Debian Hardware :: External HDD Not Accessible Despite Recognition

Feb 23, 2015

I did a fresh install of Jessie 32-bit on an older PC and my WD My Passport Ultra is no longer recognized . It shows up on lsusb. I also IDed it as being sdf but... when I now try to mount it

Code: Select all/usr/bin/udisks --mount /dev/sdf /media/ manually I get:

Mount failed: Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdf,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error

In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: External NTFS USB Drive Not Accessible By Windows

Aug 11, 2010

I've been using it for a couple of years, it has been mounted various ways and into various places, for the past year under Suse 11.2

Suddenly I discover that it's not accessible in Windows anymore. Drive gets an assigned letter but can't be opened. Tried on Windows 7 and Windows Xp.

This is the current fstab line:


Drive is owned by the root but permissions are set for everybody.

This is ls -l line for it's mount point

drwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8192 2010-07-16 21:48 Seagate

Another weird thing about it is that if I try to copy a folder into it Dolphin gives me "can't create directory" error and then hangs. If I restart Dolpin I see that the folder has been created just fine and I can copy anything into this new folder without any problems, including creating any sub-folders.

That weirdness doesn't exist if I run Dolphin as a superuser.

I would create a separate thread for this issue if there's no connection.

For now I believe something screwed up the part where Windows reads what file system it is.

Is there a way to "unscrew" it and make sure that NTFS looks ok to Windows, too?

Backing up 750 GB drive and reformatting it is not an option in the near future and I occasionally need to take the drive and plug it into friends' Windows.

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Debian Multimedia :: Audigy Card Recognition On Squeeze?

Jul 6, 2010

I have currently gotten my onboard sound working after some tousling and trial (Intel ICH5), but my beloved Audigy remains without breath. I've been around on the KDE forums thinking that it had to do with Phonon after it permanently forgot my sound cards (a feature which enables permanent sound removal too easily, in my opinion), and the admin pointed me toward my distro's forums.

Here's some info:


with some meaningful output, but, after a reboot, still no sound with speakers plugged into the Audigy.

2nd NOTE: I have just found this:


The driver in use is NOT the emu10k1 driver, which I believe should be the one according to the alsa soundcard matrix. How do I load the proper driver upon boot?

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Debian Multimedia :: Headphones - No Sound Is Recorded By The Speech Recognition Utility

Mar 4, 2011

My wife is taking an online language course that requires Windows in order to record and playback speech (for pronunciation training). I decided the easiest thing to do would be to clone a VM I use on my machine for tasks that can only be accomplished in a Windows environment. I did so, and successfully installed the speech recognition utility on the Windows guest VM. Unfortunately, although the microphone works just fine--I can hear my voice in the headphones--no sound is recorded by the speech recognition utility. Just to be clear, the microphone is fully functional under GNU/Linux. My wife has been using Skype without any issues at all. That is, Skype used to work. Somewhere during the course of trying to resolve the voice recording problem I managed to break Skype. I have no idea how.

It's a long story, but I'll try to be as brief as possible. When I could not get the VM solution to work properly, I thought maybe the problem was with the VM, so I checked the original copy on my own machine. No problem there. Windows sees and hears the microphone just fine (using the testing utility under sound configuration). So how is it possible that the microphone doesn't work in the cloned VM image? Before you stop me, allow me to note that both machines have identical motherboards, and both are configured to use the onboard sound. Sound works on the Linux host and the Windows guest VM. Both sound and microphone work in the original VM image on my machine, but only sound works in the cloned VM on my wife's machine.

If you've followed me down the rabbit hole this far, please continue with me a bit further as things get stranger and stranger. After triple checking all the setting in KMix (I'm running Squeeze/KDE on both machines) to be sure they were identical, I noted that I was unable to view/add/enable the "channel" option on my wife's machine. Why, I have no idea. As I said, the machines are identical as can be both regarding hardware and software. Out of desperation, I decided to set up an account for my wife on my machine. I created her account, made sure she had the necessary audio permissions, then cloned my VM to her account. Same problem.

I would love for someone to point out what I'm missing here. Same hardware, identical VM (clone), same permissions, same sound configurations in KMix and under the Windows guest VM. How is it possible for the microphone to work for me, but not for my wife? Is there some mystery configuration file somewhere that has magically been altered for her account alone? The worst part about this entire process is that I've broken my wife's Skype, which is a big deal seeing as we live in a tiny country in the heart of Africa and cell phone communications are very expensive.

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Debian :: Drives Not Accessible In Windows Xp?

Mar 22, 2011

i have configured the samba as pdc in debian squeeze,in the "View Workgroup Computers" window of windows xp there is linux shared folder icon but when want
to open the folder get this error: \LinuxcpShared is not accessible. you might not have the permissions to use the network resources. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.

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Debian Configuration :: RAID Array Not Accessible

Aug 29, 2015

Just setup with Debian 8 (LXDE) a few weeks ago. Raid10 array was preexisting.

Was working well. After booting I would need to go to the save as then would need to enter the root password and everything would be good.

Can't access the array.

Used to use the command $ mount /dev/dm-o /home/myspace/folder under Debian 7.6 to mount the array (no longer works).
blkd lists a /dev/md0 but instead of UUID it is PTUUID

[Code] .....

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Debian :: Server Setup With Static IP Not Accessible

Jan 22, 2011

I setup a server last night and was able to remotely connect to it and access the internet with it. However, now that I have setup /etc/network/interfaces so that the server will have a static IP address, I cannot access the server remotely. Also, from the server itself, I cannot access the internet. Ping provides "unkown host" for any website I try. How do I fix this?! I don't know why this is happening.

Here is my interfaces file:
Code: ...
#The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
# also tried with and without auto eth0
# auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address 192.168.133
gateway This is the only NIC on the server.

Here is ifconfig:
Code: eth0
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txpueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)
Interupt: 29

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Debian Configuration :: OpenVPN And IPTables - No Local Hostnames Accessible

Feb 7, 2016

I managed to set up an openvpn server, ip-forwarding and a nat iptable rule for that.

Almost everything works as expected, but my problem is:

Smartphone -> VPN -> Internet ==> works (by ip and hostname)
Smartphone -> VPN -> machine in my local network by IP ==> works
Smartphone -> VPN -> machine in my local network by its hostname => DOES NOT WORK
Machine w/ VPN server -> ping to machine in local network by ip or hostname => works

So, i wonder why i cant access a local machine through the vpn by its hostname. I guess I'm missing a forwarding rule??

iptables dump:
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Sun Feb 7 20:56:52 2016
:INPUT ACCEPT [728:53047]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [19:1487]
# Completed on Sun Feb 7 20:56:52 2016

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General :: Recognition Of USB Drive?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Motorola phone, with a MicroSD slot, which my Ubuntu machine does not recognize as a USB drive.

It does know there is something there since

It automatically charges my phone whenever I connect it. using the command lsusb shows it as "Motorola PCS"

Is there a way to tell Ubuntu/Linux that the connected hardware is a disk drive?

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Ubuntu :: DSL Modem Recognition With 10.04

Apr 7, 2011

Just fitted my netbook (Acer Aspire One) with 10.04 and now trying to connect to DSL Internet with Ethernet cable through Siemens 4200 modem.The "Ethernet" light on the modem does not come on as it does when i'm in Windows on the netbook nor as it does when I connect my desktop (with an earlier version of 10.04 with no wireless capability).

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Hardware :: USB Recognition In RedHat 4.8

Jun 7, 2010

I just upgraded on system from RedHat 4.0 to 4.8 and I'm having issues recognizing flash drives on the system. After a little bit of googling and attempting what some people recommend I am still having issues. I've tried the lsusb command but it doesn't seem to be recognized. I've searched the media and dev directories but found nothing showing any system recognition of USB devices. The ports do work as I've hopped the mouse and keyboard around to all of them and they work just fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Have Automatic Recognition By Apt?

Aug 31, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a machine of our laboratory. Since we are at the university connections may pass through a proxy (whose url we ignore). All things concerning system update are nearly unusable. Several posts say to add in apt strings like $ export http_proxy="http:" $ export ftp_proxy="http:" but I don't know the url proxy at all.Firefox is set to "Direct internet connection" and all work well. In Windows all connection properties were set to "automatic" and updates were ok.Is there a way to have an automatic recognition by apt?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Speech Recognition Software?

Dec 30, 2010

is there any speech recognition software out there i can install and use easily?

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Ubuntu :: Peripheral Device Recognition

Feb 11, 2011

In this case I have a video capture device but when plugged in (usb) the os doesn't recognise it. Is there software (device manager) where you can a least identyfy it?

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Ubuntu :: Face Recognition Software For 10.10?

Mar 20, 2011

Does anyone know of any face recognition software for ubuntu 10.10...???

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Software :: Linux Speech Recognition

Jul 13, 2011

One of my friends seems to have been won over to the idea of me installing Linux onto his pc but he relies heavily on Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice recognition which unfortunately isn't available for Linux.

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Ubuntu :: No Recognition Of Memory Card In 10.04?

Apr 19, 2011

Where can I get the answer to my question. No recognition of my memory card in Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: DVD Recognition In OS Or Windows Option Burn ISO?

Mar 16, 2010

My unit does not have internal DVD capability so I installed an external Sony that XP recognizes but ubuntu does not. I am 910 is that makes a difference.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Recognition Software?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there any Music Track Recognition software for Ubuntu?I'm using TrackID in my phone, and Tunatic on Windows.But couldn't find one for Linux

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall The Facial Recognition Software?

Oct 2, 2010

I thought this was going to work well but, it doesn't and now I can't log into my computer until the application quits....about a minute.


I followed the install instructions which went well with no errors. how to remove everything and get the GDM back to it's original state?

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Hardware :: HP Scanner Text Recognition Quality?

Mar 24, 2010

Just installed Ubuntu K-K 9.10 4 months ago, still a newbie. Got my HP PSC 1410 all-in-one hooked up and the HP Device Manager installed OK and xsane. Printer works good and scanner handles pics great but I don't have any luck scanning a menu to doc format. The menu does have fancy scroll-work around the edges and main headings are a script font and Course names are underlined. All other items are clear font. I figured this all added to the problem of very unreadable scan results till I tried a page with all clear block font and it's still totally unreadable. I mean totally! I've searched till I'm out of ideas. There has to be a way to tweak the recognition of text.

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General :: SD Slot Recognition Post Bootup?

Feb 21, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One "netbook" that has 2 SD slots. If I insert and try to mount an SD card post bootup it can't detect the card (not listed in fdisk -l, and no messages generated to dmesg). Almost as if the slot isn't functioning.

The weird thing is, if I boot the computer up with the SD card IN the slot, it picks it up no problem, shown in fdisk as /dev/mmcblk0p1, and I am able to mount it no problem. I am also able to unmount and remove the card and the SD slot continues to function normally. Although I can boot up the computer with the SD card in the slot with no issues, I'd like to be able to have that "slot" active on boot even if I don't have a card in it.

A few more details, Im running slackware 13 with fluxbox wm.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Recognition From Video To Text?

Jul 26, 2010

is there any software capable to extract the audio fom a video or audio file as text? I have a video and I need the audio from it into a text file

Microsoft Windows is like air conditioning
Stops working when you open a window.


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Ubuntu :: Easystroke Gesture Recognition - Start Malfunctioning

Jun 23, 2010

Whenever I try to perform a gesture with easystroke, black blocks take up a large area of the screen, making it so that I cant see anything underneath them until I stop performing the gesture. It didn't used to be like this, before the gesture would perform mostly flawlessly. I don't know what I did to cause it to start malfunctioning, but I would really like it to stop.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Working On Facial Recognition For Digikam?

Dec 21, 2010

I saw that in Google's Summer of Code that they were working on Facial Recognition for Digikam. Has it made it into the mainline yet? If so, where is it located in the program? If not, when will it be available? I'm ready to dump Picasa right now for it.

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning Attempt In Win 7 Resulting In No Recognition Of Partition?

Jan 5, 2011

Allow me to preface this post with fact I am 80 and the PC challenges seem to be greater and comprehension a major focus. I just finished a 12 hour recovery on due to this new Toshiba Satellite not recognizing the partition I created with gparted.

The out of the box configuration is unallocated 100 Mib, sda1 NTFS System Boot, sda 2 NTFS WOG with 286'59 GiB, sda3 NTFS Recovery. IIts scary for me to attempt it again but I will try given some clear directions. An option would be my 149 GB external formatted with EXT 3 file system

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Ubuntu :: Custom Flicks/Gesture Recognition For Tablet?

Aug 7, 2011

I could not decide on a forum section, so I choose this one. About a year ago, I set up a wiimote white board for windows xp and ubuntu, and i played around with it. I install a program where you could custimize "gestures" or "flicks" that would do certain things, like if I drew a large F on the screen, firefox would open, or a s would save the file.

Now that I have a tablet pc, I can not remember for the life of me the name of this program. I reformatted my old computer a while ago and I google searched with no results. I remember is was open sourced and really awesome.

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Hardware :: Bios Recognition Of Usb Drive For Booting Purpose?

Jul 10, 2010

I have an HP motherboard w/P4 with 40 GB disk another Maxtor 500GB Hard disk on the usb. Problem: On start up with device selection for booting, my pen drive always gets listed as USB HDD0 and USB HDD1 and Iam able to boot thru' them. However my Maxtor HDD in the first partition of which I have installed FC 13 after much pain,so as to not disturb my existing installation FC 11 in internal drive. This device itself is not visible, nothing to have to say about its partitions in bios list of devices to select. Whether this is a drive related problem or bios related. How may I make it visible in bios list.

Further note: Fedora core 13 installation didn't worry about the windows XP and Fedora 11 installation in main drive. It allowed for installation of the individual boot loader in the installation drive itself.

Bios not recognising this drive precluded access at boot from grub.conf of the exising FC 11 installation too.

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Hardware :: Microphone Is Not Responding For Sphinx (speech Recognition)?

Dec 9, 2010

I have installed Fedora 11 recently on a new system. Sphinx speech recognition was working fine on my old system. When i run the same project on my new system, the system does not respond as it is waiting for microphone voice input.Then I checked the microphone and have set it properly and its working now. The details how i made my microphone working is at the following link:



Originally Posted by danfe
[root@amit ~]# uname -r
[root@amit ~]# lspci | grep Audio


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General :: USB Hard Drive Recognition Samba And Mediatomb?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a Ubuntu plug server which I have been using with Samba and Mediatomb and two External USB drives.

I had it working about a year ago and then moved house and set it up again recently.

I had it working till yesterday when one of my children cut the power to one of the hard drives.

Since this I cannot get the system to recognise the drive that was unplugged. I have rebooted, powered down but cannot find the second rive.

When I setup my system again recently the system didn't work so I had to make some changes, I made two directories /dev/media2 and /dev/media3 where I mounted the two drives (sdb1 and sdb2). The system seemed to work fine with both mediatomb and samba.

After the forced powerdown;

/dev/media2 and 3 now seem to have disappeared and the 'working' hard disk is now recognised as sda1 and mounted on /media/external which is how it was before recent changes.

It seems something is taking the system back to previous state.

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