General :: SD Slot Recognition Post Bootup?

Feb 21, 2010

I have an Acer Aspire One "netbook" that has 2 SD slots. If I insert and try to mount an SD card post bootup it can't detect the card (not listed in fdisk -l, and no messages generated to dmesg). Almost as if the slot isn't functioning.

The weird thing is, if I boot the computer up with the SD card IN the slot, it picks it up no problem, shown in fdisk as /dev/mmcblk0p1, and I am able to mount it no problem. I am also able to unmount and remove the card and the SD slot continues to function normally. Although I can boot up the computer with the SD card in the slot with no issues, I'd like to be able to have that "slot" active on boot even if I don't have a card in it.

A few more details, Im running slackware 13 with fluxbox wm.

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General :: Recognition Of USB Drive?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Motorola phone, with a MicroSD slot, which my Ubuntu machine does not recognize as a USB drive.

It does know there is something there since

It automatically charges my phone whenever I connect it. using the command lsusb shows it as "Motorola PCS"

Is there a way to tell Ubuntu/Linux that the connected hardware is a disk drive?

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General :: SD Slot Not Working On Acer Aspire One With Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop?

Apr 24, 2011

My sd slot is not working at all, doesn't recognize it. I think it may have something to do with having the desktop version installed but I could be wrong. I was only introduced to linux 4 weeks ago and am not very familiar with it, but already know I like it more than windows! I have tried three different sd cards and they all work in my other laptop with Windows 7.

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General :: Boot An SD Card On A Notebook That Does Not Have BIOS Support For Booting From The SD Slot?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to boot an SD card on a notebook that does not have BIOS support for booting from the SD slot. Using various how-to's I've figured out how to add additional SD card modules to the initrd.img file on a bootable USB drive such that I can boot Linux installed on the SD card.

However, best I can tell, it loads the kernel and initrd.img from the USB and everything else from the SD card. What I really want is to load the necessary SD modules from the USB and then chainload the SD card such that whatever kernel is on the SD card is loaded instead. Is it possible to chainload to another bootable device after the kernel (with the SD module additions) has already been loaded?

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General :: USB Hard Drive Recognition Samba And Mediatomb?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a Ubuntu plug server which I have been using with Samba and Mediatomb and two External USB drives.

I had it working about a year ago and then moved house and set it up again recently.

I had it working till yesterday when one of my children cut the power to one of the hard drives.

Since this I cannot get the system to recognise the drive that was unplugged. I have rebooted, powered down but cannot find the second rive.

When I setup my system again recently the system didn't work so I had to make some changes, I made two directories /dev/media2 and /dev/media3 where I mounted the two drives (sdb1 and sdb2). The system seemed to work fine with both mediatomb and samba.

After the forced powerdown;

/dev/media2 and 3 now seem to have disappeared and the 'working' hard disk is now recognised as sda1 and mounted on /media/external which is how it was before recent changes.

It seems something is taking the system back to previous state.

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Server :: Apache2 SVN Post-commit Script Certificate Error Post-commit Hook Failed (exit Code 1) With Output?

Oct 12, 2009

I am using apache2 with subversion and trying to get post commit script to run an svn update command. All svn commands seem to work fine manually

Everything used to work fine but then the server ip changed and I can no longer access it with the web name and have to use the ip directly

I am using tortoise svn with vista on my work machine

Here is the script

export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
/usr/bin/svn update /home/common/webroot/bob

Here is the result.

Command: Commit
Modified: C:UsersMattDesktopcheckout - bobindex.php
Sending content: C:UsersMattDesktopcheckout - bobindex.php
Completed: At revision: 63
Error: post-commit hook failed (exit code 1) with output:

I think what i need to do is update the certifcate for the apache2, but I'm not sure how to do this, where to put it, and then which of the thousand apache config lines needs to be changed

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General :: No Screen During Bootup

Jan 12, 2009

I have a pc with 1 GB RAM,Intel Core Duo CPU(1.86 GHz).Recently during formatting of the pc with new windows , I (accidentally)powered off the pc during the process.Due to which what has happened is there is no screen during the time computer boots up when switched on.Only when there is a login window,the screen becomes active.I even installed UBUNTU (which I am still using) on the whole hard disk but problem persists.The problem seems to be independent of the OS.

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General :: Cannot Keep Group Change After Bootup

Mar 16, 2010

I am using Centos 5.4 and I changed the group on /dev/lp0 to group from root. After I do this my program printing directly to /dev/lp0 works fine. But when I shutdown and reboot the system the group on /dev/lp0 has changed back to lp. Does anyone know how to keep the group changed to group after a reboot.

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General :: Creating A New Bootup Script

Feb 18, 2010

Running Centos5 with the latest webmin, WHM and Cpanel.I am trying to run the following as a startup script through webmin, but so far no joy. Searched the internet for a couple of hours last night and couldn't find the answer.

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General :: Retrieving Partitions At Bootup

May 5, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed but when booting up the partitions are not visible on the boot loader. I have tried grub-install and update-grub off a live CD but to no avail, fdisk show the partitions still exist.

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General :: Run A Shell Script After Bootup?

Jan 28, 2010

How to run a shell script after linux bootup(incl. enabling swap space).Is it possible in linux

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Post On Forum - Click On "submit" To Post A Thread The Page Will Just Say "loading..."

Sep 28, 2010

For some odd reason, I cannot post on the ubuntu forum and the LinuxMint forum. Yea, I know.... the irony... I am using Mozilla and have tried Chromium, but that did not fix my problem. When I click on "submit" to post a thread, the page will just say "loading..." and nothing happens for a really long time. Does anyone know what is up? I tried posting on one other forum that I go to often and it seems to work out fine. I haven't tried any other forums though.

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Ubuntu :: Control The FAN Of My VGA Slot ?

Jan 1, 2011

The Linux have automatically found drivers for my ATI 4850.The only option that i don't see inside the control center of the Linux is where can i control the FAN of my VGA Slot ?

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Hardware :: Second RAM Slot Not Working.

Feb 27, 2010

My friend recently bought a memory upgrade for another friend, when i was round at his house i tried to install it for him. Usually this thing is fairly simple, just plug it in and go.

The problem is the second ram slot appears to not be working. i have tried each module on their own in the first ram slot, both working fine. I tried them both on the second ram slot, the computer seems to fail POST, (no case speaker or LED display, but the screen stays black)

also, putting them both in has the same effect. sorry about the [DOT] & [SPACE] but the link is broken otherwise Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-945GZM-S2 -- www[DOT][SPACE]D=2467&ProductName=GA-945GZM-S2 RAM: (2x) Corsair VS1GB667D2 -- User Manual:

The clock rating on these modules are a little high for that board, but I thought they would automatically underclock at the very least for them to both work.

I tried to reset the CMOS, but couldn't find the jumper, so i just took out the battery for 5 mins, does it have the same effect?

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General :: Fedora 12 How To Specify Monitor Type On Bootup

Jan 15, 2010

I have a cheap usb kvm that doesn't pass the EDID data back to the computer from the monitor. And now Fedora 12 seems to rely on autodetection of the monitor to start up at the proper resolution. When I have my samsung 712N on the kvm, fedora 12 boots to only 800x600 max resolution. If I connect the monitor directly to the computer video card, fedora sets the screen resolution to the desired 1280x1024 properly.

When booted through the kvm, fedora won't let me detect or select the correct monitor, and I haven't found any way to work around the problem other than pulling the monitor off the cable, connect to the cpu, reboot. After it's booted I can reconnect the monitor to the kvm and the video is fine.

My question is does anyone know how to manually tell Fedora 12 at startup what kind of monitor I'm using and skip the bootup monitor detection? So far I've spent a couple unproductive hours with google to discover this isn't a totally uncommon problem and no site I've found seems to have any solution.

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General :: Install On Old Desktop - Cannot Get It To Work From A Bootup Off Of CD Or USB

Jan 20, 2011

So my friend dropped off an old Dell (from when the Pentium 4 was the best). The user password has been forgotten, and the User Accounts page will not display anything, so simply removing the password has been blocked. It has Windows XP installed. Unsure of what build and SP. Due to lack of interest to buy an OS, I decided to go with Linux. However, being new, I am unsure what Linux distro is best.

I tried Puppy already, but cannot get it to work from a bootup off of CD or USB. I was hoping for an ISO with a setup.exe type file in it, so I can simply log on in safe mode, and install. But with how many different versions and distros of Linux there are, you can see my reluctance to download and extract every ISO...

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General :: Mounting Samba Shares At Bootup?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 (gnome) - at some point, I had manually mounted a samba share on the home fileserver,

mount -t cifs //homeserver/sharename /serverfiles

It now boots up automatically every time, which is definitely convenient but I don't know how it's being done. I'm going to be mounting the same share using sshfs when I'm away so I'd like to know how it works. When I googlify this, there is mention of altering fstab (which has not been done) or gnome-mount (which does not seem to be it). There is nothing in preferences/startup applications, what is the automounting mechanism being used?

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General :: Get Files From The Remote System During Bootup?

Jun 22, 2010

i was browsing one of my friend hard drive using knoppix live CD, i was amazed to find that all the folder which he uses was empty, there was no files present in them, for example there was a folder in /usr/local named web, but when i browsed that folder using knoppix it was empty.I searched for files in every partition but still no result found.

After some time when i placed hard disk back and booted the PC normally, everything was in its proper place. Then i thought to make image of the hard drive and use it on my PC, the image booted well, but still those particular files were missing. I want to know how is that possible? Is there any way to get files from the remote system during bootup?

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General :: Awk/regex With A Post?

Apr 2, 2010

I have a data file with the following format 0 i j # # # # with other random lines of text to be filtered out.The following script works when there aren't many #s, but it shuffles long lists of data.

/^0/ {
printf("%s %s ", $2, $3)


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Hardware :: PCI-e 1x Card Work In Its 8x Slot?

Aug 24, 2009

My server has 1 - PCI-e 1x slot and 2 - PCI-e 8x slot. Can I plug a 1x sata card into the 8x slot? Will it work? or do you have to have a 8x card?

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General :: ARCH & Slackware's Bootup/mounting Process?

Jul 9, 2010

I was wondering if anyone can tell me what file, etc is the equivalent of ARCH's /etc/rc.sysinit? I need to know this because I am having many problems making the new nfluxos iso's for ARCH because of how ARCH now mounts stuff at bootup

due to whatever changed in udev or udisks or something else in ARCH now, when I make the system into a livecd it doublemounts everything when booting for example; output of "mount" in nfluxos with 3.4squashfs udev 151

[root@nfluxos ~]# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
aufs on / type aufs (rw,relatime,si=4ce08f22,nowarn_perm)
none on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
none on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)


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General :: Cannot Post Files To /var/www/html Using FTP?

Nov 25, 2010

I created a local user acount and tested FTP. This allows me to post files to this directory using filezilla. I then created a webftpaccount and set the home directory to /var/www/html. Here are the permission to this directory using ls -l drwxrwsr-x 6 webftpaccount webftpaccount 4096 Nov 23 10:32 htmlhere are the permission on the sub directories

drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount ftp 4096 Nov 14 07:37 myfinanceguard
drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount root 4096 Nov 14 07:37 mylawguard
drwxrwsr-x 2 webftpaccount root 4096 Nov 14 07:36 xpiinc

I can log into the webftpaccount using filezilla client and it lists all the directories.It will not allow me to write a file into the html directory or any of the sub directories.Can someone help me set appropriate permissions on these directories so that I can get this working? I need to get FTP working so I set up dreamwaever FTP tlich and maintain sites.

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General :: Configuring LVM Post Installation?

Jul 1, 2010

I have some free space (not partitioned) on my disk drive. I have not configured LVM during installation.Is it possible to modify some of the existing partitions to be a member of LVM?

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Fedora Installation :: Boot After Hdd Change To Second Slot?

Jan 31, 2009

I tried to install Fedora 10 with an encrypted root-filesystem on my Laptop. The problem was, that I wanted to install to the second hdd which resides in the extension slot of the laptop. I can either have the dvd-drive or the hdd in the slot. So I removed the internal hdd, and inserted the second one in its place. That way I could use the dvd. The installation went fine and I could boot into the OS. Then I removed the hdd again and inserted the original hdd to the internal slot, and the fedora-hdd in the extension slot. I can select during power-on from which hdd i want to boot, but I cannot boot fedora. After the first dialog, where I can enter the password to decrypt the disk, I get an error message (something like drive not found). I tried to change the grub settings in the /boot partition (which is not encrypted), but without success.

So, is there a way to boot the system? Or how do I install Fedora on the second hdd without the dvd-drive?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Enable / Disable Pci Slot

Apr 6, 2010

Can somebody tell me how to enable/disable a pci slot.I am trying to do a hotplug on the pci slot.Is it possible in Open SUSE? If its possible can somebody please tell me how to do it.I was doing some research and went over the following topics hwup, hwdown, sysfs, but nothing worked.My confidence on Linux OS is pretty high and am sure there should be a way!

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Ubuntu :: Green Slot On Desktop Panel?

Feb 26, 2010

Ever since I upgraded to 9.10 I have had 2 green slots on the panel at the top of the desktop. Both slots have a lighter green bar that oscillates back and forth. I attach a screen slot with he slots circled in red. Looking at other desktops posting on the forums I gather this is not normal but I cannot find what causes it.

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Ubuntu :: Card Slot Not Working - Vista OK

Jul 31, 2011

I have a dual boot HP laptop that has an SD/MMS/XD card slot as well as an Acer Aspire One netbook that has two card slots.

On my HP laptop the card slot works fine with Vista but is not recognised when I boot in to Ubuntu.

On my netbook the original supplied Linpus OS obviously recognised both slots, when I load Ubuntu only one slot is recognised.

I have a USB card reader for the HP and the Acer has two slots anyway

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Autoload A Module In Pci-express Slot?

Jan 14, 2010

autoload a module in my pci-express slot for every boot.For me to load the module, i need to:(i) enter /ixpio directory in root's home.(ii) type "./ixpio.instCan I do an autoload by doing this?as root: edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local and put the lines:-"cd ixpio""./ixpio.inst"

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Hardware :: Disks Seen In Same Order Than Slot Numbers

Dec 4, 2009

A linux box equipped with LSI MegaRAID SAS1078 controller has 4 SAS disks slots. Slots 1+2 holds disks that have been configured (using the LSI bios interface at boot time) as raid-mirror array (hence exported by the controller as one unique LUN). Slots 3 & 4 each holds disks that are not configured as RAID ("direct attached devices" or "raw devices"). The "scan order" numbers for each disk, as reported by the controller interface, are in the same order than the "slot numbers".

Grub (installed on MBR of slot 1+2 LUN) sees:
* slot 1+2 LUN as hd0
* slot 3 disk as hd1
* slot 4 disk as hd2

The Grub boot command says:
root (hd0,1)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.16 root=/dev/sda3
initrd /initrd-2.6.16.img
(hd0,0) is swap
(hd0,1) is /boot
(hd0,2) is /

The linux distro is SUSE (SLES10 SP2). Grub boots correctly (disks in slots 3 & 4 are empty, even no partitions; and as expected, grub tab-auto-completes hd0 with available partitions; on the other hand, grub also sees hd1 and hd2 with the the tab completion, but eventually without partitions behind).

Now the problem: The kernel loads, initrd as well with its bunch of modules, and then harddrives are detected by the scsi driver and there I see: ...
SCSI device sda: ...
sda: unknown partition table ...
SCSI device sdb: ...
sdb: unknown partition table ...
SCSI device sdc: ...
sdc: sdc1 sdc2 sdc3 sdc4 < sdc5 sdc6 sdc7 sdc8 sdc9 > ...

Indeed, shortly after, the sysinit fails mounting FS (because FSTAB addresses directly /dev/sdaN and not UUIDs nor UDEV persistent names). Please note that I do not want to use UUIDs nor LABELs (for personal reasons it's no use to detail here). I tried to change the disk order at the LSI raid bios level, but:
* this interface cannot change priority for LUNs, only for raw devices (and these raw device priorities are set according to slot numbering)
* Grub indeed sees disks correctly, so I think the problem happens only at the linux stage, not earlier.

I tried to look at UDEV persistent rules (in the /etc as well as in the initrd.img/etc after a cpio extract), but there is nothing human readable (nor any obvious aliases, like those we can find for eth cards for instance). It seems that linux sees hardware raid arrays after raw disks, though raw disks are in farther physical slots (and with higher ordering number on the controler) and hence orders them incorrectly. And that's not the behaviour I expect, since I thought the hardware RAID LUNs were seen exactly as raw devices at the linux level, so raid or not should not make any difference in the disks order.

All this story is rigorously reproductible after several boot attempts (i.e. no random discovery here). Is it related to existing udev rules (default rules from SLES10 SP2) I did not find? Or to some missing udev rules (explicit aliases) I should have added? Or to some other udev mechanism I should get rid of (or even get rid of udev completely!)? Or to something else (not udev related... perhaps the fact I also have LVMs and software raid management...)?

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General :: Installed Wrong Video Card Drivers - Now No Gui On Bootup

Oct 8, 2010

I wanted to try 3d desktop so i installed 3d support for nvidia graphics using the instructions on this webpage [url]

I Dont have nvidia i have ati so needless to say i have to gui when i boot up

It shows the fedora loading bubble then a blinking cursor.

I can get to a virtual terminal.

So how do i undo what i did I just want to get it back to normal i dont need 3d support.

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