Debian Multimedia :: Installing MATE Offline?

Apr 22, 2015

I have Debien 7.8 Wheezy installed on my laptop, along with the GNOME desktop. As I absolutely hate the new GNOME layout I want to install MATE so I can get the classic GNOME 2 desktop back. But I have no internet connection here at home (I only have my phone for internet and I can't tether it).

So I'm wondering if it's possible for me to download all the packages and install MATE offline? I don't even know what all the packages are that I need.I can download the packages with my phone with no issue.

I installed Debian on my laptop with the Debian DVDs in case you were wondering. when I downloaded the Debian DVD ISOs, I only saw three ISO files, but the documentation said that it's a 10 DVD set. What happened to the other 7 DVD ISOs?

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Debian Multimedia :: Mate Display Properties Crash After Upgrade Mate-desktop1.10

Aug 13, 2015

Yesterday I have upgraded from repo and there was an update regarding mate-desktop and mate-desktop-common to version 1.10.1 (while the rest of the packages are 1.8.x). Well I upgraded and now I cannot start mate-display-properies to configure my monitor, it crashes all the time.

This is the error found with gdb:
Starting program: /usr/bin/mate-display-properties
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/i386-linux-gnu/i686/cmov/".
[New Thread 0xb645ab40 (LWP 5958)]


No symbol table info available.

I am on Debian 8 testing

Linux debian 4.1.0-1-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 4.1.3-1 (2015-08-03) i686 GNU/Linux

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Debian Multimedia :: MATE Applets Not Staying Put

Sep 15, 2015

I recently installed 8.1, the Gnome Classic DE isn't anything near worth using now. What happened to The Gnome Classic that I know and love? I don't mind MATE too much, if only the applets I put in the panel would stay put between logins instead of manifesting wherever The OS decides IT wants them instead of where I placed and locked them.

I'm looking for a way to get back the Gnome Classic I know and love from Wheezy (first choice), or get the applets in MATE to stay where I put them (second choice).

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Debian Multimedia :: Sound Schemes For GNOME / MATE?

Jul 26, 2015

Are there any sound schemes for GNOME and MATE? Like different system sounds and a logon-logoff sound and a system sound for when I empty the trash bin? Like the way Ubuntu does, just with different sounds. I'm not that crazy about Ubuntu's system sounds.

I know I don't need it, I think it would just make a nice addition to my laptop and later my desktop.

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Debian Multimedia :: Copy Set Of Photos Out Of Digikam (on Mate)

Nov 15, 2015

This is probably a bit of an unusual combination, but I'm using Digikam on Maté. Maybe the problem I'm about to describe just isn't an issue on KDE.

I have my photos in digikam, separated out into various folders. I use the timeline view or the tag view to show just a subset of photos, where the photos are scattered across different folders. Then I want to take those photos and make copies of them onto somewhere else outside of digikam's control, like a USB stick or an external drive or even just another folder. I do not want to change the photos which are in digikam, and I don't want to lose the folder information, tags etc.

I select the photos I want, and choose "Edit"->"Copy". But in my file manager Caja there is no "Paste" command available. I guess that Digikam has copied them into a KDE clipboard and Caja can't find them.

I can drag them into another folder of digikam, and that offers me a pop menu - do I want to move or copy? I can also cancel this if I realise it's not what I want to do.

I can also drag them to Caja, but then I have to be really careful. If I just let go (expecting the move/copy prompt), then it just goes right ahead and moves the pictures out of digikam, which is absolutely awful. The photos are gone from digikam, I lose what folders they were in, I lose what tags they had, and there's no confirmation. I have to spend ages moving the photos back where they came from, trying really hard not to lose any, and even then the tags are gone. I guess the file timestamps are destroyed too but I guess that's not so important. It's just a difficult task depending on how many photos there were and how many different folders, and how jumbled the filenames were.

Ok, so now I know that I have to hold the Ctrl key down when I drag, but still the mouse can accidentally let go before I press the key (I can only press the Ctrl after I start dragging, otherwise it deselects the photo I drag with).

The whole thing just seems fragile and error-prone, and there must be a way to make this less painful.

Maybe I can use something other than caja which handles the drop bit of the drag-and-drop better?

Maybe I can configure digikam to temporarily "lock" the photo database to prevent any accidental changes to the files?

Maybe I can configure digikam to confirm before moving files like this, so I can say "cancel"? (I already have "confirm when moving to wastebin" and "confirm when permanently deleting")

Maybe there's another mechanism for copy/paste from digikam to the file system which is more reliable? Some kind of export with a plain copy?

I'm guessing one popular response might be "don't use digikam with Maté", but I like both so that's tricky to resolve.

Failing any of those, is there any separate tool to search through a tree of photos, select those from a given timerange, and copy them to somewhere else? Either keeping the original folder structure or flattening it?

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Debian Multimedia :: Lightdm And MATE 1.8 - Mouse Flickering / Disappearing

Aug 16, 2014

I installed debian 7 with lightdm and MATE 1.8 (from backports) on a new PC.

Since the first day the mose keeps disappearing. For example when I click on something, the mouse disappears and only comes back when I move it. Sometimes it already disappears when hovering over a button (especially annoying when it happens while you try to resize a window).

That problem did not happen for example in LXDE, which I installed just to test that.

I did install MATE 1.8 on several laptops/PCs so far, never hat that problem. Maybe it's because of quite recent hardware?

Code: Select all00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 041e (rev 06)

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Debian Multimedia :: Jessie 8.3 - How To Remove GNOME And Install MATE

Mar 14, 2016

I have Jessie 8.3, netinstall and GNOME base. I want to switch to MATE and my question is hot to do it correctly.

I think it is impossible to do it by installing firstly MATE and the GNOME - both desktops should be crashed.

How to remove completely GNOME to be without any desktop environment? I can go to thext mode and run commands to delete the desktop but there is something more that I should do?

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Debian Multimedia :: Ultracopier By Default Copy Manager In Mate

Apr 20, 2016

I wonder, as I can make Ultracopier be my default administrator copies in this wonderful desk that is MATE?

I want for example, that when you Crtl + C Ctrl + V to a file, Ultracopier is who is responsible for the copy.

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Debian Multimedia :: Switch From Mate-volume-control To Pulse Audio Mixer?

Jun 20, 2015

I'm using Mate on Jessie. The problem is that mate-volume-control kinda sucks as an audio control. It doesn't have nearly enough options for a proper volume control program. Pulse is much better for my needs. It or Alsa. Is it possible to remove mate-volume-control, or at least make Pulse the default volume control?

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Debian Multimedia :: MATE Desktop - Setup Default Apps (MIME-Type)

Aug 28, 2015

I can't setup or change MIME-Types in Mate/Caja (filemanager)

I use MATE Desktop on Debian 8.1 - File Manager is Caja (1.8.2) - I put in a USB Stick whit Pics. In the Popup Window they came up, normally i can setup a Default behavior for Pics, Music ... But, in my Window the Options are not available. (Grey) The same in "Settings" from Caja (Datenträger) Data Medium.

What can i do to set MIME Types in Mate?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Want To Installing Software Offline?

Jun 24, 2011

I have an offline Ubuntu 10.10 install at another house, i cannot bring it to this house to install the software I need. I would like to install a program which can convert a CD to MP3 files. Can anyone tell me how i cant get this software onto a USB and then how i can install it when I take it to the other computer? EDIT: The computer with internet acccess is Windows 7 not Ubuntu!

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Debian Multimedia :: Resizing Mate System Monitor Freezes System

Apr 4, 2016

Happens on Jessie AMD64 with mate, I can't go to a tty to kill mate system monitor, mouse stop working, keyboard stop working. I tried changing the theme, and now it freeze opening mate system monitor.

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Debian :: Abiword Comes Up In Every Session Of Mate?

May 15, 2015

Abiword comes in every session of mate window manager. How to shut it down for good other than purging and removing it.

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Debian :: Uninstall Gnome And Keep Mate And System Clean

Mar 30, 2016

I've been testing Mate since couple of weeks on my Jessie and now I'm convinced that is the perfect DE for me. So I would like to uninstall Gnome 3 without disturbing Mate and my system as well because both DE share many dependencies. If this is very risky I would like at least get rid of all gnome packages which are not shared with Mate.

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Debian Configuration :: How To Change Gnome / Mate Backends

Jan 3, 2016

I got some trouble with suspending/hibernation using gnome or mate. None of them can suspend the T450 correcly neither to disk nor to ram. If I run pm-utils from a terminal pm-sleep and pm-hibernate work fine both. So I guess all I need is to change the commands which are run by clicking on the suspend or hibernate button, but how to change what is behind the GUI.

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Debian :: Iceweasel Content Encoding Errors (Mate 8.3 Live)

Jan 31, 2016

Background :
Debian Mate Live 8.2 + Iceweasel 38.6 = no problem
Debian Mate Live 8.3 + Iceweasel 38.6 = problems as explained below

Details :
I have used Debian Live versions for a while now without any major problem. After switching from Mate Live 8.2 to Mate Live 8.3, I am almost unable to use Iceweasel due to the following problems :

- much slower browsing overall with regular timeouts (the page's layout or some ads often fail to load)
- random content encoding errors (the grey page similar to SSL related errors)
- random non-latin characters or strange strings (like ""q5"&2>html34") appearing along a page's content

Reloading the same page may (or not) fix the issue : it is random, sometimes it displays correctly (but still very slow) other times it gets worse.

Even when many encoding errors are displayed, if I check the page's source code then it appears to be clean.

I have not changed my usual settings and both the OS and Iceweasel are in vanilla state without any 3rd party add-on or package installed.

I doubt it is hardware related since switching back to 8.2 immediatly solves the issue. The 8.3 support seems ok too because I verified the md5 of all files with success.

Screenshots :
[URL] ....
[URL] ....

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Ubuntu :: Installing OS Updates Offline?

Feb 1, 2010

I am having a computer attached to internet and is updating regularly using update manager. Is there any way to update the other computers which are not connected to internet?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Installing Software Offline / From DVD In 15?

Jun 3, 2011

Currently i am using Fedora 15. My question is - how do i build repository in fedora using fedora installation DVD and later on i can install the software from that repository ?

second issue is - my friend don't have internet connection. so, how do i install the software like - VLC, amarok, and other players offline ? i have downloaded software from RPMFusion, but i am unable to install them. during the installation process, it shows error like - "Can't install src.rpm". there is any other resources where i can get the rpm files so that i can download them and send to my friend and he can install it without any internet connection ?

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General :: Installing Software Offline From DVD In Fedora 15

Jun 3, 2011

Currently I am using Fedora 15. My question is - how do I build repository in fedora using fedora installation DVD and later on I can install the software from that repository? Second issue is - my friend don't have internet connection. So, how do I install the software like - VLC, amarok, and other players offline? I have downloaded software from RPMFusion, but I am unable to install them. During the installation process, it shows error like - "Can't install src.rpm". There is any other resources where I can get the rpm files so that I can download them and send to my friend and he can install it without any internet connection?

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CentOS 5 :: Installing LAMP On Offline Machine

Feb 17, 2011

I have an offline computer with centos5.5 running on it. I want to do some tests on mediawiki or any other opensource tools. However, I can't access localhost from the browser because I don't have a webserver. How do I install apache or LAMP in general without the "yum" command? Where can I find all the dependencies needed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Software Offline With No Internet Connection

Jun 11, 2011

How to install offline software(if No Internet Connection)

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Install Software Offline

Jul 21, 2010

i'm offline user of opensuse 11.3. the multimedia doesnt work. Can any one tell how to install the softwares after getting the software & installing them

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Install Downloaded VLC Offline

Feb 28, 2011

I have downloaded vlc-1.1.7.tar.bz2 I want to install what are the steps to do so ??

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Debian :: DVD 1 ISO Installation On Offline System?

May 24, 2015

For testing I made a debian 8 dvd 1 installation on an usb stick. I selected desktop gui gnome and lxde. Both work. An ethernet 100mb cabel connection works. I can open iceweasel an surf websites.

If I open synaptic package manager and select vlc for installation or press 'mark all upgrades' I get this message. Insert disk debian gnulinux 8 jessie official dvd bin in drive.

Synaptic does not try to get packages from the internet.

Is a debian 8 dvd 1 installation an off line installation? The package system will not connect to the internet?

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Debian :: Searching For Commands Offline

Jul 25, 2015

Two nights ago I was trying to diagnose what was wrong with my internet connection. I couldn't get web pages to load, IRC and ssh weren't connecting, and email wasn't downloading (I still use POP3). I didn't know what to use to check my internet connection. I did a ping, but I didn't know how to interpret the results. So without the internet, I was totally blind.

Are there documents anywhere which install with Debian which I can search offline when my internet connection dies?

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Debian :: Creating Offline Package Backups?

Apr 6, 2010

For a project I have had to migrate from FreeBSD to Linux and I have decided to choose Debian because I have had good experiences with it.However, since my main development machines are completely offline I have run into a little bit of trouble.Is there a way to specify a .deb package and get a tool to recursively list (and fetch) all dependency packages that are not included in the base install and put them in a folder?

I do not like to be tied to the internet (Never a good idea) and so this would save me a heap of trouble (and journeys to an online PC)Once I have these folders containing packages, then I can simple cd into one of them, dpkg -i the relevent .deb and not have to rely on the DVDs or worry about connecting to an online repositoryLife will be good!Suffice to say FreeBSD can do this well so I strongly believe that Debian will be able to aswell but since it is not normally done, I havn't found much on google about it

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Debian :: Centralize Linux Offline Documentation

Oct 2, 2015

I am using Debian 8, fully updated as of this writing.

I want to find a package or some way to get all my linux offline documentation in one place, be it through the web browser or an application, in the official reppos or not does not matter. I've already tried doc-central with apache2 but I get all sorts of error messages and something about no D-bus daemon started, i dont understand, because I;ve installed d-bus service latest version after the error. when I started doc-central correctly through almost blind luck (only once) I did not get any docs just the welcome message.

Is there an alternative to doc-central, a GUI type solution would be preferable. or at least some advice to properly configure doc-central and maybe that d-bus problem, because I clearly did something wrong, I have even tried to write the configuration through an example file for doc-central, but that did not do much, I've read that DocCentral is unstable so maybe I going at it the wrong way.

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Debian :: How Do We Perform Offline Patch Management

Sep 10, 2010

How do we perform offline patch management with Debian? This isn't a question about which tools to use on Debian to load the patch once it is on a CD and transferred to said offline computer via sneaker net. More, how do I keep said offline (or strictly firewalled) computer in synch?

Pardon me while I make a comparison to Solaris. I am in no way stating Solaris is better. It just happens to be my baseline of experience.In Solaris, I can download Cluster Patch Updates (CPU). So if I build a Solaris box with a CD that is a year or more old, I can download the latest CPU and get the box patched up to date, and from that point on sneaker-net patches as they appear.

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Debian Multimedia :: Installing Firefox 32 Bit On 64 Bit?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm using Firefox 4.0 b7, and tried to install Mozilla binary on Debian 64 bit. Since it was built for 32 bit (x86), I needed to install also ia32-libs-gtk package. This at least enabled Firefox to start, but still it has UI problems, because it accesses current theme binary from /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ which are obviously compiled for 64 bits. This causes some UI to be degraded to generic GTK. Is there a normal way to solve this?

I my case I got a whole bunch of errors like this (using Nimbus theme, in case of Clearlooks errors are of the similar nature) Plus there are some plugins errors too, which are a second issue: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

(firefox-bin:10197): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
(firefox-bin:10197): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
/usr/lib/gio/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
Failed to load module: /usr/lib/gio/modules/

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Debian Multimedia :: Installing Software From CD?

Mar 16, 2011

I just did a fresh install of Squeeze with a KDE desktop and now I need to install some software. I have the software on CD, but I can't figure out how to actually get it installed. The disc has a startme file, but I can only get it to open into a text editor. How do I get it to actually run the startme file to install the program. I have tried just clicking on it in user and superuser mode and both just open the file in a text editor. I also tried running it from a bash shell, but still no luck. Is there some program used to install software? Or how do I do it from a shell?

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