Ubuntu :: Installing Themes - GTK + Themes 'ubuntulooks'is Not Installed And Won't Load Up The Themes
May 31, 2011
I'm trying to install new themes on ubuntu but it tells me that GTK + themes 'ubuntulooks'is not installed and won't load up the themes as it should. I went to package manager and installed it but still doesn't work. Themes to be installed, either overglossed or sickness-black. environment ubuntu 10.04.
I would like to install a new icon theme without effecting my currently selected panel theme, as i think the Ambience panel theme looks really nice and unified but im not too keen on the Ubuntu-Mono icons.Is this easily possible, without going into my icon folders and replacing all the instances of one style for another?Are there any applications for gnome icon theming like OS X's Candybar?Im sure others must desire to change only the icons and perhaps it is really easy and this is why i couldnt dig anythin up on google, that or im a useless googler.
Since of late "Appearance preference" behaves awkwardly . Normaly It is supposed to show themes in /usr/share/themes right? but now it shows themes only in ~/.themes folder. I don't know what affected the change. how do I configure it as to show themes in /usr/share/themes/,?
Also whatever theme I use , Controls would stay same(Classic controls). They wouldn't be update to those of the Theme used.
I recently installed Opera 10.10, and I'm loving the browser.I decided to try out some themes, decided I didn't like them, and went back to the default theme which I like.Now though, the right click menu of the mouse doesn't actually load a theme - similar to when a program that needs root privilages (Synaptec package manager for example) won't be skinned unless you put a theme folder in the .root directory.I've attached an image of the right click menu.how to get Opera to load the Gtk (I think) theme or inbuilt theme for context menus. I've tried removing/reinstalling, but it didn't work
Edit: Just noticed - buttons, and windows inside opera, aren't being themed either.So it seems anything that requires themes outside of Opera's main window won't work.
i saw few themes in some demo videos.in those themes after pressing close button window collapses or breks into pieces.in some themes window closes with a flash light.it gives a look of disappearing.what are these themes called?where can i download them?or can we get those effects by changing settings?
I recently added new themes for KDE from get new themes login manager. When I click on install new themes I have no clue where they are located? Not really new to fedora but far from being an expert and could use some help in many areas of the system. Most thing I have been able to figure out but some things just make no sense to me. I've configured many Linux systems but never for my own use and customization like desk tops, themes and such.
I go to systemsettings > appearance > workspace > get more themes. And I install themes, they get downloaded but none shows up when i close the dialog box and go to the place where you select themes.
I am running Lucid Lynx 10.04 32bit & I have installed Avant Window Navigator 0.4.0I am having a hard time installing themes for Avant Window Navigator 0.4.0I have these themes downloaded & they worked on 9.10 Karmic Koala 32bit The themes are QV_Glass_3D.tgz & QV_Invisible.tgz Yes I extracted them & then I opened Avant Window Navigator 0.4.0 & went to the themes tab & then clicked the install button & nothing happed when I browsed for the themes. I saw the .tgz & also the folder but no luck with getting the themes to work.
I am using Debian 6.0 Sid (aptosid) with KDE 4.5.x and would like to install the official Debian Squeeze KDM theme, wallpaper etc, into my system.
I think the theme is called Orbit Fun? I came to this forum instead of aptosid's forum to learn how to install KDM themes the Debian way using a terminal and not the KDE-Look download way. KDE-Look does not have the official Squeeze theme at this time, and I generally do not like the aptosid artwork, but I really like sid.
I installed some gtk-2 themes and was using the but after changing to a new theme they went away from the theme manager I checked in the theme folder they are still in there but only halve of the themes show up in the theme manager how do I get them all to show or at lest the ones I want to.
System>Prefrences right? It's not there? Everywhere I look It says it should be there,.. well it's not... How can I add it manually? or where is the folder? I would like to edit my themes.. I have a theme manager, but it doesn't load any themes I download..
I am trying to install the somewhat quite popular theme QTCurve, so I can use it as a base theme for the theme black pearl, which I am really into. However, being usually highly skilled in computer knowledge, I can find the proper way/area to place a new theme, I just know it might be under a folder in the root sector containing themes for kde and will be there upon restart.
I don't mean that it prevents me from using it, on the contrary, it changes all of the text boxes to the same color, making it hard if it's not a conflicting color. I want to install dark themes such as Cobra and Aero-ion but they conflict with Firefox, and I don't want to use Chromium. Do I have to stick with basic and default themes if I want to customize or switch to Google Chromium? Can someone point out a website that, well, has ones compatible with Firefox 4?
I am really having a tough time in installing emerald themes. I have installed emerald theme manager and have done all the required processes but I dont know what to do after I import it to theme manager?
i decided i wanted to change my boot screen and i installed plymouth themes and used solar and now that i dont like any of the Plymouth themes, i want the original purple boot screen back but i dont know how and it would be awesome if somebody could tell me P.S I'm a bit of a linux noob so sorry if i got anything muddled up lol
I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal on a External HDD (320GB Samsung S2). Worked like a charm. Bit slow to boot up and load programs, but after a while, works great. I installed it on the external HDD for one purpose: Work anywhere with Ubuntu, no matter which computer I use. I was thinking that was impossible, but I've tested thru several platforms (3 Notebooks, 2 netbooks, all Intel and one AMD Desktop). All worked flawlessly (32 Bits PAE activated and no matter how many cores are active, just works), BUT the themes.For no apparent reason, themes works on the computer I've installed Ubuntu on the HDD. It has his own Internal HDD with Windows 7 and two NTFS partitions.
Themes are stuck to the default boring-white from Gnome. I can only change the window controls. Compiz works, Wireless works, video works, sound works, filesystem works, system works - themes fail. Feels like I've hit my feet's little finger on a chair. P.S.: Ext. HDD is partitioned like this: 300GB FAT32 (it's my pop's HDD, he wants it this way), 18GB EXT4, 2GB Swap.
I had recently installed Bisigi Themes and Cairo dock after which the letter Capital A has gone ... it just appears as a black box with some smudges on it...i dont know which of the two caused it... bfore installing them the letter was visible ...
I am trying to use a lock screen on 10.10. I heard you have to covert the .glade files into .ui using gtk-builder-convert. I have downloaded some lockscreens, but I don't see any .glade files ever. I just see .desktop files.
Is there a way to fix this. I know once a theme is applied it's suppose to take affect on everything. But, my folders (and the stuff that you see below, folders and icons etc..) stay the same no matter what theme I use
I want to theme my Ubuntu. I have heard that Emerald is good for this, but I just don't understand how to use it. There is a theme there already called "Beryl Red" (I assume it's a default), but there is no button to install or use it.
are there any themes for ubuntu 10.10 that look like the kde plasma air theme? i absolutely love its looks, but dont want to switch to kde/plasma... i like the seethrough windows, but cant seem to find a theme. are there any out there?