Debian Multimedia :: Themes Alternate Between Programs
Mar 28, 2015
how to use my downloaded themes, I used a default Xfce theme. The only issue I saw with that was that the Synamptic window did not take the selected theme, it was default. When I selected my downloaded them in the Appearance menu, Synamptic started using the selected theme, but everythign else (99% of windows) went back to the default light grey color. Although my dark theme is selected, only Synaptic (that I know of) is using it.
I'm in Debian testing and I had Gtk+-3 from the apt-get. Now because I wanted to install Xnoise in Debian from source, I needed gtk+-2. So I installed gtk+-2 from the source. And after that Xnoise was installed and worked great. I've noticed that Xnoise theme was standard(gray). Note: I installed both of them to /usr/local(default/no prefix). But when I rebooted my computer, all Gnome themes was also gray. BTW: After reset I can't hear any sound in Xnoise, but this isn't the subject here. Therefor, I went to System->Preferences->Appearance and It tells me the following error in a yellow box(translated): "The theme won't seen as excepted because GTK+ Adwaita suit isn't installed."
I had the "clean theme" which is the default Gnome theme in Debian. Now all the themes have gone.... I can see only "Custom" which is ugly gray. How can I restore it?
This is Debian 8. Pulseaudio uses 44100hz by default, with 48000hz as the 'alternate sample rate'. The hda sound driver on this (and seems most) audio hardware supports 44100, 48000, 96000 and 192000 sample rates. Anything else, pulseaudio resamples it. High quality resampling settings use more cpu resources, so it's best to use one of the supported sample rates, when possible. This is done by default for 44100 and 48000, but if you want to use 96000, for example, you have to set it in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf as "alternate-sample-rate = 96000". But this causes 48000 audio to be resampled.
44100 and 48000 defaults make sense since this is the majority of audio content these days, but I do have some 96000hz audio. I know there were reasons why it was limited to one alternate, but I could get around the issues. So, is there a way to configure more than one alternate sample rate for pulse audio?
I am new to linux... and I have Installed Debian as my default OS replacing Ubuntu.
I have Installed Plymouth: # apt-get install plymouth # /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme --list # /usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme THEME # update-initramfs -u
Plymouth does not work. What went wrong? or what more should I do to make it work.Also how do I install themes to plymouth, which are not there in the theme package? I have come across this theme I really like but it is in tar.gz and I am looking for some guidance from the forum to run tar.gz packages.
I don't know what happened here, but running debian lenny and all of a sudden my icon theme is rodent, a decent chunk of icons are not showing up, and when I go to the icon changing panel they all look the same - like rodent! Icon themes I put in ~/.icons don't show up, and the icons in /usr/share/icons are permission as such: root:root 755
lxappearance won't let me change themes on Squeeze. It just doesn't do anything, neither preview, nor theme setting. Turns out this is a known bug, and allegedly fixed. Ppl are told to "upgrade" their package. However, in Squeeze it's still the old package, and it doesn't work. So I filed another new bug report, which they closed and told me to upgrade the package.
Upgrade? From Sid? What happened to fixing Testing so it can become the next stable? Not much stable if a major DE can't change themes. Not that it's a real problem, but it's annoying. I purged lxappearance and manually installed its Sid counterpart, only to find out the bug is still there.
since few days I have installed a fresh debian testing on my new laptop, I am using XFCE4 as DE, I noticed that when I use these themes: greybird, bluebird and albatross the GTK3 applications (mostly from gnome 3 stack) do not display correctly the application. I have another laptop with an older debian testing with XFCE4 and the GTK3 themes work properly. The only relevant difference between the old computer and the new one are the video driver, the older use radeonsi driver and newest the nvidia blob binary.
In the gmd3 greeter.conf-defaults file its tells me the themes are located /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme, but wheres that directory actually at, like how I can find it?
Btw, I know I can go back to gdm, but I'd rather understand how to theme this, before. I might just.I'm using compiz, btw, if that makes any difference.
On my laptop, I have stable installed. The original install was about two years ago, and I've just been keeping up with all of the stable updates. It is now an up to date Lenny. Over the months and years I have added several new icon themes to Gnome. I have noticed over time that several of the icon themes' icons have turned up missing. To see what I'm talking about take a look at the screen shots here: [URL] Screenshot-2 is a closeup.
As you can see, icon themes Amaranth, Crux and Dropline Etiquette are missing their respective theme icons. The icon themes work, when selected, but the icon theme icon in the "Customize Theme" window never appears. Several of the other icon themes are the same. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the icon theme packs, but that doesn't fix it. I also have a desktop system of Debian stable with some of the same icon themes as on the laptop, but it does not have this problem. However, it is a much newer installation.
I have problems with a disordered non-alpabeticly list of existing themes in lxappearance. Googling gives a solution to use the stable version of lxapperance and pinning it to stable. This works great, but is there also a solution of using a alphabelictly sorted themes list in the testing (Squeeze) version of this program?
I'm trying to install new themes on ubuntu but it tells me that GTK + themes 'ubuntulooks'is not installed and won't load up the themes as it should. I went to package manager and installed it but still doesn't work. Themes to be installed, either overglossed or sickness-black. environment ubuntu 10.04.
I want to install opensuse,add/remove programs,themes,customise and then re-spin it into an image which I can carry,perhaps as a live medium. I have heard Fedora has tools to do it.Does opensuse have any tool to do that?
I use gdm3, Debian Jessie (Not sure if 8.2 or 8.3, I did a dist-upgrade so maybe 8.3), and i3-wm.
I went to shower and came back to find my hard drive full due to the syslog and daemon log being filled with 76GB each worth of the same 7-line error message about NetworkManager and wpa_supplicant. (Earlier that day the 80% of my CPU was being consumed by those two, and my battery life fell from 7 hours to 2 hours)
After I shortened those log files to 700 and 1200 lines, and I rebooted and then logged into i3, I found that I couldn't open any graphical programs, except Emacs24, Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft, Minitube, and Wireshark. I also noticed that the log files that I shortened have disappeared, so I cannot recover the 7-line error message.
I haven't tried all the graphical programs that I have, but Terminator, Pidgin, Hamster Time Tracker, Iceweasel, and gnome-terminal will not open (although Emacs24, Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft, Minitube, and Wireshark will, and NetworkManager seems unaffected as well). By "won't open" I mean that when I run the programs from dmenu or any Emacs shell (eshell, shell, ansi-term), the process runs (as visible in ps aux), but it does not show up in i3. Pidgin and Hamster Time Tracker will reserve space in the i3bar, but it doesn't get populated.
I haven't extensively tested what happens in Gnome3, but I have noticed that I can't open the activities overlay.
Linux noob here with a very fresh Debian 5.04 install. Not sure if this is the correct board for this but here goes;*No* programs start in X. Terminal, System Monitor, Epiphany, Gedit, Synaptic Package Manager... They all fail to start.The programs try to start for 15 seconds after which they give up. For example, if I press the Epiphany-icon in the panel I see "Starting Epiphany We..." in the lower-left corner and the mouse cursor changes to the loading animation for 15 seconds but then after that nothing happens and the "Starting Epiphany We..."-icon disappears. I have two users (plus root of course) and the same thing happens with both accounts.
I can start the icons I have on my desktop (Computer, Home folder, Trash and Downloads) and I can Lock the screen/log off/shut down but that's about it. Oh and one more thing; sometimes when I log in everything works just fine, so this whole thing seems a bit random.
Everything was fine last night, but this morning I signed into my Squeeze box and found that website play audio fine, Hulu Desktop works, some games work, etc. but Rhythmbox, VLC, Totem, and others don't . It all started with an attempt to diagnose a lack of sound in TVtime.
I would like to install a new icon theme without effecting my currently selected panel theme, as i think the Ambience panel theme looks really nice and unified but im not too keen on the Ubuntu-Mono icons.Is this easily possible, without going into my icon folders and replacing all the instances of one style for another?Are there any applications for gnome icon theming like OS X's Candybar?Im sure others must desire to change only the icons and perhaps it is really easy and this is why i couldnt dig anythin up on google, that or im a useless googler.
I installed Debian Squeeze with Gnome today. I'm unable to change from the default icon theme. I can change themes, but the icon theme remains default.Things I've tried:
- I've made a new user account.
- .gtkrc-2.0 in my home is auto-generated, .gtkrc.mine does not exist.
# -- THEME AUTO-WRITTEN DO NOT EDIT include "/usr/share/themes/Darklooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" include "/home/haunted/.gtkrc.mine"
- I've tried installing a theme into my /home/.themes.
Since of late "Appearance preference" behaves awkwardly . Normaly It is supposed to show themes in /usr/share/themes right? but now it shows themes only in ~/.themes folder. I don't know what affected the change. how do I configure it as to show themes in /usr/share/themes/,?
Also whatever theme I use , Controls would stay same(Classic controls). They wouldn't be update to those of the Theme used.
I'm trying to install a theme, but I can't find the .themes folder.I goggled for it and found ~./themes and trying to extract there resulted in an error. where does it live?
Code: Select all# plymouth-set-default-theme --list details joy lines spacefun text tribar
These are the plymouth themes available.
I've tried to preview every themes (using this script [URL[....), but they're all the same, just three dots except for "details" and "tribar". I've tried to use one of those three dots theme too and yes the bootsplash is three dots.
I've opened /usr/share/plymouth/themes/spacefun/ and saw that it shouldn't be like that. It should be something with blue background and Debian logo.
I've used this Wiki page as reference: [URL] .... I'm using Jessie.
I have this problem in the picture below ... ethem.png/ and this also ... ethem.png/
I installed (debian-jessie-DI-rc3-amd64-DVD [testing]) on both my laptop and desktop. After I installed plymouth and some themes, on the laptop I entered into the terminal to steup and activate the theme like so:
It wouldn't load the plymouth theme. Now I installed (debian-jessie-8.0.0-amd64-DVD [stable]) only on the laptop so far, and used the same process as with (debian-jessie-DI-rc3-amd64-DVD [testing]) for installing plymouth and when it got to where it said it was missing firmware I fallowed the:
...and then rebooted the system, the plymouth theme didn't load just like the desktop when I installed (debian-jessie-DI-rc3-amd64-DVD [testing]) on it. I looked at the /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf and it reads:
Code: Select all# Administrator customizations go in this file #[Daemon] #Theme=text #ShowDelay=0 [Daemon] Theme=debian-sunrise-blue
I am using Debian 6.0 Sid (aptosid) with KDE 4.5.x and would like to install the official Debian Squeeze KDM theme, wallpaper etc, into my system.
I think the theme is called Orbit Fun? I came to this forum instead of aptosid's forum to learn how to install KDM themes the Debian way using a terminal and not the KDE-Look download way. KDE-Look does not have the official Squeeze theme at this time, and I generally do not like the aptosid artwork, but I really like sid.
I have a Dell Inspirion 5150. The onboard sound card was blown 3 years ago. OS is Ubuntu 8.10. I am also a HAM radio operator and use the computer for digital modes using a USB device that acts as an external sound card modem for me.
The program that I use for that is fldigi. The device is Signalink USB by Tigertronics. the device has the ability to have speakers plugged in to it. Question: Is there a way to have the computer send the audio out the USB cable to the device?
I have looked at my sound settings and there are USB devices but none of them are the one(s) that I use with my Signalink device. If it can't be done, no worries -- have not really needed it so far. Just something nice to have.
I'm building a Debian Live system, [URL], and I've pared it down to a very light distro. It is using the IceWM, has the basic linux commands, and very very little else.
When I run "top" and "ps aux", I see that I have multiple terminals and logins waiting to be used. It's a small amount, but I'd like to make that RAM usable elsewhere. The indicated commands are: "/bin/login -f" and "-bash", and I have one of each associated with each tty[1-7]. I may want to keep tty1 and tty2, just in case, but I can't imagine wanting 3-7.
So, what I'm looking for is a way to stop tty[3-7] from even starting in the first place.
I saw on one forum the suggestion of modifying the /etc/init/tty[1-7].conf files, but these files aren't present, I presume because it's a "Live" system.