Debian Installation :: Activating DNS On New Install

Nov 30, 2015

I just installed debian Jessie (8) and find that the system cannot resolve URLs. Checking with the "hosts" command confirms this. I am connected to a comcast network in my house. I have looked over some of the documentation and it seems like there are several conflicting ways of setting up the resolver. It is not clear if the install process did this for me. I am assuming that DHCP was installed as the computer had no problem defining IPs for its wlan0 and eth0 ports and I can telnet in from and in-network PC. I have a few questions :

1) I see /sbin/dhclient/,,,,, running so i assume this is the DHCP deamon in use?
2) Before I dig too deep I wonder if an internal firewall is involved. Is there a command to shut it down temporarily?
3) what would I look for to determine if a resolver was installed and which one?

I see from my windows machine an apparent comcast DNS server but I don't believe I can code it into resolv.conf on debian as the OS now overwrites this(I already tried and failed!).

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Debian :: Activating Network - Root Account ?

May 13, 2010

How do I activate networking? (I am currently logged in from Ubuntu on another computer). I installed Debian Squeeze on an iMac 7.1 (which works perfectly well with ubuntu) from the netinstall CD (today's daily build), and of course I deactivated root login, coming from ubuntu. Now I find I have to enter my root password (login password will not do) to activate networking! Is this a joke? I had the network configured with DHCP during install! So how do I activate the root account, or, more to the point, how do I get by in Debian without activating root login?

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Debian Hardware :: Activating A Firewire Card In SteamOS

Oct 11, 2015

I've got a Firewire Edirol FA-101 sound card, which is displayed as an attached card when i run cat /proc/asound/cards.

But I can't seem to select it anywhere or activate it or patch it in so I can use it as a sound card.

How do I get it to work as a sound card?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Activating DMRAID On Boot-up?

Nov 13, 2010

1) Use INSSERV to start DMRAID

2) Use MKINITRD to create a new INITRD file which loads the DMRAID module.

Neither solution showed any detail of how to accomplish this, and which files to edit or what order I should use to tackle either. With the second solution, I have another SUSE 11.2 installation on another hard drive. Would it be ok to boot into that and create a new INITRD with DMRAID activated, or would it be better to break the RAID-set boot into one of the drives and create INITRD for that RAID 1 system, then recreate the RAID-set? The only issue I would see is that fstab, device mapper and grub would need the new pdc_xxxxxxxxxx value, which can be changed from the second installation.

My system is:

Asus M4A78T-E with fakeraid SB750 controller
AMD Black Edition - AMD Phenom II X4 3.4 GHz Processor
2 x Samsung 1TB drives
Suse 11.2

I have Windows XP on another hard drive purely for overclocking and syncing the 1TB drives, but I can't actually boot into the SUSE system until this issue is sorted out.

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Fedora Installation :: Installation Of 10 And XP Partition Is Not Activating

May 6, 2009

I already have XP installation on laptop, and have a partition of linux already available on HDD. So, I try to install Fedora 10, during installation process it prompted to format existing linux partition I said yes, and after that installation process started.

After successful installation of fedora I encountered the problem that my XP partition is not able to activate for boot. In boot menu it show Fedora 10 and Other when I select the "other" it shows a message Disk Read Error Press Alt+Ctrl+Del to restart no other option.

After that I boot my laptop with Fedroa 10 it is working fine as well I am able to see the hard disk Windows XP partition, I try to mount these partition, it worked successfully.

I try my level best to come out from this problem but all failed.

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Fedora Installation :: No TPM Chip Found Activating TPM-bypass

Mar 31, 2010

When trying to install fedora, I frequently run into the problem where it locks up on boot.

The line that I am able to read right before it locks up is: "No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass!"

I was wondering if anyone has any similar problems or how I could fix this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Activating Graphics Card Won't Letting To Boot

Sep 19, 2010

I'd been using 10.04 for a while and then one day the computer wouldn't boot. It just loaded up to a low res purple screen with the loading dots on it and froze. I managed to get all my files back and everything and re-install and it was working fine until I enabled the graphics card and then the same problem occurred. I've isolated the problem to the graphics card. It's never given me issues before and I've been running Ubuntu for about 2 1/2 years now so I was kind of surprised.

It's an NVIDEA card by the way. Any suggestions as to what I should do? I need hardware support for graphics because I do some work in 2D and 3D and as such need to be able to do that stuff on my PC. I don't want to have to keep reinstalling to check if the graphics card is working again yet but it's the only thing I can think of =(

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Slackware :: Lilo Not Activating ?

May 16, 2011

I finally got everything installed and then slackware setup prompted me to reboot. then i did and it just took me back to windowsxpx64. so then i tried booting off my usb, and it worked, however when i login as root, i just get the bash commandline and not interface or programs or anything. i cannot login as any other user and the setup did not prompt me to make another user account. so how would i activate lilo or make it so i can boot with it to slackware? i rather use grub but for now i would just like to get slackware working right.

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Fedora :: Error Activating Xkb Configuration

Mar 2, 2009

Since the last update of xorg/x-server I am receiving following error after logging into my gnome desktop:


After updating fedora on my laptop there's the same error. I found this thread here in the forums but the link inside is dead. [url]

According to some google-results it has something to do with the gnome settings not being the same as the X-server settings.

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Fedora :: Gnome-screensaver Not Activating

Dec 11, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12 and the last couple days I have noticed my screensaver will not start anymore. I did a yum update a few days ago don't know if there is a connection between the two. I've just started to Google the topic. Found different culprits ranging from dbus problems to buggy code.

I'm using a x86_64 PC running kernel My Gnome version is 2.28.2. The Gnome-screensaver version is 2.28.3-1.fc12.x86_64.

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Ubuntu :: Activating Swap File ?

Mar 19, 2010

I am using ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop from past 8 months. These days when I boot my laptop, The booting process takes more time on the following step:

Activating swap file

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Fedora :: What Are The Steps In Activating FTP And Telnet On 10

Jan 11, 2009

SSH is initially installed and activated. What are the steps in activating FTP and Telnet on Fedora 10. I know they are non-secure and probably shouldn't be used at all, but I need to know or at least pointed in the right direction.

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General :: Unable Activating Eth0 ?

Sep 23, 2010

My box is centos x86 5.4.

I changed lan card and tried to enable eth0 with command "ifconfig eth0 up", but not worked.


How to enable eth0 and see "inet4 address".

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Slackware :: Activating Cpu Frequency Scaling ?

May 15, 2011

Slackware64 13.37 multilib, generic kernel (full install)

BIOS: EIST and C3/C6/C7 State support are enabled.

I'm trying to activate cpu frequency scaling following the tutorial on slackwiki: [url]

I can't load any module.


I've tried all of them but the error is the same. I also rebooted to the huge kernel, however, it gave me the same error.

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Debian Installation :: Moving Debian Install From Virtual Machine To Physical

Feb 20, 2010

I have been learning Debian by using a virtual machine. After fine-tuning my installation procedure, I decided to copy that installation to my physical system. The hard drive already has another Linux based system installed. I plan to dual boot.After copying files I updated fstab and menu.lst.The partition scheme between the virtual and physical environments are similar, but the partitions are not mapped exactly the same.Thus the Debian system on the physical hard drive fails to boot simply because the initrd is created for the root partition location on the virtual machine. The initrd created in the virtual machine is looking for the root file system on /dev/hda1 whereas on my physical drive the new location is /dev/sda7.How can I rebuild the initrd on the physical system? I started to use the installation DVD in rescue mode, but I did not get too far.

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Debian Installation :: Debian 5.0.4 New Install Will Not Read Boot Disk Info

Mar 10, 2010

I down loaded Debian 5.0.4 and burned it to CD (several times I might add till it was right) and now the computer I'm putting it on wont acknowledge it as a boot disk and load. It does not have a problem with my windows cd, which has a crack and the start of all my problems, But not the Debian CD-1 disk. what now? The computer is an IBM thinkpad a22p. Everything works as far as I can tell. But I was going to reinstall Windows and failed in that because of a small crack on the edge of the disk that stopped the install and any hope of accessing the file on the laptop. Microsoft does not support windows xp any longer, you must buy windows 7, but the ibm will not run it due to processor speed and ram limitations. But it will run linux and I'm willing to try it just to get out of microsoft control.

Idon't know what else to do. This is the link to where I downloaded the software ( [URL] ). The others five that i downloaded were on the same page that I got this one. Are there bad files here? Is there a missing file in the disc?

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Debian Installation :: New Install Debian As VB Host With Kernel Error

Feb 22, 2010

I'm somewhat familiar with Ubuntu (familiar but not sharp!) but have never tried Debian OS until now. I've installed Debian 5 64bit as a guest on a Mac host. I'm impressed how smooth the install went; even installing VB Guest Additions went smoothly. But, I get a "Your system had a kernel failure" error after booting. I have searched the forum & didn't find this error. Everything seems to work okay but is there an update that isn't showing in the Update Manager? Could this have something to do with VirtualBox 3.1.4?

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Fedora :: Activating Printer On Parallel Port?

Apr 18, 2011

When I boot fc14 with an already defined printer connected on the parallel port, then I can use the printer. The printer appears on parallel:/dev/lp0. But, if the printer is not connected during startup, when I connect the printer I cannot use it. Nothing happens. I have no corresponding message using "dmesg" command when I connect the printer.

I cannot make cups see that the printer is connected, using "localhost:631" in firefox. Is it possible to "mount" the printer manually? Using "system-config-printer", the printer has to be "activated", even though it is not used or even connected. Then "parport" module is installed during boot (with other related modules: "ppdev" and "parport_pc").

Then, when the printer is connected, "dmesg" shows :
lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).
lp0: console ready
And, of course, it is now OK to use the printer.

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Fedora Networking :: Usb Wireless Card Not Activating ?

Aug 27, 2011

I am trying to get a netgear wireless usb card to work correctly. I have installed ndiswrapper and gotten the correct drivers installed. The device does show up with lsusb. I can't seem to figure out how to get the wireless card to show up in gnome to start using it.

Update: the ndiswrapper module does load but when i run ndiswrapper -l it just shows the driver installed but, it is not showing my wireless usb card (0846:9020).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Activating The Wireless On Laptop?

Jan 20, 2010

This must be a repost, but I still want to ask, how do I activate the wireless on my laptop? I've been given advice about this a while back, but forgot. Just reinstalled a fresh copy of 9.10

Or is there an alternative way to do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing And Activating B43 Driver

Apr 18, 2010

Need to install b43 driver to use monitor mode on my card - versions are compatible, I ran
sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter
As told, but instructions end there. Pressed yes to download and extract firmware. Do I need to activate this driver somehow?

Info on wireless card:
tnt@Artemis:~$ lspci -vnn | grep 14e4
0c:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01)
Broadcom STA driver is activated in the hardware drivers manager.

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Ubuntu :: Activating Window Through Bash Script

Jun 12, 2010

I'd like to create a bash script that's mapped to hotkey to bring up my Empathy contact list if it's on a separate workspace, mimized to tray, or hidden and hide the window if it's focused.I think I need to use something like wmctrl -l and wmctrl -R, but I can't figure out how to get the window status (minimized to tray, different workspace, etc.)

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Ubuntu :: Activating A Partition - Cannot Drag And Drop Anything

May 10, 2011

I want to do is use a partition other than the one the OS is installed on for my data files. Before I installed 10.10 I set up a separate partition for this purpose and formatted it as ext 4. It shows under Places as a "131GB Filesystem". It contains a folder called "lost+found.

When I try to set up folders/directories to use for data using Ctrl+Shift+n nothing happens. The File menu does not have the option to create new directories. I cannot drag and drop anything onto it. The properties shows root as the owner. how to make the partition usable or direct me to where the instructions might be? After going through 400+ pages of a book on using the command line, I haven't found anything to deal with this.

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Networking :: Activating Ftp Service In Based Router?

Jun 29, 2009

I need to activate ftp service in my linux based router which is disabled by default following is my box information:distrbution: Linux version 2.4.24-uc0-iDirect0 (root@s1100bld) (gcc version 3.3.2) #1 Thu

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General :: Activating Belkin Usb Wireless F5d7050 ?

Dec 11, 2010

Trying to add wireless adapter to my fedora 13 system. Belkin f5d7050 raxwn450th v4000. Located zydas zd1211 driver on source forge. Downloaded and installed it


showed my dsl wireless adapter

system - preferences - network connections did not show it

I rebooted - now


shows my dsl adapter, and lsusb says


But it not show up on system - preferences - network connections

Would have prefered to install it via yum but dont know the magic words to get yum to find it.

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Debian Installation :: Install Debian On Virtual Machine

Apr 20, 2010

I am installing debian onto my external usb hdd, through sun virtual box. The problem is that every time i reboot my hdd the instalation disappears and i need to go through it all again, am i doing something wrong ? or is it not meant to be on an external hdd ?

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Debian Installation :: Install All 20,000 Packages Of Debian 5.0.4 9n-newbie?

May 17, 2010

After installing debian 5.0.4 basic from first dvd, I extracted all other dvd images to hard disk and pointed /etc/apt/sources.list point to all these directories.
after refreshing using synaptic package manager, I got list of all 20,000+ packages, and did a
"apt-get -y install ......(all 20,000 names)". It failed due to some conflicts. So I used "--force-yes -f " option as well.

It went on for nearly two days to install everything. (in between due to power failure, something was done half way and was able to login to KDE boot option and see lots of software installed.)
After complete install - it shows a startup screen of Debian EDu - but fails to boot up.

Is there a way to install all softwares + all XWindow systems simultaneously?

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Debian Installation :: Successfully Install Debian 5.0.3 On VMware 7.0.1?

Jun 20, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 Ultimate 7600 on my HP500 Laptop, but I want to try other linux distro such as Debian. I have installed Debian 5.0.3 with VMware Workstation 7.0.1 on my machine instead of really installed it. Details is as follows: 1.Download vmware 7.0.1 and Debian Lenny 5.0.3 seperately.

2.Host Win 7 Ultimate 7600:
configure the local connection to "internet connection share",choose "VMware Network Adapter VMnet1"
Guest Debian 5.0.3: NAT + DHCP
3. Configurate /etc/apt/source.lists
Add these lines on /etc/apt/sources.list:


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Debian Installation :: Install Debian Next To Ubuntu 10.04 On Laptop?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a question: I'd like to install Debian next to Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. I've been searching on the web but I can't figure out what to download and what to install. My laptop is an Acer Aspire 1355LC that runs on an AMD Athlon XP processor. Also when I install Debian, will it recognise my Linksys WUSB 54 wireless device? (I've read somewhere that it could be that WLAN connections aren't supported with the net instal Cd) I know there's a lot that I'm asking, but I really want to learn more about Debian.

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Debian Installation :: Unable To Select And Install Desktop Managers In Net-install?

Dec 23, 2015

I downloaded and mounted debian-8.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso on my work machine's VirtualBox v5.0.12 to check out Debian stable/Jessie's installer and clean installation in case I need to do it soon. I like the new installer compared to 11/24/2011 on my old desktop machine. It is much nicer, fancier with its advanced options, etc.

However, I ran into issues with its "Select and Install" part when I selected desktop managers (e.g., KDE and Gnome) and continued. It failed as shown in [URL] .... images. Why? I tried again from scratch and same thing. If I don't select any and just select non-GUI stuff (e.g, SSH and standard system utilities), then it works but I want the pretty GUI stuff.

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