv driver and kernel 2.6.32-3.

I did not have the bug running Squeeze with the nouveau driver and kernel 2.6.32-5 backported from Sid.I began experiencing the bug again after the Squeeze updates on June 14th (still running nouveau and kernel 2.6.32-5). I update daily so it's likely to be that day's updates which caused the bug to reappear.Just for grins, I installed the Liquorix kernel. The bug does not occur using kernel 2.6.34-0.dmz.10-liquorix-686 and the nouveau video driver.I have a Nvidia FX5500 video card. I prefer the nouveau driver to nv as my display seems to behave better. The Nvidia proprietary drivers are not an option because they produce X freezes when I am doing photo editing. The liquorix kernel seems to be working fine, but for long-term stability I'd rather be running a mainline Debian kernel.

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Debian Multimedia :: Add New Icons On Lower Panel

Apr 28, 2015

Both Gnome and Gnome-Classic desktops become extremely unmanagebale for me in jessie stable.So I installed xfce desktop in jessie stable. Is there a way to add icons like /usr/bin/skype ]usr/sbin/synaptic.(those nor shown in Add New Icons) in the lower panel which I have extended through the whole desktop?This could easily be done both in gnome and gnome-classic desktops till wheezy.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Manage KDE Panel / Taskbar

Jan 30, 2016

I tried Google and searching here to no avail...

Running Debian Jessie 8.3
Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
KDE SC Version 4.14.2 with plasma

I am trying to remove some icons from the "taskbar"/panel and find the only real options are adding MORE widgets, adding another panel, or deleting the whole panel.I simply want to remove a duplicate and re-arrange the icons without having to delete the panel, add another panel, and careful add, in the order I want the icons, the widgets right-click on the panel and I get "Task Manager Settings ALT+D,S" and "Panel Options" which offers no visible means of managing the panel.I condemned to deleting the panel and starting over?

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome Panel Not Resizing ?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm having an issue with Gnome panel, the window list applet isn't resizing to accomodate more windows. I have my panel situated so that the window list applet is on the top left and the menu list applet is in the top right. Instead resizing to be smaller in order to accomodate more windows, the window list applet pushes the menu list applet under it and continues to the right. I recently upgraded to lenny and with I'm assuming Gnome panel 2.20.3. I didn't have this issue before the upgrade. I've looked through and tried the options in the preferences and also a little bit in th config editor but with no luck.

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Debian Multimedia :: Squeeze Xfce No Panel?

May 21, 2010

I have just installed Squeeze and my xfce works, but I don't get a panel, unless I start it manually withxfce4-panel &As this worked,ded it to the automatically started applications. I logged-out and then back in but no panel. I did a ps -ef | grep -i paneland the panel doesn't appear to be running.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gnome-panel - After Every Log In It Disappear ?

Apr 6, 2011

I've noticed strange behavior of gnome-panel. After every log in it disappear - it's not killed, it's working but seems like completely transparent so i have to touch it twice to get it back. It's 2.30.2 ver of panel.

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Debian Multimedia :: Clipboard Manager WITHOUT A Panel

May 6, 2011

I would like to know what clipboard managers are out there that are able to run independently of any system tray, or what have you, such as gnome panel. Ideally ones providing full keyboard navigation, that is for calling up the program and selecting from it.

I have tried anamnesis, which can operate as a stand alone program and does appear to offer some keyboard navigation, and whilst it wasnt as attractive or discreet as programs like glipper, parcellite, clipman, etc, i was willing to go with it. However, keyboard navigation is really problematic (maybe to do with how i have set it up, though i doubt it as its installation is so basic), so i have had to abandon it for now.
Am i using it wrong? Anyone else managed to select from it with the keyboard? I think iv googled this to death, but perhaps someone knows of something all the same.

I ask as i am using Openbox and am considering ditching gnome panel, as it is slow loading at boot and wont fully hide (one pixel!). Aside from that a panel icon is unnecessary in my case, as i am more keyboard focused, and it also wastes space that could be better used for the graphical windows list, especially when your rocking a single panel.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel Not Loading On Boot

Jan 6, 2011

Gnome panel is not loading at all (version 10.10 ubuntu btw) All I get is about 1/3 of the top panel on the screen - no menu etc drawn and my desktop icons moving slightly up and down, which I guess due to gnome panels attempting to load. When I try to boot using altctrldel I get the message gnome-panel is not responding. I tried safe mode etc which no effect. I think its clear I am using the windoz ideas - not sure how to start fixing this in ubuntu I have tried a couple of things from this site in pervious threads from the basic


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Debian Multimedia :: White Line Under KDE Plasma Panel?

Sep 26, 2015

i have KDE Plasma 5.4 on Debian 9.

I have removed windows title bar using this method: [URL]....

I have removed panel shadow using this method: [URL].....

I want to remove the small white line that appear under the panel in the following image:

This line appeared after removing of panel shadow, it was there all the time hidden under the shadow. I can change line color from panel background svg file or even make it transparent. but i want to remove that line, how can i do that?

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Debian Multimedia :: Xfce4 Panel Bar To Bottom Of Screen

Nov 14, 2015

Upgraded my system and again gnome got messed up. Mate doesn't run on Debian 8 so decided to try XFCE4.

How can move the panel to the bottom of the screen ?

I go to applications -> settings -> panel

I can choose between vertical / horizontal / deskbar.

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Debian Multimedia :: - Save Configuration Panel Of The Xfce4 ?

Sep 29, 2010

Original tittle, edited for add the tag [SOLVED] on subject How can I save the configuration of panel of the xfce4 ?

I have a pretty panel configured on my xfce4 (debian lenny). How can I save the configuration of my panel ? I'm afraid to lost my configuration in some situation of error.

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Debian Multimedia :: KDE Feature - Can't Move Icons From The Panel

Feb 9, 2011

I'm using squeeze and the xserver-xorg-core, kdebase and kdm packages with their dependencies in addition to the base system installation. I get glitches when I try to drag the icons on the panel: I can't move them properly and occasionally the whole screen gets redrawn (by this I mean it goes black and gets back several seconds later.) and gives an error with signal 11 (segmentation fault). The problem is not specific to my user account, because I tried it with a newly created user, and I didn't do any configuration on mine either. I also experienced other glitches, about which I made some screenshots: [URL]

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Debian Multimedia :: Lost Bottom Panel While Trying To Configure?

Apr 23, 2011

i lost my bottom panel while trying to configure. any way to get it back?

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