Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Recognition Software?

Apr 7, 2010

Is there any Music Track Recognition software for Ubuntu?I'm using TrackID in my phone, and Tunatic on Windows.But couldn't find one for Linux

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Working On Facial Recognition For Digikam?

Dec 21, 2010

I saw that in Google's Summer of Code that they were working on Facial Recognition for Digikam. Has it made it into the mainline yet? If so, where is it located in the program? If not, when will it be available? I'm ready to dump Picasa right now for it.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound After Update To 11.04 - New Music Player Won't Play Sounds From Music CDs Either

May 13, 2011

I have no sound after upgrading to 11.04. Sound control panel and test speakers emits no sound. The new music player won't play sounds from music CDs either.

ALSA info is at: [url]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Every Music Player Wants To Stream Music?

Apr 19, 2010

I've had an awkward problem lately: every music player I use wants to instead of play music from my USB external hard drive, stream music from it. I have no idea why it suddenly started doing that. It may have been an accidental key-combo I pressed, thinking I had another window targeted and didn't bother pressing it again for my Totem music player. So I closed out of Totem in hopes that Rythmbox would work like totem used to. Well, it doesn't. It wants to stream music now.The problem with the streaming music is trivial, but here it is: I have a playlist with a little over 300 songs. I have Totem set to shuffle and repeat my music. Streaming music with it makes it just stop randomly after a few songs, and when I try to pause music and play it later it takes a good 30 seconds before it kicks back in at the beginning of the song.Like I always ask because I don't know enough to give back to the community yet, can anyone help me? Thanks.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Webcam Real-time Face Recognition Software?

Dec 5, 2010

i'm working on a project, and I need a Software that's capable of recognizing face in real-time (I'll try to explain this, since my English is not that good) By this I mean that while my webcam is on (Not recording, I want it to be like a Videochat, where the recorded Images don't save on the HDD) it can recognize faces. I'm not that good on Linux, but I believe it's the best OS for the project I'm working on, since it's much more free than Microsoft.

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Debian Multimedia :: Audigy Card Recognition On Squeeze?

Jul 6, 2010

I have currently gotten my onboard sound working after some tousling and trial (Intel ICH5), but my beloved Audigy remains without breath. I've been around on the KDE forums thinking that it had to do with Phonon after it permanently forgot my sound cards (a feature which enables permanent sound removal too easily, in my opinion), and the admin pointed me toward my distro's forums.

Here's some info:


with some meaningful output, but, after a reboot, still no sound with speakers plugged into the Audigy.

2nd NOTE: I have just found this:


The driver in use is NOT the emu10k1 driver, which I believe should be the one according to the alsa soundcard matrix. How do I load the proper driver upon boot?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Audio Recognition From Video To Text?

Jul 26, 2010

is there any software capable to extract the audio fom a video or audio file as text? I have a video and I need the audio from it into a text file

Microsoft Windows is like air conditioning
Stops working when you open a window.


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Configure Mpd (music Player Daemon) To Access Music Files?

Nov 8, 2010

I am trying to configure mpd (music player daemon) to access my music files that are stored on a windows server (NAS).

In the mpd configuration file I have to point to the directory in which the music is.

How do I do that? Is it something to do with mount?

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Debian Multimedia :: Headphones - No Sound Is Recorded By The Speech Recognition Utility

Mar 4, 2011

My wife is taking an online language course that requires Windows in order to record and playback speech (for pronunciation training). I decided the easiest thing to do would be to clone a VM I use on my machine for tasks that can only be accomplished in a Windows environment. I did so, and successfully installed the speech recognition utility on the Windows guest VM. Unfortunately, although the microphone works just fine--I can hear my voice in the headphones--no sound is recorded by the speech recognition utility. Just to be clear, the microphone is fully functional under GNU/Linux. My wife has been using Skype without any issues at all. That is, Skype used to work. Somewhere during the course of trying to resolve the voice recording problem I managed to break Skype. I have no idea how.

It's a long story, but I'll try to be as brief as possible. When I could not get the VM solution to work properly, I thought maybe the problem was with the VM, so I checked the original copy on my own machine. No problem there. Windows sees and hears the microphone just fine (using the testing utility under sound configuration). So how is it possible that the microphone doesn't work in the cloned VM image? Before you stop me, allow me to note that both machines have identical motherboards, and both are configured to use the onboard sound. Sound works on the Linux host and the Windows guest VM. Both sound and microphone work in the original VM image on my machine, but only sound works in the cloned VM on my wife's machine.

If you've followed me down the rabbit hole this far, please continue with me a bit further as things get stranger and stranger. After triple checking all the setting in KMix (I'm running Squeeze/KDE on both machines) to be sure they were identical, I noted that I was unable to view/add/enable the "channel" option on my wife's machine. Why, I have no idea. As I said, the machines are identical as can be both regarding hardware and software. Out of desperation, I decided to set up an account for my wife on my machine. I created her account, made sure she had the necessary audio permissions, then cloned my VM to her account. Same problem.

I would love for someone to point out what I'm missing here. Same hardware, identical VM (clone), same permissions, same sound configurations in KMix and under the Windows guest VM. How is it possible for the microphone to work for me, but not for my wife? Is there some mystery configuration file somewhere that has magically been altered for her account alone? The worst part about this entire process is that I've broken my wife's Skype, which is a big deal seeing as we live in a tiny country in the heart of Africa and cell phone communications are very expensive.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: One Music Store / Message "Connecting You To One Music Store"?

Jun 24, 2010

I added a song to my basket and when I click Checkout....it just stays on this message "Connecting you to the Ubuntu One Music Store..." and does nothing.

How can I fix this so I can buy music?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Backup Music

Jan 18, 2010

i have 10 gb of music that i want to backup in dvd what is the best way to split files and then burn them.

in brasero message says i should burn in several discs, but how?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Cannot Play Or Even See A Music Cd?

Jan 23, 2010

I have installed ubunto on an old PC with minimal hardware resources. I cannot play or even see a music cd. I go to places-computer- and see the floppy drive, files system hard drive, and the cd drive. When I insert the music cd the cd drive disappears. It sees a data cd just fine.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ppa For Moc-music On Console

Jan 26, 2010

I'm dying to try out music on console -moc but can't seem to find a ppa for it. I've searched synaptic and found an moc package, installed it, and no luck.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Only 1/ 6 Of My Music Visible?

Nov 24, 2010

I just installed Banshee v1.80 on Ubuntu 10.10 and was looking to import my music from my external HD. I pluged the HD in and copied all of the music in it to my music folder, (ALL 2,604 SONGS).I then went into banshee and set the folder for my music library to be /home/matt/Music, where i put THE 2,604 SONGS.Banshee started to scan the songs, all the way up through THE 2,604th. After it was finished i navigated to all music in the banshee side pane and there was only 394.

After some research i found that this was because only 394 of the songs actually had .mp3 or a similar extension at the end of the file name.I've spent the past hour trying to figure out how to either append the appropriate extension to all the files, or how to get banshee to see the files without any extension, to no avail.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which Music Player To Use

Dec 15, 2010

Which music player should I use? I heard that some music players have difficulties playing certain types of music files. Is there a music player that has the fewest issues when it comes to playing music files?

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Ubuntu :: DSL Modem Recognition With 10.04

Apr 7, 2011

Just fitted my netbook (Acer Aspire One) with 10.04 and now trying to connect to DSL Internet with Ethernet cable through Siemens 4200 modem.The "Ethernet" light on the modem does not come on as it does when i'm in Windows on the netbook nor as it does when I connect my desktop (with an earlier version of 10.04 with no wireless capability).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Want To Extract Music With More Options

Jan 1, 2010

I want to extract *aka rip *aka import songs from my CD to my computer.In two different formats, one being lossless format (FLAC) and lossy format (MP3).I want control over the kbps in the lossy format and I also want to remove the licensing as this creates problems when trying to copy the songs over to my mobile device.And of course, include the metadata while extracting.

This all seems fairly simple right?Well, whenever I am extracting the songs from different applications it seems like I have no control over the preferences of the application or the extracting process. There's just a start button and that's it.I have tried the "Sound-Juicer" and "Banshee".Defaults settings for Sound-Juicer extracts at 128 kbps and Banshee extracts at 160 kbps only in ogg format.In the past I have done all my cd extracting in Windows, and I would really like to move over to linux in this field.I used Winamp back in the day and was really happy with the PRO version of it. Lame Mp3 Encoder with Winamp Pro.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Files Keep Multiplying / What To Fix It?

Jan 20, 2010

On 9.04 using rythymbox i had no dramas
upgraded to 9.10 and started trying different music players, songbird being the latest
i copied my family's entire cd collection - about 250 cd's
i have added another 150 album's by download, so about 400 albums
but Rbox tells me i have 600 albums and 16000 tracks!!!!!!!
Some of my music file have multiplied so much so that some albums have 8 copies of each track mp3 and .ogg in equal numbers
i have searched preference setttings in all music players but find nothing
what i want to know is, Is there a program that gets rid of the duplicates
i tried songbird to get rid of ghost tracks and duplicates but it just freezes, i even left it "running" or frozen or whatever for 3 days

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Add Music From Computer To Cellphone?

Jan 20, 2010

I was wondering if anyone out there knows how to transfer music from the computer to a cellphone that has a memory card by usb port

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music CD Not Mounting And Not Playing?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm currently running ubuntu 9.04. I'm able to mount data and MP3 audio CDs but I'm unable to mount and play regular audio CDs. When I try to mount it I get the following message:

Unable to mount Audio Disc Drive /dev/sr0 does not contain audio files.

Windows does not have any problems playing either the regular audio CDs or audio MP3 CDs.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Which App To Record Analog Music?

Feb 23, 2010

I'd like to try transcribing a few of my old vinyl records to my ogg player for the car. But which application to use? Sound Recorder is there in the default install of course, but it doesn't seem to have any kind of level meter in it. I have used audacity in the past, but maybe that's overkill.

The sticky howtos don't seem to mention anything as basic as this question. Which application would you recommend?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Ssh And Music Server No Sound / Get That?

Mar 28, 2010

I just started to play with ssh so I connected to my media-pc with ssh from my laptop. I was always able to start a music player and play the music on the media-pc. Since yesterday the sound is gone. When I do top on the mediapc, I see my player running.
When I open my player locally on the mediapc, I can hear the music.

I think the sound disappeared after a update, but maybe it disappeared because I opened a player locally (on the mediapc) I don't know.

The laptop and mediapc both use a fully updated 9.10

update: when I connect from mediapc to laptop, I can play music on my laptop

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Seeking Xms Like Music Player?

Apr 21, 2010

I am searching for an xmms like music player. rythmbox doesn't do it for me because it organizes songs by genre and such rather than by files - I find changing tags on individual music files tiresome, and I prefer the xmms style - all music was accessed as I access all other files on my computer. Frankly I don't know how to "compile from source" and can't quite follow the instructions describing how to "compile" the original xmms. Xmms2 doesn't seem to work on my computer.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Recommendations For A Music Player?

May 5, 2010

What's new as far as audio players ? I still like vlc for videos.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music CD Will Not Automount In Lucid

May 22, 2010

I just installed 10.04 from a CD and cannot get music cds to automount. There is no problem with data CDs.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Transfer Music To IPhone?

Jun 4, 2010

Since we both run ubuntu, we've run into some problems; we can't get any music on the iPhone. I've installed ifuse and can browse the contents but i cannot transfer any music in a way that the iPhone frecognizes it and is able to play it. I've seen a couple of comprehensive (very long) guides to sync iphone wireless w ubuntu, however im only interested in connecting the iPhone with usb and copy music to it is there any quick/easy way to do this? (Rhytmbox is compatible w iphone it seems, it recognizes it as an iPod but cant sync)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Changes To Music In Rhythmbox Reverted?

Jun 10, 2010

I am using Rhythmbox as my music player.It is a great little app. I've got over 4,000 songs. This can be a task to manage if something were to happen to the ID tags, etc. Also I've got some rogue songs with incorrect genres. When I RC the songs and change the Genre tags, they move tot he correct Genre. However seconds later they revert back to the previous Genre.

How can I get Rhythmbox to write the changes to the song's tag so I don't have to use another program to modify the tags? I know that Windows has this functionality... not to compare... but to would also be something like this available for Ubuntu. I did install the nautilus-script-audio-converter, however I didn't see a difference after installing this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Music Players On 10.04 Not Working / Fix It?

Jun 25, 2010

Of late my music players (vlc, rythmbox, movieplayer, audacious) are ALL not working. Even indicator applets are messy. I have tried time and again to fix them but am lost. I have very little knowledge of ubuntu stuff and I have to use it since its the office preferred OS.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Get Music From Ipod To My Computer?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a 160gig iPod classic and would like to copy all my music from it to my music folder on my computer.

Rhythmbox sees if and I am able to put songs on my iPod but can't seem to figure out how to sync from it to my computer.

I have also been trying gtkpod...but can't figure out that one neither. Can someone tell how to get the music to my computer.?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Transfer Any Music Into N900

Aug 18, 2010

I'm using Rhythmbox on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid). I've got the N900 connected via USB in Mass Storage mode. Initially, it failed to detect the N900 as a media player, but I've added a .is_audio_player file to the root, with a single entry of audio_folders=.sounds/That's now finding the existing music on the N900. However, I can't transfer any music into the N900 - it's just doing nothing when I drag files over. (I'm trying to copy .mp3 and .wma over). If I copy the music using the File Manager on the desktop, it appears in the N900 Media Player and plays fine.

So it seems like it's a problem with the way Rhythmbox is seeing the N900.The audio format description string for the N900 is extensive, and it looks like Rhythmbox can't parse it properly.How do I correct the audio formats supplied by the N900 / in udev so that Rhythmbox reads them correctly, removing the need to have an output_formats line in the .is_audio_player file.What do I need to do to get Rhythmbox to just copy .wma and .mp3 files directly to the N900?

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