Ubuntu Multimedia :: Working On Facial Recognition For Digikam?

Dec 21, 2010

I saw that in Google's Summer of Code that they were working on Facial Recognition for Digikam. Has it made it into the mainline yet? If so, where is it located in the program? If not, when will it be available? I'm ready to dump Picasa right now for it.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall The Facial Recognition Software?

Oct 2, 2010

I thought this was going to work well but, it doesn't and now I can't log into my computer until the application quits....about a minute.


I followed the install instructions which went well with no errors. how to remove everything and get the GDM back to it's original state?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Get The Fingerprint Recognition Working On A Dell Vostro?

Aug 4, 2010

how to get the fingerprint recognition working on a dell Vostro?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Recognition Software?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there any Music Track Recognition software for Ubuntu?I'm using TrackID in my phone, and Tunatic on Windows.But couldn't find one for Linux

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: E-mail Photos From Digikam

Apr 15, 2011

Best way to handle my photo collection, and though I love Picasa a great deal, I got tired of having to go through all 15,000 of my photos and retag them whenever I restored my computer from backups (which happened twice in the past year). I am now using Digikam, which I prefer because it saves tags and all that kind of info to the image file metadata. I would like to stick with Digikam exclusively but for one thing: the plugin that should allow me to e-mail photos is not working.

When I go to Image => Email Image and select "Gmail Agent", the result is "Failed to start "gmailagent" program. Check your system." Not sure what to check or where. I have also tried to use the Evolution option to mail photos, but I have never been able to figure out how to use an e-mail client; I have always used webmail. Perhaps it's not even possible to use Evolution to manage Gmail? Dunno. Not my primary concern.

I would gladly ask Digikam support about this, but after creating a new Bugzilla account for the purpose, it continues to tell me my login name is invalid. Maybe later. I am running Lucid with Ubuntu Studio on a dual core HP G61 laptop.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make Digikam Reload Metadata?

Jul 20, 2011

Not sure if this is the right forum for this -- photo software. I have been using DigiKam for a while now, and now that my photo collection has 10,000 some photos, I figure I ought to start tagging them before it gets really out of hand. I am not particularly fond of the DigiKam tagging interface, so I tried to use Geeqie to tag my photos and write the tags to the XMP keywords field, thinking that Digikam would read the metadata and tag my photos accordingly. I have confirmed that Geeqie is indeed writing the tags to the metadata of the photos, but there seems to be no way to get digikam to reload the metadata for files already in its library. Is there any way to make digikam see these tags written by another application, short of re-importing all my photos?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Webcam Real-time Face Recognition Software?

Dec 5, 2010

i'm working on a project, and I need a Software that's capable of recognizing face in real-time (I'll try to explain this, since my English is not that good) By this I mean that while my webcam is on (Not recording, I want it to be like a Videochat, where the recorded Images don't save on the HDD) it can recognize faces. I'm not that good on Linux, but I believe it's the best OS for the project I'm working on, since it's much more free than Microsoft.

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Debian Multimedia :: Audigy Card Recognition On Squeeze?

Jul 6, 2010

I have currently gotten my onboard sound working after some tousling and trial (Intel ICH5), but my beloved Audigy remains without breath. I've been around on the KDE forums thinking that it had to do with Phonon after it permanently forgot my sound cards (a feature which enables permanent sound removal too easily, in my opinion), and the admin pointed me toward my distro's forums.

Here's some info:


with some meaningful output, but, after a reboot, still no sound with speakers plugged into the Audigy.

2nd NOTE: I have just found this:


The driver in use is NOT the emu10k1 driver, which I believe should be the one according to the alsa soundcard matrix. How do I load the proper driver upon boot?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Recognition From Video To Text?

Jul 26, 2010

is there any software capable to extract the audio fom a video or audio file as text? I have a video and I need the audio from it into a text file

Microsoft Windows is like air conditioning
Stops working when you open a window.


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Debian Multimedia :: Copy Set Of Photos Out Of Digikam (on Mate)

Nov 15, 2015

This is probably a bit of an unusual combination, but I'm using Digikam on Maté. Maybe the problem I'm about to describe just isn't an issue on KDE.

I have my photos in digikam, separated out into various folders. I use the timeline view or the tag view to show just a subset of photos, where the photos are scattered across different folders. Then I want to take those photos and make copies of them onto somewhere else outside of digikam's control, like a USB stick or an external drive or even just another folder. I do not want to change the photos which are in digikam, and I don't want to lose the folder information, tags etc.

I select the photos I want, and choose "Edit"->"Copy". But in my file manager Caja there is no "Paste" command available. I guess that Digikam has copied them into a KDE clipboard and Caja can't find them.

I can drag them into another folder of digikam, and that offers me a pop menu - do I want to move or copy? I can also cancel this if I realise it's not what I want to do.

I can also drag them to Caja, but then I have to be really careful. If I just let go (expecting the move/copy prompt), then it just goes right ahead and moves the pictures out of digikam, which is absolutely awful. The photos are gone from digikam, I lose what folders they were in, I lose what tags they had, and there's no confirmation. I have to spend ages moving the photos back where they came from, trying really hard not to lose any, and even then the tags are gone. I guess the file timestamps are destroyed too but I guess that's not so important. It's just a difficult task depending on how many photos there were and how many different folders, and how jumbled the filenames were.

Ok, so now I know that I have to hold the Ctrl key down when I drag, but still the mouse can accidentally let go before I press the key (I can only press the Ctrl after I start dragging, otherwise it deselects the photo I drag with).

The whole thing just seems fragile and error-prone, and there must be a way to make this less painful.

Maybe I can use something other than caja which handles the drop bit of the drag-and-drop better?

Maybe I can configure digikam to temporarily "lock" the photo database to prevent any accidental changes to the files?

Maybe I can configure digikam to confirm before moving files like this, so I can say "cancel"? (I already have "confirm when moving to wastebin" and "confirm when permanently deleting")

Maybe there's another mechanism for copy/paste from digikam to the file system which is more reliable? Some kind of export with a plain copy?

I'm guessing one popular response might be "don't use digikam with Maté", but I like both so that's tricky to resolve.

Failing any of those, is there any separate tool to search through a tree of photos, select those from a given timerange, and copy them to somewhere else? Either keeping the original folder structure or flattening it?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Disable Photo Compression In Digikam

Dec 14, 2010

All my photos saved on digikam are subjected to compression. Is there any way to go around this in the program?

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Debian Multimedia :: Headphones - No Sound Is Recorded By The Speech Recognition Utility

Mar 4, 2011

My wife is taking an online language course that requires Windows in order to record and playback speech (for pronunciation training). I decided the easiest thing to do would be to clone a VM I use on my machine for tasks that can only be accomplished in a Windows environment. I did so, and successfully installed the speech recognition utility on the Windows guest VM. Unfortunately, although the microphone works just fine--I can hear my voice in the headphones--no sound is recorded by the speech recognition utility. Just to be clear, the microphone is fully functional under GNU/Linux. My wife has been using Skype without any issues at all. That is, Skype used to work. Somewhere during the course of trying to resolve the voice recording problem I managed to break Skype. I have no idea how.

It's a long story, but I'll try to be as brief as possible. When I could not get the VM solution to work properly, I thought maybe the problem was with the VM, so I checked the original copy on my own machine. No problem there. Windows sees and hears the microphone just fine (using the testing utility under sound configuration). So how is it possible that the microphone doesn't work in the cloned VM image? Before you stop me, allow me to note that both machines have identical motherboards, and both are configured to use the onboard sound. Sound works on the Linux host and the Windows guest VM. Both sound and microphone work in the original VM image on my machine, but only sound works in the cloned VM on my wife's machine.

If you've followed me down the rabbit hole this far, please continue with me a bit further as things get stranger and stranger. After triple checking all the setting in KMix (I'm running Squeeze/KDE on both machines) to be sure they were identical, I noted that I was unable to view/add/enable the "channel" option on my wife's machine. Why, I have no idea. As I said, the machines are identical as can be both regarding hardware and software. Out of desperation, I decided to set up an account for my wife on my machine. I created her account, made sure she had the necessary audio permissions, then cloned my VM to her account. Same problem.

I would love for someone to point out what I'm missing here. Same hardware, identical VM (clone), same permissions, same sound configurations in KMix and under the Windows guest VM. How is it possible for the microphone to work for me, but not for my wife? Is there some mystery configuration file somewhere that has magically been altered for her account alone? The worst part about this entire process is that I've broken my wife's Skype, which is a big deal seeing as we live in a tiny country in the heart of Africa and cell phone communications are very expensive.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Digikam 0.10.0 No Export To Flickr (invalid Frob)?

Nov 28, 2009

I'm using digikam 0.10.0 under openSUSE 11.2/KDE4.3. When trying to upload pictures to Flickr (i have an account and authorising the flickruploadr was successful) by using the export function I get a message saying (in German): Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten (= error): Ungltiger Frob (=invalid frob).

- about the reason for this error
- what a frob is
- what needs to be tweaked in order to correct this

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Digikam - Renaming On Import - "Create Date" Versus "File Modification Date"

Jan 24, 2011

I just switched from a basic digital camera to a more advanced one that stores both Jpeg and Raw (.Nef - it's a Nikon) files for me.When importing files in Digikam, I rename the files so that they start with Date and Time. Example: 20110121-223748.JPG for a photo taken on Jan 21st 2011 at 22:37:48.I was a bit surprised when importing both the JPEG and the Raw version of the same photo, that the filename is different by a few seconds (no constant offset, sometimes they are the same):


I did some "research" by looking at the exif data of both files (using "exiftool 20110121-223748.JPG" from the command line). Here is what I got back

(amongst other data):20110121-223748.JPG
File Modification Date/Time : 2011:01:21 22:37:48+01:00
Modify Date : 2011:01:21 22:37:48
Date/Time Original : 2011:01:21 22:37:48


So it seems that Digikam is using the "File Modification Date/Time" (different in the Jpeg's and Raw's of my camera) rather than the "Create Date" (the same for both Jpeg and Raw). (The few seconds difference in "File Modification Date/Time" between the two versions of the same photo is probably due to the time that my camera needs to write away the data on the SD memory card. I guess.) Is there a way to have Digikam use the Create Date? (Or the Date/Time Original?)

PS: I'm on Ubuntu 10.04LTS, using DigiKam 1.2.0

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Ubuntu :: DSL Modem Recognition With 10.04

Apr 7, 2011

Just fitted my netbook (Acer Aspire One) with 10.04 and now trying to connect to DSL Internet with Ethernet cable through Siemens 4200 modem.The "Ethernet" light on the modem does not come on as it does when i'm in Windows on the netbook nor as it does when I connect my desktop (with an earlier version of 10.04 with no wireless capability).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Have Automatic Recognition By Apt?

Aug 31, 2010

I installed Ubuntu on a machine of our laboratory. Since we are at the university connections may pass through a proxy (whose url we ignore). All things concerning system update are nearly unusable. Several posts say to add in apt strings like $ export http_proxy="http:" $ export ftp_proxy="http:" but I don't know the url proxy at all.Firefox is set to "Direct internet connection" and all work well. In Windows all connection properties were set to "automatic" and updates were ok.Is there a way to have an automatic recognition by apt?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Speech Recognition Software?

Dec 30, 2010

is there any speech recognition software out there i can install and use easily?

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Ubuntu :: Peripheral Device Recognition

Feb 11, 2011

In this case I have a video capture device but when plugged in (usb) the os doesn't recognise it. Is there software (device manager) where you can a least identyfy it?

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Ubuntu :: Face Recognition Software For 10.10?

Mar 20, 2011

Does anyone know of any face recognition software for ubuntu 10.10...???

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Ubuntu :: No Recognition Of Memory Card In 10.04?

Apr 19, 2011

Where can I get the answer to my question. No recognition of my memory card in Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: DVD Recognition In OS Or Windows Option Burn ISO?

Mar 16, 2010

My unit does not have internal DVD capability so I installed an external Sony that XP recognizes but ubuntu does not. I am 910 is that makes a difference.

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Ubuntu :: Install Digikam On 10.10?

Jul 3, 2011

i'm happy ubuntu 10.10 users with macubuntu installed but again i'm almost a novice i would like to install digikam i read it's the best photo organizer under ubuntu software download i type digikam but did not found

in this page there are 6 download[URL]..but i don't know the differents between them.i got 32bit system with 4gb should i enable the swap file to run digikam faser?

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General :: Recognition Of USB Drive?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a Motorola phone, with a MicroSD slot, which my Ubuntu machine does not recognize as a USB drive.

It does know there is something there since

It automatically charges my phone whenever I connect it. using the command lsusb shows it as "Motorola PCS"

Is there a way to tell Ubuntu/Linux that the connected hardware is a disk drive?

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Hardware :: USB Recognition In RedHat 4.8

Jun 7, 2010

I just upgraded on system from RedHat 4.0 to 4.8 and I'm having issues recognizing flash drives on the system. After a little bit of googling and attempting what some people recommend I am still having issues. I've tried the lsusb command but it doesn't seem to be recognized. I've searched the media and dev directories but found nothing showing any system recognition of USB devices. The ports do work as I've hopped the mouse and keyboard around to all of them and they work just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Easystroke Gesture Recognition - Start Malfunctioning

Jun 23, 2010

Whenever I try to perform a gesture with easystroke, black blocks take up a large area of the screen, making it so that I cant see anything underneath them until I stop performing the gesture. It didn't used to be like this, before the gesture would perform mostly flawlessly. I don't know what I did to cause it to start malfunctioning, but I would really like it to stop.

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Ubuntu :: Partitioning Attempt In Win 7 Resulting In No Recognition Of Partition?

Jan 5, 2011

Allow me to preface this post with fact I am 80 and the PC challenges seem to be greater and comprehension a major focus. I just finished a 12 hour recovery on due to this new Toshiba Satellite not recognizing the partition I created with gparted.

The out of the box configuration is unallocated 100 Mib, sda1 NTFS System Boot, sda 2 NTFS WOG with 286'59 GiB, sda3 NTFS Recovery. IIts scary for me to attempt it again but I will try given some clear directions. An option would be my 149 GB external formatted with EXT 3 file system

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Ubuntu :: Custom Flicks/Gesture Recognition For Tablet?

Aug 7, 2011

I could not decide on a forum section, so I choose this one. About a year ago, I set up a wiimote white board for windows xp and ubuntu, and i played around with it. I install a program where you could custimize "gestures" or "flicks" that would do certain things, like if I drew a large F on the screen, firefox would open, or a s would save the file.

Now that I have a tablet pc, I can not remember for the life of me the name of this program. I reformatted my old computer a while ago and I google searched with no results. I remember is was open sourced and really awesome.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Install Digikam 2

Aug 12, 2011

A lot of people have been waiting for Digikam 2 since quite some time. The final release was made on 31/07, but now I am wondering how to install this on Ubuntu? I searched for it but could only find one thread: [URL]. This does not work for me, it only installs Digikam 1.9.

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Software :: Linux Speech Recognition

Jul 13, 2011

One of my friends seems to have been won over to the idea of me installing Linux onto his pc but he relies heavily on Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice recognition which unfortunately isn't available for Linux.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Intermittent Wireless Broadband Connection Recognition?

Mar 27, 2010

Using my usb mobile broadband dongle I am able to access the internet about 25% of the time. I am able to make a connection to the '3' wireless network 100% of the time, but often Mozilla and all other applications that rely on an internet connection do not recognise that this connection has been successfully established, and give me error messages claiming there is no internet connection.

I can't discern any pattern as to whether the connection will be recognised or not. When it isn't recognised, the only solution is to disconnect and reconnect to the network. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes restarting the computer fixes the problem, and sometimes it doesn't. I also have access to a wireless network at uni. I have no problems using this network whatsoever. Housemates using the same dongle on Windows have no problems. I'm using an Acer Aspire one, the dongle is a Huawei e220, I'm running Ubuntu 9.10. I have only recently reinstalled the operating system and have not needed to mess around with any network settings to get the usb dongle to 'work' the way it is currently.

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